As soon as he finished speaking, his companions who were guarding Highway 8933 ran over quickly, and at the same time, they were accompanied by anxious words:

"There's a car coming!"


Hearing this, the two people who had just set up the mines quickly stood up, and the other two sentries also ran back quickly.

Then they swarmed into the bushes, holding their guns, lying in the place that had just been confirmed to be safe and looking at the road.

Only ten seconds later, several beams of light appeared from the left side of Highway 8933, illuminating the night sky.

It's a convoy!

Seeing the convoy, several people lying in the bushes couldn't help wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

Fortunately, the action was fast enough. If this convoy appeared at the time when they set the trap, it would be the end.

In addition to being thankful, a group of people stared at the four tm62m mines hidden on the roadside with wide eyes.

They were eager to know what kind of results these four mines could bring!

At this time, the convoy was close, and several people finally saw the appearance of the convoy clearly.

There were three trucks, covered with desert camouflage canvas, and it was unclear what was inside.

But the trucks were not moving fast, and judging from the wheels, they seemed a little heavy!

Finally, in their expectant eyes, the first truck passed the mine in front.

It drove straight to the kite line behind.

The transparent and thin kite line was completely invisible in front of the truck headlights, and no one noticed it until the first car hit it.

The 8 kg TNT mixed with other substances exploded in an instant, and a huge horizontal fireball exploded in the silent and black night sky.

At the moment the fireball exploded, the shock wave and mine fragments generated by the explosion hit the first truck like a demon.

The truck had been modified to be bulletproof, which was very effective in defending against 7.62 mm caliber bullets.

However, in front of the 8 kg TNT charge, this little armor was as fragile as a man's oath.

In just a moment, the first car was torn apart and knocked over by fragments and shock waves.

All this happened in a split second. Then, the trucks that were moving separately collided with the vehicles behind them, along with three other mines arranged in a Z shape.

Boom boom boom!

Three more fireballs.

The bright light from the explosion illuminated the bushes where the five people were hiding.

When the explosion sounded, the leader of the five people quickly stood up and took a photo with his camera. He didn't care whether he took the photo or not, and put the camera away.

They lowered their heads and moved quickly towards the border.

The darkness provided them with cover. They crossed the border without any danger, entered the Lebanese territory, and found the car hidden near the border.

They drove on, singing all the way back to the small town where they were stationed, Remaci.

The vehicle strolled around the town and finally got into a wheat processing plant on the northwest side of the town.

The old man with a gun at the gate of the processing plant saw them coming back, smiled and greeted them enthusiastically: "There are hot meals in the kitchen, hurry up and eat, and then listen to your bragging after eating."

The five people greeted the old man first, then drove the car into the warehouse, parked the car, and then walked to the small door on the north side of the warehouse.

The small door opened, and there was a downward passage inside, which was dark.

Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, the five people stretched out their right hands in unison, touched the wall on the right, and walked into the depths of darkness together.

After a long time, the passage ended, and at the corner of the passage, there was a faint light and voices coming from the corner. Several people quickened their pace and walked around the corner.

A huge space appeared in front of them.

The space was simply divided into three areas by several huge concrete pillars and walls.

On the left hand side was the classroom. At this moment, more than 20 people of different ages were sitting upright in front of the simple desks, straightening their bodies and looking at the blackboard in front of them.

In front of the blackboard, a middle-aged man with only one leg left was lecturing by pointing at the pattern on the blackboard with a pointer.

That was a mine.

TM62M mine.

And on the desk in front of this one-legged middle-aged man, there was also a cut TM62M mine.

The light in the passage came from here.

The power supply of the electric light came from a lead-acid battery.

The middle area had a curtain, and through the gap in the curtain, some beds could be seen. It was the living area.

To the right of the living area was an area separated by wooden boards.

There was a string of words written crookedly on it: ammunition warehouse.

Under this string of words, there was a simple wooden table, and there were three people next to the wooden table.

All three were disabled.

