Knowing Lin Yu's thoughts, Arabila's worries disappeared, and what remained was only concern for her nephew and bragging.

"Your uncle Rahman's record has exceeded one hundred people!"

"Juan and Hager asked if they could help them get a set of electric furnaces with better performance and low power consumption, which are left by the Israelis."

"There are many things that can be disassembled and re-melted and sold to the outside world."

"The price is not bad."

"Art asked me to tell you that he found his true love, a girl with flaxen hair."

"When she smiles, she is more beautiful than the stars in the sky."

"The leader asked me to tell you that he is very good and can live a few more years to see you get married and have children."

"He also asked me to tell you that if you find your other half in China, you must learn to adapt."

"Those boring rules and regulations, thousands of years ago, our ancestors made them because the living environment was poor. Now the times have changed, and those that are out of date can be thrown away."

The two chattered for a while, and Arabila got up and left. Before leaving, he reminded Durbi a few words to keep an eye on the young people he had sent over before.

They must not be allowed to break the rules.

After sending this person away, Durby locked the door and walked to Building 7 behind the building.

He found Building 701 and saw that the door was ajar. He did not knock and just pushed the door and walked in.

In the living room of the room, Lin Yu sat alone at a small round table, slowly blanching vegetables and putting them into his mouth leisurely.

Durby walked to the side and sat down naturally, took an empty bowl, picked up chopsticks, and naturally threw the fresh mutton on the table into the soup pot.

While the soup pot was rolling again, he asked Lin Yu: "Is it going to overturn this time?"

"A little bit, but not completely overturned, because the people from the UAE have not arrived yet." Lin Yu took a chopstick of mutton and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued to be stubborn.

After swallowing the mutton in his mouth, he spoke: "During this period, you have to bear a little trouble. Go to the satellite R\u0026D center and work with the people in the R\u0026D center to formulate the standard production process."

"For rocket launch, I trust the people of the Aerospace Group."

"For satellite launch, I trust our people more."

"After the nine launches are successful, we need to go one step further and further integrate our baseband and then spread it out."

"A good set of standard R\u0026D, manufacturing and production processes can save us a lot of trouble."

"I will keep this in mind." In response, Durby stood up and searched the room.

After a while, he walked towards the old TV.

He opened the cabinet under the TV, took out a bottle of Lanling wine with a little dust on it, and sat back in the chair with it.

He unscrewed it, poured himself a glass, put down the bottle, picked up the glass and took a sip.

The 50-degree liquor went down his throat, making this young man who had never tasted the taste of alcohol feel uncomfortable instantly.

In a moment, his whole face turned red, like a monkey's butt.

Across the street, Lin Yu looked at the bottle of 1990 Lanling wine, feeling a little distressed, because it was left by his father.

One less bottle to drink.

Feeling distressed, he looked at Duerby, but found that while he was feeling distressed about the wine, he had already finished half a glass of white wine, and his face had turned purple.

Well, another person who is allergic to alcohol.

Reaching out to grab the bottle, he comforted: "Don't drink it."

"I'm drunk and my face is red, everyone in the production workshop says so!" Duerby drank the remaining half glass of wine with confidence, and immediately picked up a chopstick of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

He looked like a dog who had just broken up.

"You are allergic to alcohol, don't learn bad things from those ghosts in the production workshop!" Lin Yu poured himself a large glass, and poured the remaining little bit to Duerby.

Seeing the little bit of wine in the glass, Dolby picked up the glass with disgust, pressed his elbow on the round table, looked at Lin Yu through the glass, and asked with blurred eyes:

"When can we drive the Israelis out of our land?"

Lin Yu touched the glass with his hands: "When America really declines, at your age, you should be able to see that day."

"Go back to bed early after drinking."

As he said, he continued to lower his head to eat meat.

Just now, he was chatting with people in the guesthouse and didn't eat much.

When he swallowed the food in his mouth and raised his head, he found that Dolby opposite him had fallen asleep with his glass in his hand.

Seeing this, he could only sigh, drag Dolby to the sofa, settle him down, and then continue to eat.


