When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 324: Master Lin gets something for nothing! (First update!)

The news that the Milk Tea Party had formed the Politburo was fully spread after the reading of the charter.

From top to bottom, it was fully passed on to every Milk Tea Party soldier.

Although the soldiers below did not quite understand it, they still took the charter and studied it seriously.

After all, after the introduction of the political commissar and commander-fighter system, their combat effectiveness and all aspects of life have been steadily improved.

According to this situation, killing the Israelis is just around the corner.

And this news, as they studied, slowly spread throughout Lebanon.

Naturally, it was passed to the ears of Defense Minister Geller through Hekle. Upon hearing this news, the Defense Minister, who was born in the Christian Maronite sect, was very confused.

He repeatedly checked the intelligence documents in his hand, even poured a glass of water on it, and finally pinched his thigh with his hand.

Through the pain in his thigh, he confirmed that the news was true and not a joke.


This TMD!

The Soviet Union's coffin board was not cold yet, and Geller naturally knew the role of the Politburo.

If the Milk Tea Party was a bunch of loose sand before, then now, the Milk Tea Party, which has formed the Politburo, has changed from a bunch of loose sand to a clear structure.

If this structure continues to develop...

Sooner or later, this group of Milk Tea Party members will turn the loose structure of the Maronites and Sunnis into a pile of slag.

Brother, I let you study to improve your combat effectiveness and to protect the country and the people, not to come to me!

Want to curse.

After cursing, Greer picked up the phone and called the president, asking the president to take it easy, and also asked the Falangists under the Maronites to restrain themselves.

Don't cause trouble.

Whoever causes trouble will be thrown to the front line to fight the Israelis.

After hanging up the phone and hesitating for a long time, Greer found the phone number of Iran's Suniya that he had treasured a few months ago.

The Milk Tea Party has formed a Politburo. I wonder what this Iranian brother will think?

I'm looking forward to it!

After the secretary confirmed that the secret line had been connected, Greer pressed the familiar number.

The busy tone continued, but no one answered.

After repeatedly dialing several numbers and still unable to get through, Grayer could only let out a long sigh and let go of his mentality of eating melons.

Playing with the microphone, he suddenly looked up at Heckle in front of him, his eyes shining.

Being looked at by strange eyes, Heckle subconsciously took two steps back and distanced himself from Grayer.

After working with him for a long time, Heckle also knew that this seemingly easy-going defense minister was definitely not as easy-going as he looked.

And the easy-going he showed was just a kind of helplessness!

At this moment, Grail's voice rang out quietly: "I remember that many people in the Pakistani resistance movement were trained by you, right?"

"Spread this news, preferably through other Sunnis, to Saudi Arabia and the UAE."

"You should understand what I mean."

On the other side, Heckler couldn't help but sigh and asked, "Is it necessary? Everyone is fighting for Lebanon and the future of the Arabs."

"..." Grail was speechless for a long time, and then he waved his hand and said, "Go!"

After issuing the order, the defense minister picked up the documents on the table and read them slowly.

The special operations staff standing in front of him could only sigh and turn around to execute the order.

When he walked out of the door, he took out his mobile phone and began to recall the Palestinians he had trained in his mind, trying to find one of them who was still alive or whose death had not been confirmed.

After thinking for a long time, he finally found a person who had not received any news for several months, but should still be alive.

He dialed the number.

To the south, more than 200 kilometers.


Arabila walked quickly through the tunnel with a mobile phone in his left hand and an envelope in his right hand. Soon, he appeared in a spacious underground space.

In the underground space, the leaders of the resistance movement were basically here. Seeing him, Juan, who had been busy with logistics, was the first to ask:

"Why are you in such a hurry to call us back?"

Raising the mobile phone and envelope, he screamed: "The Milk Tea Party has formed a political bureau!"

"What's the big deal?"

"It will cost lives!" Arabila slapped the mobile phone and envelope on the table and began to explain the relevant ins and outs.

After listening to his explanation, the people present were completely silent, with their eyes wide open, dumbfounded.

