When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 227: Colonel Ka has never won a single victory! (The third update!)

Libya, located on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea in northern Africa, borders Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Algeria, and Tunisia. It has an area of ​​1.76 million square kilometers and ranks 16th in the world in terms of land area, ahead of Iran.

But the arable land area is much smaller than Iran.

This is a place with a long history. In the third century BC, the Libyans had a fight with the Carthaginian Empire and briefly established a unified Kingdom of Numidia.

Glory is always short-lived. This unified kingdom did not exist for too long. Then it was the world of the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Ottomans.

In modern times, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and it became a colony of Italy.

In the late World War II, it became a colony of England and France.

After many twists and turns, it finally became independent on December 24, 1951 and established the federal United Kingdom. The days did not last long. On September 1, 1969, the appearance of a dregs of the world made this country remembered by people all over the world.

In the capital Tripoli, Mateus sat on the velvet sofa in the reception room, always feeling uncomfortable on his buttocks and wanting to twist it.

However, his years of intelligence career made him clearly understand that someone was definitely watching him now, and all he could do was to remain unchanged in the face of change, and then wait for the final person to appear, tell the other party the news, and then retreat quickly.

To be honest, if there was no choice, Mateus would never come to Libya, because the person he was going to meet today was a pile of feces mixed with rubber glue, and once it was stuck, it couldn't be thrown off.

But the problem is that the current situation forced him to deal with this pile of feces, and the corresponding former president of Iraq looked more like a person than this person.

After waiting in the reception room for a long time, finally, a sound of footsteps came from the door.

Mateus turned around and saw a man in a moon-white general's uniform, wearing a military cap, a ribbon on his chest, and countless medals.

But all this didn't match his big flat nose and wide mouth.

As he looked over, the man spoke in a hearty voice:

"Mr. Mateus, long time no see. I heard that you, Syria, were warned by America that you must withdraw from Lebanon within a few months. How is it? Do you have anything to say?"

"By the way, I recently heard that Saudi Arabia has supported the Lebanese Milk Tea Party with a batch of equipment. At the same time, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have also supported the Lebanese authorities with a large number of equipment. Didn't you get any?"

"If you didn't get any, it would be a surprise. Back then, that group of people were going to fight Lebanon, and you were at the forefront. As a result, you are kicked aside like a dog. It must be very uncomfortable, right?"

The hearty voice did not bring hearty words. Hearing these words in his ears, Mateus couldn't help but take a breath.


Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he regretted why he treated this dog as a human being.

But since he was here, he should finish what he wanted to say first, and then pat his butt and leave.

Try to minimize contact with this guy, otherwise, I'm really afraid that I can't help but pull out a gun to kill him.

Of course, this bastard is very cautious. When he came in, he was searched all over his body.

Forcing himself to forget those words, Mateus stood up, with a respectful look on his face, and walked quickly to the front of Colonel Ka.

"Dear President, you are still as energetic as ever, like a god in the sky, so dazzling, so brilliant..."

This flattering words made Colonel Ka very useful. He raised his hand and pointed to the sofa next to him, put his hands behind his back, walked over slowly, sat down on the sofa, and then motioned Mateus to stand next to him and report to him.

Matthäus suppressed the urge to curse, continued to bend over, and said respectfully:

"It's like this, this time, Saudi Arabia and the UAE gave Lebanon some agricultural aid, and this kind of agricultural aid is also necessary for us."

"So, our king is going to invite several big names to go to Saudi Arabia together to discuss agricultural aid."

"Just ask Saudi Arabia to give some aid."

"After all, we are all Arab brothers, and we are all as close as family. They gave aid to Lebanon, so they can't just watch us brothers starve and suffer from poverty, right?"

"I just don't know what you think, Mr. President?"

Faced with the inquiry, Colonel Ka did not speak, but raised his hand, waved it gently like waving a fly, and ordered: "Go down!"


Seeing this action like waving a fly, Matthäus said a beautiful Arabic in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He still maintained his respectful look, apologized to Colonel Ka, then turned his butt back, slowly exited the reception room, and retreated outside the building.

When the intelligence officer reported Mateus's movements outside, Colonel Ka raised his hands and gently rubbed his temples.

After rubbing for a long time, he put his right hand down and kept tapping the armrest of the sofa with his index finger, making a dull knocking sound.

As an old politician with many years of experience, he knew very well what the Syrians were thinking. It was nothing more than bringing people and forcing the palace with the general trend.

Didn't you Saudi Arabia say that all Arab countries are as close as brothers?

Well, we brothers are not living well now, we need to eat, drink... drink the best black tea, eat the best mutton.

What to do?

Give some money!

To be honest, this idea is very tempting, because Libya is not living well now. Since 1992, after the UN General Assembly imposed sanctions on Libya due to the Nobik air crash and the Frank Star Alliance Airline crash, the economy in all aspects has almost stagnated.

We can only export some oil, get some equipment, and get some assets every year.

It is completely different from the previous life, very uncomfortable and unhappy.

In contrast, several Gulf countries in the Middle East export oil, earn excess profits, and are rich.

Literally rich.

Thinking of this, Colonel Ka was so angry, and at the same time, he made a decision in his heart.

Go get some money, don’t want more, 1 billion or so must be there!

Moreover, he had to share the title of king with Saudi Arabia. He had been personally taught by Nasser in the past. He had to carry the banner of Pan-Arabism.

He was the leader of the Arab world!

After making up his mind, he began to arrange his itinerary. As for Mateus outside the door, he had long forgotten about it.

He waited outside the presidential palace until dark, but did not hear a word. Mateus knew that this damned scum had forgotten him.