The production plan of the satellite research and development center was not disrupted by the sudden visit of Awad and others. They still carried out production and assembly at their own pace.

Awad and others also received Lin Yu's special permission to visit the manufacturing workshop, but they could only visit the monitoring room of the manufacturing workshop through high-definition monitoring, instead of going directly to the site to watch the workers' installation and manufacturing.

The result of this was that the noble, wealthy, and very technical Awad was very dissatisfied.

Because he invested money in this R\u0026D center, under normal circumstances, he was qualified to enter the manufacturing site for detailed observation.

However, after the R\u0026D center staff told him that entering the workshop might bring instability and ultimately lead to the failure of satellite manufacturing, he gave up the idea of ​​entering the workshop.

I chose to be alone, sitting in the control room eating hot pot, singing songs, and watching satellite manufacturing and production.

Of course, his time alone to be angry didn't last long.

Because Lin Yu urgently called over the Crown Prince Carlo of the United Arab Emirates.

So, there were two angry people.

After arranging these two big benefactors, Lin Yu took the time to arrange others.

Arkema wants to know more information and arrangements related to the Politburo.

Heckley wants to break through himself and practice better special operations tactics and arrangements.

Cavani wants to learn more fighting skills and arrangements.

Arabilla wants more machinery-related books and arrangements.

Abu, who is from Afghanistan, was placed last by Lin Yu.

Because the other party needs too much information, it is too complicated, and it takes a little time.

Seeing others busy, Abu panicked, so he started urging.

On the fourth day of his urging, Lin Yu had all the information he was looking for.

There is enough for a pickup truck.

Three beefy men from the security department took a list of books and moved them for half an hour before checking, counting, and moving the books in this cart.

Holding the thin list in his hand, he looked at the books piled higher than himself on the floor.

The Taliban leader, who had been pretending not to speak English, directly cursed the only curse word in English.

Damn Fuck!

But after scolding him, the man who was respectfully called Sharif by his subordinates sat down calmly and handed the books to the two young people beside him according to the reading order given by Lin Yu.

Let these two young people translate it word for word, and then take the translated words to Sunia for questioning.

Faced with Abu's request, Suniya was also happy to help.

Because the more information Abu receives now, the greater the impact will be on him.

Finally, the more Iran can intervene in Afghanistan through Abu's hands, the greater its intervention will be.

Once a person starts studying, life will pass very quickly, just like the week before catching up on homework during the winter and summer vacations.

I just lament that there is not enough time.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to the end of August.

Early in the morning on August 30, Carlo and Awad, who had been following the satellite research and development center, sent a message to the people at the Rheinsteel base.

All nine satellites have been assembled and the ground debugging work has been completed. Now it is just a matter of loading the satellites into the rocket and launching them.

After receiving this news, the production department was not to be outdone and took out the treasure at the bottom of the box - the eight-unit Jade Bird-1 modified long-range guided rocket launcher.

The improved Jade Bird-1 long-range guided rocket launcher still has a caliber of 400 mm, but there are obvious differences in the warhead.

The warhead is more slender and sharper, and has several small nozzles.

Seeing the big guy being dragged on the truck, Awad subconsciously wanted to jump up and pet him.

Because this thing is really powerful in the hands of the milk tea party members. Now that it is equipped with satellite guidance function, its power will definitely be even higher.

The most important point is the attitude of Chinese officials in selling this weapon.

No words!

Not saying anything means being able to sell on a large scale.

If Saudi Arabia gets 10,000 rounds, no one in the entire Middle East would dare to speak loudly to them!

The appearance of the Jade Bird-1 modified rocket also made others present laugh.

Didn't they come all the way here just for better weapons?

Now that the weapons are out, it’s time to laugh!

When everything was ready, Lin Yu contacted Xiang Pingfa of the Aerospace Group and took advantage of the situation to set the time for the expedition on August 31st.

Because August 31st is a good day to get married.

Satellites have to be launched into the sky, and rockets have to be shot out. This is the water thrown out by a married daughter.

It’s just right to marry someone!

