When Doliku continued to arrange the self-destruction.

Alipu climbed out of the window first, and with the help of darkness, he slowly moved to House No. 2, preparing to get into the soybean field from the wall of House No. 2.

Doliku followed closely.

However, just as they were about to get into the field, a shocking explosion was heard from Building No. 2.

There was a loud bang.

The house made of inferior cement and loess instantly turned into an oversized fragmentation mine in the explosion.

The fragments were swept away by the shock wave and hit all around.


The two people who were sticking to the corner of the wall were also affected by the shock wave. The fragments hit their heads and bodies like bullets.

House No. 2 exploded, and then House No. 1.

Finally, it was the two houses in the middle.


When the last house was blown up, the hearts of the people present were in their throats.

These houses were blown up, and the enemy either launched a general attack or died.

No matter which one, you need to be careful.

No one wants to die, so they waited until the next day, and then a group of people slowly stepped forward and checked the ruins.

After checking back and forth twice and confirming that there were no hidden mines and bombs, Director Palmer called in an excavator to clean it up.

Corpses were dug out one by one, and some related information was also dug out. Although it had been cleaned up, there were still some words that could be barely used.

At the end of the digging, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no tunnel.

This means that all the bandits died here.

At least, this attack did not disappoint the people who were killed.

After a busy night, Harry lost his luster and stood in silence in the middle of the ruins.

Until Lin Yu walked to his side, he slowly raised his head and said:

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your help. You go back to the police station with Director Palmer first. I will arrange this here and escort you back to Islamabad."

Looking at him, Lin Yu sighed helplessly.

I hope this commander can grow up after this time.

Then, he extended his right hand: "I'll wait for you at the police station."


On the road from Peshawar to Islamabad, Harry sat in the co-pilot, holding the gun in both hands, and his eyes were like searchlights, constantly scanning the cars and people that crossed with them.

The tragic death of his teammates has made him completely crazy.

At this moment, he seemed to have paranoia. In his eyes, all the people who crossed with them were terrorists, and all the cars were suicide bombs.

Maybe God didn't want him to lose his teammates again. Until the large troops entered the gate of the Islamabad Special Security Bureau, he didn't wait for the imagined car bomb or the terrorist attack.

After taking out the bodies and files of the terrorists and handing them over to the people of the Special Security Bureau, he drove the car and took the team to send Lin Yu and others to the hotel in the embassy area.

In the hotel, Chen Bin had been waiting there early. When he saw Lin Yu, he didn't say a word, but just nodded, indicating that Lin Yu would go to the embassy with him.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the embassy, ​​and then Lin Yu saw a familiar person here.

Luan Yuelin.

The staff officer was sitting in the reception room of the embassy with a smile. When he saw Lin Yu appear, he naturally raised the teacup in his hand and said with a smile:

"Our Lin Dingyuan is back. The authentic Changbai Mountain ginseng tea is refreshing, invigorating, and calming."

Lin Yu sat down opposite him with a smile, picked up the ginseng tea, and drank it directly. The taste was not good, it was weird.

After drinking a cup, he refilled another cup, and then looked at Luan Yuelin and asked:

"This time, you were sent to preside over it?"

"Yes!" Luan Yuelin admitted very happily.

Then he stood up, walked around Lin Yu, looked at him in confusion for a while, and then asked:

"Are you okay?"


"Is it those bastards?"

"Yes, they look completely different from Pashtuns or Hazaras. To be honest, I still don't understand how they found me."

"We also want to know this, but unfortunately, we have too little information, so we know nothing about their patterns of action."

The words "know nothing" made Lin Yu frown. He rubbed his eyebrows with both hands and said:

"And the previous intelligence was wrong. This group of people is active in the Quetta area. In addition, there may be a large number of people in Peshawar and even Jalalabad. "

"Can you see it?"

"The base that was cleared last night contained TNT explosives, which were TNT explosives from the American army. According to the time on the box, it was in March this year."

"According to the distribution speed of the Americans, it is estimated that it was not delivered to Afghanistan until June, and then it fell into their hands. There must be a stable channel to deliver the money to them."

"Also, they attacked me too quickly and too accurately."

After a slight pause, Lin Yu raised his eyes and looked at Luan Yuelin opposite him, and Luan Yuelin's eyes showed a trace of thought.

At first, there was still some confusion in his eyes, but soon, he woke up.

From the earliest time the news came out to the time Lin Yu was attacked, it was no more than 24 hours.

But within 24 hours, these guys crossed the distance of hundreds of kilometers from Quetta to Peshawar, and then accurately found the hotel where Lin Yu was staying, and dismantled the fixed communication lines of the hotel and the surrounding signals. Base station, this is almost impossible.

This is not something ordinary terrorists can do.

There is a mole here!

And he is a mole who knows very well about Peshawar.

Just as he was thinking, Lin Yu asked again:

"By the way, Smith's line, what's the idea above?"

When asked this question, Luan Yuelin, who was thinking about the movements of the terrorists, dismissed the unnecessary thoughts from his mind in an instant.

He picked up the briefcase placed on the seat next to him, took out a pile of business licenses and documents, placed them one by one in front of Lin Yu, and said:

"Two days ago, I received your message. After discussion, the staff agreed that the deal with Smith can continue."

"At the beginning, we just want to get some gems from the other party. Then we can slowly expand and get some information from the other party."

"Sometimes their inconspicuous intelligence can be of great use to our western border defense."

"Then for the convenience of transactions, a bunch of trading companies have been opened for you, as well as business licenses for jewelry companies."

"As for the name, I didn't use your Rhine name, because it would be too easy to attract attention with names like this."

"And my identity is to come to Pakistan as a staff officer to help them build their army."

