Under the influence of Qian's ability, the eyes of the more than 100 people Luo Ping found gradually became firm.

Finally, they all looked at Lin Yu in unison, waiting for the boss to make the next arrangements for them.

Lin Yu didn't let them wait any longer. After briefly explaining some disciplinary matters, he asked the automobile manufacturing company to bring out a few vehicles, load these people into the vehicles, and transport them all to Rheinsteel.

It wasn't until Rheinsteel searched in the production department's factory that Lin Yu finally found Dolby in a corner. At this moment, the big brother was scolding several compatriots.

"How many times have I said, follow the standards! Standards, standards!"

"When you are engaged in production, forget all the scriptures in your mind. You can squat at home and practice whatever you want. No one will care about you."

"But when you give birth, forget the scriptures."

"You can do whatever the drawings require you to do. Don't cause any trouble for me. Do you understand?"

"There are still two months left, and the training time for this group of you is up. As you are now, when you return to Gaza, let alone produce equipment, thank God if you can guarantee not to explode!"

Next to him, Lin Yu waited until Dolby finished scolding, then curiously raised his head and asked, "What's going on? I don't think they learned very well before, didn't they?"


Dolby raised his hands and touched the two 80mm mortar shells in his hands. The sound of the shells was not very crisp.

If you look closely, you can clearly see the trachoma on the cartridge case, and the cartridge case is obviously a little crooked.

Very rough, very rubbish.

Reaching out to take one and examining it in his hand, Lin Yu quickly discovered the problem with the cartridge case. It was a cartridge case cast in a sand mold, but Rheinsteel's mortar shell cases are now all die-cast.

Holding the eggshell in his hand, he raised his head and cast doubtful eyes on Dolby. He didn't quite understand why the big brother used a sand mold.

Sensing his gaze, Dolby sighed softly and said:

“The electricity supply in Gaza is very urgent, so we can only use small electric furnaces to melt steel.”

“Without additional electricity to drive the die-casting machine, sand casting is the only option.”

"But I didn't expect that these guys, who had learned the principles of die-casting with a die-casting machine and made sand molds by themselves, would actually make such a ridiculous appearance."

"Of course, this can be changed, but these guys told me this is what God wants."

Having said this, Lin Yu instantly understood why Dolby was so angry.

Isn't this just making excuses?

Should I fight?

But before fighting, you can't delay your work.

Reaching out to stop Dolby who was about to take action, Lin Yu whispered:

"Don't be too busy beating them up yet. I have a job here and I need your help."

With the steps given by Lin Yu, Duerbi leaned forward, poked his head, and bared his teeth at a few young people from Gaza for a moment, then turned around and asked pleasantly: "What kind of job?"

"I recruited a group of people and formed a defense company, ready to be deployed in the Middle East to protect my projects."

"They don't know Arabic. I want you and your compatriots to teach them so that they can communicate on a daily basis and understand other people's daily words."

After hearing the content of this new job, the pleasant look on Dolby's face disappeared. He turned his head and looked at the young people next to him with a cold face.

He asked with dignity: "Did you hear me clearly? Next, in addition to learning sand mold casting, your task is to teach these friends Arabic and Arabic writing."

After admonishing him, he looked back at Lin Yu and asked hesitantly:

"Do they need an accent?"

This question made Lin Yu fall into deep thought.

Accent has different benefits at different times, in different places, and for different people.

When meeting a foreigner in their own country who has a slight accent but speaks a familiar language, the idea of ​​most simple people is to get in touch with him and then correct his accent.

And with this correction, the relationship between the two parties can be slightly closer. As long as they don't do bad things, the rest will fall into place.

He has a little head: "Take it a little bit, so that others can feel a sense of intimacy."

"Okay!" Dolby nodded in response, and then dragged the person he had just scolded behind Lin Yu to meet with the people from the defense company.

