When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 233 Saudi Arabia, you know us! (The third update!)

In Riyadh, in the underground air-raid shelter of the Saudi royal family, Awad heard the phone ringing in his hand. He picked it up and found that it was Lin Yu's phone. After thinking about it, he answered the call:

"My dear friend, what's the matter?"

"You're talking about the plane hitting the American Embassy? It's not a big problem. The main previewers on the plane are from European and American countries. We only have crew members and about 10 other people."

"The main problem is not these, but that our people found yellow cakes on that plane."

"According to the estimates of the inspectors, the approximate weight of this batch of yellow cakes is 60 kilograms, and only about 53 kilograms of residue was found at the site."

"In other words, 7 kilograms of yellow cake powder were thrown out during the impact."

"This is the most important point. If you are not careful, it will arouse international public opinion, although there is already international public opinion."

"Let's not talk about it for now. We still have things to deal with when it's safer outside. However, we may need your help then, so I'll have to ask you to help me ventilate."

After finishing speaking, Awad hung up the phone and turned his head. He walked towards the orderly officer next to him. The orderly officer who was busy in front of the communication equipment also turned back at this time and handed out the phone in his hand.

"Your Highness, the communication network has been set up. You can call them now."

"Okay!" After nodding, Awad picked up the phone and dialed the number.

These are calls to several surrounding countries.


In the International Village, in the principal's office of the Army Command College, after the whole matter was sorted out, Lin Yu sat on the sofa, not knowing what to say.

I want to laugh a little bit.

He really wanted to know which big brother was so bold. In 2001, the incident in the two buildings in America had not yet settled. Now a group of American soldiers were still riding donkeys and carrying guns in the mountains of Afghanistan. , fighting guerrillas with fellow villagers.

As a result, now another embassy has arrived, and it's still an embassy that brought something like yellow cake.

If America is not crazy, can she still be called America?

Even if the top management of America is not crazy, their military-industrial complex will be. This is an opportunity given to them by God. If God does not take it, there will be a backlash!

Lin Yu suddenly stood up from the sofa and walked towards the world map on the wall next to him. He traced his fingers across the map while his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the next country that might be a target.

For now, America has opened up the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

At the same time, there are a large number of besieged bases in East Asia, which have now become de facto third-line operations. If another line is opened, it will be a fourth-line operation.

Fighting on four fronts is very troublesome for a country. Even the stupidest person knows that this situation must be avoided, so...

Lin Yu's fingers slowly crossed India, crossed Pakistan, and finally landed in Tehran.

Iran is sandwiched between Iraq and Afghanistan, and Pakistan, to the east of Iran, has a distant attitude toward America, and its overall attitude is relatively friendly. If it takes action against Iran, it can mobilize people from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Moreover, Iran has always been committed to developing nuclear weapons. Yellow cake, they have it!


They will definitely take action against Iran!

Their plan must not be allowed to succeed. If they formally declare war on Iran, it means that Central Asia will become a pot of porridge.

Russia will definitely end up by then. Under the war, the refugees will have nowhere to go and will definitely move eastward. Then those who are interested will mix among the refugees and threaten the northwest region.

Pakistan needs to be warned!

Coming to this conclusion in his mind, Lin Yu turned around and asked Tang Yuanshan: "Who do you think the American people will target if they take revenge next?"

"Iran!" Tang Yuanshan's tone was a little bleak, but at the same time there was a fierce look on his face. This is almost a sure thing, if Iran is controlled and defeated.

There would be almost no room for maneuver. From the easternmost point to the westernmost point, the southern border line was all occupied by America's people.

The northern border is full of Russians. Considering that Russia's current overall status is biased towards Europe, it can barely wear the same pants as Europe, and Europe is America's younger brother, which is almost equivalent to America.

Absolutely don't allow this to happen!

Seeing the stern look on his face, Lin Yu asked in a low voice: "Then let's call Director Lu? Please explain clearly?"

