When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 343 New business opportunities! (Second update!)


Hearing the amount coming from the phone, Dena moved the phone away and looked at the name and the phone number again.

After confirming that he did not dial the wrong number, the lieutenant general staff officer's face sank and asked coldly into the phone:

"Greb, did I tell you that you must transfer small amounts?"

"You transfer large amounts, it is easy to drag us into it. Those damn guys are always staring at the money in our hands. As long as there is a little chance, they will pounce on us like hyenas on the African grasslands and tear us to pieces."

"Do you understand?"

After speaking coldly, Dena's brain fell into a struggle between heaven and man. He was hesitating whether to continue to train his eldest son, because for the time being, his eldest son has always had ideas.

I really want to operate.

But the problem is that the road of politics does not need crazy operations the most.

Because everyone on this road may be an enemy, and every operation may give people a handle, and then at a critical moment, they will be severely operated by people who used to be their teammates, and then fail miserably.

Just as he was hesitating, Greb's voice came from the phone:

"Father, I know you are worried, but what if I tell you that I dragged the California IRS into this?"

"I know this is a little unbelievable, but I have to say that this is the truth."

"I reached some deals with the director of the California IRS. We helped each other and gained benefits from each other, and he helped us to avoid taxes reasonably."

"Then in order to make the money flow more smoothly and with more reason, I also made a series of plans."

"Of course, all this is crazy to you, but the main theme of America is crazy, isn't it? ?”

“While I was talking to you on the phone, I asked Parison to transfer another 500 million dollars to Lin Yu.”

“2.1 billion dollars, we only need 4 times to complete the transfer, and then everything will return to peace.”

“Father, this is the 21st century. America in the 21st century is the most powerful country in the world. In the future, there will definitely be no country that can surpass the most powerful country.”

“As the owner of this country, we can make money in a crazier and more radical way.”

Listening to his son’s long speech, Dena wanted to say a few words, but he didn’t know what to say. After all, his goal from beginning to end was to make money.

Now that his son has begun to cultivate his own power, he should be happy, but there is a strange feeling in his heart, as if something that was originally in his control suddenly got out of his control, and that feeling was a little uncomfortable.

No, not a little uncomfortable, but very uncomfortable.

However, as a person born in World War II, Dena controlled his emotions very well, suppressed all the strange emotions in his heart, and said calmly to the phone:

"Greb Roosevelt, I tell you in the name of Dena Roosevelt, there is an old saying in China called "Don't be arrogant when you win and don't be discouraged when you lose", I hope you will always remember this sentence."

"Now you can find ways to get everything done for money, then I hope you will continue to maintain this state in the future, and continue to maintain the personality I set for you at that time."

"Remember, your future should not be a businessman!"

After admonishing his son, Dena put down the phone, stood by the window and looked for a while, shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked back to his desk.

Reaching out and fiddling with the documents on the desk, he turned around and walked to the kitchen, boiled a pot of hot water, and began to brew tea.

The dark red tea soup was clear and tempting. Smelling the lingering tea fragrance, Dena casually grabbed two sugar cubes and threw them in. He felt the sweetness of the tea and nodded with satisfaction. He held the pot of tea and sat back at the desk.

Holding the document in his left hand and the tea with sugar in his right hand, he slowly read it.

The title of the document was called the competition for low-orbit space.

The picture below the document was not America, but from China across the sea, and it was the official news broadcast of the other party.

The content of the first page was the complete text report of the news, with a bilingual comparison of Chinese characters and English.

For Dena, bilingual reading was not an obstacle. He read the English first, and then looked at the other Chinese characters.

While reading, he picked up a pen and corrected the problems in the English translation.

But at the end, he found a familiar name.

Rheinmetall Group!

The moment he saw this name, Dena immediately looked at the corresponding Chinese characters.

It was Rheinsteel Group.

His face twitched, and he checked the document again and again, and then he was sure that it was the translation's fault.

The Chinese character "Rheinsteel" was translated into English "Rheinmetall".

He didn't know what to say, because he was just discussing with his son about the issue of remittance to this company.

But he didn't expect that when he turned around, he could see the name of this company in the news about the launch of a satellite.

This is simply...

It's a bit incredible. After all, satellite manufacturing is the top technology on this planet. The number of countries in the world that can independently manufacture satellites can be counted on two hands.

And the number of countries that can independently launch satellites can be counted on one hand.

But how did he run into it?

I must have seen it wrong.

So, he read the Chinese character report again from beginning to end.

This time, he finally confirmed that he had read correctly. The Rheinsteel in the news broadcast was the Rheinsteel he knew.

In addition to making ordinary light weapons and modified armored vehicles, these guys can also make ordinary communication satellites.


You are a good steel company, why don't you produce steel?

Making a fuss in his mind, Dana turned to the analysis of the news by the intelligence department of the Ministry of National Defense.

[On September 11, 2003, at 11 a.m. local time in China, China Aerospace Group successfully test-fired the improved launch vehicle CZ-2D at the Jiucheng Satellite Launch Center.

At the same time, this rocket launch is a very rare rocket launch with 11 satellites. It is also an even rarer rocket launch that is public and broadcast to the outside world.

And among the satellites launched this time, 9 belong to a company called Rheinmetall Group.

Our people have carefully checked and found no very valid information about this company.

It is suspected to be a newly established shield company. 】

[The nine satellites launched by this company are all low-orbit satellites. According to the orbital altitude data reported by the other party in the International Satellite Management Association, their orbital altitude is between 550 kilometers and 680 kilometers.

