As a host who sits in the studio all day long, talking nonsense to the camera and holding those outrageous plot lines, Hu Bing could only force himself to hold his face tight and force himself not to laugh when he heard the words of the two people in front of him.

He arrived the day before yesterday, and after understanding the complete process, he designed some related questions and lines.

So, he saw those cars in the warehouse.

Yes, yes, that is used to ensure the grain harvest...

It seems that what he said is not wrong, that thing can indeed be used to ensure the grain harvest, and it can also ensure that other people don’t talk too much.

After Xiang Pingfang finished speaking, he turned around and put the microphone to his mouth: "Hello, audience friends, one of the two just now is Mr. Lin from our Rheinsteel Group."

"Rheinsteel is an important steel company in our Shandong Province. Every year, they can produce tens of millions of tons of steel."

"This cross-border agricultural satellite is also a bold attempt."

"The other one is Mr. Xiang from our Aerospace Group. From him, we can learn that this commercial cooperation launch with Rheinsteel is also a bold attempt by the Aerospace Group."

"Now, please follow our camera and find a good position to watch this launch."

After speaking, Hu Bing led a group of people, carrying large and small equipment, and moved to the open space next to them little by little.

Find a good position, re-install the antenna, aim the camera at the satellite, hold the walkie-talkie, and synchronize the time with the person on the other side.

On the other side, Lin Yu and Xiang Pingfang have already walked into the launch command center. He couldn't help shaking his head at the cathode ray tube screen on the wall.

The launch center in Hai Province in the later era is still more useful. It uses holographic 3D projection, which looks more intuitive.

The equipment was ticking, and operators sat in front of their respective consoles, ready for battle.

When the time on the wall pointed to 9 o'clock, He Junpeng picked up the microphone on the console and shouted: "The launch countdown is two hours, ready, finished!"

"The launch countdown is two hours, ready, finished."

"Safety inspection team, pre-takeoff inspection begins, finished."

"Safety inspection team received, and is conducting inspection, finished."

"Remote Sensing Center No. 1, check whether the signal is normal, finished."

"Remote Sensing Center No. 1 received, the signal feedback is normal, finished."

"Remote Sensing Center No. 2, check whether the signal is normal, finished."

"Remote Sensing Center No. 2 received, the signal feedback is normal, finished."

"Remote Sensing Center No. 3..."

In the instructions, time passed slowly, and when the countdown became thirty minutes, the safety inspection team evacuated.

As another instruction was issued, the launch stand that fixed the satellite slowly opened, allowing the improved model of CZ-2D to appear in front of the world for the first time.

Ten minutes into the countdown, He Junpeng picked up the microphone and shouted again: "10 minutes countdown, all remote sensing centers are calibrating the countdown, finished."

"No. 1 Remote Sensing Center received it, the countdown calibration has been completed, finished."

"No. 2..."

Ten minutes passed quickly, listening to the beating of the new heart in his chest, Lin Yu raised his eyes and found that the time had reached 1 minute and 40 seconds.

He Junpeng turned around at this time, handed the microphone to Lin Yu, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, your satellite, you count down."

"Start the countdown at 10 seconds, press the launch button after it returns to zero, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Reaching out to take the microphone and put it to his mouth, Lin Yu stared at the countdown display in front of him.

"Countdown 1 minute, get ready."

"Countdown 30 seconds, get ready."

"Countdown 10 seconds, get ready."




"Three, two, one, zero! Ignition!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yu pressed the launch button on the console in front of him, pressing it very hard, which was not as effective as in his previous life.

As the button was pressed, the launch command was converted into an electrical signal, which shuttled through the mountains of cables and chips and finally reached the rocket.

In an instant, a hot and bright flame spurted out from the tail of the rocket, and the high temperature instantly evaporated the water under the launch pad into water vapor.

The snow-white water vapor was like the fog in the foggy city, burying the rocket in it.

But only two or three seconds later, the thrust provided by the rocket engine reached the critical value, and the huge force pushed the rocket body to slowly rise, and the bright flame also walked out of the fog.

Under the clear sky, the huge rocket was pushed higher and higher.

The operators standing in front of the control console turned their heads and stared at the data on the screen in front of them after seeing the rocket take off, fearing that they would miss any data.

"Flight power is normal!"

