When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 312 National Defense Education! (First update!)


Through chatting with a large number of Afghans who went to Peshawar to trade, enough information was also gathered.

First of all, one thing must be confirmed, that is, America's war in Afghanistan this time is different from the all-out war during the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

In America's war this time, except for the targeted killing missions where intelligence was obtained, the rest of the war was almost concentrated in villages and towns around the city.

As for the resistance organizations, they have occupied some remote towns. Except for a small number of elite combatants, the rest of them are basically serving the people in their spare time and serving as soldiers in wartime.

As for the Taliban's main area of ​​activity, most of the main force has moved to western Pakistan because of America's precision-guided bombing.

Only a small number of elites stayed in the countryside to maintain basic management and rule.

Therefore, life in small and medium-sized villages in mountainous valleys far away from the city is almost equivalent to a paradise.

In these villages, most of the land ownership belongs to the village chief, and a small part belongs to local rich farmers. In addition, some of them are reclaimed unowned land.

Tenant farmers living in villages mainly rent land from rich farmers, village chiefs and others for production.

The harvest that needs to be paid depends on the region, and the proportion of payment is also different.

It ranges from 20% to 40%, and the types of grain paid are also different.

As for the reasons why tenant farmers do not reclaim ownerless wasteland, after careful analysis, the main points are as follows.

First, these unowned wastelands are mainly located on slopes with a certain altitude. These slopes are mostly sandy soil with a lot of gravel.

The technology of farm tools in rural Afghanistan is far lower than that in our country, so the farm tools are greatly damaged during the land reclamation process.

After the land is reclaimed, it becomes what we call raw land. The raw land requires a series of construction of ditches, pH adjustment, composting, and time to convert it into mature land.

The income of ordinary tenant farmers cannot support them to complete this series of transformation work.

Even ordinary rich farmers cannot complete these tasks.

Therefore, plans related to reclaiming wasteland can be abandoned and the main work can be focused on agricultural crops.

Regarding agricultural crops, the staple food crops in Afghanistan are more complex than those in Pakistan, including but not limited to wheat, rice, a small amount of corn, peas, broad beans, and potatoes.

It has been confirmed that there does not seem to be large-scale sweet potato cultivation in Afghanistan. The sweet potato they refer to is another type of potato crop that they use as fruit.

In addition to staple food crops, Afghans also plant a large number of fruit trees, mainly almond trees, grapes, and a small number of other types of fruit trees.

In the alpine and cold areas of the east, mulberry trees dominate.

The reason why almond trees, grapes and mulberry trees are planted on a large scale is because the output of these fruit trees can be made into dried fruits, which can provide enough sugar for their own consumption.

Selling it externally can generate sufficient funds.

In terms of agricultural personnel dispatch, wheat, long-grain rice, corn, compost, and fruit tree-related personnel can be dispatched.

Enter the above areas as a personal adventurer, and then carry out localized transformation work...]

[Counter-terrorism related situations.

Based on the analysis of the actual attack:

First of all, the Taliban's infiltration into northern Pakistan is more serious than we imagined.

It is precisely because of this that the difficulty of our counter-terrorism efforts will increase exponentially, because in their eyes, we, who look very different from them, do not believe in the same religion.

It is the outsiders who are not trusted.

But fortunately Imam Musa appeared, and he now began to rectify the teachings until he finished his work.

The jihad claimed by the terrorists is no longer a reason. We can also take the opportunity to launch propaganda and seize the high ground of public opinion.

Try to keep ordinary people from different countries apart.

As long as these ordinary people are pulled away and stand aside, that is victory.

However, to make iron, you need to be strong. In this battle, the battle of the Pakistan Special Operations Battalion is simply difficult to describe.

In addition to the issue of one's own combat literacy, there is also the issue of equipment.

They had almost no heavy weapons except small arms and grenades.

Armed with such weapons, they cannot gain any benefit in the face of a combat system in which terrorists are prone to self-destruction.

It will only increase casualties.

When the number of casualties reaches a certain level, problems will arise with the existence of their special operations battalion.

Therefore, we urgently need to establish a domestic anti-terrorism combat system and configure relevant tactical equipment.

Then radiate Pakistan so that they have sufficient combat effectiveness.

