In front of the computer, computer genius Parison slowly raised his head and looked at his cousin in disbelief.

His name is Parison, not Parkinson, so he can't do such a dangerous thing.

After staring for a while, the 23-year-old young man swallowed his saliva lightly and asked cautiously: "Are you crazy? Uncle Dena has repeatedly told us that we must transfer money in small amounts to prevent the other party from swallowing up the payment."

"What's more, if you transfer a large amount at one time, it will be easy for the IRS to target you. Even if Uncle Dena is a lieutenant general staff officer of the Ministry of Defense, he can't command those bastards."

"If you are targeted by those bastards, you will lose a layer of skin if you don't die!"

Opposite, Greb walked to the wine cabinet, picked up the brandy on the private bar, picked up a crystal glass, added two ice cubes, and then filled it with wine.

Putting the crystal glass filled with wine in front of him, he turned around and looked at Parison through the crystal glass.

The round crystal glass with wine has the effect of a funhouse mirror.

From Parison's perspective, the cousin's eyes became particularly funny, like a clown.

After looking at the wine glass for a while, Greb raised his head, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, opened his mouth, and said with a breath of alcohol:

"I'm not crazy!"

Denying Parison's words, Greb turned around, walked to the bookcase next to him, opened the bookcase, revealed the safe inside, entered the password in front of Parison, and took out a thick document from it.

Throwing this thick document in front of Parison, he said:

"Some time ago, after your uncle Dena finished discussing the project, I started to prepare."

"The information in front of you is my preparation."

"Small transfers will also cause problems if the number of batches is too large, so I prepared a series of projects."

"The main content is to purchase raw materials from China."

"Of course, the raw materials do not exist, but the price of these raw materials is enough to offset this large transfer."

"Take a look at the document, and then transfer the money."

These words also made Parison relax. He reached out to pick up the document and began to quickly flip through the document.

A few minutes later, he put down the documents, stood up and walked to his cousin, opened his arms and hugged him tightly, and at the same time, he praised him generously:

"Greb, you are really a genius. You actually thought of using rare earth as a cover."

"Those rare earths are expensive. These hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in those particularly expensive rare earth pits, and even a bubble may not come out."

"Even if there is a bubble, so what? If the container rolls into the sea during transportation, there is absolutely no evidence!"

"I will transfer it now, but you'd better call Uncle Dena."

The previous flattery made Greb very useful, but the last sentence made the genius scientist look a little ugly.

Sensing the change on his face, Parison quickly explained: "I know you don't like to hear this, but I have to tell you."

"This kind of thing affects the whole body. You'd better tell your uncle about the large amount of money you're transferring."

"Let him be prepared."

"I'll do it right away."

After another word of advice, Parison took the file back to the computer and logged into several other accounts of Avenal Company according to the content of the file, and transferred the funds to another rare earth company controlled by Avenal Company.

Finally, the rare earth company made the funds transfer.

Repeatedly confirm the account, amount, and key.

After confirming repeatedly for more than ten minutes, seeing that Greb had no intention of calling, Parison took a deep breath and pressed the enter key on the keyboard.

[Dear Mr. Greb Roosevelt, Lehman Brothers Bank reminds you that you are initiating a large amount of transfer. Please confirm whether it is your true and valid intention, please confirm whether you want to do this, and please confirm whether you need to pay the amount. 】


Parison dragged the mouse over and clicked the confirmation button without hesitation. The reminder pop-up window disappeared and turned into a white progress bar.

The progress bar showed very slow progress, but after only a few seconds, the progress bar suddenly disappeared and turned into a new prompt.

[Transfer successful! ]

Seeing these words appear, Parison looked up at his cousin Greb with a little fear, took a deep breath, and said softly:

"The transfer was successful, Greb, life or death depends on the next hour to half an hour."

"If the other party does not transfer the money back, Uncle Dena will definitely eat us."

"And those who support Uncle Dena will definitely eat Uncle Dena."

"In the end, those IRS bastards may eat us alive."

The words were very light, but the tone was very heavy.

Greb scratched his ear in annoyance, shook his head and said, "The IRS is not a fool. Why have the rich been able to evade taxes? Isn't it all thanks to the IRS?"

"This is California, not Washington, so you don't have to worry about the IRS."

"As for our Chinese friend, I believe he can figure out the situation."

"Relax now and wait for half an hour to an hour."

After persuading Parison, Greb sat back in front of the wine cabinet, took out a few bottles of different expensive wines, and began to add them to the crystal glass little by little, preparing a glass of Greb's special.

The last time the other party was able to quickly transfer tens of millions of dollars, then, according to general logic, transferring hundreds of millions of dollars should not be a big deal.

Moreover, if the other party can really quickly transfer hundreds of millions of dollars, then his identity will be even more worthy of investigation.

He is very calm.

However, Lin Yu, who was suddenly awakened from his sleep in Lanling, China, across the sea, was not so calm.

Because $500 million suddenly arrived in the account.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

There must be something wrong with this!

But he is not in America, and he is not the roundworm in the belly of the Graebs and his son. Even if he wants to break his head, he can't think of anything wrong with it.

Just as he was thinking about what happened, Li Ping cautiously raised his head and whispered:

"Director, maybe nothing happened. It's just that simple cross-border transfers of small amounts are too troublesome."

"This guy Greb transferred 500 million US dollars in one go."

Opposite Li Ping, Guan Yunqing couldn't help but twitch his face when he heard these words. He wanted to complain, but he didn't know how to complain.

A transfer of US$4.75 million was already a huge amount of money in the eyes of others, even in the eyes of him, the bank president.

However, in the eyes of this group of people, this amount of money is just a small transfer.

Because their unit of measurement is billions of dollars.

