On the way to the school's academic affairs office, Bao Minghui kept his head down. As he walked, he looked around furtively, as if he was afraid that others would look at him.

Lin Yu and the other person were walking beside him. They both saw his actions, but they didn't choose to say much.

The administrative building of Yanjing University of Technology is more imposing and larger than that of Rheinsteel.

Standing in front of this newly built building, Qian Duoduo tilted his neck and looked carefully from bottom to top, and asked blankly: "Director, when can we have such a luxurious building?"

"Our small broken office building looks cheap."

As he said, he turned around and pointed to the left and back of the three people, where there was also a building.

But the sign hanging on the building said hotel.

Very grand.

After a casual glance, Lin Yu retracted his gaze. The hotel can be built, but not now.

That broken guesthouse has few customers, why spend all that money?

Pointing ahead, he looked at Bao Minghui gently and said, "Team Leader Bao, we are unfamiliar with this place, so please lead the way."

Looking at this newly built building, Bao Minghui smiled bitterly and shook his head, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and walked towards the door.

As soon as he walked to the glass door, he bumped into two people coming out, who seemed to know Bao Minghui.

Seeing each other, he smiled and greeted them, "Good afternoon, Teacher Bao, is there another student in love?"

"No, no!" Bao Minghui replied, and took Lin Yu and the others into the lobby and walked towards the elevator.

Press the number 13 in the elevator.

The elevator went up, and in ten seconds, it arrived at the 13th floor.

Bao Minghui stood at the exit of the elevator door, and his breathing became heavy. When the elevator door closed for the third time, he suddenly reached out and opened the closed elevator door again, and then stepped out.

At this moment, he was no longer dejected, but full of determination.

With his footsteps moving quickly, he walked to the door of the principal's office at the back of the floor in just a dozen seconds.

He knocked on the door gently.

A few minutes later, in the principal's office, when Shi Yuan, the president of Yanjing University of Technology, figured out the situation, he was stunned.

He never expected that the mess at Shanghai Jiaotong University had not been settled yet.

There was still an aftermath.


He looked at the two young men in front of him, his face full of disbelief, because the people in front of him were too young.

Too young.

When he was their age, he was...

Forget it, anyway, they were too young, and they were not good at talking and doing things.

Just as he was about to ask, a document in a brown paper bag was delivered to him, and Lin Yu said:

"I asked for this document."

"If President Shi doesn't believe it, you can call President Si Kongteng of Weigongcun Auto Repair College and President Wu Shigang of Yanjing Wudaokou Small Aircraft Practice College."

"I know this is a bit unbelievable, but it is true."

"The world is changing. What we should do is to seriously find out the problem, then change the problem, and then catch up."

"Don't be afraid of the rope after being bitten by a snake!"

Hearing the two familiar names, Shi Yuan did not refute Lin Yu's words, but reached out to pick up the file, pulled it out, and read it carefully.

There is a file number and the department that issued the file.

Adding this familiar tone and the subsequent list of attachments, all the doubts in Shi Yuan's heart were suppressed.

The people on the list were originally the mainstays of chip research in major universities and research institutes.

But just because they have cooperated with the 413 chip project, they are now all hidden.

He couldn't get important projects or important positions, but at least he had enough food and clothing and was still alive.

He was a poor guy.

But even if he was a poor guy, he was better than those dozens of core staff who had to eat peanuts.

Those who could accurately get the list of these people, as well as their current residence and work addresses, had great power.

He calmly put the file back and handed it back to Lin Yu. Shi Yuan picked up the phone on the table and called the Academic Affairs Office, asking them to complete the file transfer within half an hour and send Bao Minghui's file over at the same time.

After giving the order, he walked out of the desk, sat down opposite Lin Yu, rubbed his hands, and asked with a smile:

"Since Mr. Lin wants to make chips, do you need manpower?"

"Our school still has many graduate students in chip-related majors. Because of the 413 project, they are now somewhat idle."

"Go abroad. Many people have no money and can't survive if they go abroad."

"Originally, domestic research institutes still needed them, but the 413 project was a trick, and many research institutes postponed the project."

"Private enterprises don't need them."

"After studying hard for several years, it feels bad to leave school and have nowhere to use what you have learned."

