"Are you police? Do you need my help?" asked the nearest male passenger. Hearing this, Joseph nodded repeatedly and responded in a low voice: "We are Interpol on vacation. Our documents are in the suitcase."

"Now, you have to cooperate with me!"

"Look at my hands. I will wave my hands later, and you will lie on the chair and frantically flutter, pretending that you have a heart attack, and it is better to spit some white foam."

"By doing this, we can attract the black man's attention. When the flight attendant comes to rescue, my companion will help."

"At this time, we can have a shooting line of sight and take the opportunity to shoot the black man to death."

He quickly finished the plan, and the left hand that was not holding the gun was raised, and three fingers were extended. After a moment, the thumb was bent, leaving only two fingers.

The man who had just talked to him saw this action, and his expression instantly became firm, and his eyes became extremely clear.

Seeing the changes on the man's face, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, at a critical moment, if you want others to help, it is better to give orders directly to the other party than to ask others.

As his last finger was bent, the man lying on the seat also began to perform. He was like a fish thrown on the shore, swinging wildly. Then, fine white foam slowly seeped out from the corner of his mouth and slowly slid down along the corner of his mouth.

In addition to this man's performance, other people around him also showed their acting talent at this moment.

"He has epilepsy. Who has epilepsy medicine?"

"This is not epilepsy, it's a heart disease. Look, his face is purple. There should be medicine on the plane."

"Where are the flight attendants? You should have heart disease medicine on the plane. Hurry up, find two for him."

Their actions were naturally seen by Dita who was blocking the cockpit door. The black man punched the co-pilot and knocked him to the ground.

Then he pointed the gun at the female flight attendant next to him: "Go, deal with it, tell him that if he can't stand it, I don't mind giving him a bullet!"

The female flight attendant stood up trembling, her two smooth thighs shaking out phantoms, stumbling to the place where the medicines were stored, taking out the quick-acting heart-saving pills from it, and then continued to stumble to the economy class.

Where she walked, a trail of traces was left.

In the economy class, seeing that only the female flight attendant came over, Joseph's face flashed a trace of disappointment.

However, this did not stop him from continuing to act.

Hiding the gun in his hand, he quickly came to the female flight attendant, made a gesture to silence, appeased the female flight attendant, and then dragged the person who had just acted with him forward.

Behind the two of them was his companion.

As soon as he walked to the separation door between the first class and economy class, the muzzle of the gun opposite was raised.

Very alert.

Joseph defined the black man in his heart and raised his hands.

"It's too late to take the quick-acting heart-saving pills. He needs a separate oxygen device. Mr. Black, please ask the captain to turn on the oxygen supply switch and provide this gentleman with a separate oxygen supply."

"You hijacked the plane for your own purpose. You have just killed a flight attendant."

"If two more passengers die now, it will be very disadvantageous to you."

"So, sir, please put aside your thoughts and focus on saving this passenger who has a heart attack."


Hearing this, Dita lowered the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at the co-pilot, and asked with a ferocious face: "Is he telling the truth?"

"Why is there an oxygen mask on the seat of the plane in those air crash movies I watched?"

The co-pilot lay on the ground with his face pressed against the ground, lamenting: "There is indeed an oxygen mask on the seat of the plane, but the problem is that the permission to turn it on is with the captain."

"He flipped the switch and turned it on, and everyone on the plane could use oxygen."

"Otherwise, it would be useless."

"Really?" Dita asked thoughtfully.

Seeing his actions, Joseph was secretly delighted. As long as this guy opened the cockpit door of the plane, he would be sure to shoot the people in the cockpit with one shot.

But, it was beyond his expectation.

After a brief thought, Dita raised his head, raised his hand and shot, hitting the person under Joseph's feet.

"Since he is living such a painful life, I will send him to death!"

The shot was steady and accurate. The man lying on the ground pretending to have a heart attack died on the spot without any pain.

This shot also sounded the alarm for Joseph.

As an elite of the organization, he asked himself if he had such a good shooting skill.

As a last resort, he raised the French salute and slowly retreated to the economy class.

In the economy class, two shots, two people.

Seeing Joseph retreating again, the people on the plane completely extinguished their thoughts, sat on the chairs, fiddled with various gestures, and prayed to their respective gods, hoping that these gods would perform exceptionally at this moment and protect themselves.

"How is it?" Bocar asked quietly.

"No!" Joseph shook his head repeatedly, carefully looking around, searching for fellow robbers who might still be hiding in the crowd.

He kept talking about the next plan: "This guy is too cautious and won't let anyone get close to him."

"We only have one way to attack. I'll be responsible for attracting attention and you'll shoot."

"Remember, the passage is too narrow and we only have one chance to shoot."

After that, Joseph signaled Bokar to get ready.

A few seconds later, he received a signal from Bokar that he was ready. The next second, he suddenly jumped out and fired a shot at the front of the aisle.

Then, he stood in the aisle and fired wildly at the figure in front of him.

After five gunshots, the sound of the empty chamber was heard, which was so loud in the confined space.

After this sound, Joseph fired two more shots, but there were no bullets, so he dodged to the side.

Before he could completely dodge, the gun on the opposite side fired.

The gun was very accurate, and every shot hit below.

Beside Joseph, Bokar moved, and he stretched out his hand at the critical moment and fired a shot.

After this shot, the cabin became quiet.

At the door of the cockpit of the plane, Dita was shot in the middle of the eyebrow and lay motionless on the ground, while the co-pilot was lying on the ground, his shoulder was bleeding, and his body was shaking uncontrollably, but his hands were tightly holding Dita's legs.

Not letting the other party move at all.

The co-pilot slowly let go of his hand until Joseph came in front of him and reached out to touch him.

