This sudden question quickly dissipated the poetic feeling that had just risen in Lin Yu's heart.

After this period of contact, Abu is indeed more open-minded than other Afghans, but he is only more open-minded.

Compared with people like Sonia who dare to hold up rice juice, there is no comparison.

The other party suddenly mentioned the Hazaras of Afghanistan at this time. It was definitely not aimless, but definitely had a purpose.

Lin Yu slowly turned his head and looked at Abu who was asking the question. After looking at him for a while, he asked in English: "Why do you ask that?"

The rhetorical question made Abu turn his head and look at Lin Yu. Even if the car was shaking, the Sharif's head could not shake at all.

Just when Lin Yu was worried about whether there would be any problem with his neck, Abu turned his head and looked at the desert outside the car window with a vague look, and said:

"Because the Hazaras have been saying that they came from you, and there are indeed many people in their tribe who look very similar to you."

As soon as this was said, several people next to him immediately showed an expression of watching a good show, as if they wanted to hear how Lin Yu would explain.

However, when Lin Yu saw their expressions, he was not panicked, but smiled calmly.

The Hazaras are an ethnic group in Afghanistan.

Unlike other ethnic groups that have names, surnames, origins, and significant ethnic characteristics, this ethnic group has no name, no surname, no origin, and no significant ethnic characteristics.

In their ethnic group, there are people with black hair and black eyes, people with brown hair and black eyes, and people with brown hair, blue eyes and high noses.

According to this ethnic group themselves, they were a part of the Mongol Empire's Western Expedition Army.

But in fact, they were the vassal army of the Mongol Empire's Western Expedition Army, vassal armies collected from various places.

Only in the vassal army will there be a combination of different ethnic groups.

And the question Abu asked was also very clever.

The inner meaning is nothing more than that he feels that he is helping the Hazaras, helping this ethnic group whose origin is unknown.

In a nutshell, it is actually weakening the Pashtuns.

After laughing, Lin Yu counted on his fingers:

"Come, let me count the number of ethnic groups that were driven west by our ancestors."

"First, there is Attila, who was called the Whip of God. Their ethnic group is called the Huns here, and they were driven there."

"Now Hungary in Eastern Europe has always claimed that they are descendants of the Huns, and they are proud of it."

"But in fact, it is just a tiger skin, the purpose is to counter the annexation of cultural ethnic groups in Europe."

"Before the Huns moved west, they also drove a group called Dayuezhi westward. In our historical materials, they were later called Kushan."

"The territory of their empire stretched from Tajikistan to the Caspian Sea, Afghanistan and the Ganges River Basin."

"And the capital is today's Peshawar, Pakistan."

"After the Xiongnu, some small grassland tribes also migrated westwards, but that's all later."

"But you must have an impression of the second large-scale westward migration of Turks. After all, up to now, there are Turkic blood in the countries around the Caspian Sea and in Afghanistan."

"Even Turkey, the only European country in the Islamic world, still regards itself as the orthodox Turks, but in fact they are the Islamicized Greeks."

"A few hundred years later, Temujin from the Mongolian Plateau began to conquer the world with a scimitar in his hand."

"This time, they took the initiative to attack, not passively leave, so they moved forward very quickly."

"The Mongol Empire fell apart, and the subsequent history, you should also remember it?"

His malicious questioning also made the foreigners in the car look painful.

As the undisputed boss of the Arab world, Saudi Arabia has always had a dream, which is to rebuild the Arab Empire that spanned Asia, Europe and Africa.

However, their Arab Empire was beaten to death by the Mongol Empire.

The Mongol Empire fell apart, and just when the Arabs wanted to take advantage of the situation, Timur, who came out of nowhere, occupied this large piece of land.

When the Timurid Empire fell apart for unknown reasons, the Ottoman Empire took advantage of the situation and occupied the land that originally belonged to the Arabs.

It was not until World War I that the Arabs borrowed the power of England and France to take back their own land from the Ottomans.

Now that it has been turned out, it feels very painful when it stimulates me to move forward.

Next to me, Sonia's expression is even more wonderful.

