When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 308: Revenge never takes time! (The third update!)

Accompanying Harry's words, the special operations battalion quickly returned to the team. The main force returned to the base with the deputy battalion commander, and the elite combat team, led by Harry, formed a convoy, carrying the corpse and Lin Yu and others.

Headed towards the Peshawar Police Station.

The location of the Peshawar Police Station is about three kilometers east of the hotel.

And after the convoy of the special operations battalion passed, on the side of the avenue.

Two people who obviously did not look like people from the West Asian region stood in the alley beside the road, silently watching this swaggering team.

The man on the left was a little angry and wanted to take action, but before he could take action, he was caught by the man on the right and pressed against the wall.

The man on the left was struggling, and while struggling, he was scolding the man on the right as a coward, but the man on the right ignored him from beginning to end, but kept watching the convoy leave. When the convoy disappeared at the end of his sight, the man turned around and looked at his companion who was pressed against the wall by himself.

"Shut up!"

"If you hadn't been so greedy and reckless, Mamtim and the others wouldn't have died. Moreover, your action this time also exposed other people."

"Because of you, all our arrangements in Peshawar have been scrapped."

"Tonight, the Secret Service will come to Peshawar and turn this place upside down."

"Our arrangements here may be uprooted, and countless of our companions will die tragically, and all this is because of you, this bastard, do you understand?"

"I have said many times that the present is different from the past. The Taliban is weak now. We need to lie dormant and develop, instead of launching mindless attacks again and again."

"Do you understand?"

After saying a series of words, the man on the right finally let go of his hand, put down his companion who was pressing on the wall, turned around, crossed the street, and walked into a north-facing alley.

The man who was put down from the wall first looked at the direction where the convoy left, then looked at the direction of the hotel with hatred, and finally gritted his teeth and chased in the direction where his companion left.

And in the garbage dump behind them, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.


On the other side, in the mosque.

The young man returned to Musa again, and said with excitement and a little admiration: "Musa Imam, I just got the news that Mr. Lin has passed the test of God."

"The people of the special operations battalion arrived in time and killed all the terrorists who attacked Mr. Lin. No one died, not even seriously injured, only a few scratched the skin."

"They have now gathered and headed towards the police station."

Hearing this, Musa slowly turned his head. He did not look at the young man, but looked at the avenue outside the mosque.

If I remember correctly, about half an hour ago, the people of the special operations battalion killed through this road.

And the time when I received the news and heard the gunshots was about two hours ago.

It takes about 6 minutes to get from here to the hotel.

In other words, Lin Yu and his men, with the help of Sah's hotel, held on for one hour and thirty-six minutes.

But... I know very well the combat effectiveness of the Special Operations Battalion. They can never eliminate dozens of terrorists in 24 minutes.

In other words, the powerful one is still Lin Yu.

Musha lowered his head and stared at the river water for a while. He stood up and said softly: "Let's go! Let's go to the police station to meet this friend."


Peshawar Police Station.

A terrorist attack occurred in the jurisdiction. Palmer, the chief of the police station, was ready to hang himself. However, when the people of the Special Operations Battalion brought the bodies of the terrorists and the targets of this attack to him.

He silently put away the rope again, and then appeared in front of Harry with his hands behind his back.

"Lieutenant Colonel Harry, this... Can't you give me some of these combat merits? I'm about to retire. If you give me some combat merits."

"I can guarantee that you are the one in this three-acre land of Peshawar!"

The nagging words also made Harry look at the chief of the police station.

Because of habit, Harry naturally estimated Palmer's physical data. He was 1.6 meters tall, weighed about 180 kilograms, and was about 60 years old.

It's time to retire.

After exchanging glances with him for a moment, Harry whispered: "First of all, I can share some of the merits with you, but our friend fought for an hour and a half, and only the first two policemen arrived."

"To be honest, our friend was very unhappy."

"I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. According to analysis, the terrorists should have a base in Peshawar."

"Now, find it immediately."

"Then you will not only not be at fault, but you will also have great merits, understand?"

After speaking, Harry patted Palmer's shoulder vigorously, turned and walked towards the gate of the police station. Behind him were the soldiers of the combat battalion.

These soldiers climbed up to every corner of the police station with familiarity, and at the same time extended the roadblocks to protect the police station.

After staring at the bodies for a while, Palmer gritted his teeth, turned and walked to his office, and began to call the local families and gangs in Peshawar.

At the same time, he called the police station in Charseda, further north.

He was busy on the phone in the rest room of the police station.

Musha also saw Lin Yu resting there.

The two smiled at each other and sat down facing each other, while the others quickly stood up and walked out of the lounge, leaving the room for the two.

After staring at Lin Yu for a while, Musa said softly: "Mr. Lin, I have a group of followers here. They are all kind-hearted people. They all yearn for peace and a stable life."

"If Mr. Lin is willing, I can tell you the contact information of these followers, and then help you do things."

"How about it?"

"And the price you need to pay, Mr. Lin, is some insignificant money for you. This is great for you, me, and my followers."

"What do you think, Mr. Lin?"


Lin Yu's eyelids twitched, and he tilted his head, looking at the old man in front of him in confusion, but soon he came to his senses again.

Before, he was still very curious why Musa, who might become Sharif, looked like a bachelor here, but when he gave him the jade pendant, he said that if he encountered any problems in Jalalabad, he could say his name.

These are two paradoxes.

On the one hand, he kept his real name, but on the other hand, he said he had a name.

Now, all these doubts can be answered. Musa, who once failed to compete for Sharif of Afghanistan, has his own followers. It is precisely because of these followers that he has lived a stable life until now, stable, deaf to the outside world, and studied his scriptures peacefully.