"In other words, your line needs a connector in the middle. The job of that connector is to contact Smith and get the information we need from the other party."

"This position is very important. If you don't have anyone there, we can arrange it here. It's a one-stop arrangement. The money you make goes to you and we get the information."

"In this way, we can avoid multiple transfers of messages and then cause some intelligence leaks."

"These are business licenses, and next to them are some authentic documents made as per your request."

"Take a look."

After listening to Luan Yuelin's introduction, Lin Yu reached out and put aside the business license on the table, picked up the original Qingyuan documents compiled on the table based on the Quran, and read them bit by bit.

After looking at it for a while, he reached out and asked Luan Yuelin for a pen, crossed out some words in the document, and said:

"After I finish correcting this thing, you can send a copy of the corrected document back and tell them that they haven't written a single stroke yet and their fists are not strong enough, so don't be in a hurry to express your emotions."

"What we have to do is to help others light up the lights, not to throw ourselves off the field."

As he spoke, he moved his hands quickly, and kept scratching the documents with his pen, crossing out words that would arouse the disgust of conservative Muslims.

While crossing out these words, additional notes were added next to them to make the context look smoother and make these principles clearer.

After finishing the first revision, he started to revise it a second time. This time, the main objects of revision were those hyperlinks from ancient China - idioms and various allusions.

Replace these idioms or allusions with some popular and clear words and allusions from the Islamic world, making these articles look more like they were written by a Muslim who has lived in West Asia for a long time.

After changing everything, he turned around, pushed the document in front of Luan Yuelin, and warned again:

"Next time you write this kind of article, don't take it for granted. Read it yourself first, understand the local customs and allusions, and then write it."

"The wording of this text, when someone gets it, they can tell at the first glance that it was not written by a local."

"If an article written by someone who is not local appears on an important issue, individuals will be disgusted. After the disgust, they will retaliate."

"This is for no reason. Adding enemies to yourself. If you want to do this kind of thing in the future, just do it well. If you don't do it, forget it."

During his warning, Luan Yuelin picked up the revised document, compared the text bit by bit, and studied it carefully.

Half an hour later, he roughly read these articles, and he admired Lin Yu even more. He put the documents aside, shook his head, and said with helplessness on his face:

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again. If you plan to do something like this in the future, we will definitely let you come."

"After all, you are a professional."

Putting away the documents on the table, he asked again: "Are you ready to go back now?"

After asking, he discovered that Lin Yu was lying on the table with a pen, writing a phone number and address.

Two sheets.

After writing the text, he raised his hand and pushed the two pieces of paper in front of Luan Yuelin. He first tapped the paper with his right index finger and said:

"This number is Smith's number, and this address is the transaction address agreed upon between him and me."

"In the next few days, he should have a batch of gems delivered to Peshawar. You should arrange for someone to do it as soon as possible, and then I will contact him to finalize the time and let this person hand over it."

"After we get to know each other, I don't have to worry about the rest."

"The note on the left is the address of Imam Musa. You need to coordinate with Pakistan as soon as possible and send people there to ensure safety."

"In two days, people from Iran will also arrive. You need to mediate to prevent people on both sides from fighting."

He took the note and read the number and address on it. Luan Yuelin calmly put the note into his arms and responded, "Okay, I'll arrange it as soon as possible."

"Yeah!" After handing over all the work, Lin Yu stood up, patted his butt, turned around and walked out of the meeting room.

In the square in front of the embassy, ​​Chen Bin had already prepared the car. When Lin Yu sat in the co-pilot, he stepped on the accelerator, reversed, and went out in one go.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Yu returned to the hotel where he had stayed before. As soon as he returned to the room, Larry knocked on his door.

The Afghan stood in front of the door, hesitating for a long time, and then asked, "Boss, are you going to withdraw?"

Seeing him, Lin Yu reached out and patted the seat next to him, motioning for him to sit down.

After Larry sat down, he explained: "I need to go back and digest the pile of gems, and then someone will come to take charge of the follow-up work in two days."

"Your task is still to be his translator and guide."

"I will pay you as usual. As long as you work normally, you will always be my employee."

Larry was obviously relieved to hear that the salary would be paid as usual.

But he did not get up and leave directly, but continued to sit on the chair and continued to look at Lin Yu. Lin Yu, who noticed his gaze, also began to raise his eyes and look at him.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time, and Larry spoke first and asked:

"Boss, you are not actually in the jewelry business, right?"

"I am in the arms business, and the jewelry business is just a side business. I also undertake large-scale projects, including large hydropower stations, roads, railways, bridges and tunnels, and mining. Anyway, I will do whatever makes money!" Lin Yu casually threw out an identity to cover up another identity.

Sure enough, after hearing the words "arms business", Larry's face twitched unnaturally. Obviously, he did not expect that his boss's identity was so outrageous, and the other party did not hide it and directly said that he was engaged in arms business.

Forcefully controlling the expression on his face, he looked at the person in front of him and asked softly:

"Boss, can you tell me why I feel that the group of people you attacked last night seem to have a big grudge?"

Hearing this question, Lin Yu held his head with both hands, lay down on the bed, looked at the light on the ceiling, and said as if talking to himself:

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, they are just a group of separatists who want to split our country."

"For us, unity is the ethnic identity for thousands of years."

"For them, we have given up the idea of ​​courtesy before force. Wherever we see them, we will kill them."

"You can also help kill them when you see them. I can give you money, food, and what you need."

"But your essential job now is still to be a translator."



Larry began to think about the conditions mentioned by Lin Yu, but soon, he shook his head violently, threw away those messy thoughts, and said:

"Boss, can you bring me some books from your country?"

"Humanities, I want to know how you persuaded Musha Imam to cooperate with you."

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