When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 309: Head hanging on the Northern Palace! (First update!)

As Luo Ping told the distance between several people, Lin Yu raised his left hand and slowly adjusted the svd sniper scope in his hand.

In the darkness, the men above the house were holding guns and shooting wildly at the special operations battalion. In the spray of fire, the faces of these men could be faintly seen.

After looking at the heads of these people with the scope, Lin Yu moved the muzzle of his gun downward and pointed it at the chests and abdomen of these people.

For long-distance sniping, hitting the head is very effective, but if the opponent is a patient with ADHD and likes to shake his head when talking or doing things, it is easy to miss. The best place to hit is from the chest to the abdomen.

What's more, Lin Yu's purpose is to catch these people, then ask about the people behind them, and then follow the clues and pick off all the melons. Therefore, if two people can be left alive, it is necessary to leave two people alive.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly pulled the trigger, then slightly adjusted the muzzle of the gun, pointing it at the other two people.

Three shots were fired in less than three seconds.

But after these three gunshots, the three muzzles that were spraying bullets on the opposite roof went silent for a moment.

Next to him, seeing all this in his eyes, Larry trembled with his right hand, handed the microphone of the headset to his mouth, and said softly:

"Three objectives in house 4 have been solved, repeat, three objectives in house 4 have been solved."

"Please designate the next sniper target, repeat, please designate the next sniper target."

On the other end of the headset, Harry looked at the disappearing fire points and couldn't help but swallowed. Then, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Yu's position. He subconsciously hid behind the wall.

After hiding behind the wall, he raised his hand and slapped himself.

What are you thinking about? This is a teammate.

He pressed the microphone next to his ear and said cheerfully into the microphone:

"Did everyone see it? We have the most elite sniper here, and he is our solid shield!"

"Now, everyone, come with me and charge!"

"Let's arrest these damn guys who dare to cause trouble in this three-quarter acre of Peshawar, and then beat them hard and beat them to death!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier passed him and rushed towards the building in front.

The next second, a bright light flashed in the house not far away, and with the sound of a gunshot, the charging soldier fell on his back and became completely silent.

And with this gunshot, people appeared again on the roof that had just been cleared of firepower. Then, these people continued to condescendingly use the firepower in their hands to suppress Harry and his men crazily.

But just after the people standing on the roof fired a few shots, gunshots that were not consistent with the AK47s they were holding suddenly rang out in the night sky.

After the gunfire, the fire spots on the roof calmed down again.

In the earphones of Harry and others, Larry's translation came again: "Use a grenade."

After this reminder, Harry woke up as if from a dream, and quickly asked his soldiers to gather the grenades together, and then frantically poured them into the house ahead.

There were many elite members of the special operations battalion, and each of them had seven or eight grenades. At this moment, the house not far away was enjoying a thunderstorm.

The other side was suppressed again. Harry and his men took advantage of the opportunity and quickly pulled them to the house and began to clear them at targeted locations.

In House No. 6, two people who appeared on the streets of Peshawar in the afternoon were guarding the window on one side, holding a gun and looking outside carefully. At the same time, they were discussing how to escape.

"Shall we break out?" the man at the window on the left asked. Just as he finished speaking, a bullet flew past him.

The sound of the bullet cutting through the air was harsh, and he could even feel the sharp breath on the bullet.

If the bullet had just moved a little further to the left, his head would have exploded by now.

After walking away at the critical moment of life and death, the man actually had the idea of ​​​​escape in an instant.

As soon as this idea appeared, it left a deep mark in his mind that could never be erased.

The flying bullets and the explosion of the bomb made his heart beat rapidly.

Holding the gun, he fired two shots indiscriminately. The man shrank back suddenly and huddled behind a pillar on the wall, holding the gun and breathing heavily while waiting for his companion's response.

Compared with him, the other man in the room seemed much calmer. With a gun in his hand, he leaned out of the window from time to time and fired two shots at the people outside.

