When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 232 Classification of Modern Warfare! (Second update!)

At the moment of collision, the remaining fuel in the aircraft wing rushed out of the aircraft wing under the action of inertia and collided with the burning sparks on the nose of the aircraft.

In an instant, it expanded into a huge fireball, and the expanding fireball absorbed all the surrounding oxygen in just a moment, and the high temperature generated by the deflagration also sprayed out in all directions along the surrounding gaps.

A sudden flash of fire lit up Riyadh during off-duty hours.

Then, the shock wave formed by the explosion broke through the wall of the American Embassy and impacted the surrounding embassy buildings of other countries.


Wherever the shock wave went, glass shattered and pedestrians flew everywhere.

When the shock wave passed, the embassy staff from these countries slowly walked out of the door. When they saw the burning American embassy building, their eyelids jumped. They didn't know whether to rescue or be happy.

In front of the Egyptian Embassy, ​​several staff members glanced at the burning building in the distance, suppressed the smiles on their faces, ran back into the building quickly, picked up an empty bucket, and rushed to the American Embassy Building.

However, before he could run over, he heard a Russian staff member in front shouting:

"Don't go there, this place has nuclear radiation, and the Geiger counter has exceeded the limit!"

Hearing this shout, the Egyptian staff member stopped abruptly on the sand, then turned around, dropped the bucket in his hand, and ran away.

Behind him is the Russian staff member.

As he ran, he shouted to the people around him.

In just a few minutes, everyone around knew that this explosion contained nuclear material.


"Before we officially talk about information war, I want to ask everyone here a question. When that day really comes."

"Everyone, are you determined to die?"

"It's not local, but it's the determination to directly press the nuclear weapon button, run thousands of miles away, and forcibly change the country. Do you have the determination?"

On the podium of the Army Command College, Lin Yu asked a question calmly, and then his clear eyes started from the desk on the left, slowly swept to the right, and at the end, he withdrew his gaze, turned around, and wrote on the blackboard Next few words.

[Classification of Modern Warfare]

"Here, I divide the wars in the new era into several types."

"The first one is our thermal weapons war, which is our conventional conflict. We carry guns, drive tanks, and fly planes into direct collisions."

"For us, this war is the most dangerous, but it is also the simplest, because we have the most ingenious sword."

"With the sword in our hands, this war is still under control for us."

"The second one is data war. This is something that has emerged with the Internet. The most common thing is to install eavesdropping equipment on the data terminals we use, such as mobile phones and computers, and then collect data information."

"Of course, this is just the most basic appetizer. In the next ten or twenty years, we humans will be deeply bound to these data terminals. By then, our people will pay more personal information."

"Then this information is what needs to be fought for in the new data war."

"I think everyone's reaction is a bit strange, so let me explain."

"Suppose, I collected the height and weight, combat skills, and personal daily habits of all of you here."

"Do you think I can deduce what you like to do on a daily basis?"

"On this basis, I also collected information about the people around you and organized and summarized the data."

"Then create a carefully designed game based on your preferences. Can you see through it?"

In the audience, those who were indifferent just now frowned and were thinking seriously about whether they could break this situation.

Soon, everyone, including Tang Yuanshan, couldn't help but shake their heads.

After shaking his head, Tang Yuanshan turned his gaze to the people on the podium and asked firmly:

“What if we kept this data?”

This question aroused laughter from Lin Yu on the stage. He laughed for more than two minutes before he stopped smiling and said word by word:

"Don't worry, there are more than one billion people in our country. Those who want to earn this kind of money can line up from here to America."

"Your information is highly confidential and cannot be obtained by ordinary people, but they don't need it. The data war is fought only by ordinary people."

"Let's skip this question for now, because there are too few Internet devices now, and you don't have a deep understanding of these things I'm talking about."

"Let's talk about the third one next."

"The third one is the cultural war, the war of public opinion. Also in this, a great man once said that if you don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, others will."

"In the entire war of cultural export, we have been completely defeated."

"So skip it, waste of time."

"The fourth one is industrialized war!" At this point, Lin Yu stopped talking, turned his gaze to Tang Yuanshan, and asked with a smile:

"What happened to the news I revealed to you before?"

In the audience, Tang Yuanshan was stunned for a second when he heard this question, but soon he remembered what news Lin Yu was asking about.

The moment he remembered the news, his smiling face turned gloomy, followed by a long breath.

Others in the classroom were confused when they saw the two singing in harmony.

In their confused eyes, Tang Yuanshan nodded and said:

"The main personnel have been eliminated, and other auxiliary personnel are still investigating, one by one."

"That's okay." Lin Yu nodded, turned around, wrote down the four categories of war he just wrote, turned around, and said again:

"The fifth one is economic war. In 1997, Soros stirred up troubles in Thailand, and then caused the subsequent Asian financial crisis."

“In the aftermath of this crisis, countless people jumped into the sea, buildings and rivers.”

"Correspondingly, our financial talents are all rubbish, all rubbish."

"I don't talk about economics. I'll skip this. Those who are interested can collect relevant economic data and make some arguments."

After speaking, he turned around and wrote four words on the blackboard, and then typed two horizontal lines under the four words.

And these four words are [food war]!

After writing these four words, he turned around, tapped the blackboard with his left hand, and said in a deep voice:

"This is the war we are most likely to encounter next, and for us, it is an extremely harsh war."

"But this is also an opportunity for us. If we make good use of this food war, we can obtain more benefits."

"Of course, this war involves some economic knowledge, so I won't talk about it."

"The above is my personal classification of modern warfare."

"Okay, that's the end of today's class. The next assignment for you is to collect relevant information on these six types of wars after you go back."