The people Luo Ping brought over were all people who stirred up troubles on the battlefield. Although they had not touched weapons in the past few years, their foundation was still there. After standing in the sun for two hours in military posture, they slowly regained their form.

The once strongest group of people are slowly coming back.

Seeing the strength of this group of people, the young people from Palestine knelt down and asked these people to provide them with special training.

As a result, the two groups began to help each other and learn from each other.

But people are fond of the new and dislike the old, especially when they are engaged in repeated learning. This kind of dislike of the old will become extremely fast.

Two days, only two days passed.

After the initial fresh period, this mutual training has turned into a mutual torture between the two groups.

In the cultural class, Luo Ping's comrades held the books translated by Dolby in both hands, read a sentence in Mandarin, and then read a convoluted Arabic sentence, then picked up the pen and wrote the word that can make people faint on the white paper. .

Then came repeated reading and dictation.

Ma Dongmei is in the open book, Ma Dongxi is in the closed book, and Ma Xiaotiao is in reality.

On the training ground, young people from Palestine, wearing single clothes, carrying guns on their backs, and holding pickaxes in both hands, kept digging, shooting, retreating, and digging on the position.

While learning these skills, you also have to learn to fight with bare hands, climb...

In the factory director's office, Lin Yu was very happy looking at the training records handed over by Luo Ping.

Progress is relative. The two groups help each other and learn from each other. If there is a reference object, everyone's progress will be very fast.

Moreover, these two groups often stay together, and their living and working habits will infect each other.

Young people from Palestine, after getting used to this atmosphere, will definitely show combat effectiveness that will stun the Israelis when they return to Palestine.

People in defense companies, after getting used to getting along with Arabs, will subconsciously pay attention to the differences in life when they go to the Middle East to avoid offending others and causing unnecessary trouble to themselves.

Putting the training records aside, Lin Yu lay on the table and quickly wrote a note and handed it to Luo Ping: "This is a rough plan for some training. You can ask Dolby to adjust the cultural and educational content accordingly. "

After taking a look at the note in his hand, Luo Ping turned around and left without any hesitation.

With his front foot away, Tang Yuanshan pushed open Lin Yu's door.

He put a large canvas bag on the table, pushed it forward, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said to Lin Yu with a malicious look on his face:

"Teacher Lin, after a unanimous vote by the top management of our Army Command College, since you have not written a book until now, I will trouble you to come to the school and teach in person."

"Then our classmates and our teachers will help you organize the lessons you taught and finally form teaching materials."

"what do you think?"

How about it?

Not so good. Lin Yu kept rubbing his left hand on the desk. He was regretting that he had agreed to this condition just for a little money.

Do serious people write books?

Serious people write books, but not diaries.

He wished he could be reborn now, and then hit himself with a stick to interrupt the condition he was prepared to agree to.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

Scratching his head irritably, Lin Yu could only pick up the phone on the table and arrange the next work.

"The R\u0026D department? I'm going to be out for a while. Your R\u0026D progress needs to be accelerated. Also, urge a few other schools to have their people come over and keep an eye on those construction sites. I'll hire people to rework then. "

"Construction company, for the projects in hand, especially the wind tunnel, you have to guarantee quality, quantity, and speed. What? Are you telling me about the laws of nature? Are you kidding me? Remember, man can conquer nature!"


After finishing the work, he went home, packed some clothes, and brought a few notebooks with him. Then Lin Yu and Tang Yuanshan got on the train heading north.


The Lebanese Milk Tea Party defected to Saudi Arabia. The Arab world was most shocked, and the one who found it most problematic was America.

But the one who is most afraid is Israel.

In the Israeli Ministry of Defense, in the office of the Minister of Defense, Minister Robert put his hands behind his back and kept spinning in circles in the office.

Just like the donkey who was blindfolded and kept spinning around the millstone.

At an unknown number of rounds, there was a knock on the door of the office. Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed open, and Mossad Director Rotz leaned out from the crack in the door.

