Going north along the avenue west of the hotel, about one kilometer away, there is a river that runs through the city.

There used to be good farmland on both sides of the river, but now, these good farmland have been turned into houses one after another.

And on the best piece of land by the river, there stands a mosque.

This is Musa's place of practice.

At this moment, Musa was sitting by the river, looking at the flowing river, muttering something in his mouth, but after listening carefully, it was not clear what he was saying.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps disrupted his thinking.

A young man who looked to be in his 20s came behind him in a hurry and said anxiously:

"Musa Imam, you asked us to see Mr. Sah's hotel. Just now, there were more than a dozen gunshots from the direction of the hotel."


More than a dozen gunshots?

Musa's eyes widened in an instant, and he subconsciously lowered his head and began to count the time with his fingers.

After counting for a while, a hint of ruthlessness appeared in his wide eyes.

As an imam of a mosque, he naturally has his own channels.

When Lin Yu talked to him, he was naturally very clear about who he was talking about.

But he didn't expect that Peshawar, which he thought was barely a piece of pure land, had become a sieve.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he said calmly: "If Allah brings a little disaster to you, then, except for him, there is no one who can remove the disaster; if he wants to bring benefits to you, then no one can stop his grace; He brings that grace to the servants he wants; He is the most forgiving and the most merciful."

"Now, our Lord has put a test on our friend!"

"If he can pass the test, then we can continue to cooperate."

"If he can't pass the test of Allah, then our cooperation will end here."

"Ah? This... is not good?" The young man scratched his head and asked while looking back to the south.

At this moment, Musha slowly turned his head to look south, and responded calmly: "Nothing bad."

"You pass the message and pay attention to suspicious people around the hotel."

At this moment, Lin Yu, who was tested by God, had climbed to the roof and was setting up anti-sneak attack devices.

A wooden stick was leaning against the iron door at the entrance of the stairs, and a can was tied behind the stick.

As long as the door was pushed open, the can would fall to the ground and make a sound, which was enough for people to react.

This hotel in Sah faces south and the main building is where Lin Yu and others live.

It has 7 floors and is the tallest building within 500 meters around. It is a natural sniper point.

Lin Yu wrapped a layer of gauze on the lens to prepare for anti-reflection.

He then took the telescope and carefully poked out the parapet to look for possible enemies around.

As a result, as soon as he poked the telescope out of the parapet, he saw a big brother arranging equipment on the roof of a three-story building about 100 meters to the east.

Through the telescope, Lin Yu could see clearly that the gun in the brother's hand was the same as his own, an SVD.

But the brother was so serious about his equipment that he didn't notice anyone was watching him.

Not long after, the brother used two bricks to set up the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the main entrance of the hotel, then picked up the intercom next to him and started talking.

After looking at the other person's mouth for a while, Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

Unfortunately, he didn't know what language the other person was speaking, and he couldn't read what the guy was saying through lip reading.

After calculating the distance between the man and himself, Lin Yu secretly used the telescope to mark other rooftops and people on the road.

Perhaps because of the gunshots, the kids who were shining shoes at the intersection on the west side had disappeared.

There was only an empty street corner and scraps of newspapers floating in the wind.

To the east, the boy selling tamarind juice was still there, just in a different position.

He moved to the door of a closed naan shop, and the tamarind juice pot hanging on his back was gone, replaced by an AK47 that was probably made in Peshawar.

At this moment, he was leaning against the corner of the wall, looking towards the hotel, very cautiously.

Lin Yu's telescope moved in the direction he was looking, and landed in front of the restaurant.

Like other shops, this restaurant also closed its door.

After searching for a while and not finding anyone else, he returned to his previous position and continued to watch the sniper report:

"There is a sniper on the roof of the red three-story building about 130 meters to the east. He uses an SVD and I don't know how good he is at shooting."

"The kid who sold tamarind juice before threw away his tamarind juice pot and replaced it with an AK47. He is hiding in the corner of the shop selling naan to the east."

"I will look for other people here. I will shoot other people with the first shot to determine the accuracy of the gun."

"The second shot will be shot at the other party. Be careful when you shoot. Don't show up at the window. Shoot two shots and change positions."

