
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, just returned to the old nest, just converted this bizarre experience into a report, and had not yet submitted the report. Suniya was very confused.

He had naturally heard of the name Musa bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim.

After all, after Iran overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty, the path it was going to take was to rely on religion to exercise long-arm jurisdiction over the surrounding Islamic countries.

With the long-arm jurisdiction of religion, an indispensable program will appear.


You have to use your words to convince me that you are a person, not a monkey.

Or use your fists!

Then, I can lead my people to listen to you, and then we can develop together.

In the special attack on Afghanistan, there are people who have studied some theories of Musa bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim.

So, as soon as this name appeared, Suniya found the corresponding person in his mind.

But the problem is that according to legend, this person should have died!

How come he suddenly appeared in Peshawar, and was found by Lin Yu?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Your words make Iran look stupid, Afghanistan look stupid, and Pakistan look even stupider!

Such a big living person in your territory, if you move it casually, it will be a huge benefit, but you just leave it like this?

Especially since Lin Yu was going to borrow a hundred people from him to go to Peshawar to protect this person and get to the bottom of the matter.


After a long silence, Sonia couldn't help but speak up and asked, "Are you in Peshawar, Pakistan?"

"When did you go there?"

"Do you... know what it means for 100 soldiers to go to Peshawar? And where are you going to go?"

"You don't want me to take people and drive them there directly?"

"Afghans agree? Americans agree? Pakistani authorities agree?"

"Aren't you afraid of fighting in Peshawar? That place is already chaotic enough, and you still want to get involved?"

"You said you were going to borrow 2,000 at first? Then Pakistan disagreed, so you changed it to 100?"

"Okay, since you said that, I will select 100 of the most elite people and get ready. As long as Pakistan agrees, I will send people here immediately."

"My good news?"

"Then sit down, I'll tell you now, don't be surprised!"

"I went to see Abu, the Western Taliban who announced a break."

"I'll pass the book you gave me to He."

"According to my observation, that guy is now on the verge of running out of ammunition and food. He only needs a little trick to intervene. Are you interested?"

"No, how can you not be interested?"

"You are already in Peshawar to demolish his foundation, how can you not be interested in the people here?"

"No, brother, I call you brother, you have to help me!"

"The main thing is that I don't have so much equipment. If I give the equipment in my hand to him, I will have nothing."

"This time, I think you will have to provide equipment for the 100 people who went there."

"Don't think about it. The initial investment in that guy is definitely a loss. If you want to make money, you have to wait until he occupies half of the country. "

"Iran's oil and gas... Brother, you are not very authentic..."

"Forget it, forget it, I'll make a credit first, I'll arm these guys first, and make trouble for the Americans and those bastards who grow poppies first, and hang up first!"

After hanging up the phone, Sonia still couldn't wake up from the information she just received.

After standing there and thinking for a long time, he shook his head helplessly, picked up the report on the table, and started to revise it again.

He revised it until the next morning, and then he took the revised manuscript to his immediate boss, the president.

The content of the report shocked the well-informed president.

After hesitating for a long time, he approved the plan with a try-it attitude.

Iran is now targeted by America, but if it takes action in drug control and gets a few favorability cards, it will gain enough favorability in several other countries.

Then, Iran's life will become much better.

With the approval of the president, Suniya was in a good mood. When he returned to the headquarters, he began to arrange related work.

But his good mood only lasted until the work arrangement was completed.

Just as he was about to take a rest, the news from Quetta made him dumbfounded.

One of the intelligence officers he arranged in the Quetta area was exposed.

He has now been executed.

But before being executed, the intelligence officer sent a message on the public channel.

[The Turkestan Battalion is moving towards the Peshawar area with the aim of attacking a Chinese businessman there! 】

Turkestan Camp, Peshawar, Chinese businessman.

When these three keywords appeared, he immediately thought of Lin Yu.

At present, in the Peshawar area, he is the only Chinese businessman who can stir up trouble.