After a long time, the leader sitting in the first seat raised his head, revealing empty eye sockets, and asked: "How about we do one too? Anyway, there are so many things to learn, and this one is not bad."

The people who just heard about what the Milk Tea Party did were frightened again, and once again looked at their own leader in amazement.

Can this be learned?

As soon as they learned it, the stubborn old man from the Brotherhood would come with his crescent-shaped scimitar.

At this time, Arabila quickly changed the subject, opened the envelope in front of him, and said:

"Lin Yu sent someone to bring us a letter, asking us to send someone to watch the ceremony on August 15 of the lunar calendar."

The group of people were confused again.

"August 15 of the lunar calendar? What the hell is that?"


While a group of people were discussing what day August 15 was, Lin Yu, who had sent out the invitation letter, was sitting in the office rented by the construction company, smiling at several large companies from all over the country in front of him.

Next to him were the documents and materials that Kang Shikai and Zhang Congyi brought back from Qatar.

Information on Libya-related projects.

Hanks' fists were very hard.

After several blind mercenaries appeared at the port of Basra, this authentic American redneck showed his fists to others.

So, in less than a week, all the information related to Libya projects arrived in Qatar and fell into the hands of Kang Shikai and Zhang Congyi.

After reviewing the information overnight and confirming that there were no problems, the two of them took the information and transferred back to China from Saudi Arabia.

Delivered the information to his own factory director.

After reading the information and having a general idea of ​​the situation, Lin Yu did not follow his old habit to organize people to enter the venue.

Instead, he chose to invite several large domestic construction companies to enter the venue, draw a few points in it, and then throw the business out.

On the opposite side, the CEOs of several large construction companies finished reading the documents and didn't know whether to let go or speak.

After a long time, Pan Dajin, the CEO of Oilfield Construction Company No. 1, who was sitting in the middle, raised his hand first:

"Boss Lin, this is not fair, right? A $20 billion project, this is directly 20%, that's $4 billion."

"Converted, it's at least 33 billion RMB, that's the GDP of a city."

"And then you have to take 5 points, that's $1 billion."

"Not good, right?"

As soon as this was said, several people around him also followed suit, looking around and whispering.

At first, the voices were not loud, but soon, they gradually became louder.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, look at Highway 3, for example, it runs from Tobruk Port to Zoetina in Ajdabiya Province. This section crosses the desert. This desert highway..."

"And Mr. Lin, look at the Coastal Highway 1. The data shows that they already have some roads. What they need now is to widen them. The price is not enough!"

"That's right. When we go out, we have to make money in US dollars."

"In addition to the roads, look at these oil pipelines. They are all in the desert. The difficulty of building oil pipelines in the desert is very great. This was originally raised by 20%, and now you take another 5%, which is a bit too much."

"Also, the risk factor of construction in the desert is very high. The wages of the workers must be much higher than those of others before they will go to work!"

"Mr. Lin!"

Listening to the voices coming one after another, Lin Yu leisurely held the tea and waited for them to speak.

His leisurely and contented look caught the eyes of the noisy people, and a group of smart people also figured out one thing at this time, that is, the person in front of them was not buying their tricks at all.

Slowly, the sound died down, and more than a dozen people who were blushing just now sat back in their chairs and quietly looked at the young man across the conference table.

When the sound completely disappeared, Lin Yu turned his head and looked at Kang Shikai, who had a full beard:

"Old Kang, open the door."

As the head of the marketing department, and after several months in the international dye vat of the Middle East.

At this moment, Kang Shikai has evolved into a complete form and has become a cunning businessman.

Reaching out to open the door of the conference room, he also very considerately learned a set of exaggerated etiquette for seeing off guests. Standing by the door, holding the door handle with his left hand, and raising his right hand to press his heart.

First, he smiled at the noisy person just now, then bent down, stuck out his butt, and looked like you should leave quickly.

Unfortunately, no one moved.

After all, 75% of $20 billion is $15 billion, which is more than 120 billion RMB when converted into RMB.

You know, usually these people, within their respective provinces and cities, and within their respective professional scopes, have to fight for projects worth 100 million or 200 million.