"Let's fight!" Tang Yuanshan sighed, looked at Lin Yu and said, "Tell him, you young people have ideas, talk about it first, and then we will see if there is anything to add."


After sorting through the thoughts in his mind, Lin Yu picked up the phone on Tang Yuanshan's desk and dialed Lu Huaxi.

It took two or three minutes before someone picked up the phone, but it was very noisy and seemed to be arguing.

After waiting for a while, Lu Huaxi's tired voice came: "What's the matter?"

His voice was very tired. He must have been busy since he heard the news and had not rested. He shook his head and Lin Yu responded softly:

"We have finished reading what you asked us to see. Principal Tang and I agree that if the Americans are going to take action next, it should be against Iran."

On the other end of the phone, after hearing this thought, Lu Huaxi's tone became brisk, and there was a hint of happiness in his words:

"We are in agreement with our opinion. We are discussing a response plan. Our opinion is to bring the missile force to the seaside and test-fire a missile into the South Pacific."

Test-launching missiles into the South Pacific?

It's better to fly directly to Tokyo.

Taking a breath, Lin Yu used the simplest words to express the plan he had prepared in his heart:

"Don't be so troublesome. Haven't you been preparing for Operation Skyward Sword? Send invitations directly to surrounding countries and America, and then organize the team for a thousand-mile raid, from the northern grasslands to the Kunlun Pass."

"It's better. Maybe America will stop before you leave the grassland."

"Almost, by the time the large forces reach the Kunlun Pass, they should stop."

"Moreover, there should be some action on the Russian side. Even if they are pro-European and American, they will never allow anyone to put their hands in their own back garden."

When Lin Yu finished speaking, only the sound of heavy breathing came from the phone receiver. After a while, Lu Huaxi's voice rang again:

"Your plan is good. Let's discuss it here. You can stay well at the Army Command College during this period. Also, let your factories work overtime to produce a batch of equipment that we can use."

With a click, the phone was hung up. Lin Yu turned around, stretched, showing laziness all over his body, and whispered to Tang Yuanshan: "What will we have for lunch later?"

Seeing his lazy look, Tang Yuanshan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and asked: "It looks like a fight is about to start, are you not panicking?"

"It's not that you have to eat if you are worried. If America really messes with Iran, then this meal will be one meal less." After saying that, regardless of Tang Yuanshan's reaction, Lin Yu happily opened the door and walked to the cafeteria. go.

Unlike when he was in the mood to eat, minus 3.5 hours to the west, it happened to be the time to go to work in Tehran, Iran. Suniya looked at the tea cup in front of him, not interested in drinking at all.

Opposite him was Defense Minister Horim.

Some time ago, after temporarily reaching a gentleman's agreement with Lebanon, stating that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards would no longer interfere too much in the internal issues of the Milk Tea Party, he returned to Iran with his people.

He was preparing to shift part of the focus of support from Lebanon to Iraq, but before he could put his idea into practice, America bumped into the Saudi embassy.

It was hit.

After getting the news and sorting out the ins and outs of the relevant events, he came to the Ministry of National Defense as soon as possible.

I want to ask the Ministry of National Defense to give them additional funds, and before America attacks, they can purchase a batch of equipment from Russia or China to prepare for emergencies.

However, the defense minister did not criticize him. He just poured him a glass of water, and then nothing happened.

These damn establishment factions have no brains at all!

Reaching out to pick up the glass, drank the water in the glass in one gulp, and then slammed the glass on the table. Sunia stood up suddenly and roared at the Minister of Defense in front of him:

"Minister Honim, between now and America's dispatch, this is the only window period we have left. If we can't even seize this window period."

"Once America takes action, we will only die."

"Can you understand? If you can understand, then, give me money, I will buy equipment, and then I will protect my country."

On the opposite side, Honim nodded calmly when he heard these words, and said calmly: "I know this is our window period, but the problem is that you are not a regular army."

"Our regular army is our national defense force. They have a record of overthrowing the old king. They also have a record of fighting Iraq."

