When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 336 When will you go to heaven? (First update!)

So insulting!

Several foreigners stared at Lin Yu with unkind eyes for a while, and then looked at each other.


Strictly speaking, if you leave Lin Yu aside and don't discuss his situation at the scene, then almost everyone present will be a little bit hateful.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have always had differences in their treatment of neighboring countries based on geopolitical factors, which can be regarded as a bit of animosity.

Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have an old feud from the Iran-Iraq War to the Gulf War.

The hatred between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates is caused by religious beliefs and geopolitical factors.

Palestine, Lebanon and several others, based on factors of several Middle East wars.

The relationship between Palestine and Lebanon is based on the misbehavior of the first group of people in the Palestine Liberation Front.


In short, everyone has a reason to shoot others in the head.

Several people stared there for a long time, before Arabilla was the first to exit.

As the weakest party among these people, he can only bow his head and play a small role. Maybe if he says a few words here today, then tomorrow, there will be a question mark on Gaza's supplies and ammunition.

Lebanon soon broke away.

Now that we have recognized Saudi Arabia as our big brother, if we want to ask others for equipment, we must show sincerity.

After a while, Cavani sat next to him, turned his head, and looked at the monitor interface intently to see where the rocket went.

Abu also followed his actions and turned around to pay attention to the trajectory of the rocket. This is a good thing. If the Taliban also have this thing, then America and the new government will have to wait for death.

For a moment, only Awad, Carlo, and Sunia were left looking at each other.

For a long time, the researcher's voice sounded in the ears of the three people. Carlo acted as a peacemaker, stretched out his hand to hold the two people's shoulders, and said loudly:

"Isn't it enough to ask Mr. Lin not to sell to each other?"

"I'm out here, can you give me some face?"

Perhaps Carlo's face was enough, or perhaps the rocket next to him was more attractive, so Awad and Sonia put down their respective guard and turned to look at the surveillance footage sent back from the scene.

In the surveillance screen, there was still an anti-aircraft missile vehicle, but this time, the anti-aircraft missile vehicle did not take the initiative to fire.

The rockets in the sky did not make graceful movements, but exploded directly in the sky, exploding into a gorgeous flower.

There was no black smoke or dust rising into the sky. The rocket exploded so lightly and casually.

It's like bubbles rising on the surface of a lake.

But soon, everyone noticed something strange.

In the desert, due to heat, when the temperature is too high, it is often seen in the desert that the air in the distance is distorted.

But this time, they did not see the twisted air, but instead saw a sky as colorful as a rainbow.

It seems that when the light comes here, someone uses a knife to cut the internal light bit by bit, restoring it to the original color of the light.

Very beautiful.

The people in the bunker, after seeing this scene, had no sense of beauty in their hearts. Instead, there was only a cold fear coming from the depths of their bones and the deepest part of their minds.

I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have this thing fall on top of my head!

The power was paralyzed, and the city turned into a dead silence. Finally, amidst the whine of anti-aircraft missiles, the entire city turned into a sea of ​​fire, and finally died.

After this unique beauty, the fourth rocket was launched, and no one came forward enthusiastically.

After a while, Lin Yu caught He Junpeng out, grabbed his hand, and pressed the safety and launch buttons.

The rocket marked No. 5 flew out and headed towards the No. 2 target area at an extremely fast speed.

This time, the anti-aircraft missile was actively fired and detonated in the air in advance. The No. 5 rocket also exploded in the air and exploded into a bright fireball.

There are 4 rockets left.

Several people present were no longer as active as before.

Seeing this, Lin Yu picked up the wireless communicator and called the No. 2 target area to evacuate and asked the No. 3 target area to prepare.

Ten minutes later, news came from Range 3.

Be prepared.

After receiving the news, Lin Yu opened his arms in front of everyone and said loudly:

"Everyone, I need to make an important statement here. Our Blue Bird is a rocket, not a missile."

"So, for the last launch, we will show you the correct use of rockets."

"This time, let's fire four shots in a row!"

After explaining it loudly, he enthusiastically invited Awad and others to press the button together.

Unable to resist his temptation, Awad and others stood on both sides of the controller, and together they pressed the safety and launch buttons with their hands on top of each other like Arhats.

While they pressed the safety and launch switches, four rockets in the distance flew out one after another, heading towards the No. 3 target area.

This time, when Awad and the others turned their attention to the screen tracking the signal, they were stunned by the numbers on it.

The launch site is three hundred kilometers away from the No. 3 target area!

Seeing this value, their hearts finally died.

This TND is a small missile!

After their hearts died, everyone's attention fell on the cameras in target area three.

Compared with target areas one and two, there were at least twice as many cameras in target area three. The researcher responsible for switching lenses switched back and forth several times before finally finding a suitable lens.

Afterwards, a group of people looked silently at the two anti-aircraft missile vehicles in the center of the camera.

This time, it was a duel between anti-aircraft missiles and rockets.

A few minutes later, the first rocket arrived. Six anti-aircraft missiles took off directly and detonated when they got close to the rocket.

The rocket was successfully intercepted.

Then came the second rocket, and the anti-aircraft missile still quickly rose into the air. When the two were about to collide, the rocket exploded directly, and the gorgeous sky exploded again.

Carbon fiber filament bomb.

When the sunlight was refracted into colorful colors, the last two rockets also arrived. After the anti-aircraft missiles were drawn out by other rockets, the two rockets each found their own targets.

Hit it head on.

Boom boom!

The anti-aircraft missile vehicle flew away.

The explosion sounded, and Lin Yu's words also sounded in the bunker:

"Everyone, this time the rocket test is over. Thank you all for watching. Now please leave in an orderly manner."