Just as he was about to pick up the phone to dial, the moment he picked up the phone, Sonia forced himself to put it down.

The intelligence officer sent intelligence through an open channel, so this intelligence was not only monitored by his own people, but also by the Americans who have strong information monitoring capabilities.

They must have received the news.

They are not clear about the specific situation yet, so they must have strengthened the monitoring of various calls.

Although it was unclear whether the Americans could monitor the message, Sunia knew that she could not make calls now.

You have to send someone directly there.

Picking up the phone on the table, he took a deep breath and called the special team operating on the borders of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.

“Go back to Tehran and get ready to go to Pakistan!”

He sent out news that Robbie, the commander-in-chief of America's mission in Afghanistan at Bagram Air Base in the north of Kabul, also received intelligence from his partner, the CIA.

[Four flour in Helmand Province can be collected. The specific locations are 63.46801758 and 30.45104143. 】

[The poppies in Uruzgan Province are mainly found around the city of Talinkot, which is not easy to get and may be photographed. 】

[The Turkestan Battalion begins maneuvering towards Peshawar, the route is as follows...

It seems that in order to attack a Chinese in Peshawar, the 225th Battalion can be asked to go to the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan to take a look. It is probably not important, but it can find an excuse to intervene. 】

[Our people found some traces of the Taliban armed force that claimed to have broken with the Mullahs in the Malistan area. They were traces of fighting. One side used terrain attacks very skillfully.

I suspect that the so-called breakup is actually internal strife. The party claiming to be breaking up is actually buried under the stone.

Because the body was so damaged and decomposed, it was impossible to tell whether Abu Abiq was among them. 】

After reading the entire information, Robbie paid no attention to the follow-up information and arranged the work casually. He took the string of coordinate numbers and began to search on the map.

Soon, the coordinates were found.

In southern Helmand Province, close to the border with Pakistan, the latest map shows a winding river flowing from the Hindu Kush Mountains in the north, making a big bend here and ending up in Mohammadaba, Iran. De formed a small lake.

But this time, the flour that needs to be obtained is right next to the winding river.

Different from the last time, the target terrain this time is relatively flat. The operation like the last time to move the tiger away from the mountain is not easy to replicate and requires a detailed plan.

Putting down the marker he used to mark, Robbie sat in front of the map and began to think about countermeasures.

On the other side, in Peshawar, Lin Yu was also thinking about countermeasures.

An hour and a half ago, he received a call, a call from Smith of the 225th Battalion. The phone told him that there was a Taliban force called the Turkestan Battalion, with about 30 people, heading towards Peshawar. The purpose of moving forward is to kill a Chinese.

It was a secret originally, but now the whole world knows.

It is very likely that they came for him, because he is the only one who fits the two characteristics of being Chinese and being rich.

Smith made the call out of concern about future cooperation.

Of course, he also emphasized one thing on the phone, that is, he can leave, but two people must be left behind to conduct subsequent transactions.

Otherwise, you will never get a stone from Afghanistan in the future.

Moreover, as long as he dares to appear around Afghanistan, he will kill him if he smells it.


After cursing in his mind, Lin Yu began to think about who should be left here.

After returning from Afghanistan, the first batch of gems was sent to Islamabad. After completing the formalities, he sent it directly back to the country.

Estimated based on normal value.

If these more than 5 million US dollars of gemstones are completely made into jewelry, they can earn twice the profit.

Trading with almost no capital can continue.

But this time, the only core people in the hands of others are Qian Duoduo, Luo Ping, and himself.

The remaining people are worried about staying.

While he was playing with the phone, Sahe arrived. As soon as they met, he waved his hand and said very calmly: "Don't worry, we have sent special forces to intercept him."

"With the combat effectiveness of our special operations team, we can definitely make it impossible for the opponent to come back."

"Just relax, we don't dare to say anything else, but here in Peshawar, as long as you don't go out and run around, it's absolutely safe."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ping, who had been standing behind the curtain and observing the street below with a telescope, turned back and said calmly:

"Boss, according to observation, the three shoe-shine kids who appeared at the west intersection in the morning looked at our building a total of 13 times within an hour."