"Hydraulic feedback is normal!"

"Signal tracking is normal!"

A few seconds later, messages from several other remote sensing centers also came one after another, all normal one after another.

This rocket is like a thrown ball, rising rapidly in the atmosphere.

When Lin Yu saw that the rocket had penetrated the middle layer and reached the high-altitude thermosphere, his heart was finally relieved.

The upper part of the thermosphere is the low-Earth orbit space. As long as the target altitude is reached, the satellite carried will be detached, and then the satellite will be deployed, then the launch work this time will be completed.

Taking a deep breath, he walked quickly to the control room temporarily borrowed by Rheinsteel, ready to wait for the release of the satellite.

Not long after waiting in the control room, the sound of the fairing separating came from the speakers on the wall.

Hearing this voice, Lin Yu immediately lowered his head and looked at the radar feedback signal synchronized from the command center in front of him.

The rocket is still a little short of reaching its target orbit.

Very bad.

Soon after, the signal feedback rocket reached the target orbit and began to release the two satellites of the Aerospace Group.

The movable buckle is released, and the two satellites hanging on the load-bearing cylinder start the propulsion device and detach from the force-bearing cylinder.

After sliding to a sufficient distance, the two satellites unfolded their respective solar panels, and then, under the control of the satellite control department, distanced themselves from the rocket.

After confirming that the two satellites were separated, the rocket began to push back and stopped immediately after leaving the orbit of the two satellites.

After the signal contact with the nine satellites was established on the ground, the command center began to control the load-bearing tube to loosen the buckle and release Rheinsteel's satellites 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Because the satellite appears as a square box as a whole, the separation is very successful.

When the words "Escape Success" appeared on the console, Lin Yu suppressed the joy in his heart, stretched out his hand to hold Miao Yuan down, and said:

"Don't panic first. Wait until the distance between the satellite and the rocket is reached before turning on the solar energy. Don't panic."

Seeing that the distance on the synchronization signal had been extended to the appropriate position, Miao Yuan immediately pressed the solar panel deployment button.

Several satellites started working according to the procedures set at the beginning, and slowly unfolded the solar panels.

Two minutes later, the satellite's solar panels were successfully deployed without any problems.

After smoothly inputting the function self-test command for the satellite, Miao Yuan immediately turned his attention to the remaining five satellites.

With the procedures for the first four, the operation of the next five becomes extremely smooth.

The rocket pushes back twice, distances itself, releases the buckle, releases the satellite, and waits for the satellite to detach and reach a suitable distance before the solar panels are deployed.

When the green light indicating that the self-test of the nine satellites' operation programs had passed came on, Miao Yuan jumped up from his chair, grabbed Lin Yu's shoulders with both hands, and shook him like crazy:

"We made it!"

"We made it!"

"Our satellites are in the sky and have not turned into potatoes. They have signals transmitted back and they can work normally!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fortunately, he did not forget the business. After shaking Lin Yu wildly for a few times, he sat back in front of the console and began to control the satellite to adjust its orbit.

This is a delicate job and needs to be adjusted in conjunction with satellite data from other countries synchronized by the launch center.

To avoid colliding with other countries’ satellites during flight.

Of course, it is also possible that someone else deliberately caused a satellite to hit it.

America and Russia like to do this kind of thing the most, and Russia does it the most delicately.

Taking advantage of Miao Yuan's time to adjust the track, Lin Yu and others went to the canteen to push two carts of food.

A cart went to the control room, and Lin Yu pushed the cart happily towards the warehouse where the Bluebird-1 rockets were stored.

After the orbit adjustment is completed and the satellite begins official operation, this simple positioning and communication system can be used.

In this way, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

When he arrived at the warehouse, he found that Awad and others had already appeared in front of the control system responsible for communication control and satellite navigation, watching helplessly as the staff shuttled between computers, equipment, and cables.

Hearing the footsteps, Carlo, who was closest to the door, quickly turned around, looked at Lin Yu with a smile, then raised his hands and applauded:

“Let us warmly celebrate the successful launch of Rheinsteel’s agricultural satellite and celebrate Rheinsteel’s agricultural technology reaching a higher level!”

Following his joke, others turned around one after another.

After staring for a while, they all raised their hands and started applauding.

In short, although I don’t know what these two are doing, I can just applaud.

