Kang Fei's words were very exciting, but these excited words, when they fell into Lin Yu's ears, were a little bit painful.

In his plan, these people were stuck in time and came slowly before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Before they arrived, he had already arranged the satellite and rocket launch-related matters.

In this way, even if a group of people met at that time, they would not be too entangled in why they met other people here because the satellite launch time was imminent.

They would suppress all their thoughts in their hearts and watch the satellite launch silently.

Then they took the gifts they gave and turned back home. After returning, they would consider whether to order the relevant satellite service modules.

Instead of like now, a group of people came to China early, came to this small piece of land, and a bunch of people gathered together.

There is plenty of time and people are also idle.

When people are idle, they will use their brains to think, and when people use their brains to think, problems will arise.

Holding the phone, closing his eyes and thinking for a long time, Lin Yusheng said to the phone helplessly:

"Take the people back to the base, I will take the others back to the base."

"Call the canteen and ask them to prepare a few goats and stew them for mutton soup in the evening."

After explaining the task, he put down the phone and walked towards the door. Seeing this, Su Niya on the sofa quickly got up and followed. As soon as the two of them went out, they saw the people leaning against the wall with their hands folded at the door.

The five people met and smiled awkwardly at each other.

Amid the awkward laughter, Lin Yu waved his hand: "Let's go, I have arranged for someone to prepare goats, and we will have stewed mutton soup in the evening."

"After dinner, everyone should have a good rest today, and we will talk about anything tomorrow."

"Let's go!"

As the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the cuisine of Shandong Province is one of the eight major cuisines. Although the ingredients are only sheep, the chef of the canteen still made it.

A group of people squatted in the yard of the guesthouse, waiting for the chef to cook, and waiting for people.

The golden red sunset slowly fell, and when the last ray of light disappeared behind the mountains, the people who were waiting also arrived.

Arabila, and Cavani, who was aliased as Little Mustafa.

When the two of them first walked into the guesthouse, they were still talking and laughing, but their laughter stopped abruptly after they saw the people in the yard clearly.

Compared with the reputations of others, they had no reputation outside, and even Cavani's reputation was still fake.

Among the people present, Acoma and Hekle had seen Arabila. They only showed a brief surprise at his arrival, and then turned their eyes to Cavani.

After all, according to Lin Yu's virtue, ordinary people were not in his eyes. Even if the people who appeared were not the big bosses of a faction, they were definitely people with unique characteristics.

They had never seen the person in front of them.

So they were even more curious.

Recognizing these people, Arabila naturally sat at the door, naturally picked up the bowls and chopsticks, put them in front of him, and then began to pass the bowls and chopsticks for others, very skillfully.

Cavani, who was standing next to him, was curiously looking at the people in front of him.

Suniya, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, had several dealings with the militia supported by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard during the days of the Iraqi resistance.

He was a good person and had enough combat skills, but his equipment was a little worse.

It can also be said that Suniya was temporarily on the side of the Iraqi Shiites.

The leader of the Lebanese Milk Tea Party, Akoma.

This person is a legendary figure. It took him only more than half a year to go from being unknown to being a household name.

It took the other party only more than half a year to become an idol of various Arab Shiite armed organizations.

Because the other party can fight back and forth with the Israelis, and in many cases, they have the upper hand.

Although this prince has no clear position, every time he appears, he will bring the clear opinion of Saudi King Said.

In other words, he is actually half of the Saudi king.

As for the two people next to him, I don’t know them.

His eyes stayed on the table for a moment, and he naturally sat down at the entrance.

Before leaving, Ross had specifically told him that this seat was for the weak at Chinese dinners.

It was a disguised way of giving face to the people sitting inside.

Among the people present, only he and the guy from Gaza next to him were considered weak.

Sitting here at the door was a matter of course.

After he sat down, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at the two people, introducing them to the others:

"Quintan Ahmed Arabilla, he is my first benefactor after I took charge of this company. If it weren't for him, who ordered $5 million worth of goods from me, I would probably still have to live in the mountains with a group of people."