He even lit a cigarette between shots, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll without caring about life or death.

After emptying a magazine, the man quickly retracted to the pillar. While changing the magazine, he glanced at his companion next to him and shouted:

"Alip, it's useless to break out. There are snipers outside. We occupy the house and can deal with them. Once we get out, we will die."

The words of his teammate made Alipu fall into silence, because the other party had another sentence that he didn't say.

That is to hold on to the house, and they will die.

Because their supplies of weapons, ammunition, and personnel support are not as large as those outside.

Death is only a matter of time.

And all they can do is hold the weapons in their hands, shoot at the people outside, kill as many people as possible, and then see if they can find an opportunity.

Dodge the snipers outside and run away.

Thinking of this, Alipu, who was sitting by the wall, suddenly opened his mouth and roared loudly. This roar seemed to give him enough courage.

After roaring, he quickly put on a new magazine, loaded the bullet, stood up, leaned against the window wall, and fired wildly. At the same time, he asked his companions next to him: "Doliku, how did these dogs find us so quickly? ?”

Doliku took the time to dust off his cigarette and said jokingly:

"What's so difficult about this? We, after all, are outsiders. The local leader didn't bother to find us before. Now that we have caused trouble, the other party has made up its mind. It's easy to find us, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"Then we just wait here to die?"

"Waiting to die is not my style!" In response, Doliku picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on his body and shouted into it:

"Elke, it's time for you to pursue freedom. Stop firing, bring the enemy into the room, and then directly detonate the explosives in the house!"

"By the way, if you're afraid of pain, the bottles on the pile of explosives contain the high-strength liquor I bought."

"If you drink two more sips, you won't be afraid anymore."

In the house No. 4 next door, Elke listened to the words coming from the intercom and subconsciously glanced at the five boxes behind him.

The wooden box was marked with a simple word in English - TNT/20kg.

On top of the box, there is another box made of several wooden strips.

In the box, there are 9 green bottles with gold bottle caps, but the top of the bottle caps is a red wine bottle.

It's full of liquid inside.

Elke didn't recognize the words above.

But if Lin Yu were here, he would definitely tell the other party that this was Red Star Erguotou.

The explosives were TNT bought from the American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan at a great cost. They were originally just used as a transit point here, but they never expected that because of a simple kidnapping attack plan, they all ended up now. Everyone is surrounded here.

Now, it's time for you to stand up.

Taking a deep breath, Elke reached for a bottle of Red Star Erguotou and unscrewed the lid with force.

Put the bottle of wine to your mouth and drink it down.

After drinking two bottles in a row, Elke moved the bottle away, opened the wooden box below, and began to install the fuse on the TNT as if no one was watching.

Pretending to be one, he stuffed one into his arms.

Finally, when he reached the 10th one, he stood up and shouted to his companions in the room who were shooting wildly:

"You retreat, I'll come!"

Hearing his words, several companions nearby jumped out of the window on the other side without any hesitation, holding their guns and ran towards Building 5.

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. When he heard that the gunfire in Building 3 decreased, Harry immediately wanted to rush inside.

However, before he could take action, Larry's call came from the earphone: "Lieutenant Colonel Harry, Mr. Lin said that this is a trick of the enemy to lure the enemy. They should have filled it with explosives."

"If you go in now, you will die."

"We just need to stay here until dawn, and then we can win for sure!"

It was a nice thing to say, but Harry didn't really want to hear it.

Because the idea of ​​besieging people to death is completely childish in the face of the divine soldiers descending from the sky.

If when publicizing it to the outside world, he brought his soldiers down from the sky and defeated the enemy without any effort.

Then your medal must at least be changed to a brigadier general!

Reaching out to press the earphone, he waved his hand and shouted: "House No. 3, rush in!"

On the other side, Lin Yu and others couldn't help but sigh when they heard the voice coming from the headphones.

After letting out a long sigh, Lin Yu moved the scope towards House No. 3, preparing to see if anyone was there and then take a sniper shot.

