When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 307: Fire a shot, so you can write a report! (Second update!)

In the lobby on the first floor, a sudden explosion made Luo Ping and others look grimy.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Luo Ping saw a black object thrown into the lobby. Without any hesitation, he shouted:

"Get down! Open your mouth! Bomb!"

As soon as the words fell, the bomb that flew into the lobby from the hole rolled twice on the ground, and then exploded into a ball of black smoke.

The shock wave was extremely swift, tearing the surrounding leather sofas into pieces, and then continued to kill around.

Outside the gate, hearing several explosions from the wall, the people guarding the door showed a smug smile on their faces, and ran out from the corners of the wall where they were hiding, and rushed to the main entrance of the hotel.

As they ran, they sorted out the bombs on their bodies.

As long as they were allowed to get close to each other, they could take each other to death.

Using human lives for human lives, it depends on who can't bear it first.

However, they got out of the corner, which happened to be a bargain for Lin Yu on the roof.

Throwing the SVD aside, he also learned the religious shooting skills of his African brothers, stretched his hand out of the parapet, and pointed the gun downwards.

Pull the trigger.

Bullets poured out, catching the people below off guard.

After firing a round of bullets, he quickly picked up the intercom and called Luo Ping and others on the first floor:

"Lao Luo! Are you dead? If not, be careful. Those people at the door have bombs on them. Don't let them get close."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of gunfire came from the intercom, and Luo Ping screamed:

"I know!"

"The problem is that these people don't seem to be afraid of death..."

Before he finished speaking, another explosion came from the opposite side, and then, Luo Ping cursed.

Just as Lin Yu was about to continue asking questions, two gunshots came from the direction of the back door. He quickly turned off the intercom, grabbed the SVD and ran to the parapet in the direction of the back door.

In the direction of the back door, Sah was defending.

He was standing in the aisle between the kitchen and the warehouse, holding a gun and firing rhythmically at the heavy galvanized iron door.

Outside, someone was also shooting at him through the door.

From where Lin Yu was, he could barely see the top of his head.

There was only a small spot that he couldn't hit.

They were all too cautious guys!

After looking through the scope for a while, Lin Yu picked up the intercom and said in the intercom:

"Sacher, take a can of chili from the kitchen, throw it over the wall, force the people on the opposite side out, and I will kill them."

Soon after the voice fell, Sacher went into the kitchen, took a can of chili powder, got out of the kitchen window, and tiptoed to the wall.

Counted down 123, threw it out of the wall, and then ran away.

In just two or three seconds, he ran through the backyard of about 20 meters, got into the kitchen from the window at the beginning, and continued to return to the aisle between the kitchen and the warehouse, and continued to shoot at the people at the door.

Maybe it was because his can of chili powder was too insulting, the man on the other side immediately showed his head from behind the wall after the can of chili powder fell.

And he ran very fast.

But they were fast, and Lin Yu's bullets were faster. Two shots killed two people.

Two more people ran away.

Just as Lin Yu was about to shoot again, the wall exploded!

With a bang!

The smoke and dust wrinkled, and the explosion carried brick and stone fragments, smashing hard on the vehicles parked in the backyard.

The glass of these cars was shattered in an instant.

In the suddenly rising smoke and dust, two figures were vaguely approaching.

Lin Yu quickly pulled the trigger and shot down another one.

As for the other one, he moved quickly. With the cover of smoke and dust and vehicles, he easily crossed the yard and appeared at the window behind the kitchen.

Appeared under Sah's gun.


Sah subconsciously pulled the trigger and sent this person away.

"Sahe, you guard the back, I'll go check the front." After leaving a word, Lin Yu turned around and went around the parapet in front of the hotel from the west.

He first leaned out with the gun tip against his clothes and shook it a few times, but did not attract fire.

He put down the gun, went back to the back, held the gun, and slowly got up from behind the parapet stealthily, using the wall to block his sight and check the surrounding rooftops.

He looked far away first and confirmed that it was safe, then slowly approached the edge of the parapet.

As soon as he stuck his head out, he saw a man holding an AK47 on the roof of a two-story building on the west side of the street, opposite the hotel and next to the restaurant, sneaking close to the edge, as if preparing to attack from a high place.

