"What did you just say? Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

On the curb in front of Rheinland Automobile Manufacturing Company, Lin Yu was holding milk tea in his left hand and KFC in his right hand, shooting from left to right.

And to his left was Nicholas.

This foreigner had the same appearance as Lin Yu. He had milk tea in his left hand and a KFC chicken burger in his right hand. He also opened his arms from left to right and swallowed what was in his mouth. Then he said vaguely:

"Mr. Dana's order requires a batch of equipment worth US$30 million, and then issues an invoice for US$40 million."

"We still mainly use light weapons, but we need to add more bullets. Customers reported that the quantity of the last batch of bullets was not enough."

The words were vague, but Lin Yu grasped the key point, US$30 million.

They are all small arms.

It’s up to the middlemen to make the difference again.

Sighing bitterly in his heart, he rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to Nicholas:

"The quantity is not enough to begin with. Your $10 million worth of equipment must first be deducted from the cost I spent on it."

"Then you need to provide a sufficient number of guns, and finally you can match the bullets. Then there will definitely not be enough bullets left."

"How long do you need it? If you need it very urgently, you have to pay more."

"More money?" Nicholas stopped shooting his bow left and right and looked at Lin Yu, as if he had heard some big joke.

After swallowing all the remaining food in his mouth, he asked in smooth Mandarin: "Brother, I am helping you deal with the equipment for the upcoming holiday."

"Based on your habits inherited from the Soviet Union, you can easily fulfill this order by searching a little bit in the warehouse."

"You actually said you need to pay more! This is a big joke."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu brought the milk tea to his mouth, drank it in one gulp, put the cup in his hand on the ground, kept holding the straw with his fingers, and asked:

"Are you kidding? If Dana knew that you purchased some CL20 behind your back, would he take your skin off?"

"I won't treat you badly. How much extra money you have, we'll split it half and half."

"How about it?"

"Do it!" Without any hesitation, Nicholas agreed with Lin Yu's idea, turned around, took the phone, and started chatting with Greb on the other end of the phone.

Ten minutes later, he returned to Lin Yu and raised three fingers:

"Mr. Greb only agreed to increase the price by 3%. Likewise, he said that the corresponding invoice must also be issued."

3% of 30 million is US$900,000. If two people add two to one to make five, and open 55, that is US$450,000 per person.

Not much, just the icing on the cake.

"Okay." Lin Yu responded with regret, and then called a person from the security department and asked him to take Nicholas down to rest.

After the two people left, Lin Yu returned to the warehouse, closed the door, and then took out his phone and dialed Lu Huaxi:

"Old man, I have to trouble you again. Just follow the last configuration and get 30 million US dollars of equipment."

"By the way, have you found the whereabouts of the last batch of equipment?"

Lin Yu's question caused the person on the other end of the phone to fall into silence. It took a full two minutes before Lu Huaxi's hesitant voice came from the phone.

"Found it. That batch of equipment ended up in Lebanon and fell into the hands of the Milk Tea Party."

"Our people have personally inspected it. The marks in those guns are all there, and the numbers are all correct."

"Then I got the news from the Milk Tea Party that this batch of equipment belonged to the former Lebanese Defense Minister. Argus forwarded the news of receiving the goods to Acoma, who personally led the people and received it at the Syrian port. goods."

"Then, in the intelligence left by Argus, he said that this batch of equipment came from Hanks, America's commander in chief in the Middle East."

"The price Argus received for this batch of supplies was US$30 million. At the same time, he also got Hanks' promise not to intervene in the war between them and Israel."

"Combined with your intelligence, it is obvious that after Dana left the Middle East, he transferred some of his contacts in the Middle East to Hanks."

"They should have reached some kind of deal, but we have no way of knowing the specific content."

"As for this deal, I guess it will eventually fall into Hanks' hands."

"Of course this is just a guess. We will follow up one after another. Then you can give me the delivery time and I will arrange it here."

