Thinking over Lin Yu's words several times in his mind, Gao Jun nodded helplessly.

This is indeed normal.

Ideological education is important at all times.

Looking at the children in the distance, he also recognized Lin Yu's approach.

Retracting his gaze from the teenagers in the distance, he looked at Lin Yu helplessly and asked:

"When will you set up an electronic equipment research institute? The radar research group has been mixed with the satellite manufacturing center, and that's not a big deal!"

"For electronic warfare equipment, I even lost my position as the head of the DA regiment. Now the living allowance for the head is gone. Day by day, life is hard!"

The voice was very resentful. Lin Yu couldn't help but glance at him and said with a little sarcasm:

"Did I ask you to resign? It was you who stayed here day by day, not managing the business, and was specially removed from your position by the directorate."

"Now you come to me and ask me when I will set up an electronic warfare equipment research institute?"

"Will you pay?"

After asking, he patted his butt and stood up, holding the basin with watermelon peels, humming happily, and walked out of the weapons test site.

After walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "You can set up a satellite, go and recruit people yourself."

"Go to various research institutes to recruit people. When you get the electronic warfare suppression equipment depends on how many people you can recruit."

"I want to set up a research team here. At least I have to wait until I launch the first satellite into the sky and upgrade my equipment before I have enough money."

"By the way, tomorrow morning, go to the Satellite Research Center to name the satellite. Do you want to go?"

"Go! Of course!" Gao Jun stood up quickly, patted the dust on his butt, and left behind Lin Yu.

If the first satellite can be manufactured, then the second satellite can be manufactured.

It won't be long before the whole sky will be full of satellites of our own.

That's the happiest time!


In Jiaozhuang, in front of the gate of the Satellite Manufacturing Center, Miao Yuan looked at the banner in front of him, looking left and right, up and down, and always felt that it was a little crooked.

After thinking for a long time with his right hand holding his chin, he shouted to the two students hanging the banner:

"Move the banner 5 centimeters to the left first, and then move it 8 centimeters down."

Hearing his words, the two students in charge of hanging the banner raised their heads at the same time and roared like a lone wolf.

After roaring, the two followed Miao Yuan's words and kept twisting their bodies and buttocks beside the banner to be hung, but they did not move the banner.

After they moved for a while, Miao Yuan nodded seriously and said, "Okay, come down."

Getting recognized, the two students hanging the banner looked at each other, their faces twitched, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

After cleaning up the scene, Miao Yuan took his students and stood in front of the gate, looking eagerly at the north.

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, the Santana team came.

The first one was the exclusive car of the director of Rhein Steel, a second-hand Santana.

Behind the Santana were several special buses from the Lanling Municipal Government - Volkswagen Passat 2000 models.

Seeing the somewhat worn-out Santana, Miao Yuan's heart, which had fallen, was lifted up again at this moment.

As soon as the Santana stopped, he walked over in one step, stretched out his hand to open the door, and asked Lin Yu to get out of the car.

Standing in front of the gate, Lin Yu looked at the red cloth hanging and the banners. He nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and patted Miao Yuan hard:

"Professor Miao, you did a good job, it is worth encouraging."

"This is what we should do. This satellite can be made because of the guidance of the factory director!" After flattering him gently, Miao Yuan hurriedly walked to the right front of Lin Yu, raised his right hand, pointed to the factory next to him, and said:

"The satellite is in the factory, you see..."

Although he was asking Lin Yu, his eyes were looking at the Passats of the Lanling Municipal Government.

The rear door of the first Passat was pushed open, and Wang Jianguo got out of the car. Looking at the satellite research center in front of him, he wanted to recite a couple of poems, but suddenly remembered that he was not the protagonist today.

He shook his head and walked towards Lin Yu naturally, covered his mouth with his hand, and asked in a low voice: "Isn't your satellite an empty frame?"

"Empty frame? Satellite manufacturing is not that troublesome. The trouble lies in process integration. The trouble lies in how to integrate the existing technologies at the smallest scale and then launch them into the sky." Lin Yu replied, raised his hand and pointed to the door, indicating Miao Yuan to lead the way.