“Let us warmly celebrate the successful launch of Rheinsteel’s agricultural satellite and celebrate Rheinsteel’s agricultural technology reaching a higher level!”

Listening to their sarcastic words, Lin Yu coughed lightly and said, "We do have an agricultural company. Although we only have one brand, it can be used!"

After saying that, he pushed the cart into the warehouse and distributed the lunch boxes one by one to the person responsible for satellite positioning.

After taking a few bites of the box lunch to calm his rebellious belly, Lin Yu had time to look at the computer monitors in front of him.

There are a total of five computers, three of which are responsible for relaying and contacting Rheinsteel's main station, while the remaining two are responsible for contacting satellites and interpreting satellite data.

But at this moment, there were only three big words on the computer monitor responsible for interpreting satellite data - No signal.

After taking a few mouthfuls of rice, Lin Yu asked vaguely, "What's going on?"

After hearing the words of his factory director, the researcher sitting in front of the monitor quickly put down his lunch box, pointed to the three satellite symbols in the upper right corner of the monitor and explained:

"Currently, only the No. 1 satellite has reached orbit, and the remaining eight satellites are still adjusting."

"So, in the system we set up, the system has not yet done coordinate correction."

"So what's showing here is no signal."

"When all nine satellites arrive in orbit, perform a coordinate correction and fix the accurate orbit, and there will be a signal here."

"At that time, we can maintain three satellites to calculate coordinates at any time in the northern hemisphere, and the accuracy can be improved to at least 10 meters."

"But I think there is a high probability that there is no hope today."

"Why don't you go back and rest today, have a celebration party, and then have a good rest. We will work overtime tonight to adjust the satellite's orbit and correct the coordinate data."

"Early tomorrow morning, when the satellite reaches orbit, we can start using satellite positioning."

Lin Yu listened to the researcher's words and subconsciously turned to look at Awad and others behind him.

After thinking for a moment, he called Luo Ping, who was guarding the door: "Take Prince Awad and the others back to Space City to rest first. We will continue to work here."

"Prince Awad and the others are busy people. The sooner they adjust the satellite positioning system, the sooner they can collect data."

"Let our big customers see effective data."

Seeing his decisive look, Awad and others couldn't say much. They nodded their heads one after another and then left under the leadership of Luo Ping.

After sending these people a few steps out and out of sight, Lin Yu returned to the warehouse and lay down on the iron frame bed propped up in the warehouse:

"Contact me when all satellites are online."

As soon as the blanket was covered, within two or three minutes, the snoring gradually began.

On the other side, Awad and others left on the shuttle bus, bathing in the setting sun, with smiles on their faces.

And he also made a rare joke to Suniya: "After Iran gets the satellite navigation system, are you going to mess with us, Saudi Arabia?"

The language is Mandarin.

As soon as these words came out, several people in the shuttle bus immediately distanced themselves. After hearing this, Luo Ping took the initiative to stand up and stand between the two of them.

Faced with his provocation, Sunia said nothing, held her head in her hands, and leaned on the shuttle bus chair.

Then he turned his head slightly and looked at Awad sideways: "As long as you don't cause trouble when our people go to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage, I won't cause trouble to you."

"But if you do it, don't blame me for being rude."

After releasing her own conditions, Sunia turned her head silently. The next second, Awad's slightly regretful words sounded next to her:

"It's a pity that you are only the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, not the commander of the Iranian Defense Forces, nor the minister of defense."

"You are qualified to negotiate terms with other people, but with me, you are still a little behind."

The Saudi prince raised his right hand with a proud face and made a gesture that would definitely make Koreans furious: "A little bit!"

Another successful provocation, Awad quickly turned around and cast his gaze towards the setting sun.

The shuttle bus moves forward on the Gobi Desert, and the setting sun casts a long shadow on it.

The shadow was long and dark.

As the sun set, the temperature on the Gobi Desert dropped rapidly. A cold wind blew by, and Lin Yu couldn't help but sneeze while lying on the bed.

The whole person also woke up from his sleep.

I looked down at the time, it was 3:52 in the morning.

In front of the monitor in front, several researchers were already asleep, and on the computer monitor responsible for analyzing satellite data.

Nine lines appeared, and on those nine lines, there were nine green dots, moving in a flash.

Like fireflies.

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