Hearing this euphemistic but purposeful remark to drive people away, Xiang Pingang naturally turned around and left with the people in the launch center, leaving the space in the underground bunker to Lin Yu and a few Arabs.

After the unrelated people left, Awad turned to look at Lin Yu, frowned slightly, and asked softly: "Are you... a little too crazy?"

"Crazy? How do you say it?" Lin Yu couldn't help but be curious. He actually heard the word "crazy" from Awad's mouth. If it was someone else talking about him, it would be understandable, but if it was Awad, then... There must be a question mark.

After all, for a kingdom with a hereditary family system, it is also a country that believes in Islam. The words "crazy" are more suitable for them no matter how you think about it.

Next to him, Awad was about to speak, but found that Sunia was next to him. He simply curled his lips and motioned for Lin Yu to take Sunia away first.

Sensing his movement, Lin Yu waved his hand gently, and the people in the weapons experiment team immediately stood up from the control computer, stood in front of Sunia and others, and raised their fingers outside.

The people who appear here are all smart people. The most important thing about dealing with smart people is to save trouble.

Awad's hesitant actions just now were all seen by Suniya. The meaning was obvious. This was a secret meeting between the two parties, and no irrelevant personnel were required to be present.

He nodded slightly to the two of them, then turned and left.

Several people nearby also noticed this and turned around and walked out of the underground bunker under the leadership of the weapons experiment team members.

Carlo from the United Arab Emirates did not follow the others, but sat quietly next to them, looking at the two people with a smile.

Looking at his smiling face, Awad didn't say much and turned his head to look at Lin Yu, acquiescing that this guy could be present.

When the footsteps completely left, Awad folded his hands and found a stool to sit down. He looked at Lin Yu with his eyes and asked, "When will you go to heaven?"



Two surprised sounds sounded in the underground bunker, and these two belonged to Lin Yu and Carlo respectively.

At this moment, the two people subconsciously widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and looked at Awad with confusion on their faces, not understanding why he asked this question.

Their surprised expressions also made Awad understand that there was ambiguity in his words. He stretched out his hands to rub his face, reorganized his words, and said again:

"I mean, when will you be able to go to space, build your own space station, or land on the moon?"

After saying this, the expressions on Carlo and Lin Yu's faces became even more surprised.

After all, I just saw a rocket that can maneuver terminally. The work we want to talk about now should be a rocket, but why did it end up landing in space?


Compared to Carlo, Lin Yu had even more doubts in his heart, because as far as the history he was familiar with, the United Arab Emirates was more interested in landing in space. Every time China made achievements in space, there would be more or less a person behind it. country, that is the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is more interested in weapons and equipment.

But now, Carlo has not shown interest in weapons. On the contrary, Saudi Arabia is very interested in weapons and space.

Lin Yu frowned and thought for a moment, then whispered a time:

"In 2005, if our progress goes well, we will launch manned spaceflight in 2005."

"If the space launch goes smoothly, our progress will be very smooth in the next ten years. It is expected that we will be able to build our own space station around 2020."

"Before 2030, our space station should be in service. However, for us, you should be more interested in the International Space Station?"

Three time points made Awad fall into deep thought. He is now 44 years old, it is already 2003, and in 2030, that is 27 years later, then he will be 71 years old.

After calculating his age, he couldn't help but frown.

The succession to the throne of Saudi Arabia is from brother to brother. The age of each king who succeeds to the throne is at least 50 years old. Those who are unlucky are princes who are more than 70 years old.

My brother is in good health. According to the current situation, he will be in his 70s before he can inherit the throne.

A little irritable.

I originally wanted to rely on this investment to gain some support, but now it seems...


After a light breath, Awad responded softly: "Indeed, you have no advantage over the International Space Station and the international aerospace level."

"But your efficiency is very fast, and my investment is being visibly converted into the technology we need."

"The speed is very fast!"

"Such efficiency cannot be seen in any country on this planet. I still remember the efficiency of the European and American engineers who built the railway from Riyadh to Mecca."

"A matter that can be solved with only two phone calls, they dragged it for a month, and then told me a month later that the section needed to be revised again, and it needed money, people, and materials."

"Moreover, you didn't treat me as a fool, and you didn't treat me as a fool. Just based on these two points, you are worth my investment, but I still want to ask here, can your time node be brought forward?"

This explanation made Lin Yu laugh.

Sure enough, the A party in this world likes to ask the B party to speed up.

Then I must tell Awad that the speed, the speed of project completion depends on the speed of the A party's payment!

He did not answer directly, but sat in front of the computer, closed the page display on the monitor, created a new text table, and then frantically typed various technical names in the table.

About two hours later, a table with more than 1,000 technologies appeared in front of Awad and Carlo, some of which were followed by numbers and marked with colors.

Giving the seat under his buttocks to Awad, letting him sit in front of the computer, while dragging these technologies with the mouse, Lin Yu began to explain:

"This is the branch engineering project that we need to break through in order to independently build a space station and land on the moon."

"And each of these branch engineering projects has thousands of technologies behind it. These technologies require people, materials, and time."

"If you want to speed up the progress, the simplest and most effective way is to hire people and engineers."

"And these people still need us to train them from scratch, but fortunately, our country has a large population, and engineers who have completed basic education are easier to find. They only need to be trained by businesses to take office."

"If a complete research line is established, then the construction time of the space station should be advanced by about 5 years."

"The final landing on the moon, if everything goes well, it can be completed around 2025."

"Of course, in the process of studying all this, we will also obtain enough weapons manufacturing technology."

"For example, the hypersonic missile I told you about before, if everything goes well, in about 15 years, when we start building the space station, this thing can be taken out."

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