Under his leadership, a group of people slowly walked into the R\u0026D center, stood in front of the factory marked as the general assembly workshop for a while, and walked into the factory together.

The steel structure factory was painted white from top to bottom, and the sunlight and fluorescent lights made the entire factory full of light.

In the middle of the factory, a spotlight was artificially added, and under the spotlight, there were two huge stainless steel metal display tables placed together.

On the display stand on the left is a layer of red velvet, which looks so bright and hot in the cold-toned factory.

On the velvet is a satellite that is about one meter long, about 80 centimeters wide and high, with unfolded solar panels on the left and right sides, which looks like a cardboard box.

And on the left side of this display stand is the satellite control console.

Low-orbit satellites, because their orbits are relatively low, need to adjust their orbits at any time during operation to prevent the satellites from slowly falling to the ground due to the earth's gravity.

And all of this requires satellite self-control and ground control.

The role of the satellite's console is evident at this moment.

Compared with the display stand on the left, the display stand on the right looks very, very long.

On the same flannel furnishings are parts of different sizes. The same parts are placed in three identical groups.

Each part has a corresponding name, number, function, manufacturer, and the price of the part.

On the wall behind the two display tables is a huge red cloth. There is nothing on the red cloth.

However, when Lin Yu was checking the satellite, everyone subconsciously turned their attention to the huge red cloth.

Because in a little while, the name of this satellite will appear on the red cloth on the display table, from now on, all the time, and forever.

It has become an important event in Chinese history and will be recorded in future historical data.

[Rheinsteel Group officially manufactured its own satellite on August 2, 2003, and named it XX, thus kicking off the competition for low-orbit satellite orbits.

And, win the final competition! 】

Different from the excitement of others, Lin Yu seemed relatively calm, because he had seen more and better satellites in later generations. Compared with the satellites he had seen, the satellite in front of him was almost the same as the difference between a candlelight and a kilowatt light bulb.

However, the candlelight in front of you belongs to you and can be used by you.

No matter how good a kilowatt light bulb is, it will take more than ten or twenty years to slowly upgrade.

You can only look at it, not touch it!

Touching the satellite on the display table with his hand, he turned to look at Miao Yuan and the dozens of teachers and students in white coats behind Miao Yuan with excited faces.

He nodded his head gently to them, and then said: "Let me introduce you!"

"Okay!" With Lin Yu's affirmation, Miao Yuan stood up straight in an instant, like a veteran who was ordered to go on an expedition. He stood in front of the satellite, looked at Wang Jianguo and others, and introduced loudly:

"This is the low-orbit communication satellite we manufactured. Our internal research and development code name is WX1."

"According to your request, director, we abandoned the functions we originally envisioned and only retained the most basic communication functions and remote sensing imaging of this satellite."

"So, after re-adjustment, we came up with this prototype in just a few months."

"This satellite, with its own weight of 250 kilograms, is equipped with a complete set of Hall electric thrusters and a set of conventional chemical thrusters."

"These two sets of thrusters can ensure that our satellite can freely adjust its attitude in a low orbit of 535 kilometers."

"In terms of business, it is equipped with 5 Ku user beams and 3 Ka gateway beams, which can effectively provide customers with stable TV broadcasts and corresponding satellite communication services."

"For the television broadcasting business, we use conventional frequency band interfaces. In other words, using our satellite services does not require additional equipment adjustments."

"However, satellite communication services require the use of our dedicated decoding terminals."

"The large terminal is the console in front of us."

"Small terminal, Professor Mei Feng from Shencheng, has added the corresponding dedicated decoding terminal to the business of the mobile phone manufacturer, and is leading people to start research and development."

"It is expected that a batch of prototypes will be available for testing before the end of this year."

"In addition, we also carry a simple product of the radar team, a focused synthetic aperture radar!"

After showing the complete machine, Miao Yuan took a step back and walked to the long display table next to him. He pointed at the parts marked with numbers, names, and prices on the flannel and said:

"Everyone, in addition to showing our satellites today, we are also focusing on showing something extra."

"It's these parts."

“Some of these new parts, large and small, are custom-made by us from manufacturers ourselves, and some are parts we purchase directly on the market and adopt after testing to meet our needs.”

