
The sudden words made Lin Yu spit out water. When he saw the other person's right hand stretched out, he was finally sure of one thing, that is, Xiang Square agreed to his offer.


At this moment, he felt a little regretful, a little regretful that he didn't push the price down to the bottom.

It's a pity that a man is a man of integrity, and if he speaks out, it will be like spitting out, and there is absolutely no reason to lick it back.

Putting the tea cup down, Lin Yu stood up and held the hand of the person in front of him tightly, letting Xiang Pinggao know what a real iron hand was.

After a brief handshake, the two let go.

"Mr. Lin, are your satellites ready?"

"Still undergoing ground debugging!"

"Approximately how long will it take?"

"Originally there were only 4, but you said that 9 can be launched. Then I have to make 5 more and debug them together. It will have to wait until the end of the month."

"Then let's set a time, how about September 11th next month? That day is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I know a little about Feng Shui. It's a good day, suitable for making alliances, accepting gifts, offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, and consecrating."

Do you know something about Feng Shui?

Lin Yu stretched out his hand to scratch his head, then slowly turned his head and looked in the direction where Xiang Pangang was staring.

In this direction, on the wall to the right of the entrance, there is a thick calendar hanging.

It's the kind of old-fashioned calendar that requires tearing out a page every day. It's about a foot square.

The time shown above is Wednesday, August 6, 2003.

The ninth day of the seventh month of the Guiwei Sheep Year in the lunar calendar is the Jiwei month and the Xinhai day.

Suitable for: making alliances, receiving gifts, offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, and consecrating.

Taboo: Marrying, burying, mourning, breaking ground, repairing tombs.

After blinking and confirming several times that the words on the calendar were correct, Lin Yu slowly turned around, looked at Xiang Pingang, and asked with a playful face:

"Aren't you afraid that the rocket will explode into fireworks?"

"Peace is broken. The Mid-Autumn Festival is broken. It should be successful next time, right?"

"Okay! It's September 11th. Anyway, if the launch fails then, I won't be the one who will be caught working overtime."

"Then let's sign a contract?"

"Sign the contract! After signing, I will have people work overtime to test it, and then let the finance department make the payment."

"I'll call the secretary!" Picking up the phone on the table, Xiang Fangfang called the secretary.

Then the secretary came over with a bunch of people.

Looking at the old and yellowed contract, as well as the several legal officers who were lying on the contract and constantly modifying the terms in it, Lin Yu couldn't help but shake his head, pointed at a few people, and said to Qian Duoduo:

"These are people who are not prepared at all. We at Rheinsteel cannot imitate them."

"As long as it is a business we are involved in, we must be prepared for the possibility of business divergence."

"Give our guests the best service."

Faced with his accusations, Xiang Pangping naturally had no idea. He stood beside him holding a piece of paper without two words on it and read it very seriously.

It was almost lunch time when the contract was revised. Lin Yu held it in his hand and after checking it overtime, watched several people type out the contract word by word.

There was not a single punctuation difference between the confirmed version and the revised version, so I picked up the pen and wrote down the text on the contract.

Put a seal on it.

After signing the contract, Xiang Pangang immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't go back tonight. I'll book a meal here."

"How about celebrating our happy cooperation?"

Although he was asking questions, Xiang Pangfang did not extend his hand.

These actions were naturally noticed by Lin Yu. He chuckled and held out his right hand to Xiang Pingfa: "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"


In the cafeteria of Yanjing University of Technology, Bao Minghui sat in the corner of the cafeteria, turning his head to look at the cafeteria door from time to time.

When he didn't see the stranger, he looked back at the phone in his hand.

On the screen of the small Sony mobile phone was an unfamiliar number. The number had no name and only a call record from the morning.

Bao Minghui rubbed his fingers back and forth on the dial key several times, but in the end Bao Minghui failed to press the dial key.

After looking down for a while, he raised his head again and looked at the cafeteria door, but there was still no one there.

Just as he was about to get up and leave, his stomach, which had not been served all morning, rose up at this moment and openly began to rebel.

Makes a purring sound.

Holding the phone and sighing, the thirty-year-old young scholar let out a long sigh as his stomach screamed, and then walked to the counter in the cafeteria.