And today's battle with the terrorists also made the old man understand that he has the ability and support.

Therefore, he is willing to reveal his bottom line at this time, as a real pledge of allegiance.

After thinking about all the reasons, Lin Yu readily agreed, then stood up, came to Musa, extended his right hand, and said with a smile:

"Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and what we can do is to let everyone exercise their rights!"

Musa also raised his right hand, and the two gently shook hands, and then let go.

Then, the old man raised his head and shouted at the door. The young man who had been following him ran in quickly and stood beside Musa, listening to his instructions.

The two whispered a few words, and the young man left quickly, leaving only Musa and Lin Yu sitting in the room, chatting intermittently.

About half an hour later, the young man appeared in front of the two again. At this moment, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and his forehead was sweating constantly. He reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said quickly:

"Imam! There is news."

"According to the information provided by the believers, those who attacked the hotel came from the Sama Baha community in the northeast."

"It's only a few kilometers away from here, and it takes about half an hour to drive there."

Just as the young man finished speaking, the door of the lounge was pushed open from the outside again, and this time the person who pushed it open was Harry, the commander of the special operations battalion, and Palmer, the chief of the police department.

Behind these two people, there is another man who looks about 50 years old. His clothes are more exquisite, but his exquisite clothes do not provide him with confidence at this moment.

Looking at Musa in the room, Harry opened his mouth, cast his eyes on Lin Yu, and whispered: "Mr. Lin, we have found the hiding place of the gang. Do you think we should change places to talk?"

"Just say it!" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Harry nodded slightly to Musa and said:

"According to Director Palmer's information, the gang should be in the Sama Baha community in the north of Peshawar."

"We are going there now. I want to ask you if you want to go and take a look?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu stood up decisively, came to the other party, nodded slightly, and said:

"Since Captain Harry has said so, we should obey his orders and go and take a look together."


Hearing this, Harry wanted to slap himself, but the words had already been spoken, and he couldn't swallow them back.

After a moment of hesitation, he turned around and asked Palmer for some bulletproof vests. He handed the bulletproof vests to Lin Yu, put them on him hand in hand, and confirmed that there were no problems before letting the main force get on the car.

Then, go straight to Sama Baha.

Pakistan was once a colony of England, so the architectural style here is mainly the original Pakistani style combined with the English style.

Most of each household has a yard and a house.

The gate of the yard faces the main road. This structure has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that each house is very spacious, and the disadvantage is that it occupies more land area, and the community planning is relatively chaotic.

However, the straightforward community planning habits inherited from the English have solved this problem to a certain extent.

Sama Baha community, in the north of Peshawar, is a new community that has just been expanded.

A large part of the land is still farmland.

At the end of July, wheat has been harvested, and the endless alluvial plain of the Kabul River has been replaced with various beans, among which there are scattered corns.

Less than half an hour after leaving the police station, the special operations battalion's vehicle stopped next to a cornfield.

Harry jumped off a car, holding a map of Sama Baha, and came to Lin Yu. He pointed to the location circled by a red marker on the map, and then raised his hand to point directly in front of the people.

"According to the intelligence we have and the intelligence we got from Musa Imam, the terrorists are concentrated in this small village, in these six houses."

"These six houses are numbered in a clockwise direction. The outer circle is No. 1234."

"The two houses in the middle, No. 5 on the south and No. 6 on the north."

"They are relatively xenophobic, and because of their appearance, they are easily recognized."

"We are standing about 800 meters away from those houses."

"Our battle plan is that Chief Palmer's people are on the periphery, using car lights and searchlights to illuminate the enemy, and we take the opportunity to attack."

"Mr. Lin, I know you have a sniper. I need his help. I need him to help us get rid of the enemy hiding in the dark."

Hearing this battle plan that was not a plan, Lin Yu didn't want to complain. He just wanted to mess with people now.

If others don't offend me, I won't offend others. If others offend me, I will cut the grass and root it out.

He looked back at the people around him, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and nodded to Luo Ping: "Lao Luo, you stay with me and be my observer."

"The other people, spread out with us as the center of the circle, pay attention to defense."

After that, he patted Harry's shoulder again: "Lieutenant Colonel Harry, give me an earphone."

He took the earphone from Harry and threw it to Larry, then climbed into the car, took out the SVD used in the afternoon, and led people to the house on the other side.

A few minutes later, Lin Yu found a suitable location, a three-story building.

After Larry and the young man who had been following Musha explained, the owner of the house happily led Lin Yu and others upstairs and set up a sniper point.

After lying on the roof for a while, Luo Ping couldn't help complaining: "It's pitch black here, why don't we just go over with our guns and shoot them directly?"

Lin Yu was busy adjusting the scope. Hearing this, he raised his head and responded lightly: "No need."

"You guys can also take a good look. This time, go back and write down your experience of fighting in the street."

"Knowing that the other side has bombs, we don't need to get close to the other side."

"Because bombs are things that will kill or injure anyone."

Just after he finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from Larry's headset, and then this former Taliban quickly reported a sentence:

"The top of house No. 3 is the firing point!"

After he finished speaking, Luo Ping immediately took the telescope and looked at the so-called house No. 3.

That is, the house in the lower right corner of the six houses shown on the map, the house closest to the few people.

At this moment, the top of the house was flashing continuously.

After staring at it for a while, Luo Ping began to report the parameters:

"Southeast wind level 3, distance to target one, 227 meters, target two, 229 meters, located at the 1:00 direction of target one, target three, 231 meters, located at the 2:00 direction of target one, located at the 5:00 direction of target two."

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