"If Mr. Lin is short of people, I will call them now and get them over."

"Salary is not a problem. Young people don't know anything when they go out to society. They should exercise more."

As for the initial concerns about Bao Minghui's whereabouts, he had long forgotten them. Now, it's time for employment counseling!

After hearing Shi Yuan's words, Lin Yu did not refuse or agree at the first time.

After a few seconds of silence, he turned his head to look at Qian Duoduo and said, "Xiaoduo, write it down."

"After returning, organize the people in the R\u0026D department to come to the University of Technology and recruit a few suitable people."

At his instruction, Qian Duoduo took out his notebook and began to record the relevant itinerary.

When he finished writing, the door of the principal's office was pushed open from the outside again, and the people from the Academic Affairs Office arrived.

He was holding a thick kraft paper bag in his hand. The seal of the kraft paper bag was still a little wet, which was the seal that had just been pasted.

The seal was also printed with red seals.

The kraft paper bag stayed in Shi Yuan's hand for no more than three seconds, and then it was handed over to Lin Yu, and finally into Qian Duoduo's bag.

After getting what he needed, Lin Yu and his men said goodbye.

Walking out of the administrative building and standing in the sun, Lin Yu took out a list from his arms and handed it to Bao Minghui, saying:

"There are a few more people on this list, just like you, who are all unlucky people affected."

"They are in Yanjing, and your task is to gather these unlucky people together."

"Report to Rhein Steel within a week!"

"Xiaoduo, give me the money!"

Qian Duoduo unzipped his clothes, took out an envelope from his left chest pocket, and handed the contract corresponding to the list to Bao Minghui.

As soon as he got the envelope, Bao Minghui knew immediately by the feel that it was 20,000 yuan.

Rubbing the envelope with his fingers, he said to Lin Yu with a strange look on his face: "Aren't you afraid that I will run away with the money?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu tilted his head, showing his big buck teeth, and smiled and responded: "You can try!"

The sunlight shining on his big buck teeth is so kind, amiable, and kind.

"Ah--" With a sigh, Bao Minghui resigned himself to stuffing the envelope into his chest, turned around, and walked out of the gate of the Industrial University with his hands in his pockets.

Watching him disappear at the school gate, Lin Yu waved his hand: "Let's go, buy a ticket to Harbin!"


In front of the gate of Wudaokou (Men's) Vocational and Technical College, Bao Minghui looked up, looked at the luxurious school gate for a while, sighed softly, and walked into the school.

Just after two steps, he walked to the flower bed on the side of the road, sat down on the flower bed, and waited for the school bus to arrive.

This school is a little big, and walking is a bit tiring.

Not long after, the school bus heading to the Department of Engineering Physics arrived, Bao Minghui stretched out his hand to stop it, and sat on it happily.

Ten minutes later, the school bus stopped in front of the building of the Department of Engineering Physics.

Before getting off the bus, Bao Minghui saw the thin middle-aged man squatting at the intersection.

The middle-aged man had a short cropped haircut, wore glasses, and wore a very ordinary white shirt on his upper body, black suit pants and sneakers on his lower body.

He was squatting on the ground, holding a branch in his hand, drawing circles on the ground constantly, and raising his head from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

Bao Minghui got out of the car, broke a branch from the flower bed, took it in his hand and squatted in front of the middle-aged man.

He followed and drew circles together.

The action of drawing circles was interrupted by someone. The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at the person in front of him. He found that it was the person who asked him out, and then lowered his head and continued to draw circles.

The actions of the two people aroused the curiosity of the students around them, but after knowing the identity of the middle-aged man, they all looked away, feeling like looking at the plague god.

The two people on the ground didn't pay much attention to the students' gazes.

After waiting for a while, until his feet were numb from squatting, the middle-aged man raised his head and pointed to the park next to him:

"Let's go, find a place in the park to sit and chat."

After saying that, without waiting for Bao Minghui's response, he walked over alone.

When Bao Minghui caught up again, he had already sat on a stone bench in the park.

He still didn't give up the branch in his hand, and kept writing and drawing on the stone table.

Bao Minghui sat down in front of him and asked softly, "How are you doing recently?"

