When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 305: Strike first and gain the upper hand! (3rd update!)

But considering the Indian style of succeeding but failing, and considering that this is a special moment, the person next to the garbage dump cannot be Indian.

Looking back at these people, Sahe shook his head with fear: "No!"

"As the leader of this cooperation, I have very high authority. It is impossible for our intelligence organization to bypass me and send surveillance personnel."

"So, these people..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Yu with a shocked face. He opened and closed his mouth, and after a long time he asked:

"Lin Yu, how about I arrange for someone to take you directly to Bacha Khan Airport? Although there are no direct flights to your country, you can go to other places."

"At least, we can ensure your safety."

On the chair opposite, Lin Yu had been playing with his phone. At this moment, when he heard the question, he slowly raised his head, held the phone with two fingers on his right hand and slowly rotated it, showing the screen of the phone in front of Sahe, and sighed softly:

"It's already too late. About ten minutes ago, the cell phone signal suddenly disappeared."

Cell phone signal suddenly disappeared?

Sahe reluctantly took out his mobile phone and looked down. On the mobile phone he spent thousands of dollars to buy, there was only a big X where the signal originally showed.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Mobile phones use wireless signals to spread information. Now that there is no signal, there are only two possibilities.

First, someone electronically suppressed the area under their feet.

But obviously, this possibility is unlikely to be true, because at present, the only person who can electronically suppress an urban area is America.

If it were them, there would be no need to do this.

Just issue a wanted warrant.

So there is only the second possibility left.

Someone cut off the power supply to the communication base station.

Thinking of this, Sahe quickly walked to the landline phone in the room, recalled the number of the person who could help him at the moment, and dialed it.

No response, cannot be connected.

After trying several times in a row, he found that he couldn't get through, just when he was about to speak.


power cut.

Looking at the lights that went out and the air conditioner that stopped working, Lin Yu couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh: "This Peshawar of yours is really a sieve!"

After sighing, he walked to the window, opened the curtain slightly with his fingers, and looked at the restaurant opposite through the gap.

"Let's go, we probably won't be able to leave."

"There are all eyes out there. If we show up, we will play into their hands. According to the habits of these inhumane guys, if we show up, they will definitely attack without restraint."

"That would involve innocent people."

"Our vehicle is not bulletproof and cannot withstand bullets fired outside."

"So, our best policy now is to stand still!"

"But Sahe, I need to know when your anti-terrorist special forces will arrive."

"One more thing, it's time to decide whether you have any equipment in your hotel, so don't hide it."

"Getting the weapons will give us the ability to resist before your anti-terrorist special forces arrive, otherwise everyone will die here."

"If your counter-terrorism team isn't here by night, we can still take advantage of the darkness to fight them out!"

After listening.

Sahe licked his lips, and a flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes: "Let's go! Take you to get weapons!"

The place where the weapons are hidden is in his collection room on the sixth floor.

After passing through the small exhibition hall, Sahe stopped by the innermost wall of the exhibition hall, opened the cabinet on the wall, and the things behind the cabinet were also exposed.

A gun cabinet made of walnut wood is quietly embedded in the wall.

Twelve 81 bars are embedded vertically on the gun cabinet, and under these twelve guns are two SVDs placed horizontally.

Because there was a power outage, the entire gun cabinet looked a little dark, and this darkness made these 14 guns look particularly murderous.

Sahe squatted down and reached out to pull open the cabinet door under the gun cabinet. Inside the cabinet were six neatly stacked green ammunition boxes.

The ammunition box from Factory 4073 was manufactured in 1991.

Reach out and open the glass door and take out the gun inside.

When I first got the gun, I could still smell the faint smell of gun oil. I ran my fingertips across the receiver of the gun, took it apart smoothly, and took a look at the sunlight leaking into the room through the window.

Well maintained.

I just don’t know if the origin of this batch of guns is formal, because ordinary guns will deliberately adjust the sights after testing.

Just like the batch of equipment Lin Yu sold to Dana, none of them were calibrated.

