There is a great terror between life and death. Sah, who was frightened half to death, also stood up and kept waving his right hand in front of Musa.

Under the intervention of the two people, Musa finally woke up from the shock and looked at the two young people in front of him, who were so daring to him, with an incredible face.

Because of the two people in front of him, one wanted him to come forward and seize the Taliban’s propaganda high ground and interpret the doctrine of the new century.

The other wanted him to come forward and directly establish a new Taliban.


This TMD.

Musa couldn't help but burst out a swear word in his heart. He has lived for more than 80 years, and this is the first time he has met such a crazy young man.

He didn't know whether to say that the young people nowadays are young and energetic, or to say that the young people nowadays don't know how to live or die.

After thinking for a moment, he turned his head and looked at Sah first and said, "Sah, at my age, it is impossible for me to stand up and organize a new Taliban."

"Because this land needs peace, not conflict."

"Conflict will only make people more crazy, more confused, and more hate each other. It is useless for ordinary people and the country."

"So, I can't agree to your request."

After explaining to Sah, Musa turned his head again and looked at the young man from the East in front of him.

He had a handsome face and his eyes were full of confidence. The other party seemed to be sure that he could convince himself.

After staring for a while, Musa retracted his gaze and couldn't help but sighing.

Such a confident and unconfused young man was not from Afghanistan, not from Pakistan, not from Iran, and not from the Islamic world. This made him very uncomfortable.

In addition to being uncomfortable, he remembered the news and books he had read when he was young.

The country separated by a mountain rose from the war, moved forward step by step, slowly surpassing the people who used to be, and slowly walked to the front.

And Iran and Afghanistan, which were under the control of America and were slightly superior to them, are now...

Sighing, Musa looked at Lin Yu and said in a deep voice: "Young man, tell me your purpose, otherwise, you will never leave this mosque."

Seeing that Musa became serious, he stretched out his hand to push Sah away, sat cross-legged opposite Musa, his eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and said to the old man in front of him:

"The purpose is very simple, I want all the people in the Turkestan camp in the Taliban to die, all the drugs in Afghanistan to die, and all the people who secretly support the trouble to die together!"

Three "die" blurted out, and a faint murderous aura was already emanating from Lin Yu.

After looking at Musa with a cold face for a while, he said again: "Now the Taliban is divided internally. Mr. Abu in the west feels that the behavior of the Taliban is contrary to his original idea."

"Then, Mr. Musa withdrew from Sharif's competition because he didn't want to see internal friction, which means that you and Mr. Abu have a common language."

"You can stand up at this time and correct some wrong practices."

"Correct the source of religion!"

"Doing so will benefit you and Afghanistan. If the mullahs continue to develop barbarically, I don't know how many Afghan men will die in war and hunger."

"Who are the fathers, sons, and husbands of these dead men?"

"After the death of a young man, what should his children, his old parents, and his wife do?"

In persuading people, Lin Yu felt that he was professional.

Sure enough, after these words, Musa slowly raised his head and looked to the northwest.

That was the direction of Kabul.

He was thinking and hesitating.

After a long while, he slowly turned his head, looked at Lin Yu and said, "They were just called by God, went to God, and lived a beautiful life."

Lin Yu couldn't help sighing when he heard this old saying again.

From Musha's words, he heard the helplessness of watching everything happen, and the reluctance to do so.

The person on the other side was a little confused at this juncture.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Yu shook his head, looked at the person in front of him calmly, and corrected him softly:

"In fact, if you want to refute me, it's best to use the content of Chapter 10, verse 15, because the person who wrote the Quran has used this verse to block the way for future generations to tamper with the scriptures."

"You use this verse to stop me, just right."

"But if you borrow the content of this verse 15, it will contradict verses 9, 24, 25, 26, and 27 of Chapter 10."