When the fist is hard enough, the opponent can be pressed to the ground, flattened and rounded.

The following is some understanding of the anti-terrorism combat equipment system, as well as related concepts...]

Once people are busy, they will not feel the passage of time.

A full week had passed by the time Lin Yu compiled the situation of this trip to Pakistan into three reports.

The time has also arrived on August 1st.

An important holiday for the military, Army Day.

As a company originally belonging to the military, Base 567 had a tradition of celebration in the early years.

At that time, the factory issued tasks, each production workshop evaluated the programs, and then performed at the conference venue.

Later, the factory's profits declined, life became worse and worse, and everyone was struggling to protect themselves. Such activities lost their initial intensity.

After entering the new era, the relevant celebrations were directly cancelled.

While Lin Yu was busy organizing the report, Qian Jianguo wanted to pick up the relevant activities again.

Lin Yu approved it, but it was not for his own entertainment, but for the people to enjoy together.

He changed the plan from a show performance to inviting all primary and secondary school students in Lanling City to visit Rheinsteel to visit weapons and equipment.

When this plan was sent to the Lanling Municipal Government, a group of people felt that it was a bit wrong, but they also felt that it was right.

After all, the most favorite broadcast of Shandong Provincial TV Station is all kinds of war films. Children who have been instilled with martial arts concepts by TV dramas since childhood are very interested in all kinds of weapons and equipment regardless of their age.

However, they can only be interested.

They can't touch it.

Now there is an opportunity to let these children touch the equipment, and the municipal government waved its hand and directly approved the relevant projects.

It was then handed over to various middle schools and high schools.

Of course, it is limited to the city.

If it was students from the entire city, it would be too many.

At nine o'clock in the morning on the 1st, the security personnel of Rheinsteel, who were forced to go to work, put on their most beautiful clothes early in the morning and stood at the factory gate to welcome the bus that was sending people.

Then, these students were separated by school and sent to the weapons test site one by one.

At the weapons test site, the leader of the test team, Shao Xiaofeng, with his hands behind his back and a stern face, looked at the students in front of him seriously and began his nonsense:

"Students, these guns in front of you are the main equipment of our country's army. We are used to calling them Type 56 submachine guns. Type 56 automatic rifles."

"Next to them is the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle."

"A little further to the side is the Type 56 light machine gun."

"The Type 56 automatic rifle is a firearm that we imitated the Soviet AK-47 assault rifle. After some modifications, it is more suitable for our people."

"This gun was produced and finalized in 1956, modified to Type 56-1 in 1963, and modified to Type 56-2 in 1980. 1991 modified QBZ56C. "

"The Type 56 semi-automatic rifle next to it is based on the SKS semi-automatic rifle handed over by the Soviet Union in 1951."

"And the Type 56 light machine gun next to it is a machine gun we copied from the former Soviet Union's RPD light machine gun design in 1956."

"So far, 99% of our troops are equipped with these three types of firearms."

"Today, taking this opportunity, you can bravely get your hands on and touch this famous gun handed down from generation to generation."

"Feel the courage of our ancestors back then!"

As he shouted, the people in the weapons experiment group at the table in front of him made way and walked towards the firearms on the table with the neatly arranged students next to them.

And Shao Xiaofeng also stepped into the crowd, picked up the gun, and explained it bit by bit.

"First of all, you must hold the gun with both hands. When holding it, the most important point is that the muzzle cannot be pointed at people!"

"Remember, this is the most important point."

"Yes, this classmate asked a good question. If the muzzle cannot be pointed at people, then how should we hold the gun under normal circumstances?"

"Come and teach you!"

Shao Xiaofeng picked up the gun, hung the gun belt on his body, pinched the handle with his right hand, then raised the gun at a 45-degree angle and pointed it to the side of his body, and raised his left hand at this time, pinching the muzzle of the gun.

After doing these movements, he immediately straightened his chest, tightened his abdomen and lifted his hips, and the whole person instantly became energetic.

After standing there for a while, he began to march and march in step again.

The young children had never seen this, and they were all there screaming with excitement.

After a while, Shao Xiaofeng took off the gun on his body, grabbed a student, hung the gun on the other's shoulder, and then squatted beside him to instruct the movements.