"Mustafa Cavani, his uncle, is the second benefactor I met. It was his uncle who ordered more than $20 million worth of goods from me, so I could have more money to build this other foundation."

"Similarly, my work in Iraq was all taken care of by this friend, otherwise, those messy things alone would have killed me."

"And you, you are the benefactors I met in my continuous growth, and you are constantly helping me."

"This satellite launch is an important node for me, so I will invite all the benefactors to come to watch the ceremony at this time."

"Now, let's eat."

Although the people present were somewhat curious about the two, they had been hungry for the whole afternoon and now just wanted to eat, and did not want to waste energy on extra things.

One by one, they grabbed chopsticks, picked up knives and forks, and quickly enjoyed the mutton soup pot.

In the early morning, the people who had eaten and drunk enough, under the arrangement of the guesthouse staff, each stayed on a floor without interfering with each other.

By the window, Awad's attendant put down his phone, turned around and said to Awad who was sitting on the sofa:

"Your Highness, Mr. Lin Yu gave me the information of those two people."

"Arabila is a member of the Palestinian resistance movement. We have been secretly supporting them. Even the money he used to buy equipment from Lin Yu was given by us."

"As for the man named Mustafa, I think you should have heard of the Mustafa armed forces, which are a mixture of Shiites and Sunnis and are active in eastern and southern Iraq."

"This Kavani is a member of the Mustafa armed forces, and his faction is Sunni."

"When Mr. Lin gave the information, he also said that we are actually a family, and a family should help each other."

The room was not lit, and Awad sat on the sofa. Except for his white robe, the rest was pitch black.

He hid in the darkness, like a cheetah waiting for the opportunity to hunt in the dark.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and whispered: "As long as they don't endanger Saudi Arabia's interests, we don't need to care about them."

"If they endanger Saudi Arabia's interests, we will let Lin Yu take action. If he doesn't take action, then we will let the Americans take action."

"You ask the people below to help these people cover up. Maybe it will be of great use to us in the future."

"Understood!" The follower nodded, walked out of the room with his mobile phone, and disappeared into the corridor.

At this time, Awad also stood up, walked to the window, and looked up at the crescent moon in the sky.

The moon.

I don't know if I can see Saudi Arabia's own moon landing spacecraft in my lifetime.

No, I shouldn't expect a moon landing spacecraft.

I just hope that Saudi Arabia can have its own weapons and equipment that can get rid of America's control.

Lin Yu, I hope your satellite launch will go smoothly this time.

And in the next room under his feet, Sonia also got relevant information.

Seeing Mustafa's words, his face couldn't help but twitch, and he threw the information aside.

Mustafa, this organization has been hanging around in front of the militia organization they support, but the other party has no ill intentions.

Even in some critical moments, they will rescue some people and help them overcome difficulties.

I always thought that this group of people had other intentions, but I never expected that they would come to Lin Yu again.

This distant friend is really adding surprises to himself everywhere.

Shaking his head, Sonia turned around and said to the intelligence officer beside him: "Tell Hassan to control his contact with Mustafa's armed forces."

"This armed force does not distinguish between Sunnis and Shiites, and it puts a lot of pressure on us."

The intelligence officer quickly wrote down the content, hesitated for a moment, and asked what he was thinking: "Commander, do you think that if Mr. Lin's satellite launch is successful this time and can be navigated, will he give us a navigation module?"

The intelligence officer asked very carefully, and after asking, he looked at the person in front of him eagerly.

Because the other party is the soul of the Revolutionary Guard.

"I will give it to you!"

"I will definitely give it to you!" Sonia said twice, then looked up at the window. From his angle, he could just see a small corner of the moon.

A very small point.

"He would call us together at this juncture, which means he has made a decision in his heart."

"He thinks that after this satellite launch, we will look at him with new eyes."

