Put yellow cake on the crashed plane?

Hearing the president's outrageous idea, Roots couldn't help but twitch his face. To be honest, as a director of the intelligence agency who was born as an intelligence officer, he felt that he was radical enough.

But he never expected that he, a radical, was still too conservative in the eyes of others.

Nuclear, on this planet, is an unspeakable red line. That red line is there, and there is no dispute or grab, but if you touch it, it is a dead end.

The Libyans boarded the plane from Lebanon with yellow cake, hijacked the Saudi plane, and then crashed into the American Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

No matter what others think, America will definitely be furious, and at the same time, frantically track down the source of the relevant nuclear materials.

And not only will America take action, but the remaining few great benefactors will also take action.

By that time, the Middle East will definitely be dug up and inspected, and even a worm will have to be split in half to see if there are nuclear materials hidden inside.

If at this critical moment, it was revealed that the Minister of Defense had colluded with outsiders to cause this plane crash, then, dear Mr. Robert, he would probably shoot himself in the head more than a dozen times in a row, until his brains were all blown out, and finally diagnosed as suicide.

That would be so much fun!

With a long sigh, Roth said to the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, Mr. President, I will arrange it now. It's this Security Bureau. I have been here for too long, which is not good for the country. Do you have any suggestions?"

In the Presidential Palace, Pablo held the phone with a gloomy face.

Although Roth was asking for his own advice, the meaning of his words was also very clear. He had been in the Security Bureau for too long and it was boring. He wanted to be promoted to a higher level.

And the positions above the Security Bureau are nothing more than those few.

Several ministers, the president, vice president, and the prime minister.

With a sneer on his lips, Pablo whispered to the phone:

"Go and get busy, control yourself. When Robert is gone, you will be the Minister of Defense."

"But I have to warn you, clean up your back."

There was no response from the other end of the phone, only the beep of the phone hanging up.

After hanging up the phone, Pablo stood in front of the window, looking through the window at the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. The blue sea was blowing waves one after another under the sea breeze.

These waves reminded Pablo of his predecessor and himself.

The waves in front will eventually die on the beach, and the waves behind will follow the footsteps of the waves in front.

I want to change my destiny.


Istanbul, in BC, it was called Byzantium, and later changed to Constantinople.

Located at the southern end of the passage between the European continent and the Asian continent, the easternmost end of the Balkan Peninsula, the world's powder keg, on the west bank of the southern section of the Bosphorus Strait, it controls the entrance to the Black Sea.

Russia, the world's second largest military power, has a famous Black Sea Fleet that must pass through here if it wants to dominate the world.

The largest city in Turkey is not the capital.

About 14 kilometers southwest of the city center peninsula is Istanbul's largest airport, Ataturk International Airport.

This airport was built in 1924. In 1980, in order to commemorate the first president of Turkey, the name of the airport was changed to Ataturk International Airport.

The sun rises from the east, and as the broadcast spreads throughout the airport, the airport comes alive again.

In the luggage check-in workshop, Asru, a worker, has not yet sobered up from yesterday's hangover. His eyes are wide open, he is very sleepy and wants to sleep.

However, he has to face his work. If he doesn't work well today, he will receive a notice from his boss in the afternoon to pack up and get out and go back to his hometown of Arach.

Holding his head with both hands and shaking it hard for a few times, forcing himself to wake up, Asru walked towards the pile of luggage in front of him.

He stood in a horse stance, bent over, and grabbed the box in one go.

Then he carried the huge suitcase on his shoulder and walked towards the cart next to him.

The suitcase was very heavy, and with a lot of alcohol in his body, he staggered as he walked, and at the same time, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Why did these bird people come out with so much luggage?

Can't they just wear one set of clothes?

They are all crazy!

If I had known, I wouldn't have gone to drink yesterday!

Putting the first box on the cart, less than 200 meters away, made him exhausted. After a short rest, he walked towards the mountain of suitcases without stopping.

Because behind this mountain, there are still a constant stream of gifts, which are conveyed by the conveyor belt.

The second box is still very heavy, very heavy.