The muzzle of the gun turned to aim at the target instantly, and another explosion sounded under his feet. In the explosion, Lin Yu pulled the trigger.

The terrorist who had just climbed to the roof was sent to the west without firing a shot.

After getting rid of the man on the roof on the west side, Lin Yu stuck to his position and continued to search the south and east.

No one.

The street that was very busy not long ago has completely quieted down.

The sunset in the sky has completely turned red, and the setting sun is like blood. Faintly, Lin Yu seems to smell a bloody smell.

At this moment, a hurried voice came from the street in the west.

Pills, pills!

Hearing the voice, Lin Yu quickly raised his eyes to the west, and at the end of his sight, there were police cars.

Several police cars were speeding from the west.

Behind these police cars were several green trucks.

They should be police and special operations battalion personnel.

Perhaps the sound of pills stimulated the attackers, the gunshots downstairs suddenly became extremely fierce, and at the same time, the explosions became more frequent.

At this moment, Lin Yu was extremely grateful to Sah.

Thank this guy who had been hiding for a long time for not cutting corners when building the hotel.

At the same time, thank the terrorists for not having enough explosives in their hands.

Otherwise, there would be those explosions just now.

The whole building would have to say goodbye directly, and then everyone would be buried in the soil together and wait for rescue together.

But with the reaction speed of these people in Peshawar, rescue...

Let's forget it.

After checking the surroundings of the hotel with a gun again and confirming that there was no one, Lin Yu threw away the SVD, took the 81 bar, and went downstairs from the stairwell.

Rushed downstairs at the fastest speed.

The continuous explosions stopped completely when Lin Yu went down to the fifth floor, leaving only a series of gunshots.

Going down to the fourth floor, Qian Duoduo and Larry faced each other and looked at each other's backs.

In the corridor behind them, more than 20 guests were squatting on the ground, holding their heads and shaking.

Seeing Lin Yu appear, one of them raised his head and was about to ask a question, but was glared at by Larry.

The three of them exchanged glances, and Lin Yu continued to go downstairs.

When he arrived at the second floor, the gunfire on the first floor stopped completely. At the moment the gunfire stopped, he slid to the other end of the stairs, using the cover of the wall, half-crouched, and carefully aimed the muzzle of the gun at the middle of the first flight of stairs below.

As long as someone came up from below, this position could definitely take away a few people.

He was stuck in position for a while, and a cursing voice came from downstairs. It was Luo Ping's voice.

"CTMD, I'm not saying this, Pakistan's public security really needs to be managed. There are so many bombs, and no one has arrived after so long."

"Okay, be careful, try not to get close to the body, shoot two more shots with your gun, two shots in the chest and one in the head, remember, don't go up to turn over the body after shooting, there is the sound of police cars outside, let the police come to turn over, by the way, where is Sahe? Hurry and find him."

"Brothers, I'm here!" Sahe's cheerful voice came from the corridor leading to the backyard.

However, his cheerful voice turned into a scream after he arrived in the hall:

"God, what have you done?"

"Where is my luxurious door? Why are there only two pillars left?"

"My wall!"

Amid his screams, Lin Yu held the gun and walked down the stairs step by step. Seeing that several people from several parties were intact and were busy shooting, he was relieved.

Bring the person out properly, don't bring back an urn.

At this moment, the alarm sounded at the door, and at the same time, a voice was heard outside.

It was shouted in Urdu.

"Listen, everyone inside, put down your weapons immediately, put your hands on your head and come out, and surrender immediately!"

After shouting in Urdu, he shouted again in Pashto.

When he heard the shout, Sahe did not rush out of the hall, but hid behind the pillar and shouted at the top of his voice: "Harry! You damn guy, don't you brag every day that your special operations battalion's reaction speed is within half an hour?"

"Why did it take almost two hours today?"

Just as he finished cursing, a man cursed outside: "Sahe, you damn guy, you idiot, you guy with a sock in your head."

"It was your Peshawar police station that reacted slowly and didn't know to call us directly."

"The call we received was from Islamabad. It was Islamabad that called us to go out, and we knew that there was a gunfight in Peshawar."

"But I didn't expect that it was you who was attacked. If I knew it was like this, I should drive slower."