Because the messy ethnic groups in Iran now are caused by this series of wars and migrations.

The text in the history book looks magnificent, but when it comes to these people, it is a problem that needs to be solved in practice.

If it is not good, these hot-tempered guys will pick up AK and use AK to explain the truth.

In addition, America, England, France, and Russia are fueling the flames, making this situation extremely difficult.

It's so annoying.

While he was getting annoyed, Abu, who had asked the question just now, slowly came to his senses, looked up, looked at Lin Yu and asked:

"So, the Hazaras have nothing to do with you?"

"The Russians and the people of Outer Mongolia have a closer relationship with them." Lin Yu used a trick to sow discord, diverted the relevant topic, and kicked the ball to Russia and Mongolia.

After all, one claims to be the orthodox member of the Golden Family, and the other is the successor of the Soviet Union.

There are a lot of vehicles on the national highway, and there are always fools who think they are smart, so the speed is not fast.

Leaving Wucheng in the morning, a group of people arrived at Liquor City in the evening.

Looking at the starry city ahead, Lin Yu came to the front of the minibus, opened his arms, and said loudly:

"Now, let me give you a strong introduction to this city that was named after the general who defeated the Huns to flee westward."

"And this general has left behind the strongest military exploits and the strongest title that belongs exclusively to the general."

"That's Fenglangjuxu, the Champion!"

Lin Yu spoke the last sentence in Mandarin and shouted it out loud with all his strength.

Listening to his words, a group of people looked at the starry city in front of them in silence.

Along the way from Lu Province, Lin Yu was like a tour guide, introducing them to the mountains, water, and cities they passed.

However, after the convoy crossed the Yellow River, he became obviously excited, and you could even clearly feel an impulse and passion from him.

After quickly introducing the city in words, Lin Yu picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest and called the leader Luo Ping:

"Lao Luo, Lao Luo, call the hotel we booked before. Take a rest today and head to the launch center tomorrow."

In the car at the head of the motorcade, Luo Ping adjusted the intercom channel, told the second car to pay attention to its speed, stepped on the accelerator, and drove to the hotel affiliated with the Aerospace Group that he had contacted before setting off.

Because we made reservations in advance, we didn’t waste much time on accommodation and meals.

After eating, just as Lin Yu was lying on the bed, preparing to check the work emails of the past few days, someone rang the doorbell of the room.

When he opened the door, he found Abu standing outside the door, holding a steaming teapot in his hand. When he saw Lin Yu, he showed the teapot and asked:

"Can we talk?"

"Okay!" Lin Yu opened the door, turned slightly to the side, and opened the doorway to let Abu walk into the room.

He closed the door smoothly and found the snacks given by the hotel from the cabinet on the right side of the entrance. After confirming that there was no pork or lard in them, he opened them and placed them next to the teapot.

Then he sat down in front of Abu and looked at him with a smile.

Abu took the initiative to pick up the teapot, scalded the cups in front of them with hot water, refilled the tea, pushed the tea cup in front of Lin Yu, and spoke smoothly:

"During this period, I saw a lot of things in the books you gave me, and I also saw a lot of doubts, so I wanted to take this opportunity to have a chat with you."

"What?" Lin Yu asked subconsciously, and at the same time, he was filled with doubts.

Because what he gave was a history book, and the things in it were as complicated as stars. If he didn’t explain clearly what they were, he couldn’t explain them clearly.

After all, there is still a lot of information that is not on the Internet and cannot be found.

"First of all, the names between dynasties!" As he spoke, Abu took out a piece of paper and a pen from his arms, and struggled to outline several names on the paper.

Qin, Former Qin, Later Qin, Western Qin No. 1, Western Qin No. 2.

Han, Western Han, Xuan Han, Eastern Han, Shu Han, Liu Han, Cheng Han, Later Han, Northern Han, Southern Han, Chen Han.

After writing all these words, Abu handed the paper to Lin Yu.

The characters were crooked, but that didn't prevent Lin Yu from understanding them. However, after reading the names of these dynasties, he found that he didn't seem to recognize the characters Qin and Han very well.