He took out his meal card and handed it out habitually. After the rice cooker swiped the card, he activated his long-lost shadowless hand and turned a portion of Kung Pao Chicken into Kung Pao Garlic Chicken Bones.

Carrying the chicken bones, he returned to where he was sitting and checked his cell phone and the cafeteria door again to make sure he didn't see any extra people. Bao Minghui lowered his head and started eating as if no one else was around.

Just as he was crazily stuffing rice into his mouth, there was a sound of leather shoes hitting the ground at the door of the cafeteria.

This sound made Bao Minghui, who was eating, quickly stop what he was doing, raise his head, and look towards the main entrance of the cafeteria.

But they found two young people entering the door.

He is very young, energetic, and dressed casually, but he walks with an arrogance that looks down upon the world.

He is not the one to wait for.

Thinking of this, he quickly lowered his head and continued to cook.

But just as he spit out a chicken bone on the table, one of the young men sat down in front of him.

The person who raised his head and vomited chicken bones and the person who was high-spirited sat together and looked at each other.

Lin Yu was naturally the high-spirited person.

Yesterday, he and Xiang Ping had dinner and rested in the hotel overnight. Early in the morning, he rushed to Yanjing University of Technology without stopping, because there was someone he needed here.

After staring at the haggard-looking man in front of him for a long time, Lin Yu asked tentatively: "Bao Minghui?"

When Bao Minghui heard his own name from the other party's mouth, he closed his eyes and began to inhale and exhale forcefully.

A few minutes passed before he opened his eyes again. He took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped the corners of his mouth to remove the oil. Bao Minghui pressed his head a little harder:

"it's me!"

"May I ask your Excellency?"

"Rheinsteel, Lin Yu!" After introducing himself, Lin Yu pointed his right index finger at his chest and said to the person opposite with a smile:

"At the same time, he is also the one who reported you on the 413 chip project. To put it bluntly, you are the bird you are today because of me."

Cough cough cough!

Cough cough cough!

In addition to Lin Yu who was speaking, Qian Duoduo behind him, and Bao Minghui across from him, both of them coughed at the same time.

Behind Lin Yu, Qian Duoduo coughed a little, then cast his curious gaze on the back of his factory director, and a few seconds later, on Bao Minghui opposite.


He could confirm that he did not know this person, and combined with the questions he asked when he called this morning, he could completely infer that Bao Minghui and his factory director did not know each other.

How can there be conflicts between people who are beyond your reach?


When you have a conflict with someone, shouldn't the first thing you do is call the police like in the movie and then distance yourself?

After thinking wildly in his mind for a long time, Qian Duoduo took a step forward and got stuck next to the table.

If Bao Minghui wants to take action, he can stop him immediately.

Even if the opponent wants to hit him with a plate, he can stop him with his briefcase!


However, Bao Minghui did not suddenly go crazy or yell suddenly as he imagined. He just lowered his head calmly and continued to enjoy the food on the plate.

Five minutes later, he finally finished eating what was on the plate, wiped his mouth clean, cleared the table, and put the plate away where the dishes were stacked.

Bao Minghui then reappeared and sat down in front of Lin Yu. After a few seconds, he asked expressionlessly: "You are the one who reported the experimental group. So, tell me, are you here to show off?"

"If you are here to show off, then you should be very satisfied when you see me like this."

"The originally hot young scholar has a bright future."

"But suddenly, Chi Yu was affected."

"The entire project team was arrested and cleaned up. In the end, they could only return to their alma mater as a counselor. One of them could not engage in teaching and could only run around, taking documents issued here and taken there. Run around."

"Haha——" After a short breath, Bao Minghui held his head with both hands and squeezed it hard. The face became extremely ferocious in an instant.

He suddenly stood up, bared his teeth and roared at Lin Yu: "Are you satisfied?"

There were other people eating in the canteen, and there were even some young couples pouting.

This roar startled the young couple two aisles apart. They gnashed their front teeth together and let out a neat scream.

And more people also turned their attention to the three people at this moment.

It was clear that one of the protagonists was Bao Minghui. Some people who knew part of the inside story, but were not very accurate, started to point fingers.

The voice wasn't loud, but anyone who wasn't a fool could tell that they were talking about that rustling voice.