The people on the left and right were missing a leg, and the person in the middle was missing a left hand.

The five men walked to the front of the simple warehouse, took off all the equipment they were carrying, and handed them to the three men. The soldier in the front raised his hand to salute, and then said loudly:

"The first infiltration team completed the mission and successfully attacked a three-vehicle convoy of the enemy!"

"But because it was too close to the Israeli base, we didn't have time to go forward to confirm the supplies in the trucks. Sorry."

After hearing the words, the three people in front of the warehouse picked up the equipment on the table and checked it bit by bit.

From time to time, they also exclaimed.

After a long time, the people on the left and right put the weapons into the warehouse.

The man sitting in the middle stood up, holding the camera, and slowly walked to the right side of the passage. As he left, another sentence came:

"Go to the classroom and wait!"

Hearing this, the few people who had just handed in their weapons turned around and walked to the classroom on the far left.

The lecture in the classroom was still going on, and several people found a seat to sit down and listen to the lecture.

"The layout of booby traps mainly depends on the word gui!" A loud voice came from the front, and then the middle-aged man who was giving the lecture wrote a square word gui on the blackboard.

And repeated the pronunciation.


With this syllable, he changed the language:

"The left side is a word radical, and the right side is a dangerous word wei!"

"Combined together, it is to turn people into dangerous places where they can't say the danger!"

"Do you understand?"

Under the stage, a group of people looked at him blankly, as if they didn't understand what the middle-aged man had just said.

At this time, the one-armed man who left with the camera came back, and in his hand, there was a photo that had just been developed.

The one-armed man handed the photo to the lecturer and said, "Aimar, no one can understand you when you speak Mandarin!"

"This is the result of the first infiltration team. Take a look. If there is no problem, then let them graduate."

After speaking, the one-armed man turned around and slowly walked towards the warehouse.

On the podium, Aimar supported the desk with his hands and looked at the photo in his hand silently.

The light in the photo was a little dim, but it was enough to see the scene clearly.

Three cars, a body lying on the ground and some cans of unknown purpose were enough to show the record of the first infiltration team.

Putting the photo aside, Aimar took out a piece of paper and a seal from the desk.

He picked up a pen and quickly wrote the names of five people on the note, and then wrote another sentence.

[The infiltration team has completed the assessment and now recommends several people to go to Nabata for further study! ]

After the ink was slightly dry, Aimar picked up the seal, stuck it with ink, and printed it heavily on the note.

When he took away the seal, a line of vermilion Arabic words appeared on the note.

[Test passed]

After the red mark on the note dried slightly, Aimar handed the note to the five people and told them:

"You must study hard when you go to Nabata this time. You are the five strongest people in the town of Ruima."

"I hope you can surpass us when you come back!"

"There is still food in the cafeteria. After eating, you should set off at night. Go early and return early after learning."

With Aimar's instructions, the five people took the note, returned to the ground, and went to the cafeteria to eat first.

After eating, the five people rode two motorcycles that were about to fall apart and rushed all the way to the north.

And their distance from Nabata.

The straight-line distance is about 35 kilometers, and after many twists and turns, it is only 45 kilometers.


Because of tactical adjustments, Akoma moved the headquarters of the Milk Tea Party to Nabata.

At this moment, in the conference room of the headquarters of the Milk Tea Party, several bearded men sat together, staring at each other with their big eyes.

Just when they were staring at each other, Akoma appeared in the meeting room with an email.

He stared at them with the same eyes, and then he spoke calmly:

"Everyone, the main purpose of asking everyone to come here and attend this meeting today is to confirm one thing."

"That is whether we should form a political bureau of the Milk Tea Party!"

"My opinion is that we must form one."

"Because since we introduced the political commissar and commander-in-chief system, our combat effectiveness has soared!"

"It has soared rapidly."

"With the weapons in our hands, our current combat effectiveness can be regarded as the boss of the Arab world."

"But I also see the bottleneck. If we want to go further and become stronger, we must fix the political commissar system and the commander-in-chief system."