"We will bet on him."

"And satellite navigation is the only card he can use to effectively win us over internationally."

"So I conclude that he will definitely give it to you!"

Listening to Sonia's words, after carefully thinking about the key points, the intelligence officer showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Then he began to flatter Sonia in a bland way.

And on the third floor downstairs, in a room near the stairs, Heckler and Acoma sat opposite each other in the dark, looking at each other.

Suddenly, Hekle in the dark asked: "Suppose, if your idea is right, Lin Yu is playing the satellite navigation communication card."

"Then why does he think that this satellite launch will definitely succeed?"

"Probably, because he is Lin Yu!" Akoma sighed, turning his head helplessly to look at the moonlight outside the window.

As the leader of an armed faction, it was the first time, and perhaps the only time, that he was invited to participate in a satellite launch ceremony.

This feeling is very strange.

Perhaps, this is what the Koran says, the feeling of being respected by others?

Seeing that his attention was diverted, Hekle next to him had to cough to force his attention back:

"Don't look at the moon, the moon can be seen at any time, and this time Prince Awad is here, let's cry again."

"Additional equipment, I feel that the Israelis are going to make trouble again."

This sentence successfully drew Akoma's attention back, and the two began to exchange opinions in the dark.

Downstairs, Cavani was holding a cup of hot water, leaning against the door of the room, holding a phone in his hand, and talking quietly:

"Jalim, you uncle and nephew have really screwed me over."

"I just arrived in Shanghai and met with the people from Rheinsteel, and they told me to wait for someone."

"Then he brought someone from the resistance movement."

"When I thought this was the limit, I saw Suniya, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Saudi Prince Awad, and Akoma, the leader of the Lebanese Milk Tea Party, at Rheinsteel."

"There was another one, I heard it while eating. Duo, it's the TND Taliban!"

"The truth is so exciting!"

"If he hadn't been helping us, I would even suspect that he was setting a trap to mess with me."

"Don't worry? Our interests are not in conflict?"

"It seems to be true."

"Okay, okay, I didn't dare to forget the mission this time, just shut up and watch the ceremony, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask, then just watch, just eat, and finally cry, and then get some equipment back."

"I know, I'll hang up first."

Putting down the phone, drinking the hot water, Cavani opened the door and walked out, humming a song downstairs, ready to walk around.

When he just went down to the first floor, he happened to see a back figure disappearing at the door of the guesthouse.

With curiosity, Cavani followed.

But as soon as he walked out of the door of the guesthouse, he lost it.

With a long sigh, he sat down on the flower bed next to him, ready to wait for the rabbit.

And the rabbit he was waiting for had already arrived in the residential area and found the target he was looking for-Dulby.

Seeing the person standing in front of the door, Durby opened his arms and hugged him hard.

The muscles trained between mechanical equipment were extremely strong. When he hugged him hard, Arabila's eyes bulged instantly, and he shouted:

"Let go! Let go! I'm going to die!"

When the eldest nephew let go, Arabila quickly pulled his nephew to sit on the chair and asked: "By the way, what are you thinking? Why do you suddenly want to pull everyone here?"

"Isn't he afraid of accidents?"

As the director of the production department, Durby knew more inside information than others. When he heard his uncle's question, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then began to explain:

"Now the world's communications are basically transmitted through submarine optical cables and those communication satellites. transmission signal."

"And America can steal and monitor these messages unscrupulously."

"Rheinsteel's international business will become very frequent in the next few years. If it has its own communication network, it can avoid the surveillance of Americans."

"A lot of work will become very easy."

"In addition, our satellites have navigation modules in addition to communication, which greatly improves our weapons and equipment."

"As for pulling all of you here, in the words of the factory director, the ugly daughter-in-law will meet her parents-in-law sooner or later."

"It's better to meet as soon as possible, so that everyone has a bottom line in mind, so as to avoid accidentally hurting teammates in daily activities."

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