A lucrative business?



Question marks kept flashing in Lin Yu's mind. He was thinking about his actions in Pakistan, whether he had exposed his flaws, and whether he was being targeted by the Americans.

After more than ten seconds, he completed the review of his actions. During this period in Pakistan, he has always been reclusive.

Unless the person working with him leaks the secret, the chance of his actions being discovered by Americans is zero.

But... Pakistan's internal situation is the other party's business and is beyond its control.

It’s useless to think too much.

Moreover, this guy called me for no reason. It was definitely not simple. He must have something to do before he called.

Putting the microphone to his mouth, Lin Yu switched to profiteer mode, with three points of curiosity and seven points of expectation, and asked with a smile:

"General Hanks still has suitable and profitable projects in his hands. As far as I know, no country in the Middle East has recently issued a large-scale civil engineering project tender."

"I'm afraid, the business the general is talking about is not a project that people like me can get involved with, right?"

More than 4,000 kilometers southwest of China, Maldives.

Under the bright sunshine of the Maldives, there are unique islands and beaches.

Under the hexagonal sun umbrella, Hanks listened to the doubts on the phone with a smile on his lips.

very nice.

This money-grubbing guy did not refuse immediately, but asked rhetorical questions about the project.

That shows that the other party is questioning it, but in his heart he is longing for an opportunity to make money.

In this case, it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

A breeze blew from the sea, blowing the parasol above his head, exposing Hanks to the sun.

Very glaring.

After adjusting his sunglasses and assuming a comfortable posture, Hanks brought the microphone to his mouth and said calmly:

"It's about the reconstruction of Libya."

"With the mediation of our America, the World Monetary Fund decided to provide Libya with a loan of US$20 billion for the reconstruction of the ports of Tobruk, Benghazi, Brega, Sirte and Tripoli."

"There is also the construction of highways and oil pipelines linking these ports."

"The reconstruction bidding for this project ended last month, but the company that won the bid is progressing very slowly."

"Until now, their personnel and equipment have not entered the site, and it is precisely because of this that the gang of bastards we control in Libya have also begun to cause extra trouble."

"Of course, none of this matters."

"The important point is that they haven't given me the share I deserve until now, which makes me very unhappy."

"I happened to be on vacation during this time, and I need money for vacation. As soon as I spent money, I thought of your very generous and very quick friend."

"To be honest, if you were not Chinese, I would have beheaded you and become sworn sworn friends."

"How about it? Do you have any ideas for cooperation? If you have an idea, then we will work together to make money, and I will get 20%!"

In the hotel in Harbin, Lin Yu held the phone and kept thinking about what Hanks just said.

After thinking for a long time, he sat in front of the hotel computer and began searching for Libya-related reconstruction news on major forums.

Soon, among the mountain of information, he found what he needed.

The causes and consequences of this reconstruction work.

After Libya was controlled by America, the Americans followed the normal procedures in Iraq and Afghanistan to form a new government.

Then, an additional Reconstruction Commission was established under the new government.

The reconstruction work this time is the responsibility of this reconstruction committee.

The chairman of the committee is Hanks.

The source of funds is a support loan from the World Monetary Fund, with a term of 10 years. The collateral is Libyan oil, which will be delivered according to market prices.

As for the bidding work in his words, it is more about dividing the cake than bidding.

The bidding meeting was held in Egypt, and the participating architectural firms were mainly from America and their younger brother countries.

They are Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Odalia.

As for France, who always had his own ideas, and England, who was fighting each other with America, no one was even allowed to enter.

The whole partition lasted only one day.

After the carving up work, it was time to enter the construction site. However, after these animals took part of other people's advance payments, there was no movement at all.

It was quiet, as if they were not the ones bidding.

Among them, Japan's Mitsubishi Group directly chose to raise prices after receiving part of the advance payment, saying that the prices of its equipment and materials have increased.

Need to add money.

After wasting a little more time, Lin Yu climbed to the Japanese Internet and found the announcement issued by Mitsubishi Corporation, and finally confirmed one thing, that is, these beasts really didn't even want to move.

Too beastly.

At this time, he remembered that he and Hanks were still on the phone, and the other party was still waiting for his response.

He reached out and grabbed the phone. Just as he was about to speak, the phone suddenly exited the call state.

Then a text message arrived.

[Your phone bill balance is insufficient, please pay in time. 】


After cursing, Lin Yu first took out his notebook, recorded the news he saw on the computer, and sorted it out a little.

He grabbed another small bag from the duffel bag, took out a phone card and put it in it, and then found Hanks' number.

Dial out.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected, and the person inside asked in surprise:

"Lin Yu?"

"it's me!"

"Why did you change your number suddenly? Are you being monitored? If so, then I need to reconsider whether to continue to cooperate with you."

"No, it was a long-distance call. My number ran out of credit, so I changed my card."

"...You are also a big boss after all..."

"The big boss can't stop charging a few yuan a minute for international long distance calls... No, where are you? How come my phone bill of more than 500 yuan is only for a few minutes? Damn, the unit price... 40 yuan a minute!"


"Get out of here, there's no good place to go. Are you going to the Maldives? Do you think you have too much money and can't find a place to spend it?"

Lin Yu's scolding also made the person on the other end of the phone confused.

After a while, Hanks' voice came from the other end of the phone, very calmly:

"Then you can keep the story short and just say whether you want to cooperate."

"Tell me what you think!" After speaking to the microphone, Lin Yu turned his head and threw the phone card he had just pulled out the SIM card to Qian Duoduo: "Go and recharge this number. First, recharge one thousand."