Originally, this should have been a very boring action, but these children had a lot of fun and kept screaming.

He kept asking his classmates to get out of the way so that he could go.

At the entrance on the other side of the weapons test site, Lin Yu and Gao Jun each held a piece of watermelon in their hands and stood under the shade of a tree.

Take a bite of watermelon and look at the students in the distance.

The watermelon is not big, but Gao Jun ate it clean in just a few bites.

Putting the watermelon rind on the ground, he raised his eyes, looked at the students in the distance, and asked softly: "Old Lin, what are you going to do with this? I always feel that you don't have any good medicine in your gourd."

"Am I that kind of person?" Lin Yu didn't even raise his head, ate the watermelon, and then collected it intact and put it in the basin next to him.

Watermelon rind is a good thing, you can throw it to the cafeteria and let the cafeteria people take it to feed the pigs.

It will be Mid-Autumn Festival in a while, and some pigs should go on the road.

Watching him put away the watermelon peel, Gao Jun said, "Aren't you that kind of person?"

"People like you always think ten steps ahead. You suddenly made such a fuss, and then you told me that you didn't think about anything. Aren't you kidding me?"

Faced with the question, Lin Yu blinked and said calmly, "It's mainly for the troops."

"For the troops?" Gao Jun asked in surprise, and then cast his eyes on the children in the distance.

Because there are many students visiting this time, both big and small.

Even a kindergarten came to join in the fun.

Some of those kindergarten children, due to nutrition, are not even as tall as the guns, and can't even speak clearly.


Isn't it...you are too advanced?

Seeing the surprise in his eyes, Lin Yu moved his body and asked back: "Tell me, your DA regiment..."

"No, how many college soldiers did your former DA regiment have, and how did you beg and plead to get these soldiers."

Hearing this, Gao Jun couldn't help but lower his head and ponder.

When Lin Yu went to Pakistan, he also received a new transfer order, leaving the DA regiment and relying on Rheinsteel to set up a new electronic warfare equipment room.

He is the commander.

And then, there are only a handful of people below.

While he was thinking, Lin Yu continued, "In the future war, we need not only soldiers who dare to fight and fight, but also technical soldiers."

"Now is a very important juncture. If we lay a good foundation now, we will have a steady stream of soldiers in the future."

"But now everyone's slogan is to look at everything from the economy."

"Do you think that those children who are outstanding in learning and technology are willing to join the army on their own initiative?"

"Yes, but few, and we have to deduct those who will be disturbed by their families at that time, which will be even fewer."

"So I will knock a nail for them now, so that they can watch the equipment grow up."

"They have a stronger desire for autonomy."

Gao Jun agreed with his explanation, but after thinking for a moment, he raised his hand again, pointed to the child in Shao Xiaofeng's hand and asked:

"But the problem is, you knocked the nail too early, didn't you?"

In the distance, the excited high school students had left and were replaced by that kindergarten.

Because of long-term weapon testing, the muscles on Shao Xiaofeng's arms are stronger than anyone else's.

At this moment, he was holding two kindergarten dolls in his left hand, a gun in his right hand, and another on his shoulder.

However, those children not only did not cry, but were very happy.

Very excited.

Even where the two of them were sitting, they could hear the children laughing.

Amid the laughter, Lin Yu responded calmly: "Each generation has its own habits!"

"You were born in the 1960s, do you think we can surpass America?"

Gao Jun was silent.

He raised his head and looked at the teenagers in the distance. He didn't say anything, but his flashing eyes had already expressed his inner thoughts.

"Many people born in the 50s and 60s think that the moon is rounder in foreign countries, and foreign things are good."

"I was born in the 70s, and I have always believed that America and the Soviet Union beat people everywhere. Neither of them is good, they are just old-fashioned people."

"Then the Soviet Union disappeared, and America became the boss and the beacon."

"After 80 years, the perception is that America is invincible and irresistible."

"At this moment, their hearts are also branded with a mark, that is, everything abroad is the best."

"This is very disadvantageous for us."

"Now the generation born in the 90s is at the time of establishing the three views. In the next ten years, their three views will be impacted by the whole world."

"Before they are impacted, I will lay a foundation for them to avoid being abducted later."

"This is normal!"

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