According to follow-up reports, this satellite launch was very successful. The nine satellites launched have barely formed a communication network that can be used for testing...]

After flipping through a few more pages, Dana threw the document aside.

Picking up the tea next to him and taking a sip, he couldn't help but shake his head.

People in the CIA are getting more and more active now, and they are getting lazier. A complete intelligence should have enough clues, rather than directly copying other people's news reports. Just apply it, but there is no own analysis in it. Can this be considered intelligence?


But when he thought of what Raffield said before getting off work, Dana grabbed the intelligence back and kept looking at it in his hand, trying to analyze some issues that threatened America's national defense and security.

After watching it for a while, he picked up the phone and called NASA Director Cork. After a brief greeting, Dana directly asked what was on his mind.

A few minutes later, Corker also gave his answer: "My dear General Dana, do you remember the space war plan that was used to bring down the Soviet Union?"

"In the space war plan at that time, there was a branch plan called Starlink."

"It means launching a large number of satellites, a large number of low-orbit satellites, to form a dense satellite network in an area of ​​500 to 2,000 kilometers."

"The satellites in this satellite network have communication and camera functions."

"Then, using this network, we can monitor every point of every country on the planet anytime, anywhere. Then, we can also communicate with our soldiers anywhere, anytime, anywhere through satellites."

"This will elevate our special operations capabilities to a level that is unprecedented and unprecedented."

Cork's voice on the phone was very loud, and Dana could hear the excitement in his words even through the phone.

However, upon hearing that this was another remnant of the Star Wars project, Dana subconsciously wanted to roll his eyes.

Because it's boring.

Russia's technology relies on archeology, and America's battle plan also relies on archeology.

Very boring and uninteresting.

Closing his eyes, he began to think about how to use the information in front of him to write a suitable report. But suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly and asked the person on the phone in a deep voice:

"How many satellites do you need to launch for the Starlink project you are talking about? What is the approximate cost of each one? How much is the approximate cost of each launch?"

"Can we do something?"

A few seconds later, a response came from the phone: "The entire Starlink project requires about 40,000 to 60,000 satellites to be launched."

"As for the price of each satellite, according to America's current market price, the cost of low-orbit satellites is about US$1 million to US$2 million, with different performances and different prices."

"Then there is the launch rocket. With current technology, we can achieve 30 satellites with one rocket."

"The launch cost of a single rocket is approximately US$270 million."

"As for what you said, whether we can do something, to be honest, it's a bit difficult."

"Because the rockets used in NASA's rocket launches come from several large arms companies, if you want to cause trouble, you must avoid them."

"And if you want to bypass them, you must have a rocket that can perform launch missions, so that you can use this rocket as an excuse to suppress several other companies."

"The space agency has technology, but the space agency does not have an obedient company. If we have an obedient company in our hands, we can support this company and severely beat Boeing, General Dynamics, and Commodore. Several companies.”

"Only by doing this can we make trouble."

The person on the phone was very detailed, and all he had to do was pull out the technical drawings and get started.

As for the person on the phone, after hearing the cost of the satellites and the numbers of the satellites, the little heart that had been silent couldn't help but beat again.

40,000 to 60,000 pieces, each costing US$1 to 2 million.

Each rocket launch requires at least $270 million.

No matter how you calculate it, this thing can make a lot of money.

His fingernails slid across the phone keyboard, and the fingernails collided with the keyboard keys, making a crisp sound.

After a while, just when the person on the other end of the phone was about to hang up, Dena grabbed the phone, put it to his mouth, and said calmly:

"My son has a company, which is the company that pioneered the industrial production of CL20 explosives."

"That is a very difficult job."

"Satellite and rocket technology are difficult, and I think the child should be very interested in challenging such difficulties."

"Do you have any ideas?"

American Space Agency.

In the director's office, Cork listened to the inquiry on the phone. He wanted to curse a few words, but when he thought that the budget of his space agency needed to go through this guy's hands, he didn't curse aloud, but couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Bastard, want to make money, want fame, and want others to beg you, tnd is really a bastard.

After cursing in his heart, the director of the space agency was still very worldly-wise and deliberately asked into the phone:

"Really? Mr. Greb is so interested in such a difficult job?"

Without waiting for a response from the other party, he immediately said: "How about this, General Dana, please tell me a time and ask Mr. Greb to come to the space agency so that we can talk face to face."

"If he is really interested in breaking the blockade of several other arms companies, then I can help him."

"This is something worth celebrating for America and the world."

Washington, Dana naturally heard what Cork meant. He just smiled slightly, replied casually, and hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone aside, he sat in front of the computer, his ten fingers dancing, and began to type.

[This intelligence reveals a very important point, that is, China is intentionally or unintentionally entering the international satellite launch market.

They used this rocket launch to tell the world that there is no problem with their rockets, their technology, and they can undertake international commercial satellite launches.

This is a provocation to America, which is absolutely not allowed.

At the same time, according to the information from the space agency, the number of satellite orbits is very limited, and low-orbit satellites have very broad prospects in military applications.

China's launch of an agricultural communications satellite this time actually proves this point.

Therefore, we must rush to occupy the low-orbit space before them.

To seize the low-orbit space, we must launch enough satellites, and enough satellites require enough rockets.

However, according to the information I have found, the cost of domestic rockets is very expensive. If such rockets are used to launch satellites, even a powerful country like us cannot withstand it.

Therefore, before seizing orbital space, we need a company to provide us with cheap satellites and cheap rockets.

This company must be real and reliable.

In order to achieve this step, we can cultivate an obedient company ourselves. 】

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