As the person at the center of the storm, Lin Yu sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, listened for a while and pointed, then grinned, showing his big front teeth, and asked the person opposite:

"How does it feel to be pointed at?"

Bao Minghui did not respond. After Lin Yu's calm words, he put away his arrogance, calmly sat down across the table and asked:

"What on earth are you doing? If you're here to see a joke, you've already seen it."

"If you see it, please leave. I have to work here."

"I came to you for work!" Lin Yu raised his left hand. Qian Duoduo, who was stuck between the two of them, saw the actions of his factory director. He quickly opened his briefcase, took out an employment contract, opened the first page, and folded it. one time.

It looks like three to five pages.

Light and airy.

When this flimsy contract was handed to Bao Minghui, the middle-aged man in his thirties suddenly widened his eyes when he looked at the title of the contract.

[Special Employment Contract for Rheinsteel Chip R\u0026D—Team Leader Level Version]

The first page of the contract is a copy.

He recognized the words on the copy, and he also knew where this narrative tone came from!

Pressing his heart with his hand and taking a few deep breaths, Bao Minghui slowly pushed the contract in front of him to the side and looked straight at Lin Yu:

"So, you reported it just to steal people? Do you know..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu waving to the young man next to him again.

So, under Bao Minghui's surprised gaze, Qian Duoduo took out a loudspeaker that was larger than his fist and handed it to Lin Yu.

With the sound of turning on the phone, Lin Yu took the speaker, coughed twice, and said loudly:

"Your 413 chip project team, a bunch of people from top to bottom, are all cheating. The leader bought foreign chips and polished them to disguise their own chips."

"The project team leader below knows there is a problem, but feels that if he tells it, it will affect his future. He thinks that with his own technology, he can get results before the incident!"

"A group of people are deceiving their superiors and subordinates."

"I know what kind of mentality some of you have. It's nothing more than that although we were fake at the beginning, we successfully made results in the end, and you can't point fingers at us!"

"Then, Bao Minghui, as a person who develops testing technology, tell me, how long does it take to convert fakes into real results?"

"Five years, ten years, twenty years?"

"Now that the fraud has been exposed, the chip research and development work of the entire country has almost stagnated."

"If three or five years later, when the country needs results, it asks you to produce something, you can produce a polished chip."

"Who... will take responsibility?"


With a few simple words and a loud shout, Lin Yu shook out a secret.

In the cafeteria, the students who heard these words opened their mouths wide, and they couldn't imagine that they could actually eat such a shocking melon.

Moreover, the counselor of Yanjing University of Electronic Science and Technology was also involved.

After eating the melon, a group of people cast curious eyes on Bao Minghui.

They really want to know why this person didn't go to jail when everyone else in the chip case went to jail.

Somewhat disappointed.

After someone exposed the incident and his mentality at the time, Bao Minghui lowered his head resignedly and didn't want to speak.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu took advantage of the situation and continued to speak with the loudspeaker:

"I was able to come to the cafeteria of this school to find you today instead of going to the prison to rescue you, which shows that you are a relatively upright person."

"At least you didn't go along with the others. I know you are unwilling to do so, so I am willing to give you a chance."

"You can now choose to nod and agree, sign the contract, and then avenge your previous shame, or you can choose to refuse and spend the rest of your life here!"

"The choice is yours."

After saying this, Lin Yu put down the loudspeaker and smiled at the person opposite, wanting to know the other party's reaction.

Across the way, Bao Minghui looked at the loudspeaker in Lin Yu's hand and his eyelids twitched.

He turned his head and looked at the increasing number of students who were eating melons.

Do you have a choice?

No choice!

It looks like a multiple-choice question, but it is actually a right or wrong question!

Without any extra movements, he took out a pen from his chest pocket.

Unscrew the cap and write the name and date directly on the contract.

At the same time, he picked up a pen and drew a few lines on the area with text printed on it. This would prevent others from modifying the document after getting the signature.

After signing one contract, Qian Duoduo took out another contract and put it in front of Bao Minghui.

After signing both contracts, they were pushed into Lin Yu's hands. Lin Yu picked up the pen, signed the contract, put away one, and threw the other one back to Bao Minghui:

"Let's go to the school archives and pick up your file. After getting your file, we have to go to other schools to find two people."

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