On the line!

After more than ten hours of orbit adjustment, the nine Night Star model satellites finally arrived at their own orbits, and then officially started operation and successfully went online.

This also means that Rheinsteel's satellite was developed from scratch to successfully launched and deployed in just a few months.

Being able to achieve this step has already left 95% of the countries in the world behind.

When Japan and South Korea, which are economically developed countries, launch satellites, it often happens that the satellite and the rocket are not clearly connected and cannot be launched, or the detached satellite cannot be started, causing the satellite to rebound and hit the rocket.

In the south, India, which is known as the third largest country in the world, often launches satellites successfully and successfully separates. In the end, the satellite cannot connect to the signal and cannot enter orbit.

This is a big step for Rheinsteel.

With this success, the two groups of people from the R\u0026D Department and Production Department can prepare standardized production and launch documents according to this process.

Follow the process, and even if something goes wrong in the future, you only need to follow the process to check.

Doing so can greatly reduce R\u0026D and manufacturing time, reduce production costs, and allow Starlink satellites to be launched more frequently.

By the time people from other countries calm down and want to join the battle for low orbit, Rheinsteel's satellites will already be flying all over the sky.

Occupy the territory first, and then slowly replace the satellite if there is a problem.

Suppressing his excitement, Lin Yu picked up the landline phone next to him and called Miao Yuan in the control room. When he learned that Miao Yuan and the others were still conducting tests, he put down the phone again.

The sound of voices woke the researchers sleeping next to them from their sleep.

Finding that the factory manager was busy in front of the computer, several people quickly sat up and turned their attention to the computer monitor.

Seeing the green above, especially when all nine satellite signals were green, a group of people breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

First, move yourself away from the computer monitor, dip some toilet paper in water, clean your nostrils, and then moisten your face with water before returning to the computer.

Start preparing for project testing according to the process set at the beginning.

Watching them busy, Lin Yu walked out of the warehouse with a flashlight and walked towards the launch center supermarket.

The distance was neither far nor close, but the wind was a bit strong on the Gobi Desert in the early morning, so Lin Yu's walk was not easy.

When he arrived at the entrance of the supermarket, he found that Xiang Pingping was also here. The CEO of the aerospace group was standing in front of the supermarket counter, complaining to the counter about why there was no Yellow Crane Tower.

Next to the supermarket counter, there are several large plastic bags filled with instant noodles.

Seeing this person, Lin Yu's eyes flashed with surprise.

According to Xiang Square's level, is it necessary to work overtime with him?

The sound of the plastic windshield curtain being lifted interrupted Xiang Pingang's complaint. He turned around and saw a trace of surprise in his eyes when he saw clearly that the person coming was Lin Yu.

Just when he was about to speak, Lin Yu said with a smile:

"For people in the north, the Yellow Crane Tower tastes a bit bland and is not so easy to sell, so there are relatively few Yellow Crane Towers in the north."

"If Mr. Xiang wants it, he has to ask someone to get it from Hubei Province."

Hearing this joke, Xiang Pingfa smiled, turned around and pointed to the thermos bottle next to the supermarket manager. The manager understood, quickly turned around, took out two clean thermos bottles, and put them aside to burn. The hot water boiler is connected below.

Seeing his skillful movements, Lin Yu turned around happily and went to the instant noodles section to find instant noodles with suitable taste.

While waiting for the thermos to be filled with water, Xiang Pingang turned around and said with a smile: "I had a busy day yesterday and I still didn't have time to congratulate Mr. Lin on the successful launch of the satellite."

"To express my apology, I'm asking for this meal."

"There is no way. The launch of the satellite is just the beginning. The trouble is still to come. Some time ago, I was worried that it would not be launched. Now that it is launched, I have to be busy controlling the satellite."

In front of the instant noodles shelf, when Lin Yu heard Xiang Ping's words, he poked his head out from the shelf and responded casually, then widened his eyes and asked seriously:

"Mr. Xiang, are you serious?"

"Really!" Xiang Pingang said casually, and the next second, he saw Lin Yu starting to sweep the shelves.

A few minutes later, Lin Yu appeared at the counter carrying two oversized plastic bags, and the supermarket manager also handed out the thermos bottle at this time.

