The number was a familiar one. It was from the personal secretary of the Republican leader, the Secretary of State of America.

Listening to the ringing of the phone, Harley hesitated whether to answer it.

Hanks had just hung up the phone more than ten minutes ago, and then the Secretary of State, who would only call him at important moments, also called at this juncture.

When two things that shouldn't appear together appear together, it's not a coincidence, it's a necessity.

After a moment of hesitation, Harley pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

Nothing else.

The Secretary of State obeys the president. Many times, his words are actually what the president wants to say, but it's not easy to say.

As a member of the Republican Party, if you want to be successful, you can't avoid him.

As soon as the phone was put to his ear, Harley immediately bent down and smiled, and his mouth was grinning directly to his ears.

"Mr. Stein, I wonder if you are calling me at this time. Do you have something important to tell me?"

After he finished speaking, the person on the other side did not follow him immediately. Only the sound of turning pages and clicking the mouse came.

After a long while, a voice came from the other side:

"Harley, this is Stein!"

"I called you to ask you, have your people arrived at the construction of Libya's oil pipeline, highway and port?"

"Because I just received a call from Hanks, he asked on the phone why the construction companies have not entered Libya yet?"

"The team he stationed in Libya is now very opposed, so I want to ask you."

"Just tell me the truth."


After cursing in his heart, Harley nodded and bowed to the phone and said, "Mr. Stein, this is not my fault."

"It takes time for those construction companies to prepare to enter the site. Maybe it takes too long. Can I urge them?"

Just when he was about to use the delay tactic, the words on the phone completely shattered his fantasy.

"It takes a long time to enter, right?"

"Send your people to Hanks. He said he would solve it. He found the company that had been working on the Iraqi port."

"Those Chinese people really worked hard and were very efficient. In a few months, the Basra port was put back into operation, which was faster than the previous Iraqi president's years."

"Now send your people to Qatar to transfer all the information and contracts to Hanks."

"As for the 5% of the initial funding, let your people pay it all. They don't mind the hotness of holding so much money."

"Hang up!"

Beep beep beep...

The busy tone flashed in his ears. Harley slowly raised his right hand to his face. Looking at the number on his phone that had not disappeared, he subconsciously widened his eyes. He couldn't believe it at all. Just now, the Secretary of State called him and asked him to spit out the meat he had eaten.

He wanted to curse and refuse.


He couldn't twist his arm against his thigh, so he could only admit defeat.

His fingers slid across the keyboard, and after finding his exclusive white glove number, Harley dialed it out:

"Let those construction companies send the contract to the Qatar front command and hand it over to General Hanks."

"Also, write a contract transfer letter, unconditional transfer."

After explaining all this, he sat back in his chair like a deflated ball, staring at the ceiling for a long time with lifeless eyes, stretched out his hand, and took the phone again.

This time he called Hanks:

"How much are they willing to pay?"


"Fuck! The initial 5%, plus 10%, that's 15%, plus some other expenses, can they take it down?"

"Basra has been taken down, and it's been built very well. If you want to blame it, you can only blame it on your people for being too slow. The sooner we build these port roads, we can transport more oil, but you are just dragging your feet, forget it."

The phone was hung up again.

Holding the phone, Harley felt a kind of humiliation, a humiliation of being despised.

After a long time, he picked up the phone again, and this time, he just sent a message.

[Find some mercenaries, go to the port of Basra in Iraq, and make some noise! ​​]

After sending the message, Harley logged into his bank account with a computer, and looked at the few more than two million US dollars on it, and couldn't help but feel sad.


Libya, Al-Jawf, the capital of Kufra Province.

Senior official Zasif stood by the window of the office, looking at the Sahara Desert not far away.

As a city built in the desert, Al-Jawf's word is yellow, the yellow of the desert, and the yellow of gold.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the office. Zasif turned around and found that the person who came was his capable general Mendoza.

In front of the office door, Mendoza saw his senior official who was also a general turned around. Just as he was about to enter the room, he found that there was too much yellow soil on his body.

So he just stood at the door and kept patting the yellow soil on his body.

At this moment, Zasif thought of several words.

The clouds are changing, the dogs are attacking their prey...

These words also made his eyes look strange, as if he was thinking of something funny.

After shaking off the dirt on his body, Mendoza walked into the room under Zasif's strange gaze, put the documents in his hand on the table, and explained:

"This is the consumption of our military training during this period and some intelligence from surrounding cities."

"According to intelligence, the desert tribes near Egypt in Tobruk have received a batch of weapons and equipment of unknown origin during this period."

"As for other places, American soldiers are staying at home and are determined not to go out."

These words successfully made Zasif's eyes fall on these documents.

Libya is now in a strange state of harmony.

The armed forces supported by Algeria and Tunisia in the west have been jumping around in the west, and at the same time controlled the oil fields and oil pipelines in the west.

The armed forces supported by Americans control Tripoli, Sirte, Jufra, Ajdabiya, Tobruk, and Benghazi.

Of course, they also controlled the oil pipelines.

As for the other messy armed forces, they all squatted in the desert and ate sand.

Very peaceful.

Everyone does not interfere with each other.

It's as if the war covering the whole country a few months ago never happened, and in their cognition, there is no president named Colonel Ka.

But Zasif knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

The intelligence showed that the nomadic tribes in the east of Tobruk had obtained weapons, which just proved this point.

The period from now until the outbreak of a more violent conflict was the time for him to grow.

After looking at the intelligence around him for a while, Zasif threw it aside and picked up the training situation to look at it.

Just this one look made him frown subconsciously.

Because he saw a number that he didn't dare to believe in the weapons and ammunition reserve column.


He took the training situation list in his hand and read it over and over again, his head kept going up and down like a pile driver.