While Qian Duoduo was walking out, Hanks' plan came through the phone. Lin Yu took a pen and kept writing down it in his notebook.

“It’s a very simple way to work together.”

"We are rebuilding Libya for its oil and mineral resources."

"So we must build ports, roads, and oil pipelines, and we must build them quickly. The sooner they are built, the more money we can make."

"The IMF's loans to Libya are based on the progress of the construction project."

"The organizers started and could get 5%, but these 5% have been taken by those idiots, but they didn't move and didn't give me money, so I decided to replace them."

"If you send people to the site now and set up the site, you can get 15% of the project's advance payment, and I want 10% of it."

"According to your ability, you can use the remaining 5% to do about 30% of the work and get funds for subsequent nodes, right?"

"Anyway, your workers' wages and machinery and equipment are very cheap. At worst, you will be in arrears with wages."

"When you get the follow-up funds, give me 10% of what belongs to me, and the rest will be all yours. For you, it is nothing more than a loss of 25% of the money."

"But your main purpose is to feed those people, isn't it?"

The voice on the phone was very soft. Lin Yu held the pen and slid it on the notebook for a moment before decisively rejecting:

"Can't do it!"

"You take 20%, and those grandsons have already taken 5%, leaving only 75% of the funds for me to operate."

"75% of the funds, to complete 100% of the previous work, are still in war-torn areas? General Hanks, this is not your way of messing with people."

"Also, those turtle companies are all in the name now. Do you think they would cause trouble if they knew that an outsider like me got involved?"

"In the end, I didn't get anything, but I got all messed up."

"I like to make money, and I am willing to take some risks in order to make money. This is true, but what you are doing is all risks and no benefits at all. What should I do?"


"Hang up first!"

After hanging up the phone in disgust, Lin Yu took a pen and started writing numbers in his notebook.

Start writing from 1.

Hanks' words just now also revealed an important message, that is, their people have placed a heavy bet in Libya. Libya's oil pipelines and ports must be rebuilt as quickly as possible.

In terms of construction speed and quality, Lin Yu can guarantee that even the architectural firms in Xiaorizi and several other countries cannot keep up.

Now he just needs to wait for Hanks to make up his mind and get the others out, and then he can enter the game.

However, before entering the game, you must contact Zasif. This big brother has been silent since the last time he took over the weapon.

There is no international news about him, and it is not known whether he is dead or not.

As a businessman, caring about the life and death of customers is also a required course.

After all, there are only a few customers for international military trade. If one extra person dies, it will be troublesome.

When Lin Yu's number reached 187, the phone rang again. It was Hanks' call.

As soon as he was connected, the general couldn't wait to ask: "What is your bottom line?"

"10%!" Lin Yu cut off half of it with a knife.

"Too little! 10% of 20 billion, that's 2 billion, but do you know how many supporters are behind me? It's not enough!"

"Your supporters have nothing to do with me. I have to make sure I make money first, and then I can do something!"


"No...it's not impossible. You can make an announcement, throw out the previous companies, and then let my people enter Libya openly. I can agree to 15%, otherwise there will be no negotiation."

"Can't you just go in? It's so troublesome!"

"We Chinese people value a legitimate reason for our actions. We have been taught since childhood that we should do things in an upright manner!" Lin Yu said this with great righteousness. After waiting for a moment, there was no response from the other party. He continued:

"Even if we take over other people's work, we also require it to be upright and never copy others' ideas."

"What's more, this kind of troublesome matter involving multiple countries, if something goes wrong, I will be in trouble!"

"Will you help? No, so, Mr. Hanks, 15%, and at the same time, completely clear out those companies before, this is my bottom line."

"If you agree, after you clear out those people, give me a call, I will have someone contact you, and after the contract is signed, people will arrive at the scene."

"Okay, I'll hang up first!"

In the Maldives, Hanks has sat up from the beach chair, his brown pupils looking at the sea in the distance, and his whole face wrinkled.

Some trouble.

Because those companies involved, like him, are Republicans.

However, these companies are like wild dogs picking up scraps at the table, while he is the one who eats at the table.

But what does the saying go, beating a dog depends on its owner.

To beat those dogs, you must first notify the dog's owner.

After holding the phone and thinking for a long time, Hanks brought the phone to him, pressed a number, and dialed it:

"Mr. Harley, long time no see, what are you busy with? Are you sleeping?"

"Oh! Today is a working day, you are still sleeping, this is really enough!"

"Why do I hear the voice of a little boy on your side? Damn, you..."

"Of course I called you for something important, about the work in Libya."

"So far, the dogs under your command have received the money, so you should also get the money."

"So I want to ask, where is our money? And, where are our roads? Where are our ports?"

" You are not going to let our people travel on that broken desert road and use that pathetic port to load oil, are you? "

"I am not calling to say this, but to tell you."

"Tell your dogs to come to Qatar and hand over everything related to the project. I have found a better and faster contractor."

"It is the one that built the port of Basra in Iraq!"

"If you don't do it, then I will tell someone else about this."

After that, Hanks hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, waved to the nearest bikini lady, and the other party ran over happily.


Republican Congressman Harley held the phone and could not react to the content of the call for a long time.

It was unanimously approved by the party that his people made money in the Middle East-Mediterranean economic zone exclusively for the Republicans.

Now, you, Hanks, want to let yourself leave with just one word?

What an international joke!

If you leave, who will make money?

When the party needs money, will you pay for it?


Just as he was cursing madly, his cell phone rang.

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