Then, he stood up, resisting the severe pain, pointed at the cabin door, and then pointed at himself:

"I will open the door with the co-pilot's authority now, come on!"

As he spoke, the captain came to the door, opened the lock next to the cabin door, and unlocked the cabin door with fingerprints and passwords.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly pulled the cabin door open.

In the aisle next to him, Joseph and Bokar, who were squatting on the ground, also raised their hands in an instant.




Three shots, one from the cockpit and two from the aisle.

Both sides were waiting for the moment when the door opened, but the people in the cockpit were standing and the people in the first-class cabin were squatting.

It was this slight height difference that caused Robbie in the cockpit to be in trouble. He was hit in the chest by two consecutive shots, and then more bullets.

Seeing him slowly fall down, Joseph squatting in the aisle, the two also slowly breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and the two slowly stood up.

Next to him, seeing the actions of the two, the co-pilot also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also made up his mind in his heart that after returning this time, he would submit a resignation report, and then go home to enjoy his old age, and never come out to fly a plane again.

This is too scary.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the co-pilot stretched out his hands to Joseph, with three points of surviving a disaster and seven points of excitement on his face, thanking:

"Thank you, strange gentleman, if it weren't for you, more than 100 people on our plane might have to go to Libya."

"And the greater possibility is that they died in the air crash like the one in 1989."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Joseph waved his hands repeatedly, declined the co-pilot's thanks, took out the bullets from his pocket, reloaded the bullets in the small pistol, and then pointed the gun directly at the co-pilot.

In the cockpit next to him, Bokar checked the bodies on the ground and confirmed that the people on the ground were dead. He picked up the gun and tilted his head to talk to Joseph, and then he saw this scene.

He sighed lightly, held the gun in both hands, pointed the gun at the airport, and said:

"Turn around, fly to Riyadh, and then talk to your tower."

"Tell them to ask France to release the people they arrested that year. If they don't release them, then all the more than 100 people on the plane will die."

In the main driving seat of the plane, the captain heard the voice coming from his ear and took the time to turn his head back. He happened to meet Joseph's eyes. Joseph responded with a gentle smile, followed by gentle words:

"Do as he says."

This sentence made the captain curse.

Why are these people hijacking planes in groups now?

Are they crazy?

However, for safety, he still connected the communication with the tower and informed the other side of Joseph's conditions.

Riyadh International Airport

After hearing the news from the flight, the whole airport was in chaos.

When the plane is in flight, the captain needs to keep reporting the position and current status of the plane.

For more than half an hour, there was no news from the flight. Everyone was worried that something had happened to the flight. Now that they received the news, their hearts were finally dead.

Something more serious than a problem with the aircraft's communication system!

Soon, the relevant information was passed to the Saudi Air Force.

Two f15s took off urgently and headed to the northwest border to "escort" the plane.

At the same time, Said, as the king, came forward and contacted the French side, preparing to bring those people out first, let them talk to the people on the plane first, save the people on the plane first, and then make other plans.

Compared with England, the French side should be a little more human in being human.

Soon, the transfer call from the French prison was transferred to Riyadh International Airport and transferred to the flight at the same time.

"Brother, I'm glad you saved me, but have you ever thought about yourself? Have you ever thought about what you'll do after you save me?"

"Wanted by the whole world?"

In the cockpit, listening to the voice coming from the communication, Joseph's face twitched. He never expected that the French side would act so quickly.

From the time he sent out the request, it was less than an hour at most, and these people actually coordinated with the French prison and called back.

But the problem is that this is an excuse.

With a long sigh, Joseph picked up the communicator: "Brother, I will ask them to release you now. After you come out of prison, go directly back to Libya."

"We will have someone to pick you up, remember."

After speaking to the other end of the communicator, he put the muzzle of the gun against the captain's forehead and said calmly: "Prepare to land at the airport."

After speaking, he put down the communicator and began to check the GPS position of the plane.

After finding that he had entered the city of Riyadh, he pressed the communication button again:

"Brother, I confess to you, I killed several people on the plane."

"I can't go back. If you can come out alive, please tell the president that victory belongs to Libya!"

"And we will be his eternal warriors!"

After speaking, he turned off the communicator, raised his gun, shot the captain with one shot, dragged the body to the side, sat in the driver's seat, grabbed the joystick with both hands, and slowly controlled the plane to turn.

Then, find the location of the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

The joystick was gently pressed forward.

In the embassy area, in the American embassy in Saudi Arabia, Adams, the garrison officer, was earnestly asking for leave from his superior.

"I have an 80-year-old mother, a three-year-old child, and a 40-year-old wife. Please let me go. I want to go back."

"Do you know how many threatening letters we have received during this period?"

"After the navy fights, they hide in the barracks, eating, drinking and having fun all day long. When they go out, they have trucks, machine guns, planes, and cannons."

"Look at us. Every day when we go out, we have to wear bulletproof vests even when we buy vegetables. Everyone here looks at us with strange eyes."

"The expressions of those people are almost like they want to eat us alive."

"I really can't live anymore. Please, let me go back to China and take a few days off."

"If this embassy is really not okay, let's close it first, okay?"

His earnest plea did not arouse the sympathy of his superiors. Of course, it was more because there was no one.

After a period of silence, the boss on the other side persuaded him with more earnest words:

"You can hold on for two days, at most one month. I have already reported to the senior management. In one month, the evaluation report can be completed, and then you can close the door of the embassy and run away."

"I promise, this is the last month!"

When Adams heard that it would take another month, he went crazy. He roared into the phone: "One month, you said one month last year."

"One month after another, I have been here for three years, please let me go!"

At this time, there was a noise outside the door. Adams curiously put down the phone and leaned his head out of the window.

Just when he leaned his head out, a plane fell from the sky and flew straight towards him. The nose of the plane hit his forehead head-on.


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