After making some gestures, Lin Yu handed the gun to Luo Ping and said, "Check it."

Luo Ping took the gun and walked to the sand table next to him. He held the gun and looked at it for a moment. He naturally took apart the 81 bar and checked it bit by bit.

After checking it, he picked up the gun, pointed it at the light bulb above his head, and carefully checked the sight. Halfway through, he remembered that Sahe had not adjusted the equipment in his hand.

He could only sigh, handed the gun to the person next to him, and said:

"When you start shooting later, you can see where the bullets are hitting you. First, you can see where the bullets are hitting before you shoot."

This time when he came to Pakistan, Lin Yu brought a total of 9 people.

Two stayed behind in Islamabad. Among the remaining seven, except Zhuang De, who was considered a complete non-combatant, the rest could shoot.

Even Qian Duoduo had fired a few shots when he was a child. He probably wasn't that scared when he held a gun in his hand and competed with others in shooting.

The last five people, except Lin Yu and Luo Ping, the remaining three were old comrades who had fought side by side with Luo Ping on the front line.

After retiring, they lived an ordinary life. After hearing that Luo Ping had given other comrades a salary of more than 80,000 yuan, these people contacted Luo Ping.

Eventually they became people of the defense company.

This time they came here mainly to see the world.

But they didn't expect to encounter actual combat.

Reaching out to take the gun, several people followed suit and kept raising and lowering the gun to get familiar with the feel of the gun in their hands.

This skillful action stunned the others present.

Especially Zhuang De, as an appraiser in the gem market, he naturally heard about the bragging of those big brothers.

"I went in and out of Burma seven times before I got this rough stone, and you actually said it was fake?"

"I lost several brothers for this stone, and you actually said it was fake?"

In the past, he would laugh it off when he heard this, but he never expected that he would go in and out seven times at this time just to get a high salary?


But compared to him, Larry, who had been silent, looked very solemn.

Because the boss who hired him was too skilled in holding weapons, more skilled than most of the Afghan armed personnel he had seen, even American soldiers.

In fact, compared with these people, the people he had seen felt like children.

Just as he was hesitating, Lin Yu handed him a 81-gun and asked:

"Use this?"


"Weren't you a Taliban before? Come on, take it. Anyway, these people are ruthless killers. If you don't fight back, they will kill you. It's better to strike first!"

After that, Lin Yu stuffed the gun into Larry's hands without saying anything, turned around and picked up the intercom in the gun cabinet, turned it on, put one on this side of the room, and then took the other out of the room.

He spoke outside the door, and the intercom at the other end of the room also spoke.

Very clear, no noise.

A few seconds later, Lin Yu reappeared in the room and said:

"It's not electronic suppression, it's that the communication line has been cut."

"Come here, let's talk about the mission."

After several people came to him, he continued:

"Our primary combat goal is to hold on until the Pakistani anti-terrorist forces come to rescue."

At this point, Lin Yu suddenly stopped talking, turned his head to look at Sah, and asked:

"How long will it take for your nearest anti-terrorist team to receive the news and rush over? This is related to our combat plan!"

Hearing this, Sah walked away from the weapons cabinet, returned to the landline, pressed for a while, raised his head, and said a painful number:

"One and a half hours ”

“Peshawar does not have a dedicated anti-terrorist team. The only part-time anti-terrorist team, the Army’s 11th Division Special Operations Battalion, is deployed in Landikotal.”

“The security team at Bacha Khan International Airport cannot rush to help at this time. After all, the airport is more important than us.”

“The communication here has been cut off. Only when we start a war will the police station receive the news. Only when the police station receives the news will they contact the special operations battalion.”

“It takes about an hour from the time they receive the news to the time they drive from Landikotal.”

He had just finished speaking when he saw Luo Ping carrying six 81-bars out of the room and disappearing into the corridor.

Not long after, a burst of rapid gunfire was heard outside.

After a while, Luo Ping came back and said, "There is no problem with the bullets of these six guns falling. Also, we can start counting now."