"Anyway, looking at the current situation, you can handle it."

Amid the abuse, an officer in camouflage uniform, holding a loudspeaker in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, slowly walked into the room from the main entrance of the hotel.

His eyes first scanned the dead terrorists in the hotel lobby, as well as the furniture torn apart by the bomb explosion, and finally fell on Lin Yu and others who were still holding guns.

After looking for a while, he finally fell on Sah in front of him and asked with a hint of joking:

"What kind of immoral things did your friend do to make these people come from hundreds of kilometers away and blow up your broken hotel into this mess?"

"I don't know!" Sah replied helplessly with his hands spread out.

Then, he pointed to the corpses on the ground and asked, "Do you want your team members to come in and shoot a few shots?"

"After all, there are so many terrorists. If the victory is counted on you, the epaulettes on your shoulders should at least be changed to colonel."

After listening to him, Harry looked at the corpses on the ground very seriously, and then cast his eyes on Lin Yu and others opposite.

After staring for a while, he retracted his gaze, pressed the intercom hanging on his chest, and said:

"Everyone come in, shoot the corpse on the ground again, and then let our reporters in. Also, remember to wear a mask and don't let anyone see your face!"

After giving the order, he stared at Sah and asked: "Tell me, what do you want me to do next?"

"It's very simple!" Sah waved his hand, pointed to Lin Yu behind him, and explained:

"This Mr. Lin is my friend."

"He came here to purchase gems, but now this happened, I am very worried about his safety."

"So, please take your own people and escort me, him, and his people back to Islamabad."

"Is that okay?"

Hearing this, Harry turned his attention to Lin Yu and others. He felt a hint of murderous intent from these "neighbors".

Connecting these people with Sah, the officer of the special operations battalion was very tactful and did not ask any more questions.

He nodded: "It's a small matter. Anyway, these bodies will be transported to Islamabad for inspection by the Secret Service."

"Bringing you along is a matter of classification. It's just that the Secret Service may cause you some trouble."

"Because the other anti-terrorist teams are intercepting and attacking according to the intelligence they provide."

"Now, the people haven't been stopped, and the fight here is over. It's interesting, too interesting."

"You go pack up, and I'll clean up the scene here."

When Harry took people to reload the guns, Sah turned around and nodded to Lin Yu and the others, saying:

"Let's go upstairs to pack up."

"Wait until the guests on the fourth floor and other people in the hotel leave, then we'll leave."

Several people took their guns back to the sixth floor, reloaded the bullets, took a short rest, and then returned to the room to pack their luggage.

This time, Lin Yu didn't have to worry about who was left behind.

With this wave, they will definitely be famous in Peshawar, and whoever stays will be targeted by terrorists.

They can only go back and change someone, and then change a set of clothes.

Listening to the occasional gunshots from downstairs, Lin Yu couldn't help but stand behind the window and observe carefully.

Every five gunshots downstairs, a body was carried to the roadside and put down.

Half an hour later, the gunshots stopped, and the street in front of the hotel was also full of bodies, 28!

In addition to these 28, there were three fragments, a total of 31 dead people.

31 people.

Not including the children carrying shoe brushes.

In other words, there are still people hiding in the dark, watching the people in front of the hotel, gritting their teeth.

Compared to where these people are hiding.

Lin Yu wants to know more about how these people crossed these hundreds of kilometers in a short time, left Quetta, and appeared in Peshawar.

Because, strictly speaking, Pakistan now does not have a truly closed highway.

Without a highway, it is naturally impossible to transfer quickly.

Trains are slower.

As for airplanes, Lin Yu doesn't know whether there are planes directly to Bacha Khan Airport at the Quetta airport.

If so, the source of these people's weapons is worth investigating.

If not, the way these people moved quickly is even more worth investigating.

If they did not move quickly, it means that the activity range of these dozens of people is nearby, and there are people nearby who provide them with shelter.

Time passed quickly as he thought.

In front of the hotel, Harry's special operations battalion had already surveyed the scene and exchanged reports with the police station.

The young and vigorous officer stood in front of the hotel and waved his hand: "Let's go! Let's go to the police station first and wait for further results."

"Have a good rest and go to Islamabad early tomorrow morning."

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