Just then, a sound of "finishing" came from the city in the west. Turning the telescope lens, Lin Yu found that it was a police car.

The police car moved quickly along the main road in the west from south to north, and crossed the street with a step on the floor.

A few seconds later, it slowly retreated.

The vehicle stopped at the street entrance. Lin Yu could clearly see the confusion on the face of the police car driver through the telescope.

It is almost lunch time now. According to the general rule, this is the busiest time.

How could there be no one here?

After a short stop, the vehicle slowly adjusted its angle and prepared to enter the street.

Just as they adjusted the angle of the police car, a cart selling sugar cane came out diagonally from the northern intersection.

It happened to block the front of the police car, and then talked to the people in the police car.

Seeing this, Lin Yu picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Lao Luo, go to the yard and fire a burst of bullets into the sky. There are police coming from the western intersection."


In the walkie-talkie, as soon as Luo Ping finished speaking, a burst of rapid gunfire came from the yard.

When the gunfire sounded, the police who were talking at the western intersection did not think much, pulled out their guns, pushed the door and got out of the car, and were about to move towards the street.

However, just as they took action, the sugar cane vendor who had just talked to them happily pulled out an AK47 from the sugar cane pile.

Without a second of hesitation, the vendor shot directly at the police car.

The sugarcane vendor was quick, and so was the cop in the passenger seat.

At the moment he fired, the cop in the passenger seat also pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the real world, there is no such thing as a bullet hitting the other party and leaving a trace of blood. There is only one result when both sides shoot at each other, and that is death together.

It took only two or three seconds from the gunshot to the gun stopping.

The sugarcane vendor lay down, and the cop in the passenger seat also closed his eyes.

In a panic, the police in the main driver's seat held the steering wheel with both hands, suddenly turned to the left, and quickly turned into the intersection on the left.

The vehicle stopped, and the police in the car quickly got out of the car, stuck to the corner of the wall, drew their guns, shot at each other, and called through the intercom at the same time.

And the burst of gunfire also completely scared the people around, and they scattered instantly, no longer daring to stand by the window to watch the fun.

And the gunman who was just observed by Lin Yu also aimed his gun at the police car in the distance.

Bang bang, two shots were fired, but no one was hit, so there was one person involved.

Lin Yu's eyes stayed on the gunfight in the distance for a moment, and he immediately retracted his head and used the telescope to search for other positions.

If the gunfight broke out here, the opponent's offensive would be launched immediately, otherwise there would be more variables.

To launch an attack, there must be someone to command, find the opponent, and then kill him with one shot.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Yu turned the telescope back, he saw the restaurant opposite opened the door.

Seven or eight fully armed gunmen rushed out of the store, and behind these gunmen, a bearded man was holding a walkie-talkie and talking loudly.

To the east of the hotel, three beggars who were lying on the ground suddenly stood up, grabbed the AK in their hands and rushed to the hotel.

Seeing this, Lin Yu immediately picked up the gun, pointed the gun at one of the beggars, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.



The running beggar was like suddenly hitting a stone, holding the gun in both hands, and crashed straight to the ground, fluttering, and then there was no movement.

And his shot was like a signal.

As the shot was fired, gunshots rang out one after another in the floor below.

When building the hotel, in order to better receive customers, Sah moved the hotel door back about 20 meters, and then he built this 20 meters into a parking lot.

The parking lot plus the road outside is more than 30 meters long.

This 30-meter distance became the life and death line of the attacker.

The terrorists at the front rushed the fastest and died the fastest. The 30-meter distance was almost the range of hand-to-hand combat.

In this range, the 7.62 mm bullet of the 81 gun was very lethal.

The first attack was quickly repelled, and the terrorists who rushed out retreated to the restaurant opposite after leaving five bodies.

Neither side had heavy weapons.

One side had bombs, but the bombs needed to be close to work, otherwise they were just decorations.

After hiding behind the wall and watching for a while, the man holding the walkie-talkie waved his hand: "We still have 16 people, 6 people charge, and 10 people suppress them with firepower!"

"30 meters, as long as we rush to the door and blow it up, we can rush in."