"And you guys don't have a decent record."

"Of course, I also admit that your operations in Lebanon were very successful in the past few years. Similarly, your arrangements in Iraq in recent times are also very good."

"But the problem is that if a war breaks out next, it will be a war to destroy the country. That is not comparable to a small fight like you."

"Therefore, it is impossible for me to drastically reduce the budget for the regular army and then give it to you."

"But I'm not a stubborn person. I can give you some money, but it's only $20 million."

"It's your remaining budget for this year. I'll give it to you together. I'll have someone deal with it later. It can be received by this afternoon at the latest."

"Go down, I'm still busy."

With that said, Honim waved his hand at the folding door, and the secretary who had been guarding the door for a long time quickly came to Honim with a stack of documents in his arms.

Seeing the busy two people, Sunia turned around and walked out of the Ministry of Defense without looking back. Standing on the street and looking at the clear sky, he seemed to understand why Lebanon wanted to throw itself into the arms of Saudi Arabia.

Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money.

Now that things have happened, it is better to go back to the headquarters to make preparations, then ask other fellow villagers for some money, and then rush people to purchase supplies.

On the way back to the headquarters, Sunia couldn't help but slap her thigh. If she had known this, she should have given less money when assisting Iraq.

He wouldn't be as poor as he is now.


As he opened it, the phone in the intelligence officer's hand rang. He took a look at the phone, turned back, and whispered:

"It's Acoma."


The intelligence officer held the phone and hummed for a while, then raised his head and said:

"It was the Saudi side who asked them to convey the news and ask if it was our people who did it."

Hearing this question, Sunia raised her head and looked straight ahead: "Tell them, no!"

"If they don't believe it, then we can go to a friend's place together and find a place to sit down and have a good chat."

The intelligence officer relayed it word for word, and the call was hung up. The people in the car also sighed at this moment.

The image has deteriorated, and now when something goes wrong, everyone thinks it was them.


"Tell me, is this a good thing done by the armed forces that you support? Say it now, and we still have room to turn around. If we don't say it now, then everyone will not let it go in the future."

"I can understand crashing a plane into America's embassy, ​​but why do you put yellow cake on it?"

"Fortunately, the craftsmanship of those birdmen is poor, otherwise, if the barrel of yellow cake explodes, my entire Riyadh will be destroyed!"

At the round table in the underground space, Said put his hands behind his back and kept circling around the round table. After saying a few words, he turned his head and looked at the people at the round table with a ferocious expression.

The people next to the round table were from several surrounding Arab countries. Among them were the president, the king, and the defense minister.

In addition to these people, there are also some heads of big families from several countries. At this moment, listening to Said's words, these people sitting at the round table were all silent and did not dare to breathe.



Said yelled again, and this roar also scared a few people around him.

The Minister of Defense from Qatar spoke first and said repeatedly:

"Saudi Arabia, you know us. Although our ideas in Qatar are somewhat different from those of Saudi Arabia, we have always engaged in proxy wars and we will not end up in it."

As soon as he spoke, the King of Bahrain, next door to Qatar, also quickly said:

"The most we can do is disagree with your political views, and then support some armed forces on other battlefields and compete with you for business. It is absolutely impossible for us to hijack a passenger plane and then use it to crash into the embassy."

"And we can't do anything like polluting the land with yellow cakes. You have to believe us. Even if we say we are breaking the sky, the most you can do is let the militants shoot a missile at your head."

After the King of Bahrain finished speaking, he immediately turned his attention to Oman next to him, and the person coming from Oman was their Minister of Defense.

Receiving the King of Bahrain's gaze, he scratched his face irritably and spread his hands:

"Saudi Arabia, you know that our people over there can't do such delicate work. We also watched the surveillance on the plane. Two groups of people hijacked the plane. This second group of people also knew how to kill the first group of people first. Lose."

"If they are our people, their IQ is at most the same as those of the first group."

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