"There are three sets of parts here."

"In other words, we only need to put these three sets of parts on the assembly line and assemble them according to the assembly manual."

"In three days at most, we can get three additional satellites."

Three sets of parts, three days, turned into three satellites.

Miao Yuan's words made the people in Lanling City Government go completely crazy.

In 2000, Lanling City was still thinking about how to develop itself so as not to let other cities fall behind.

In 2001, a group of people were still thinking about where the GDP growth point should be.

But in 2002, Lin Yu came out of the blue and directly helped them solve this problem, that is, using arms——

Cross it out and take the road of technological construction.

Under the leadership of Miao Yuan, a group of people from Lanling City surrounded the display stand and looked at the parts one by one.

Some of these parts may seem expensive, but the prices are very low.

Some of them look inconspicuous, but are ridiculously expensive.

After staring for a while, Wang Jianguo and others locked their eyes on the twenty control chips in the corner.

Because after looking around, these twenty chips accounted for almost one-tenth of the entire satellite cost!

You know, the prices of these parts are marked on the side. The cost of the entire satellite is about 2.2 million.

And these twenty chips took away more than 220,000 funds.

Seeing this, the faces of Wang Jianguo and others turned red instantly. At the same time, their hands unconsciously touched these chips, but they pulled back the moment they were about to touch them.

After taking a few deep breaths, he pulled a few people from the Lanling Municipal Government to the side and started chatting quietly:

“I think the companies we introduce next can be used as supporting facilities.”

"Is this possible? Their satellite is still in the experimental stage. If it doesn't work, isn't it useless?"

"What do you know? Have you seen those chips? The standard is 250 nanometer process, which is not difficult to see. If we can get someone to take it, does that mean we can do other things?"

"No, if the chips are so easy to make, why don't Rheinsteel make them themselves? And you didn't watch the news? Some time ago, every one of the people in charge of the national team that was making chips was on target!"

"Then let's do something else?"

"Do something else!"

"Imagine that when the production lines here mature, all the satellites around the world will be manufactured here and then launched with Rheinsteel rockets."

"Sooner or later, the world of Lu Province will belong to Lanling!"

Not far away, looking at the people in Lanling City, Lin Yu asked Miao Yuan in a low voice: "Have all the parts that are not highly confidential but have no profit for us been counted?"

"Give a list to our Mayor Wang Jianguo later. He knows what to do."

"Hmm!" Miao Yuan nodded, and then quickly said: "In terms of chip research, we must put it on the agenda. Now that the performance of these satellites is average, we can still use some foreign chips."

"But once our industry matures and we compete with foreign countries, chips will be our jam."

"It's not a big problem." Lin Yu scratched his head casually. Industrial-grade chips are different from consumer-grade chips.

The most important requirement for industrial-grade chips is stability, not running speed. If you don’t have enough, you can seek help from aerospace groups.

With one more person, their affiliated chip research institute can also get additional data and money.

My goal is consumer-grade chips.

That thing is related to subsequent smart devices, and that is the core.

There are so many things.

Burying these thoughts in his heart, Lin Yu nodded to Miao Yuan when he saw that the time was almost up. Miao Yuan understood and quickly directed people to take down the huge red cloth and spread it on the ground.

His students brought a mop-like brush and presented it to Lin Yu.

Taking off his shoes and stepping on the red cloth, Lin Yu grabbed the "mop", stirred it twice in the ink bucket, and dragged the "mop" dripping ink onto the red cloth.

Write a few big words with all your strength.

【Night Navigation Star】

"There are countless stars in the sky, but this satellite is the only one we made ourselves. It is a star that guides us. Its name is the Night Navigation Star!"

"This prototype is called Yehangxing No. 1!"

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, compliments from Wang Jianguo and others nearby rang out.

"Director Lin's calligraphy is flying like a dragon and a phoenix is ​​dancing. In the future, these satellites will definitely be as flying as your writing!"

"Director Lin is young and promising. Under your leadership, our Lanling City will become a city of science and technology."

"By then, you will be the father of technology in Lanling!"

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