"Because the Mullahs are killing innocent people, . "

"And it is recognized in your doctrine that those who believe in Allah are innocent. So tell me, what should you do at this time? "

"Do you feel it doesn't matter, or should you stand up and take your own responsibilities, or continue to escape? "

"Mr. Musa bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim!"

"Or should I add Sharif in front of the name? Because I think your character is worthy of this title. "

Lin Yu's words, which were accurate to every chapter, made Sah next to him dumbfounded.

After hearing his full name that he hadn't heard for a long time, Musa's eyes also showed a strange light, but this light flashed in his eyes and finally returned to silence.

He retracted his gaze to the northwest and set his eyes on Lin Yu.

He looked at the young man in front of him calmly and said, "You don't understand..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yu raised his hand and interrupted: "I don't need to understand!"

"You are nothing now, or you can learn from Israel and drive the Arabs out of Canaan with knives."

"Drive the Tajik, Hazara, Persian, and Chahar Aimaq ethnic groups out of Afghanistan completely. Those who refuse to leave will be killed. No one will be left behind."

"Either you can follow the example of Iran's Reza Khan and directly change the formal and informal external names from Persia to Iran in order to make the land of Persia more cohesive."

"This is called great courage!"

"Although my life isn't that great, compared to you, it's still more than enough."

"The key words of the new era are national harmony, unity and common progress, not competition between you and me."

"You have to build a new life by yourself, and stable surrounding conditions are the foundation for building a new life."

"You fight every day, and when the time comes, others will develop and eat honey mixed with yogurt with a bowl next to you, and then point fingers at you."

The name Reza Khan made Musa's long-standing memory slowly emerge, and a brave and handsome Persian appeared in his mind.

He was the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty. At the end of World War I, when European countries were busy sharing the dividends of the war, this guy seized the opportunity and launched a coup to overthrow the Qajar dynasty.

The Pahlavi dynasty was established.

As a powerful man, after Reza Khan took office, he used his fists to wipe out the Soviet revolution and messy rebellions in the country.

Forcibly, Persia, which was about to fall apart at the time, was crushed into a ball.

And in 1934, the name of Persia was officially changed to Iran.

Once upon a time, this person was still his idol.

But the idol was no match for his fists. He used his fists to twist Iran together. America and England used their fists to drive the first king of the Pahlavi dynasty out of Iran and went into exile, making Iran become America and England. England's springboard in Central Asia.

With a self-deprecating smile, Musha raised his head and straightened his body, completely unlike an 80-year-old man.

He looked at Lin Yu and said softly: "Young man, your provocation method has worked."

"I decided to use my broken body to promote this matter, to rectify the source and promote the cause."

"But Allah said that he will send 1,000 gods to help us, so my dear friend, can you help me find these 1,000 gods?"


Lin Yu couldn't help but cursed in his heart, this damn old man.

The purpose of clearing him up is to seize the high ground of public opinion, then accuse other members of the Taliban, and then rob the masses who do not know the truth.

This old man is good, he wants a team of 1,000 people as soon as he opens his mouth...

If this were in Africa, more than 1,000 people would be enough to sweep those countries back and forth several times.

You know, when Cardano launched the coup, he only used 600 rookies, each with less than two bullets.

It really feels like a strong wind is blowing as a combat soldier...

Halfway through cursing, Lin Yu suddenly thought of a good brother - Sunia.

He had interfered with this big brother's arrangements in Lebanon. Now if he invites the other party to come to Afghanistan and interfere, he would like it very much.

In addition, I owed him a bunch of things on credit, so asking him to borrow 1,000 people would not be a big problem.

The problem is that Pakistan, Afghanistan, and America will not allow 1,000 foreign combat forces to appear in Peshawar.

After calculating the benefits in his mind, Lin Yu raised two fingers, turned to look at Sahe and said:

"It is not convenient for our people to appear here, so I will ask Iran to borrow 100 people. What about you?"

"Do you want to organize a hundred-man escort team?"

When asked, Sahe nodded his head slightly and agreed to the idea.