Once again, back to the mountain of suitcases, Asru sat on the ground powerlessly, gasping for breath.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the side: "Brother Asulu, if you feel uncomfortable, go to the side and rest for a while."

"We are a little tired."

Asulu slowly raised his head and found that it was a young man from the same team.

This young man had just come for a few days, and his whole body was full of tendons, as if he had endless energy.

Looking into those sincere eyes, Asulu showed a grateful smile: "Then trouble you, I will take you to drink in the evening."

After saying that, he held his waist and slowly walked to the rest seat next to him, leaned on the seat, and fell asleep in less than a moment.

And the young man who asked him to rest did not disappoint him. He really seemed to have endless power, carrying these suitcases crazily.

After confirming that others could not see him, the young man opened his clothes, took out a thick piece of clothing, and quickly opened one of the suitcases.

Tuck the clothes in and lock them.

Then he loaded the suitcase with extra items on a trailer, sent it to the bottom of a Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 737-400, and handed the suitcase to the aircraft baggage handler.

Standing nearby, watching the maintenance staff loading suitcases into the plane one by one, he then pulled the trailer and slowly walked to the luggage transport room.

As he walked, he played with his phone.

The moment he walked into the door of the baggage transport room, a text message was sent.

[The luggage is loaded and can be controlled remotely. 】

While he was carrying the bag, in the boarding hall, two black men were holding plane tickets and preparing to board the plane at the check-in gate.

Hearing the text message reminder ring, the black man on the left picked up his phone and glanced at it, then showed his big white teeth to the ticket inspector in front of him.

Opposite, the ticket inspector took the plane ticket and passport and glanced at the name on it and the color photo in the passport.

The saturation of the photo is a bit high and it is very bright, but in contrast, the person in the photo is also very bright. I can only barely tell that he is a black man, who looks a little bit like the two people in front of him.

Dita Patton.

Robbie Solano.

Libyans? Black person?

Who can see this black and white photo clearly?

After frowning and looking at it for a moment, the ticket inspector picked up the seal next to it and tapped the time stamp with a thud.

【March 21, 2003】

Then he waved his hand impatiently: "Next."

The two boarded the plane smoothly and walked to the front of the economy class under the guidance of the stewardess.

After finding their own place, the two sat down. Dita kept bending over and seemed to be tying his shoelaces, while Robbie on the right kept looking around, seemingly curious, but his eyes were too Clear and without any curiosity.

After a while, Dita sat up straight and said softly:

"Sleep, don't talk nonsense, don't look nonsense."

After saying that, he pulled up his seat belt, closed his eyes, leaned back on the chair and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Robbie also pulled up his seat belt, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Shortly after they fell asleep, the plane began to taxi, getting faster and faster. When the lift was sufficient, the plane raised its head, cut through the clouds, and disappeared into the sky.

I don’t know how long it took, but the stewardess’s gentle voice came again.

"We are about to land at Beirut International Airport in Lebanon. We expect to stay at the airport for an hour. Please do not get off the plane or run around. Thank you for your cooperation."

Hearing this sound, Robbie and the two people at the front of the economy class opened their eyes. They looked at each other and felt the situation of the plane. Then they closed their eyes and continued to sleep.

The action is about to begin soon, sleep a little longer!

At the same time, at Beirut Airport, the ticket inspectors at the ticket gate were also checking the tickets and passports in their hands.

In front of her were two white men.

Blonde white guy.

But the passport in her hand and the information on the ticket made her very confused.

Joseph Carlos.

Bokar Chavarria.


Libya was sanctioned by the United Nations General Assembly because of the air crashes in 1988 and 1989. This is known to the whole world, not to mention relevant practitioners like them.

But... looking at this person's passport record, he was in England before, then from England to Cyprus, and then to Lebanon.

Now I'm going to Saudi Arabia...

"Going back to China?" The ticket inspector picked up the seal and asked casually while pressing it.

Hearing this question, Joseph nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, let's go back to China."

"First go to Saudi Arabia, then go to Egypt, and then take the car back."

The ticket inspector blinked, calculated the distance in his mind, and couldn't help but take a breath.

It's a bit far, I don't understand why these people are so stupid.

Throwing the ticket and passport to the two people, she spoke again: "Next."