"Tomorrow, we will discuss it in class."

After hearing what he said, Tang Yuanshan quit his job. He had made an agreement last year to help write a textbook. However, he never expected that after almost a year of busy work, Lin Yu didn't write a single word.

It was not easy to force him to the school. The class had only started for ten minutes, skipping this and that, and then it was said that get out of class was over and a bunch of homework was assigned.

All the food in the school cafeteria is wasted!

Those meals in the school cafeteria are so delicious!

Just when he was about to step forward, push Lin Yu to the podium, and complete the 45 minutes, Xia Jianjun hurried into the classroom and said to Tang Yuanshan:

"Director Lu, I want you to go to the office and answer the phone quickly. There is something important."

After speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Lin Yu: "Director Lu asked you to come over quickly."

On the stage, Lin Yu spread his hands proudly, put away the notebook on the table, and walked out happily.

However, when he walked out of the classroom, he found that the anxiety on Xia Jianjun's face was still there. At this moment, he also understood that things might be a bit serious, otherwise this dignified vice principal would not be like this.

In this way, the three of them quickly returned to the principal's office with a sullen face. At the same time, they dialed Lu Huaxi's phone number.

The other party didn't talk nonsense and just asked them to turn on the TV and watch some channels from the Middle East.

Let’s talk after reading it.

This order made Tang Yuanshan and Lin Yu look at each other in confusion.

But the order has already arrived, read it first and then speak.

With a little technical means, the three of them watched Middle Eastern channels in Tang Yuanshan's office.

It didn't matter if they didn't look at it. Once they looked at it, they discovered something strange.

In these channels, the bearded men who are rarely seen stand in front of the camera one by one and proudly declare in Arabic:

"We were the ones responsible for hitting the American embassy with a plane. We are responsible for each of our actions."

"Don't listen to their nonsense. Can ordinary people get something like yellow cake? No, only big forces can get this kind of thing. Although there are only 5 people in our group, there is no doubt that we It’s such a big force, so it was us who sent a plane with yellow cakes to hit the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia.”

"Don't listen to those people's nonsense. With the power of five people, the five of you will dig into your pockets. Can you come up with 100 US dollars? Can you get it together? If you can't raise 100 US dollars, you won't even have money to buy a plane ticket. That's not right. , you don’t even have a car to travel far away, why are you responsible for this? "

"Don't listen to the nonsense of those people next door. The current price of yellow cake is as high as 50,000 US dollars per kilogram. If you want to have lethality, you need at least 100 kilograms and upwards, which is 5 million US dollars. We are the only ones with such a huge fortune. Only a large organization can afford it. How can an organization with three or five people, who have eaten their last meal and failed to finish their meal, have the qualifications to take on this matter?”

I switch to one channel and find that people are giving speeches, and then I switch to another channel and find that people are still giving speeches. Then, these people's speeches seem to be coherent, and they still seem to be trying to undermine each other.

Seeing this, the two people were stunned.

Tang Yuanshan kept switching channels, and Lin Yu was also frantically memorizing the speakers.

Finally, it switched to a channel with no speech and only live footage. After a short delay, the reporter's anxious voice came from the loudspeaker.

"After the rescue efforts of firefighters, we can finally confirm one thing, that is, all 157 people on board this Boeing 737-400 died."

"In addition to the crew members, a total of 37 people at the American Embassy also died in this plane accident."

"In addition, according to the inspection of radiation protection personnel on site, this plane carries some nuclear radiation waste, which was thrown forward due to inertia during the plane collision."

"It covers the American Embassy and the English Embassy behind it."

"For the specific situation, please see the next report."

After listening to the reporter's explanation, Lin Yu's face twitched uncontrollably. He turned his head to look at Tang Yuanshan, but found that the principal was the same as himself.

Turning his head to glance at the computer next to him, he asked Tang Yuanshan for the boot password, and then Lin Yu sat in front of the computer, logged into the external network, and began to search for relevant information.

As he searched, one piece of information after another appeared in front of him.

[At 3 pm on March 21, local time in Saudi Arabia, a plane carrying 157 people hit the American Embassy. ]

[According to local people, after the explosion, some people's Geiger counters, which are always available at home, screamed. 】

【According to relevant sources, the hijackers claimed to be from Libya and were trying to rescue the terrorists who were captured by France in 1989. Before they crashed into the American Embassy, ​​the hijackers shouted "Long live Libya, long live Mr. President." 】

Looking at these true and false news, Lin Yu quickly filtered out the real and effective information.

There was a plane that crashed into the American Embassy on March 21, which was this afternoon. On this plane, there was also nuclear material yellow cake.

It was fun.

Putting his hands into his hair and rubbing them vigorously for a while, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone without hesitation, found Hanks' number, and dialed:

"General Hanks, I want to ask about the Saudi incident. Is it convenient for you?"

There was a sparse voice from the other end of the phone. After a while, those voices disappeared, and only Hanks' emotionless voice was left:

"Go ahead."

"Have you found out who did it? It's not because of anything else, but mainly... I'm afraid those people are targeting our projects in Iraq."

Hearing his question, the person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"Do you have a misunderstanding of our intelligence organization? From the collision to now, it has been no more than 10 hours at most. Do you think I can get relevant information?"

"No way, I grew up watching your movies."

This sentence made Hanks on the other end of the phone unable to refute. He hesitated for a while on the other end of the phone and replied:

"Tell your people not to run around or take a plane during this period, and be careful."

"If you want to die, please repair the port before going."

After explaining, he hung up the phone.

Fuck, Lin Yu couldn't help cursing because he couldn't get any information from the other party. Then, he dialed another number.

It was Awad's number.

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