He asked very sincerely and his words were very earnest.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man finally stopped and asked himself: "How is it?"

"I'm still alive, not dead yet, and I don't worry about three meals a day, that's it."

"What about you? Someone who is expected to become a young scholar has become a counselor. Is your salary enough to spend?"

"Not enough!" Bao Minghui frankly admitted that the salary was not enough, and then he took out the unopened envelope and list from his arms and threw them on the table:

"So, I found a new job. To be precise, the job found me."

"Then the other party claimed to be the person who reported the 413 project at the beginning, and now invited me to participate in their chip development work and be responsible for the chip testing process."

"As for their company, it is called Rhein Steel."

"This money is the convening fee they just gave. You are on their list. The other party asked me to summon you to report to Shandong Province together."

"Now I want to ask, how much do you know about this company?"

Opposite, the middle-aged man naturally threw away the branch and picked up the envelope on the table to open it first.

In the envelope, there were two bulging stacks of money, wrapped in plastic film. When the plastic film was removed, a faint fragrance could be smelled.

His fingers slid across the banknotes, all of which were brand new, real banknotes with serial numbers.

20,000 yuan.

In the city, a suitable property can buy about 5 square meters.

Putting down the banknotes, the middle-aged man picked up the list on the table. On the list, there were two other people besides him from Wudaokou (Men's) Vocational and Technical College.

But those two people were from the computer department.

After filtering all these lists, he looked at Bao Minghui in front of him and asked, "What do you think?"

"I have signed the contract with them!" Bao Minghui spread his hands and told the story.

After saying that, he took out the contract in his arms and gently put it on the table.

Seeing the copy of the first page, the middle-aged man's pupils shrank subconsciously.

This... the tone of this document is not right!

Putting down the contract, he looked at Bao Minghui and asked, "Have you notified the other two people?"

"I have notified them. Calculating the time, they should be here too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang. He answered the call and said a few words to the person on the other end. Two middle-aged men appeared on the path next to him.

As soon as the two appeared, they greeted enthusiastically: "Gou Ming!"

"Bao Minghui!"

"Zhong Shixiong!"


Pulling the two to sit down next to the stone bench, Bao Minghui explained the whole story and directly expressed his thoughts:

"I plan to go to this Rheinsteel to avenge my previous shame. Do you want to go?"

After saying this, Vincy and the other two subconsciously looked at each other, trying to see each other's plans from each other's faces.

If it were any other ordinary school, perhaps the three would not have the slightest consideration, and would just pack their luggage and run away.

But this is Wudaokou (Men's) Vocational and Technical College, one of the two top universities in China.

How many people want to get in but can't.

For the problem of the 413 project, the punishment given by the school is just to stay in school.

This problem is not big or small, and it is not a big deal if you don't go. After a few years, maybe everyone will forget about it and you can come out again.

At this moment, Vinci, who had just arrived, suddenly raised his hand and asked Bao Minghui: "How much project funding can the other party provide?"

"How big is the project team?"

"What are the specific chip requirements?"

Bao Minghui shook his head: "I don't know! That's why I asked Gou Ming if he knew this company."

"However, when the other party talked to the principal of our school, he said that the principal of the Yanjing Wudaokou Small Aircraft Practice College knew them."

"I have met Principal Wu Shigang several times and we are quite familiar with each other. I will call and ask!" The person who answered the call was Zhong Shixiong on the side, and he acted quickly.

In ten seconds, the call was dialed out. When Zhong Shixiong finished explaining the whole story half-knowingly, Wu Shigang on the other side exploded.

A beautiful C language was output from the other side.

"Why would that little bastard Lin Yu come to you to develop chips? MD, other schools have research centers, but we don't. How dare he bite off more than he can chew and develop chips?"

"Fuck! Is he there? Is he in Wudaokou? I'll be there right away!"

"He's not there?"

"Why are you calling him when he's not there?"

"Hang up!"

Although the words were very aggressive, the four people at the stone table also heard what was going on.

That was Rheinsteel, and that Lin Yu, who had only met twice, was definitely not a weakling!

Instead, he was a fierce dragon crossing the river.

Facing a fierce dragon crossing the river, the best way is to join it if you can't beat it!

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