"After rushing in, we can kill them all, not to mention that we have four people behind us."

"We attack here, and as long as they blow up the courtyard wall behind them, they can rush into the courtyard and kill others!"

"Kill them!"

"Quick! Rush to that hotel and detonate the bomb on your body!"


"Kill them, as long as we die in battle, we can go to the world flowing with milk and honey, and there will be 72 virgins lingering around us, letting us enjoy them!"


He waved his hand, and the people around him rushed out.

According to his request, 10 people used the wall of the restaurant to shoot at the people in the hotel.

Then the remaining 6 people took the opportunity to rush out and rushed to the opposite side.

The ten people who were shooting at each other, even though they were shot, still held on and continued to shoot at the hotel.

They were fearless.

Under this pressure, the sound of the counterattack from the hotel direction weakened until there was no sound of gunfire from the window.

And four of the six people who charged rushed to the wall.

Seeing this, the man walked out of the bunker carelessly, opened his arms, bathed in the sunset, and shouted loudly.

"We are the servants of the Lord, and we are punishing those who do not obey the will of the Lord!"

"Look carefully, if you do not obey the will of the Lord, the fate of these people will be your fate."

On the rooftop, Lin Yu picked up the 81-bar and fired a burst of bullets at the man with open arms.

After the shooting, he quickly dragged the SVD to the other side, without setting up the gun, but sketched in his mind the point where the bullet landed when he hit the opponent with the SVD just now.

He aimed at the opponent's chest, but the hit point was right below the ribs, probably the spleen.

The distance between the two sides was about 170 meters. In other words, to hit the chest, you have to aim at the neck!

The dispersion point is a bit large!

After getting this data, Lin Yu pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the gunshots around him.

Mainly the gunshots of the SVD.

The guy who acted as a sniper shot very quickly. From his continuous gunshots, it can be heard that this big brother does not have much experience.

He can't even do the most basic sniper's firing a few shots and changing positions.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yu slowly extended the muzzle along the parapet and locked the man who was shooting so hard that he forgot everything else.

He aimed at the right waist and abdomen of the opponent, and then pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After the first shot, the person lying on the ground in the distance obviously bent down.

The second and third shots followed one after another, hitting the opponent's back continuously.

The opponent was like a fish on the chopping board, twisting his body desperately, twisting twice, and then there was no movement.

Because both sides were SVD, Lin Yu's three shots were sandwiched among the gunshots and did not sound obvious.

After shooting down the sniper, Lin Yu threw away the SVD, picked up the 81 gun, aimed at the beggars who had come to the hotel within 50 meters in the east, and pulled the trigger.

The two beggars rushed forward excitedly, completely unaware that the god of death had already set his sights on them.

Bang, bang, bang!

At a distance of 50 meters, in Rheinsteel, even a woman can hit the target.

Killing the other party without any effort, Lin Yu imitated the African brother, poked the muzzle of the gun out of the parapet, and shot at the people downstairs.

It is impossible to poke your head out, faith shooting, go with the flow.

Sah's hotel design helped a lot at this moment.

Because there are only two entrances in the front and back, and there are railings made of steel bars as thick as thumbs on the windows, so these people want to enter the hotel.

There is only one choice, that is to attack from the main door.

But the front of the main door is unobstructed, and the windows are crossed. If you want to enter the hotel, you must pass through an area about 15 meters wide without cover.

But people are not Rambo after all, and this is not a movie.

Such a short distance is enough for bullets to shoot people into sieves.

But if they don't rush into the hotel, then their mission cannot be completed.

Gritting their teeth, several people hiding in the corner against the wall cast their eyes on the wall next to them.

After exchanging glances, two people stood up decisively, then climbed up the wall, unzipped their clothes, and unzipped the rope of the bomb on their bodies.

As the green smoke gushed out, two or three seconds later.

The bombs on the two people exploded instantly.


In just a moment, the exploding bomb blew a hole in the corner of the wall where the two people were.

Seeing the hole that appeared in front of them, the remaining people didn't care about the person who had just exploded.

They tore off the bombs on their bodies and threw them into the hole.

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