After informing the other party of the delivery time, Lin Yu hung up the phone with a confused look on his face. He never expected that after going around in circles for a long time, the world line was closed, and everything would eventually come from his own hands.

And let others make the difference, this is really...

It’s hard to describe in one word.

The thought of a bastard standing in the middle with the things he sold and making a huge profit on the price made him feel uncomfortable all over.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu kept playing with his phone. At the same time, he was also thinking about where this batch of equipment would end up.

After thinking about it, he found that these equipment would most likely fall into the hands of the militants supported by America.

These equipments are temporary equipment on our side, but in the hands of those poor guys, they are the best equipment.

In this way, it is likely to change the local situation.

We have to find an opportunity to spread this news and spread it to the Arabs.

After making up his mind, he took out a notebook from his arms and began to think about who to reveal the news to.

But soon, Lin Yu gave up this idea.

The connection with Dena is very important. There is no need to expose this connection for this little balance.

Doing so would be a loss.

Putting the notebook back into his pocket, he thought of Luo Ping again when he was bored.

Unlike usual, this guy hasn't called him for three days.

After hesitating for a moment, he picked up his phone, found Luo Ping's number, and dialed it.

Beep, beep!

No one answered, only the busy tone kept coming.

After hanging up the phone, a few minutes later, Lin Yu dialed the number again, but still no one answered, only the busy tone.

Something happened?

Frowning, Lin Yu began to recall the details of the phone call with Luo Ping three days ago.

Three days ago, his tone, attitude, and the sounds around him were all normal, and he said he was preparing to come back.

And three days ago, he was in Guizhou Province, which means that if this guy had an accident, it should be in the area from Guizhou Province to Shandong Province.

The area is not large, just... a few million square kilometers.

I have to find someone to ask.

Just as he was trying to think about who to ask for help when a person went missing, someone knocked on the door of the office, and then the voice of Tang Shouren, deputy chief of the security department, rang out outside the door:

"Director, Chief Luo is back, uh... go and have a look, they are all like beggars."



Hearing this, Lin Yu instantly became interested. He grabbed his phone and passed by the young man from the security department like the wind, and appeared at the gate of the automobile manufacturing company.

At this moment, the gate of the automobile manufacturing company was already full of people.

A group of people with flamboyant beards and hair, who looked like beggars.

Behind them, there was a police car.

In the police car, three young policemen were holding handcuffs and looking at this group of people with vigilance, as if as long as these people made a little move, they would pounce on them and arrest all the more than 100 people.

In front of them, Luo Ping was talking to the security guards of the Shunshi Automobile Manufacturing Company:

"Are you all worthy of your monthly salary?"

"With more than 100 people coming here, you just cowered in the security booth, and no one even came out to talk?"

"Today I brought people here, what if it was someone else? Would you hide inside and wait until others demolished your gates, and then you came out to scream, "Something went wrong?"

"Also, I remember when it was set up, the booth was in three shifts, with 9 people in each shift, and two people on guard at the front and back gates."

"The remaining 5 people patrol in turns to ensure the safety of the surroundings at all times."

"Then can you tell me where the other one of the two people in the booth went?"

Listening to the scolding, these young people from Rheinsteel lowered their heads one by one, showing a look of knowing their mistakes.

Lin Yu, who happened to come over at this time, first glanced at the beggar outside the door, and finally set his eyes on Luo Ping:

"How did you get into this mess?"

"After I called you, I took the brothers behind me on the bus, and then my wallet was stolen. I came here from Guizhou Province hungry."

"If we hadn't met an acquaintance at the station, we would have had to walk from the station to here." Luo Ping spread his hands very calmly and told the reason for this.

After hearing the reason, Lin Yu was instantly happy. This matter must be posted on the Rheinsteel propaganda board to let everyone in the company know that when you go out, you must be careful with your wallet.

He turned his head with a smile, looked at the more than 100 people at the door, and said loudly:

"Everyone, I didn't think it through. Let's go to the warehouse to rest first, have a meal first, and then we'll talk."

When the security department brought these people into the factory, Lin Yu turned around and looked at the young people with their heads down in front of Luo Ping.