After sighing, he also added: "Indeed, if everything goes as you said, Mr. Lin, there will be a total of about 2.1 billion US dollars to be transferred out."

"For $5 million at a time, that would also require 420 transfers."

"This kind of cross-border transfer takes about 23 minutes from initiation to review on America's side, but because we use the fast track here, there will be a reminder when the account arrives."

“It takes about 7 minutes from the reminder to initiating the transfer to the final successful transfer.”

"A transfer probably takes about 30 minutes, 420 times, so don't play with it."

Listening to the numbers spit out by Guan Yunqing, Lin Yu and Li Ping subconsciously calculated in their minds.

After two or three minutes, the eyes of these two people who were very sensitive to numbers suddenly widened.

Because it takes 12,600 minutes to transfer the money, which is 210 hours when converted into hours, and 8.75 when converted into days, which is 9 days if rounded up.

And it was 9 days without eating or drinking.

When Lin Yu thought of having to stay here for nine days, he felt that the world was meaningless.

Rubbing his head with both hands, he looked at Guan Yunqing and asked a question: "Why do those money launderers run so fast?"

Guan Yunqing didn't want to answer the sudden question, but considering that Lin Yu in front of him was his biggest client.

He raised his right hand to lift his Jingming point, lowered his brows, and explained softly:

"You said it fast. It's just using countless accounts to transfer money to generate a roughly reasonable income, and finally pooling the money together."

"In this way, some real transactions exist, but they cannot withstand investigation."

"But this is different for you. This is the money you transfer in a regular way. You can issue invoices and take out things."

"After all, no one would have thought that using arms to get kickbacks would be a cross-border kickback between two countries that don't deal with each other."

"In the end, the funds you transfer are still fair technical service fees."

"The price of technical service fees is completely determined by others, and it is whatever they say."

"Once you get the money, you can use it openly."

"Of course, on America's side, they still have to go through the IRS."

"If you think there is a problem, then I suggest you postpone the payment and wait for at least two hours."

Finally, Guan Yunqing came up with a trick.

Sitting on the chair next to him, Lin Yu ran through these words in his mind, and then used another independent computer to climb onto the Internet and search for a long time. He did not see any new information from those ruthless people who like to break news, and then he felt relieved. , said to Li Ping:

"Wait two hours to transfer money to this bastard."

"I'll go to the cafeteria to bring you breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

When asked what they wanted to eat, Li and Ping looked at the windows of the conference room as if waking up from a dream. Because of the special nature of this warehouse, there were only two small windows in this conference room.

A ray of golden light poured in from the small window.

It's dawn.

Stayed up all night again.

Another year shorter.

With a long sigh, Li Ping raised his hand: "Two fried dumplings and one salted tofu puff."

"One portion of sweet tofu nao and two portions of soup dumplings." This is Guan Yunqing.

After listening to their respective reports of breakfast, the two people slowly moved their eyes away from the window, paused briefly and then bumped into each other.

Sparks were faintly visible burning in their eyes.


San Francisco.

In Greb's golf mansion, Greb, who had been playing with drinks, quietly turned his attention to the clock on the wall.

The three hands of the wall clock were like a man doing the splits at this moment. The hour hand pointed to 8, the minute hand pointed to 4, and then when he looked over, the second hand just moved away from the last second of the previous minute and moved towards for the next minute.


Hey, more than two hours have passed since Parison transferred the money to the other side.

Why hasn’t the money been transferred back yet?

Damn it, did I see the wrong person? Could it be that all my poetry has been fed to the dog?


Looking away from the dial and back to the drink in front of him, Greb couldn't help asking questions in his heart:

Greb, are you a fool?

Greb, are you a pig?


Naturally, these little actions of his didn't escape Parison's eyes.

At this moment, the computer genius sitting in front of the computer had even thought about how he would die and where to be buried.

Five hundred million dollars!

Parrison asked himself, if he didn't go astray and only took the right path, he might not make $5 million in his life.

Uncle Dena would definitely shoot himself to discourage his supporters behind him.

Even, shooting is the best choice.

As a computer genius, he has seen many photos of people who want to live but can't die on the dark web.

Those photos, just thinking about them, made him shudder and his body couldn't help shaking.

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

Parrison grabbed the phone and saw that the note was Uncle Dena.

"It's Uncle Dena!"

He shouted to Greb, and stood up to hand over the phone, but because he was too panicked, his hands were a little out of control. The ringing phone was like a hot potato, jumping in his hands.

Finally, after jumping again, the hot potato fell from the gap between his hands and broke into three pieces.

Looking at the phone that broke into three pieces, Parison suppressed his panic and let out a long breath.

He slowly raised his head and slowly cast his eyes on his cousin Greb next to him, but found that he also had a relieved expression on his face.

The two smiled at each other and made a hehehe sound at the same time.

However, just as their chuckles sounded, Greb's phone on the bar rang.

The laughter froze instantly.

At this moment, the two brothers became grasshoppers on the same rope.

After hesitating for a moment, Greb was still ready to answer the phone.

Watching his movements, Parison walked back to the computer like a machine, and collapsed on the chair weakly, ready to wait for his next dark life.

As soon as he sat down, he saw a prompt on the monitor.

[Cayman Islands International Bank reminds you that $347 million has been transferred into your account. ]

At this moment, the desire to survive made Parison enter an over-limit state. In just three seconds, he switched to the account page of Cayman Islands International Bank.

It took another second to confirm the amount above, and then turned around and shouted before Greb answered the phone:

"The money has arrived, $347,135,623,000."

After shouting loudly, he fell to the ground like a cat cake, with the joy of surviving a disaster on his face.

Beside the bar, Greb picked up the phone with a smile on his face and asked the person on the phone confidently: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"How is the transfer going?"

"$347,135,623,000 has been received!"

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