Rubbing the paper with his fingers, Lin Yu frowned and asked, "Is there any problem?"

The voice was calm and gentle, as if these names were not unusual to him.

But when the sound fell into Abu's ears, the other party was stunned for a moment, and then said quickly:

"I found that many of the founders of these dynasties had no kinship with each other, and some even had ethnic groups that were not the same ethnic group. Why would they choose to bring a Qin or a Han as their own country? code name?”

This sentence made Lin Yu smile.

He reached for the pen in the other person's hand, crossed out the words from Qin and Han, put the paper back on the table, and said:

"First of all, when reading these books, you must understand one thing, that is, these dynasties, in their era, only had one word!"

"That's Qin!"

"And Han!"

"The former Qin, the later Qin, Chen Han, and Liu Han are the marks made by our descendants in order to distinguish them."

"Then why did they choose Qin or Han as the name of their dynasty? Mainly to promote their legitimacy!"

"Because Qin was the first great unification in our history and established the system of prefectures and counties, moving from feudalism to a centralized dynasty."

"Han overthrew Qin, and the dynasty that built on Qin's foundation became even more powerful."

"So, it's normal to use these two words as the name of your country."

"It's also very popular."

After stumbling to explain in English, Lin Yu immediately fixed his gaze on Abu, trying to see some helpful expressions on his face.

At the same time, he decided to find an opportunity to learn Persian, Pashto and Urdu.

Because no matter what the words are, as long as they are translated into English and then translated again, the meaning of the expression will be different.

Across from him, Abu unconsciously grasped the teacup with his right hand, his eyes wandering, with a flash of light from time to time.

It seemed that he was translating the English he just heard into the Pashto language he needed.

Just like that, when he spilled more than half of the cup of tea, he finally woke up, nodded his head, and asked again:

"Then, you seem to hate war very much, but when war breaks out, you seem to be the most decisive. Why is that?"

"Because it is better to be a dog in peacetime than a man in troubled times." Lin Yu leaned on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and responded faintly:

"In Japan, the war between two villages can be recorded in the history books."

"In Europe, a marquis may have only dozens of farmers."

"But here, every war in history has involved tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people."

"There have been several wars in our history where the population has decreased by tens of millions."

"Every time, it is a disaster."

"Our attitude towards war is to avoid it as much as possible, but if it cannot be avoided, then go to war directly and don't waste time."

"War is the continuation of politics. If political means are not available, then it can only be resolved by war."

"Convenient and fast."

After a simple brain processing, Abu reached out to take the paper, took the pen, and wrote a few Pashto words on the paper.

Lin Yu looked at it and found that he didn't recognize a single word.

After writing these words, Abu raised his head again.

This time, his expression was very serious, his mouth opened and closed, and he looked like he was about to say something but stopped.

After a while, he said, "Mr. Lin, after the launch, I want to go around the surrounding cities."

"Can I?"

The voice was very clear at first, but later it became a mosquito-like sound.

On the other side, Lin Yu carefully distinguished for a while before he understood the meaning of the words.

Glancing at Abu's hesitant expression, Lin Yu couldn't help but laugh.

The strategy in Afghanistan has received great support from the top leaders. After all, only when you are safe around you can you have the energy to develop the economy.

Before bringing Abu to the rocket launch center, Lin Yu had considered the relevant possibilities, and when applying for a launch viewing seat, he also made relevant applications.

The top leaders approved it.

Now, you just need to go with the flow.

But you can't show it too obviously, otherwise, people will dislike it.

Picking up the cold tea on the table and bringing it to his mouth, he drank it in small sips. After drinking a cup of tea for more than ten minutes, Lin Yu nodded his head:

"After the launch, you can go around the surrounding cities. I will pay for it, but for your safety, you need someone to accompany you throughout the trip."

"However, you have been here for more than ten days, plus the time for travel, at least a month, aren't you worried about the situation in Afghanistan?"

After getting permission, Abu immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly:

"Thank you!"

"As for our people, they have been dispersed. Most of them are recuperating in various valleys, and a small number of people are resting in Iran."

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