Putting down the bag in his hand, Lin Yu picked up the phone on the table and called Miao Yuan in the control room:

"Lao Miao, send two people to the supermarket to get things. Mr. Xiang is treating you. Don't be polite to him."

After giving instructions, he reached out to take the thermos bottle from the administrator. Lin Yu nodded at Xiang Pingfa and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Xiang, and congratulations on the successful modification of your rocket."

Hearing the congratulations, Xiang Pingping nodded his head and said, "Congratulations, but I would like to ask Mr. Lin when the next satellite launch will be."

"After all, the cost of launching satellites ourselves is quite high. It would be good to have you share the cost."

Next launch?

Lin Yu held the thermos bottle and tilted his head, lost in thought.

The next batch of satellites must be stronger than this batch of satellites, and it will take at least three months to obtain the operational data of the first batch of satellites and propose improvements to address relevant deficiencies.

Then it will take at least four months to upgrade the new version in a targeted manner.

In other words, it will take seven months at the earliest, and the rocket at the Rocket R\u0026D Center is still in the design stage, and it will take at least about a year before it can be tested.

In other words, you need to take a ride at least once, and if you book your tickets in advance, you don’t have to be so anxious next time.

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Yu responded softly: "In about seven months, if you still have tickets next time, you can leave some for me."

"The next satellite will not be so big."

Hearing that there would be another launch seven months later, Xiang Pingang clenched his right hand into a fist and stretched it out in front of Lin Yu:

"Okay! Then we have an agreement!"

Lin Yu also extended his right hand and bumped their fists: "It's a deal."

"I'm going back to the warehouse first."

After bumping fists, Lin Yu carried instant noodles and snacks, turned and walked towards the warehouse, and disappeared in front of the supermarket in a short time.

Looking at his leaving figure, Xiang Pingang fell into deep thought. Slowly, the expression on his face changed to a solemn one.

At this moment, the secretary came over, noticed Xiang Pingfa's expression, and looked at the night very curiously, and asked curiously: "Mr. Xiang, what are you doing?"

"I'm a little worried." Xiang Pingang responded casually.

This sentence made the secretary next to him confused. He tilted his head and looked at the night outside the supermarket, and then looked at his boss.

I am very confused about the meaning of this sentence.

Blinking, he asked directly: "Mr. Xiang, are you worried about next month?"

"No! We are worried that Rheinsteel will become our opponent." Xiang Pingang expressed his worries, but this answer left the secretary next to him speechless.

He raised his finger and pointed outside the supermarket, and then pointed at himself. He gestured helplessly for a moment and asked with surprise on his face: "Isn't it possible?"

"Mr. Xiang, this is no joke. Can they become our opponents?"

"It's incredible, right? But I'm really not joking." Xiang Pingang turned around and asked, getting the feedback he wanted from the secretary's face, and then continued to explain:

"After the launch was successful in the afternoon, I reported the news to the superiors, who also gave me further information about Rheinsteel."

"They are building wind tunnels and rocket research and development centers themselves, and for satellites, they started from scratch to launch today."

"Less than half a year!"

After saying the words "half a year", Xiang Pangang took out a red flag canal from a box of newly opened red flag canals with trembling hands and put it into his mouth. He lit it casually and took a big sip.

The faint smoke puffed out from his nostrils, blocking his face, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

On the other side, in the control room rented by Rheinsteel, Miao Yuan put down the phone and pointed to two people. After asking them to go to the supermarket to get things, he stretched and said loudly to the people next to him:

"The satellite attitude automatic adjustment test has started. The orbit altitude of satellite No. 1 is 550 kilometers, and the sun's azimuth angle is 166°32'42.67." The satellite angle is being adjusted so that the solar sail faces the sun. All departments...ah, pay attention to the signal feedback. "

"The power supply and distribution subsystem is operating normally, the solar panel power generation status is normal, and the battery's storage and output power are normal."

"The thermal control subsystem is operating normally. According to the temperature sensor data, the current temperature of the satellite facing the sun is 120 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the back side is -13 degrees."

"Start the satellite signal transmission function, and at the same time start the satellite structure sensor to detect whether the internal parts of the satellite are working properly."