But neither of them expected that Mu Sha on the opposite side took the short answer questions without any hesitation.

He waved his right hand gently: "Then it's settled. Give me two hundred people. The people from Pakistan will arrive first. I will start to make announcements to the outside world, and then start to sort out my experiences and experiences over the years."

"In addition, I also need some funds and food."

"The work of rectifying the source requires a large number of people who are familiar with the literature. These people need wages and food."

After saying his request, Musha waved the hand he just waved naturally in front of Lin Yu and spread it out.

The meaning is obvious, shaking hands means successful cooperation.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yu held out his right hand and held it with Mu Sha.

The two shook their right hands slightly, and then separated. This time, Lin Yu did not say that they had a pleasant cooperation, but changed his words:

"I hope a better future will come one day soon."

On the opposite side, Mu Sha nodded slightly after a brief silence: "I hope so."

"Then I'll take my leave first and arrange the relevant personnel and funds." Lin Yu nodded, patted his thighs that were numb from sitting cross-legged, and decisively stood up and left.

Sahe was about to stand up behind him, but was stopped by Musa.

Just when Sahe turned around, Musha said in Urdu: "Kid, be safe!"

Hearing this, Sahe quickly glanced at Lin Yu who had already walked out of the chapel, turned back, and nodded heavily to Mu Sha: "I can!"

After saying that, he quickly walked out of the chapel, followed Lin Yu who left, got into the car, and walked to the hotel.

In the chapel, Musha did not rush to get up, but looked up and slowly looked at everything in front of him, his eyes full of reluctance and determination.

After a long time, he stood up and walked to the back of the chapel with a staggering but extremely firm step.

He was like a soldier ready to go to war.

On the other side, Lin Yu and Sah returned to the hotel, looked at each other for a moment, and then went to report their work.

In the utility room next to the office on the top floor, Sah picked up the dusty phone in the utility room and dialed:

"Musa has agreed to take action to correct the source and correctly interpret the doctrine at this critical moment."

"When he is done, we will have a legitimate reason to clean up the terrorists in Balochistan."

"Also, Musa requires an army of 1,000 people to protect him to complete the correction of the doctrine."

"Based on the responsibility for regional security, Lin Yu was ready to borrow 200 people directly from Iran, but after my argument, he agreed to borrow only 100 people from Iran, and their note should arrive in a few days. ”

“If this incident is handled well, our hundred people can have a resounding name.”

“Why don’t you let us go directly to two thousand people? I want to, but can you sleep?”

“That’s all for this time. This is an opportunity. If we grasp it well, we can get the right to speak on religion in the next few years or even more than ten years.”

“If we can’t get it, then we can’t get it. Afghanistan will be quiet, and we can also mine the ore in Balochistan!”

“Okay, I’ll hang up first!”

After hanging up the phone, Sah walked out of the utility room with a dusty box in his arms, cursing, and walked towards the floor where Lin Yu was.

On the other side, Lin Yu stood against the wall, holding a chopstick in his left hand, rhythmically tapping the stainless steel basin at hand, and dialing Sonya’s phone with his right hand:

“Hello, I have good news for you!”

Just as he finished speaking, the other side said the same words: “I also have good news for you.”

“You first!”

“You first!”

The two spoke in unison, and the words they wanted to say collided again.

After a long silence, Sonia said, "You speak first!"

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Didn't I accidentally destroy your chess piece to control Lebanon in Lebanon before?"

"I have found a good chess piece for you now!"

"I found an imam named Musa in Peshawar, and his real identity is Musa bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim!"

"I spent a little money to ask him to come out and clear the source of the Taliban, and then I didn't have many people, so I thought of you!"

"One hundred quotas, one hundred quotas for combatants, come to Pakistan, in Peshawar, protect this old man, and complete this historic moment!"

"How is it?"

"Am I good to you? Don't say I'm not a brother when you go out in the future."

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