After a long time, he finally confirmed one thing, that is, the weapons and ammunition reserves in his hands were only 37% of the weight!

With such a small amount of ammunition, fighting?

Fighting a fart!

He slowly raised his head, looked at his right-hand man in front of him, and asked in a low voice:

"I remember that our ammunition reserves were still 85% last month."

"How come this month there are only 37% left? Tell me the truth, did you do something shameful behind my back?"

The suspicious words made Mendoza roll his eyes.

While rolling his eyes, he was also considering whether to change jobs.

Because the instructor from Sudan was right, a scholar's rebellion would not succeed in three years.

Patiently taking the document from his superior, he turned to the next few pages, pointed to the number of soldiers on it, opened his mouth and shouted in a very low voice:

"My dear general, please look at the number here!"

"This is the number of our soldiers."

"This line is the number of our original soldiers, a total of 2,000."

"This line is the number of current soldiers, a total of 5,000."

"The next line is the number of current soldiers who have passed the Sudanese instructor's assessment."

"These people need to be fed with weapons and ammunition before they can be sent to the battlefield."

"That's why weapons and ammunition are consumed very quickly. According to the Sudanese instructor's estimate, if we want to launch an attack at the end of the year, we must start stockpiling weapons and ammunition now."

"Especially the heavy firepower from China, according to the estimated scale, at least 500 million US dollars of weapons and ammunition are needed."

Start stockpiling weapons and ammunition now? Hearing this outrageous request, Zasif couldn't help blinking.

This... is it so troublesome?

Also, 200 million US dollars of weapons and ammunition, do you need so much?

So much ammunition, enough to fight a world war, right?

"Do you really need so much?" After a long time, Zasif asked with trembling lips.

Just now, he calculated his own property and the government funds of Jowf.

The money he could take out was about 200 million US dollars, and the funds that the Jowf government could take out were about 100 million US dollars.

And this is the funds taken out after digging the roots.

According to this calculation, there is still a gap of 200 million US dollars.

What's more, if the 300 million US dollars are withdrawn together, the entire Kufra will not have to operate.

So, the actual gap is even larger.

What to do?

What should I do!

At this moment, Zasif regretted why he listened to those old ghosts, used his identity as a call, and stood up to recruit men to fight.

If he didn't listen to those old ghosts, he would still be a free and wealthy man.

He wouldn't worry about money.

After turning back and forth a few times, he suddenly stopped, reached out to take the training information from Mendoza, and turned to walk out of the room.

Just after taking two steps, his voice came from the corridor again:

"Mendoza, come on, follow me to the mosque to meet those old ghosts."

When Zasif was worried about where to get money, he went north for more than a thousand kilometers, across the Mediterranean Sea, to southern Lebanon.

Five soldiers of the Milk Tea Party lay in the bushes on the border line, carefully looking at the bushes across the line with binoculars.

50 meters ahead of them is the border between Lebanon and Israel.

About 230 meters south of the border line, they can reach their assessment point.

The intersection of Highway 899 and Highway 8933.

As for the assessment task, it was very simple. In the triangle formed by Highway 899 and Highway 8933, there was a newly built Israeli military camp.

Their special operations team needed to place an anti-personnel mine converted from an anti-tank mine at the intersection of Highway 899 and Highway 8933.

Then, when the Israeli soldiers went out for patrol, they stepped on the mine.


It was daytime now, and they had to wait until night!

After observing with a telescope for a while, the five soldiers retreated to the bushes behind them, chose a suitable position, one person stood guard, and the other four slept.

As night fell, the five people carried their own equipment, got up from the bushes, and sneaked towards the border.

On the border line, there was a separation wall made of barbed wire.

Standing in front of the barbed wire, one of the soldiers skillfully grabbed a half-foot-long rat from the backpack behind him, tied a thin rope on the rat's back, grabbed its tail, and with a little force, the rat flew towards the barbed wire.

It hit the wire mesh, making a crisp impact sound, but no crackling sound of touching the current.

The mouse fell to the ground and was about to escape, but was pulled back by the soldier and thrown out again, this time in a different position.

There was still only the impact sound, but no current sound.

After measuring the wire mesh, the soldier became bolder. He took the mouse and touched it little by little under the wire mesh. The mouse was very safe, so he turned his head and said, "Safe, go!"

He turned and retreated to the side, holding the mouse in his hand, while another companion came forward with pliers. It didn't take long to make two holes in the wire mesh that people could pass through.

Then, the two did the same thing again, and opened two holes not far from the two holes.

This time, the five people passed through the hole and officially entered Israel.

Carefully crossing the road on the border, they did not rush into the grove ahead.

Because there might be mines inside.

At this time, the soldier who had just carried the big rat appeared again. He took out the rat that he had just used to detect the current, looked at the direction, and threw it out with force.

The rat kept speaking C language and flew out, and then was slowly pulled back.

Pulling the rat into his hand, he moved a little to the side, threw the rat out again, pulled it back again, and then moved a little to the side again.

In this way three times, he forcibly pulled out a half-meter wide and about 20 meters long road in the grove.

Maybe it was God's blessing, or maybe the Israelis were reluctant to throw mines into the woods.

There were no mines in the distance of more than 200 meters from the border patrol dirt road to the intersection of Highway 899 and Highway 8933.

Several people passed through without danger and soon appeared at the intersection.

After checking the map, several people started their intense work.

Three people were on guard in three directions at the triangular fork, and two people were responsible for laying mines.

The three people on guard were cautious.

The two people who laid mines were very talkative.

"Our instructors are really ruthless. They actually arranged the trip mines in a Z shape."

"That's right. I can already imagine what will happen to them when they encounter these four TM62M mines when they go out tomorrow morning!"

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