"Sensor feedback indicates that the internal equipment is working normally and the gyroscope is working normally. Do you want to start synchronizing the coordinate system?"

"Synchronize the CGCS2000 coordinate system and recheck whether the gyroscope is working properly. After confirming that it is normal, start the data transmission and download test."

"Old Wang, please bring the TV series data we prepared!"

"Journey to the West or Water Margin?"

"Bring them all!"

"Oh! This box is Journey to the West!"

"What about the other box?"

"It's still Journey to the West!"



Two computers used to solve satellite data exit the operation page, one is used to upload data, and the other is used to download data.

After it was ready, the storage hard drive containing Journey to the West began to work, transferring the data to the left computer and then uploading it to the satellite.

The satellite on the right also sent a request at the same time to connect the data from the satellite and start downloading the TV series.

Looking at the slowly moving numerical value, Miao Yuan felt extremely excited.

Among the thousands of satellites in orbit around the world, there are 9 developed by his team!

From now on, he can also be regarded as a well-known satellite research expert!

However, I have to thank my own factory director for all this. It was him who gave me the funds, test site, and personnel, and then all these results were achieved.

Otherwise, the research site alone would be enough for him to drink a pot, let alone acquire nine satellites at once.

That’s close to 20 million dollars!

Time passed by, and after eating the instant noodles, Miao Yuan sat on the chair and slowly fell asleep.

When the red sun rose again from the east and the warm light fell on his face, waking him up from his deep sleep, the progress bar on the two computers nearby for uploading and downloading also came to an end.

Suppressing his excitement, Miao Yuan wiped his eyes with water first, and then opened the corresponding data capture software to check the situation during this transmission.

A 132-megabyte TV series was uploaded in one hour and twenty-two minutes.

This speed...


Just make do.

The next thing to look at is the call quality and coordinate positioning data.

If these two can meet the requirements, then this time the satellite launch of Rheinsteel can be considered a great success!

Rubbing his temples vigorously with both hands, Miao Yuan picked up the landline beside him, recalled the phone number of the borrowed warehouse, and dialed it:

"Director, the satellite data has been adjusted successfully. Now, it's time for your positioning test."

In the warehouse where Bluebird-1 is stored, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the content of the phone call.

Finally, the satellite data was adjusted successfully, which means that it is ready. Now, it's time to pull it out for a walk.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around, took out a dedicated satellite phone, and called Rheinsteel directly. Hearing Qian Jianguo's voice coming from the other end, he whispered the task:

"Let the weapons test team behind drive and take our terminal equipment to collect samples at the leveling point in front of the city government. After sampling, drive to eight directions for me."

"Follow the leveling points found before, one by one."

"Sweep as far as you can!"

After issuing the order, Lin Yu stretched his waist, sat on the chair and looked at the others and said:

"You go to have breakfast, bring me three fried dough sticks and a soy milk, with more sugar."

After the others left, he picked up the draft paper next to him and started writing and drawing on it. This time, he was preparing a travel route for Abu.


Lanling, after receiving Lin Yu's instructions, the weapons test team boarded the truck, took the equipment developed by the satellite research and development center, took the map, and left quickly in eight directions.

As the leader of the weapons experiment group, Shao Xiaofeng went to the west. On his map, to the west, there were more than a dozen flood control points on the edge of Weishan Lake.

These flood control points are all national-level leveling points, all for flood control, and are more accurate than other highway leveling points.

The vehicle sped along the road. After more than half an hour, a group of people found the first leveling point, a concrete pillar with a height of about 1 meter and a width of about 30 centimeters on all four sides, which was prism-shaped as a whole.

And the precise coordinate point was a stainless steel cross nail in the center of the concrete pillar.

Shao Xiaofeng placed the data receiving terminal on the concrete pillar, so that the center of the data terminal was facing the stainless steel cross nail at the top of the concrete pillar.

Adjust the level.

After waiting for a few minutes and confirming that it was completely level, the researcher responsible for solving the data pressed the enter key on the laptop.

Data solving began.

Looking at the slowly moving progress bar, a group of people's hearts were in their throats.

Don't give an outrageous data. If it's too outrageous, it's over!

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