"And the person they were polishing shoes polished three times within an hour, and the leather was probably all wiped off."

"The kid selling tamarind juice at the east intersection followed our people twice. After being thrown away, he came back again."

"His bottle of tamarind juice is estimated to weigh about 15 kilograms. After carrying it for a day, I don't know if it is heavy or not."

"Also, at the hand-made rice restaurant opposite, I didn't see the owner and his son show up today. Instead, there were some unfamiliar faces who kept coming in and out of their hand-made rice restaurant, but they didn't cook."

"There are also two more beggars at the hotel's kitchen garbage dump, but the hands exposed by these two beggars are full of muscles and have two brushes."

After reporting the relevant information, Luo Ping turned to look at Sahe and asked with a smile:

"These are probably not your people, right?"

Upon hearing this question, Sahe swallowed lightly, crept to Luo Ping's side, reached out to take the telescope from the other person's hand, hid behind the curtain, followed Luo Ping's instructions, and used the telescope to scan those people.

Seeing the people mentioned by Luo Ping, Sahe's eyes also flashed a trace of ruthlessness.

The hotel under his feet was an investment he made when he was young.

The regional location is excellent.

The hotel faces north and south, and there is a street about 500 meters long at the door. The street extends out and connects to a main street on both sides.

It forms an H shape. The hotel is right in the center of the H-shaped street. The 7-story building is mixed with the surrounding houses, as conspicuous as a crane standing in a flock of chickens.

Most of the houses around are residential houses, and only the ones along the street are shops.

Everyone is an old neighbor for many years. They have watched each other grow up since childhood and played in the same mud pit.

Even the people who make a living on this street are familiar to everyone.

But even such a familiar street, there are more people today.

At the intersection on the west side, two boys and one girl, three children, carried a black shoulder bag on their backs, a small stool in their left hands, and a soft-haired shoe brush in their right hands.

They kept looking around, but they looked at the faces of passers-by instead of their shoes.

After looking for a while, they would turn their eyes to the hotel.

After observing for more than ten minutes, Sahe couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when his eyes met with each other twice in a row.

After gritting his teeth and looking for a while, he lowered the telescope to the tamarind juice kid on the road east of the hotel.

Tamarind juice is a kind of summer-cooling drink that Pakistanis like more in summer.

But the boy selling tamarind juice seemed to think that it was a great insult to him that people around him bought tamarind juice, and he kept serving people impatiently.

Even when someone in the hotel went out, he would drive away the people around him and follow the hotel people.

After following for a distance, he circled back.

As for the restaurant opposite...

It was a family business, a restaurant that has been passed down for more than ten years and insists on using the ancient method of mutton hand-pulled rice.

The boss was Sahe's childhood playmate. Even the land under the restaurant was taken from his father and sold to him at a price lower than the market price.

Since the day the restaurant was completed, his playmate and his old father have never missed the business every day.

365 days a year, never missed.


Sahe slowly turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall next to him. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. If the mutton pilaf is to be delicious, it must be stewed slowly.

It is dinner time now. The father and son did not come out to cook, nor did they put up signs. Instead, some strangers were wandering around his shop.

If it was normal, it might still be a coincidence, but now, it is definitely not a coincidence.

Finally, Sahe walked out of the room and went to the back door.

The hotel covers a large area, and the overall shape presents a vertical eye character.

In the front is the 7-story main building of the hotel.

Behind the main building is a courtyard, behind the courtyard is a two-story building used as a warehouse and kitchen, behind the small building is the backyard parking lot, and outside the parking lot is another road.

Outside the back door of the yard, there is a trash can where kitchen waste is dumped.

Some people will look for things in the trash can, but no one will sleep in it.

However, under the telescope, two strong men, in tatters, just lay in the garbage.

This... this must be Indians, only Indians are so unhygienic!

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