Lin Yu didn't say much about the declaration of the expedition. He just held a red cloth in his hand, walked around the convoy equipped with satellites and rockets, and shouted to get up the sedan.

The people from the weapons experiment team immediately started the car.

A convoy of 17 vehicles drove out of Rheinsteel in a mighty manner, turned east at the mountain pass, took Langya onto the highway, and then turned west again, heading towards the northwest border.


Satellite launch center on the edge of the desert.

Xiang Pangang got out of the car, spit out a mouthful of sand, took the mineral water handed over by the secretary, poured it into his mouth, held it for a while, spit it out, and then cursed:

"The yellow sand along the way seems to be getting heavier and heavier."

Next to him was He Junpeng, the person in charge of the Satellite Launch Center. Hearing his words, this man who had lived on the edge of the desert for a long time laughed and responded:

"It's not bad. The country is vigorously combating desertification. If you had come here 10 years earlier, according to your habits, this bottle of water wouldn't be enough for you to rinse your mouth."

"By the way, when will that person from Rheinsteel Group arrive?"

"And can their satellite really be built?"

"I looked at the satellites manufactured by other departments. None of them took several years of work. They made them in a few months, and they made five extra satellites in more than ten days."

"Don't let the satellite be in the sky, unable to deploy, and interfere with our satellite, which will cause trouble."

Hearing this, Xiang Pangang opened his phone and took a look at the contact information sent on time.

Looking at the familiar place names, he responded casually: "If the weather is good, it will be tomorrow; if the weather is bad, it will be the day after tomorrow."

"This time, he also brought two princes from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia."

"According to high-level officials, this time is an opportunity for our space launch to re-enter the international horizon."

"If this launch is successful, we will be more confident in our next manned space flight."

"You don't need to be too stressed. If the launch fails, just watch the fireworks."

Xiang Pingfa's words made He Junpeng want to curse.

If you launch quietly and don't say anything, then I will definitely not feel any pressure at all.

But you brought people here and said that if the launch failed, just watch it as a fireworks?

I think you don’t want to see the fireworks, but you want to see my jokes!

Twisting his neck, He Junpeng said with a straight face: "In that case, when the time comes, the launch command will come from you, Mr. Xiang."

"You're overthinking!" Xiang Pingang turned back and glanced at He Junpeng sideways, and continued: "The high-level officials want the princes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to press the launch button together and issue instructions."

“This way, you can give them a sense of participation, and maybe they will invest money!”

"We have enough funds!"


His words were very exciting, and so were the people. He Junpeng said that this was the first time that he had seen the word "blissful" on a person.

The thumb of his right hand raised naturally: "High!"

At the same time, southeast of the launch center, Wucheng.

As the convoy passed through the city, looking at the yellow sand in the sky again, Awad couldn't help but complain to Lin Yu:

"You obviously have so many good places, why do you want to build a city here? It feels like a waste!"

Hearing his question, Lin Yu lowered his head, smiled, and responded, "Your Highness Awad, it's not that we want to build a city here."

"But this city has been standing here for thousands of years."

"Thousands of years ago, the emperors of the Han Dynasty built this city here in order to demonstrate their martial arts."

"Then, with a wave of his hand, the talented and strategic emperor, merchants and soldiers set out from Chang'an, carrying their goods, and headed west along the Silk Road at our feet."

"Crossing the snowy mountains, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, I sold precious silk to Rome."

"But merchants from the Mediterranean, driven by profit, traveled thousands of miles and followed the road under our feet to reach Chang'an."

"This city has witnessed transactions like this countless times over the course of thousands of years."

"Thousands of years ago, here you could see Arabs from the land of Canaan, Jews from Israel, Kunlun slaves from Africa, white people from Europe, and Rakshasa people from Russia."

"It's always been here."

"We are just restoring this city to its former appearance!"

Seeing Lin Yu's heroic appearance, Awad became unconfident at this moment. He touched his nose and prepared to change the topic.

At this moment, Abu, who had been looking at the scenery, suddenly asked:

"Hazaras, do you have anything to do with them?"

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