He had never been so wronged!

After glaring at the presidential palace, Mateus walked towards the nearest block with the sunset on his back and walked to the nearest restaurant in the block. He had to eat first, otherwise he would starve to death.

Colonel Ka was a decent man and a practical man. Although he had never enjoyed any victory in his decades of career, he had many medals.

Procrastination was not his style.

He made a decision in the afternoon, and in the evening, he flew to Saudi Arabia on his plane.

Unlike his ambitious self, Sayyid jumped up on the spot when he heard that this person, who was a bad-mouthed, nagging, and incompetent, who had the words "deserve to be beaten" and "seeking death" engraved on his forehead, and whose whole body, from prostate to tonsils, was coming to Saudi Arabia.

"What is this bastard doing here? How dare he come here?"

The news was so shocking that Sayyid couldn't help but curse.

Opposite him were members of the Saudi royal family. When a group of people heard the news, they couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

Because if there is a ranking of weird people in this world, their Arab brother would definitely be at the top, far ahead.

But while complaining, a group of people were thinking fast, and soon, they guessed the other party's intention:

"He should be here to ask for money. We just put up the banner of Pan-Arabism, and he came to ask for money right after we put up the banner of Pan-Arabism. He is well prepared!"

"What will happen if we don't give him money?"

"I don't know, but this bastard has a strong revenge mentality. It is possible that as soon as we say we won't give him money, this bastard will support terrorists and come to mess with us."

"Why don't we get rid of him first?"

"How to do it?"

"Send a message to the Americans, the Americans know what to do."

"Then send it quickly. According to the time calculation, this guy will arrive at Riyadh Airport in about two hours."

"Go, go!"

The Saudis decided on a strategy of killing someone with a borrowed knife, and they acted quickly. In less than 15 minutes, a piece of intelligence fell to the Qatar Front Command and fell in front of Hanks.

Of course, he had another piece of intelligence in his hand.

[The director of the Syrian Security and Intelligence Agency went to Syria secretly yesterday afternoon and met with Colonel Ka at the Syrian Presidential Palace this morning. ]

After reading the news in his hand, Hanks picked up the intelligence from Saudi Arabia.

[Colonel Ka is on his way to Saudi Arabia! ]

After looking around for a while, he put the two pieces of intelligence together, and then cast his eyes on the map next to him, to the country in the northwest corner - Syria.

The reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon is not good news for Hanks, because although the Saudis are rich, they are relatively incompetent.

And Lebanon has no money, but they have also been trained after years of war.

These two guys getting together will only do him harm, not good, because that means losing control.


After Lebanon and Israel signed a ceasefire agreement on paper, Hanks set his sights on Syria, because after choosing and choosing, only this country can make his military rank change from major general to lieutenant general, or even to general.

But after searching for a long time, he has not found a suitable reason, but now, this reason has come.

However, a small opportunity is needed to pour dirty water on Libya and Syria.

After staring at the map for a long time, his eyes finally fell on the small corner of the Sinai Peninsula in southern Israel.

There is a port there, which is Israel's port on the Red Sea. Israel's imports and exports of goods in the Indian Ocean or East Asia must pass through this location.

What if Colonel Kamagra offered his allegiance to Saudi Arabia during the negotiations with Saudi Arabia?

If the port was attacked, the Israelis would definitely be angry, and they would definitely attack the neighboring countries. When the chaos came, all their merits and money would come over.

But before that, you need to plan carefully.

Having made up his mind, Hanks moved quickly, holding a pen, and marked the attack route on the map.

But soon, he discovered that this plan was not feasible because the distance from Badia, the easternmost tip of Libya, to the Israeli port of Eilat is more than 970 kilometers.

The Scud missiles in the hands of the Libyans, because they are not improved models, have a maximum range of only 300 kilometers.


He was greedy for so much money and was reluctant to improve even a missile. Compared with him, the Iraqi despicable man was simply a saint.

Putting down the pen and looking at the map in front of him, Hanks continued to think about how to...

After only two seconds, he thought of a new way.

Air crash!

During Kadado's trip to Saudi Arabia, he didn't have to guess. He knew that the Saudis would definitely reject all his ideas. After being rejected, Kadado, who was arrogant and petty, would definitely take revenge.

And their people have already caused two air crashes. In the second air crash, compensation has not been completed to the families of the victims until now.

To vent their anger, they attacked a plane flying to Saudi Arabia and caused an air crash. This is normal!

After thinking of a way, Hanks took out another phone from the drawer, then searched in the drawer for a moment, took out a phone card, and installed it.

"I need a little help..."

After talking for more than two hours, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and hung up the phone. Then, he picked up another mobile phone, found a familiar number on it, and dialed it.

"My dear Mr. Dana, how are you?"

Obviously, the person on the other end of the phone was not interested in the call. It took more than a minute before the voice came from the phone:

"My dear General Hanks, would you like to see what time it is in Washington?"

"It's off-duty time now, why do you have to call me during off-duty time?"

"I need a batch of equipment." Hanks stated the request directly. On the other end of the phone, hearing his words, Dana asked cautiously:

"Who are you going to sell the equipment to again? You haven't made it clear where the equipment went last time. I'm really afraid that the equipment will flow to America and then hit me on the head."

"That batch of equipment went to Lebanon, but I don't know where it will go next." After answering, Hanks frowned and asked:

"Isn't your connection useless?"

"Or is it that you, General Dana, have become timid and don't dare to engage in equipment smuggling?"

After a provocation that was both salty and mild, Dana's inquiry came from the other end of the phone:

"How much do you want? What's the quantity? What's the delivery address, and what's the prepayment amount?"

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