Next to him, Lin Yu glanced at the time and said, "It is now 4:32 pm. The special operations battalion will be here in about an hour and a half."

"Lao Luo, take two people with Sah to arrange ordinary people in the kitchen."

"The rest of the people, go to the first floor to set up defenses. Qian Duoduo and Larry, you two gather the guests on the fourth floor, and I will go to the rooftop to snipe!"

"The people outside heard the noise of the two shots just now, and they should be ready to take action soon."

Leaving a word, Lin Yu hung the walkie-talkie on his chest, carried an SVD and 81 gun and walked out of the room alone, and went upstairs from the other side of the stairs.

Luo Ping and others, as instructed, went to the first floor to set up defenses.

Qian Duoduo, Zhuang De, and Larry gathered the guests on other floors together.

At the same time, they also searched the other party.

There is no way. In the Islamic world, people often pretend to be guests to enter the hotel, and then come to the center to bloom.

Since the ape era, humans have learned to use sound and fire to scare and drive away wild animals.

In order to ensure their own safety.

After entering modern times, the emergence of gunpowder has made great progress in this method of driving away with sound.

Of course, every gunshot also means that a bullet flies out.

Maybe someone will die, maybe not.

The sound of Luo Ping's gun test was very loud, one after another, but it was very rhythmic, and it issued a harsh announcement to the surrounding residents.

Announce that this is not a firecracker, it is a gun!

So, after the gunshot sounded, with the hotel as the center, on the streets around 300 meters, people who heard the gunshots chose to stay away as soon as possible.

The shop also followed suit and closed its door.

In the restaurant opposite the hotel, a group of people who looked very different from the locals heard the gunshots, and they subconsciously widened their eyes and looked around blankly.


This is not in line with the plan!

According to their leader's plan, they let two people check into the hotel first, then find out the floor where the Chinese man is located, as well as the defense situation, and then capture the other party with one shot.

Then take the other party to their own nest and record an execution video.

But now, the monitoring has just started today, and the people who check in haven't arrived yet, so why are they shooting?

A group of people looked at each other, and finally, they looked at the center of the crowd, who looked like the leader.

This man was stared at, and he was also at a loss.

A few seconds later, he picked up the satellite phone at hand, pressed the number, and asked into the satellite phone:

"Leader, are we going to start now?"

In the satellite phone, after a brief hum, a slightly old voice came from inside.

"Let's wait and see. They definitely don't think that the people in Quetta are baits. We are the ones who really do it."

"So, we just need to wait quietly, waiting for that Chinese man to show his hand."

"If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move!"

After the old voice finished speaking, the middle-aged man holding the satellite phone immediately asked: "But leader, the gunshots will definitely attract the police. What if the police interrogate and reveal the truth?"

"Send two people to delay. As long as we delay until dusk, until the sun sets and it's dark, that's when we have the advantage." After the cold words, the phone was hung up, leaving a group of people looking at each other.

Putting down the satellite phone, the man began to arrange tasks:

"You two, go to the east intersection. If you see the police coming, pretend that the place where the gunshots were heard is not here."

"You two go to the west intersection."

"Let Yalikun go to the roof. If they can't delay, let Yalikun shoot directly."

"The gunshot is the signal. At that time, no matter what, we must rush into this hotel, find the Chinese man, and catch him alive."

"Then take him back to our base, ask for money, and then execute him!"

After speaking, the man stood up and walked to the room next to the rice pile. He took out a stick of explosives from the room and tied them to his body.

After tying, he took out two bundles of explosives and hung them on his waist.

When he finished all this, other people in the restaurant also walked into the room one after another, and took the explosives and tied them to their bodies.

After they tied the explosives, the originally full room became empty.

And in the pile of rice, oil and salt, several bloodless hands were also revealed at this moment.

There were seven or eight pairs of shoes, big and small, randomly piled together.

At the same time, the Peshawar Police Department also received a report from the neighborhood.

However, because no matter how they called, there was no response, a group of people could only send a car to check the neighborhood where the police call was made.

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