After counting the number of people, he whispered, "I remember there are 9 people in each shift. Where are the other three people?"

No one answered. The remaining 6 people all lowered their heads, as if they were ready to get away with it.

Faced with their unity, Lin Yu raised his hand and applauded them.

The next second, their death sentence was announced:

"Old Tang, you should redo the security work of the automobile manufacturing company now. All the people in this shift should be fired, without leaving a single one."

"If anyone dares to persuade us, we will fire them together."

Behind Lin Yu, Tang Shouren, who followed him like a shadow throughout the whole process, nodded his head gently when he heard this, and then his tiger eyes swept over the 6 people with their heads lowered like a camera.

He shouted softly, "Follow me!"

Watching Tang Shouren and his men leave, Lin Yu's eyes were blurred, and he whispered to the person next to him, "Are all the people this time reliable?"

Hearing this question, Luo Ping was not angry, because he knew very well what the factory director was going to do. These things were absolutely confidential, so the people who carried them out also needed to be absolutely confidential and be able to keep the secrets.

He turned his head and looked towards the canteen of the automobile manufacturing company, and said vaguely:

"These more than 100 people are all my comrades who fought with me on the battlefield."

"Each of them is a man of iron bones, a warrior who can fight a hundred with one. In terms of reliability, they are absolutely reliable."

"Next, it depends on you, the factory director."

Scratching his face with his fingers, Lin Yu waved his hand calmly, and took Luo Ping to the canteen.

Because the automobile manufacturing company occasionally needs to receive some special guests, the canteen is divided into two floors.

The more than 100 people brought by Luo Ping were sitting quietly on the first floor of the cafeteria, with their backs straight and their eyes straight ahead, not looking at the food in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu shouted with a smile: "Everyone, relax, we are not an army here, so there is no need to tense up."

"Similarly, there is no need for everyone to hold tight after going out, because this will cause us some trouble."

"Everyone eats first, and we'll talk after dinner."

After giving some instructions to Luo Ping and the people in the cafeteria, Lin Yu returned to the warehouse first and pulled out the license plate and the company brand that had been prepared before.

Looking at the iron-painted and silver-hook notes on the sign, he was very satisfied, because this word was written by him.

After waiting for more than half an hour and sorting things out, Luo Ping came to Lin Yu with more than 100 people.

As people slowly walked into the warehouse, their steps gradually became consistent, and finally turned into the sound of neat footsteps.

At this moment, their formation became extremely square. In this small square formation, Lin Yu saw the murderous aura soaring to the sky.

When the team came to a complete stop, Lin Yu raised the sign in his hand, pointed to the words on the sign and said:

"From today on, you are the first batch of staff of Rhine Defense."

"Your mission is to use the force in your hands to protect the smooth development of our various projects abroad."

"But before you officially go to work, there will be a month of language training. You need to master basic Arabic and Arabic within a month, so that you can at least communicate normally with Arabs."

"Similarly, within this month, you need to receive firearms training to restore your former habits."

"As for your salary, it will not be less than 3,000 yuan per month. There will be additional subsidies for performing tasks abroad."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now. I am not a petty person. If you have any questions, ask them first. If you can solve them, we will solve them. If we can't solve them, we will discuss them later."

As soon as the words fell, someone in the square raised his right hand and asked loudly: "Director Lin, you said that our monthly salary is no less than 3,000 yuan. Is that true?"

"Really!" Lin Yu replied expressionlessly. When the other party put down his hand, he added: "The premise is that you must pass training and master Arabic language, Arabic characters, and corresponding combat skills proficiently."

"If the training is not up to standard, then all I can say is that you don't deserve a salary of 3,000 yuan."

After receiving a positive reply, the square formation of more than 100 people instantly became noisy.

At a time when most people's salary is only 400 yuan, 3,000 yuan is a huge amount of money.

But here, it’s only one month’s salary.

If I can receive 3,000 yuan every month, my family will be able to live a comfortable life!


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