"Is this true?" Robert couldn't wait to ask as soon as they met.

Opposite him, Roots casually took out a piece of intelligence that had just arrived, handed it to the person opposite him, and explained:

"The intelligence is true. The equipment given to the Lebanese Milk Tea Party by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has departed from the Chinese port and is on its way to the Middle East."

"Calculating the time, we will arrive in Beirut in about twelve days."

"What do we do now?"

what to do? Upon hearing this question, Robert's expression became extremely exciting. He slowly turned his head, turned his attention away from the intelligence, and focused on Roz. After staring at it for a while, he said casually:

"That's what you, the director of the intelligence agency, should consider. As the minister of defense, what I need to consider is how to destroy several surrounding countries and establish a greater Israel."

"However, the Saudis dare to openly oppose us at this juncture."

"They must be prepared for revenge. Find an opportunity to take revenge."

"During this period, isn't that good-for-nothing Kadazou in Saudi Arabia? Get rid of him."

He finished speaking categorically, but before he could feel proud, he saw Roots opposite him, showing an expression of disgust.

Stared at by that disgusted look, Robert quickly understood why Roz showed such an expression.

As a human being, the attitude of the Arab world towards Kadazou is that this thing should die as soon as possible. The sooner he dies, the better.

If you kill him, Libya will never retaliate, and similarly, other Arab countries will not retaliate. They will even sing and dance together to celebrate the death of this human being.

A plan must be changed, the Saudis must be furious and cancel aid to Lebanon, and then people must focus their attention on Cardano.

Ka Dazuo...

After thinking for a moment, Robert's eyes lit up. Cardano, a human being, had participated in many wars in North Africa, but the problem was that he had not won any of them.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to launch a military attack, just like his coup back then, which is a piece of shit.

In this case, let's have another plane crash!

Use Libyan people to board the plane in Lebanon, hijack the Saudi plane, and then crash it into the American Embassy in Riyadh, perfect.

Turning around, Robert told Roots his idea in full. After hearing the detailed steps, even Roots, the director of the Intelligence Bureau, had to give a thumbs up and praise Robert for his ruthlessness.

But this idea is very good. It only takes one plane to provoke conflicts among four countries and turn the entire Middle East into a mess.

The price is the dozens of people on the plane.

In the face of the glory of Israel, these people should feel proud, because their deaths are adding bricks and stones to Israel.

In excitement, Roots turned around and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to tell the president about this?"

"No need!" Robert responded, and then said mysteriously: "Our president is too weak, and many people are dissatisfied with him."

"Including Mr. Isaac."

Mr. Isaac's four words were like a needle that fixed the sea, firmly fixing Roz's question and making him speechless.

The two of them planned the plan again, and then left separately.

After walking out of the Ministry of National Defense building and looking back at the majestic building, Roots walked to his car and checked to make sure it had not been tampered with before he started the car and drove to the Mossad headquarters.

However, on the way, he randomly found a park, drove the car to the park and stopped, got out of the car, found a seat on the lawn and sat down, stared at the car, took out another mobile phone, and dialed:

"Mr. Pablo, your guess is correct. That guy Robert has betrayed you. At the same time, he seems to have received a hint from Isaac."

After listening to his report, a very disdainful response came from the phone:

"Hint? You really think too highly of them. They won't hint, they will only stab."

"What did Robert say about Saudi Arabia and Lebanon?"

"He is planning to cause an air crash. He will use Libyans to board the plane from Lebanon and crash into America's embassy in Saudi Arabia!" Roots directly told Robert's plan. After speaking, he stopped talking and waited silently for the president. Sir's response.

On the other end of the phone, perhaps because he thought the plan was too outrageous, Pablo didn't reply for a long time.

After four or five minutes, his loud voice rang on the other end of the phone again:

"This plan is not crazy enough. You can think of a way to put some yellow cakes on that plane to make this plan a little crazier."

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