In the boarding corridor, a beautiful flight attendant stood at the entrance of the plane, smiling sincerely at everyone: "Sir and Madam, after entering the plane, please take your seats according to the seats on the ticket."

"After you are seated, remember to adjust the seat back. If you have any questions, please shout out to the flight attendant. This may not solve your trouble, but we will put a smile on your face."

After getting on the plane, Joseph and the two took their tickets and came to sit behind Robbie and the other two.

But when I sit on the chair, I feel like I have hemorrhoids on my butt, which keeps twisting and makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

When the plane was full of people, they were still twerking. The beautiful flight attendant came over and asked gently in English: "Excuse me, gentlemen, do you have any questions?"

"No problem!" Joseph replied quickly, and the white man on the right asked for a blanket, covered himself, blindfolded his eyes, and began to sleep.

Next to him, Bokar looked around with curiosity.

Below the plane, the staff responsible for loading and unloading luggage was sticking out their buttocks and gruntingly loading luggage under the plane.

"It's so heavy! What the hell are all these things?"

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed and the plane took off again, heading towards Riyadh.

Not long after takeoff, the gentle voice of the stewardess came over the radio:

"Hello fellow travelers, we have now left the skies over Lebanon and entered the skies over Jordan. We will land at Riyadh International Airport in about an hour and 20 minutes."

"In Riyadh, you can taste delicious food from all over the world, and of course, you can also experience the magnificent scenery of the Arabian Peninsula..."

In the gentle explanation of the stewardess, Robbie and the two stood up from their seats. At the same time, they each held a pair of shoes in their left and right hands.

The flight attendant stopped explaining and was about to ask if she needed help. Dita suddenly yelled: "Stop screaming, this is a gun in my hand. Now turn the plane around and fly to Tripoli, Libya."

When they heard that there was a gun, the people on the plane immediately went crazy.

This is an altitude of 10,000 meters. If you fall from here, there will definitely be pieces here and there, and there will definitely be no good ones left.

Ahead, the head stewardess walked out cautiously, raised her hands high, slowly came to the two of them, and asked in a low voice:

"You can speak out if you have any demands, but first put down the gun, okay? Please don't threaten us..."


There was a crisp crack and the gun went off.

The bullet spurted out from the front of the shoe in Robbie's hand and hit the stewardess in front of him. Blood splashed out from the steward's chest. This beautiful girl slowly fell down with her big beautiful eyes staring at her.

In her beautiful big eyes, she couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that someone really hid a gun in his shoe.

Doesn't he stink?

The stewardess died.

It also reminded everyone that these two people have real guys in their hands.

At this moment, Robbie opened his thick-soled leather shoes, took out a small pistol from inside, and slowly walked towards the cockpit of the aircraft, with Dita following closely behind, the two of them back to back to prevent being attacked by others.

Standing in front of the cockpit door, Robbie was responsible for smashing the door, while Dita was responsible for beating the people in the first class, preparing to use the lives of these people to force the captain to open the door.

This bizarre scene confused Joseph and the two. Their mission was to hijack the plane and then crash it into America's embassy in Saudi Arabia.

But, who are the people killed on the way?

At this moment, two more gunshots were heard from the front, and the cockpit door finally opened. The captain was still in the driver's seat, and the co-pilot raised his hands above his head, slowly walked out of the cockpit, and whispered:

"We will do what you ask, but please don't continue to hurt other people, thank you."

Hearing this, Robbie smiled, showing his front teeth, passed by the co-pilot, and walked into the cockpit.

Next to him, Dita held the co-pilot hostage with a gun, leaned against the cockpit door, and slowly sat down.

"Everyone, stand back!"

Soon, everyone on the plane felt an obvious deflection.

The plane is turning.

Feeling the force of the plane's forced turn, Joseph knew he had to take action.

We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, the plane will fly over the land of Israel and fly to Libya.

By then it will be all over.

Using the cover of the seats, the two people slowly stood up, and at the same time, they took out two small pistols from the small bags they carried with them.

The pistol is small enough to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.

When they saw the guns in their hands, the eyes of the surrounding passengers suddenly lit up.

To help others is to save yourself!

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