Not to mention that the projects in Lin Yu's hands, the smallest of which is a $100 million project.

Even if 25% is taken away, it is still a huge profit!

Looking at these people who are honest in their words, Lin Yu raised his right hand and scratched his face, and then extended his hand to Kang Shikai.

Seeing this, Kang Shikai, who was guarding the door, quickly closed the door and took out an investigation report from a pile of materials and handed it to Lin Yu.

After receiving the investigation report, Lin Yu casually threw it to the group of people in front and said:

"Since you don't want to leave, then listen to my rules."

"I confiscated your platform entry fee, you should be thankful."

"In this report, there are some detailed information about our people building roads and oil pipelines in Iraq."

"The geological conditions in Libya and Iraq are different, but the surface environment and cultural environment are similar. You can use this as a reference."

"The main problem in construction in those places is the raw material problem."

"Steel pipelines, I have standard steel here, which can be delivered directly to the Libyan port at a fair price."

"You can also choose not to use my steel pipelines, but if an accident occurs during the construction process due to raw material quality problems, don't blame me for being rude."

"Asphalt is used for roads. Libya is an oil-producing country. They have asphalt everywhere. You can sell it for a little money. Just go and buy the right one yourself."

"Sand, gravel and cement."

After these four words came out, Lin Yu stopped talking.

Behind him, Kang Shikai had unfolded a map of Libya and hung it on the whiteboard.

At the same time, he took a red marker in his hand, waiting for Lin Yu's next words.

Looking back to confirm that he was ready, Lin Yu continued to speak:

"I will directly get four sets of cement equipment over here. Three sets will be installed in Beida City between Tobruk and Zuetina, and one will be installed in Tarhuna, south of Tripoli."

"Cement supply, the price is only your cost price."

"Sand and gravel need to be handled by you."

After these words came out, the faces of several CEOs present, especially those who were preparing to undertake the highway, immediately relaxed.

The prices of steel pipes and cement are relatively transparent, and the quality requirements are also relatively high.

If Lin Yu can purchase in bulk, the overall price will be much lower.

Moreover, it is normal for the general contractor to control the quality of materials.

Although it's not very pleasant, it's understandable.

However, sand and stone used for construction are the real money-making business.

All you need to do is find a hilltop, go through some formalities, get equipment worth hundreds of thousands, and blast with explosives every day.

This job can be handed over to my brother-in-law.

Looking at the relief on their faces, how could Lin Yu not know what they were thinking.

A sly smile crossed his lips, and then he retracted it and said in a cold voice:

"I need to remind you here that the land in these countries is privately owned."

"Don't think that when you arrive in Libya, you can just find a few government officials, drink a few more glasses, and then you don't have to care about the people below."

"If you do this and someone hits you with an AK, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"When you go out, always remember one sentence, that is, speak to people in a human way, speak to ghosts in a ghost way, and recite the sutras in the temple you are in."

"Finally, after you go abroad, you can only use the brand of my Rhine Construction, and the workers can only wear our uniforms. We will handle the procedures for going abroad."

"Now, I have finished my conditions, and the reconstruction conditions are there. If you think it is appropriate and you think you can cooperate, stay, and if you think you can't cooperate, leave."

After the voice fell, the conference room fell into silence again, and the bosses who were just supporting each other and making noises lowered their heads one by one.

Although their heads were lowered, their eyes did not lower, but they were turning their eyes wildly, looking at the people around them.

After a long time, the boss of Xucheng Highway Company suddenly raised his hand: "Boss Lin, I did it, I want Highway No. 1!"

His sudden words made Lin Yu stunned for a moment. After a short daze, Lin Yu gently waved his left hand. Kang Shikai, who received the gesture, immediately picked up a red marker and wrote a few big words "Xucheng Highway Company" next to Highway No. 1.

The ending of these words completely broke the reserve of others.

"Boss Lin, our Jinling Highway Company wants Highway No. 2!"

"Boss Lin, our Langya Highway Company wants Highway No. 3!"

"Boss Lin, our Oil and Gas Company No. 1 wants the first section of the No. 2 oil pipeline!"

"Boss Lin..."

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