As a result, as soon as he moved the scope over, House No. 3 exploded!


In the night illuminated by car lights, a huge fireball suddenly lit up.

The moment the fireball lit up, Lin Yu caught a person by the window of House No. 4. He quickly lowered his head and lay down behind the low parapet to avoid the shock wave generated by the explosion and be swept away by the shock wave. of gravel and glass.

When the shock wave swept over his head, Lin Yu quickly raised his gun and used the remaining light from the explosion to aim at the person who popped his head out of the window and kept flapping his ears.



The gunshot rang out, and the person behind the window saw a spray of blood spurting out from the back of his head, and his whole person leaned back uncontrollably.

Disappeared behind the window.

Outside House No. 3, about fifty meters below the farmland ridge, Harry noticed that the person pressing him moved away, and he got up.

Staring blankly at the darkness ahead.

Under the car lights, there used to be a faint black house there, but now, there is nothing there.

Including the subordinates who just heard his order and rushed in first.

At this moment, Harry suddenly saw small faces appearing in front of him, and then these smiling faces suddenly turned bloody, and then they were still asking him loudly why he let them in.

These questions made Harry unable to sit still any longer.

He held the gun and ran fast in the darkness. However, this time, he did not shout loudly or shoot while running, only anger.

Behind him were the Special Operations Battalion attacking from the west.

They are all suffocating an anger now, an anger that wants to tear the skin and bones of the person opposite them.

This burst of anger lasted less than thirty seconds before it was interrupted by gunfire from several houses.

Under the fire, they were pushed back to the edge of the field.

Building No. 3 was blown up, and the value of Lin Yu's sniper point instantly rose to a higher level. He aimed the scope at several houses more than 200 meters away. As long as he saw a flash, he would shoot at the glowing point.

Of course, the people in the house also tried to shoot at him with the guns in their hands.

But the SVD from the Soviet Union was better after all, and the people in several houses were defeated in the gun battles again and again.

After killing another person, Lin Yu silently unloaded the magazine, raised his left hand, and Luo Ping's new magazine was delivered to him.

At this moment, Larry next to him suddenly asked: "Boss, if we want to deal with a sniper, do we have to send another sniper?"


After using the gun to suppress another person standing at the window, Lin Yu whispered: "It's a waste of time to train snipers, just use 155mm cannons directly."

"Or use infrared individual missiles to solve the problem with one shot."


"Dispatching snipers is the least economical way."

Bang! Bang!

"A 155mm fragmentation grenade, if it is industrialized, only takes five workers about five minutes, and then add about 8 degrees of electricity."


"But an entry-level sniper needs at least 18 years to grow. After growing up, at least 10,000 bullets are needed to distinguish and select, and then there are various trainings."


"Then only one mistake and one bullet!"


"You can knock out this sniper who has been trained with great effort."


"But modern technology can minimize this loss."


After firing the last bullet in this magazine, Lin Yu tilted his head and said to Larry: "Let Harry fill the room with grenades."

On the battlefield, Harry used the cover of the field to crawl all the way to the ruins of House No. 3 and huddled behind a half-cut wall.

Listening to the sound in the headset, he and several brave team members pulled the grenades and aimed at the windows of those houses.

Throw them into the room in batches from the window.


In house number 6, Doliku picked up the intercom, coughed, and said to the person on the intercom:

"Abbas, now is the time for you to practice your piety to Allah. You can drink the wine in the box as much as you want."

"And you can also smoke the heroin in the box as much as you want. This is Allah's consent."

Less than a minute after he finished speaking, building number 1 next to him exploded into a beautiful ball of fire.

Listening to the explosion, Doliku whispered to Alipu: "Let's go!"

"I just saw that the police are guarding outside. As long as we can touch their faces and kill two people, we can break out."

"Now the explosions are one after another. Even if they can't find us, they won't make much noise!"

"Let's go!"

"I'll let the others blow themselves up!"

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