"Then we need to form a political bureau of the Milk Tea Party!"

After saying what he thought in his heart, Akoma sat down on the chair like a deflated ball, quietly waiting for the responses of several other people.

It is true that he is the leader of the Milk Tea Party, but the people present are also the elders of the Milk Tea Party.

Everyone speaks with weight.

After a long time, the old man opposite him slowly raised his hand and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito: "I agree!"

The voice was very soft, but in the ears of a group of irritated people, it was like thunder.

After hearing this, the people in the conference room turned their heads like zombies and looked stiffly at the speaker.

It's not their surprise, but the speaker is the most conservative guy among them. It can even be said that he is not much worse than some old turtles of the Sunni sect.

But now, this old guy is the first to raise his hand to agree?

What a joke?

Perhaps seeing the doubts of others, the old man moved his neck, nodded vigorously, and said in a heavier voice:

"I say, I agree to form the Politburo of the Milk Tea Party!"

Once again, Acoma got a definite answer from him, and he couldn't sit still.

And he couldn't sit still with several other radical members.

So, as a representative of the radicals, Arkema stood up and asked from the bottom of his heart:

"How could you agree so quickly? We should have proposed it, and then you repeatedly opposed it, and finally agreed after much hesitation!"

"How could you interrupt us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he received the old man's contemptuous look and disgusted words:

"It's true that I am conservative, but that's because I don't have a clear direction for future development and no clear results, so I choose to be conservative."

"Choosing to be conservative, at least there is still a way to survive."

"Now the direction of progress is clear, doing so can strengthen our combat effectiveness and make all of us live better."

"Why should I be conservative?"

"Isn't that a fool?"

Isn't that a fool?

This sentence kept echoing in the conference room and in Arkema's ears.

When this sentence shook people's hearts, he looked at the other slightly conservative people.

These people also nodded vigorously like the most conservative old man and said they agreed.

Then there was another very hurtful sentence.

"You young radicals are a little too conservative."

This sentence made Arkema feel that the world was no longer meaningful.

It was too insulting.

After a brief moment of loss of soul, he sat up straight, looked at the others present with a serious expression, and said softly: "Now, please raise your hands if you agree!"

The next second, several conservative old men raised their hands before him.

Then came the younger ones.

Seven people in total, seven hands raised.

At the door of the conference room, Aria, Acoma's son, quickly raised his camera and took a picture of this scene.

The proposal to form the organization was passed, and the next step was to formulate the charter.

Skip the controversial ones first, and implement the non-controversial ones first.

After being busy from morning to midnight, a slightly sloppy charter appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the Arabic on the paper, several people raised their eyes, looking at each other.


At this time, a group of people noticed the envelope next to Acoma, so the conservative old man who agreed the fastest asked:

"What's in this envelope?"

"Lin Yu sent an invitation letter, saying that he wanted to show us a good thing."

After explaining, Acoma picked up the envelope and carefully tore it open, and the contents of the envelope also revealed their true appearance.

It was an invitation.

Because he had learned about Chinese culture, Acoma was relatively familiar with this thing.

He naturally untied the red ribbon on the invitation and read the content on it.

[Seeing you in person is like seeing you in person, brother Akoma. It feels like a long time since we last met. It has been a thousand years since we last met.

So I invite you to come to China to watch the ceremony on September 11, 2003, the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and discuss the great cause of the ages together! ]

The invitation was very thoughtful.

The Chinese characters were written horizontally from left to right on the top, and Arabic was written from right to left below.

Although there were a few Arabic characters that Akoma didn't recognize, he still understood the meaning.

Lin Yu asked him to come to China before September 11, 2003, and then chat.

Akoma turned his head and looked at the calendar on the wall. It was August 11, 2003.

In other words, there was less than a month to prepare.

Putting the invitation aside, the leader of the milk tea party sat up straight and picked up the charter that had just been discussed:

"All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the world..."

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