When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 346 Predicted your prediction! (Second update!)

Under the guidance of the drone pilot, the people in Team 1 can always avoid danger or eliminate the people in Team 2.

The red brick house area is not large. Every time there is a battle, the sound will spread far away. Every time the sound is heard, the captain of Team 2 will rush to the place where the sound comes from as quickly as possible.

However, things don't go as planned.

Every time he rushed to the place where the sound came from, he would see several people smoking, indicating that they had died.

After another missed attack, the captain directly tore off the mask on his head, raised his head, and cursed at the drone hovering above his head:

"What the hell, this drone has been flying around overhead, following us wherever we go, and all our whereabouts have been exposed. Can we still do this?"

"Captain, come out and say something!"

Unfortunately, his shouting did not call Xiao Dagang or the other members of Team 2, but instead called a drone.

The biggest drone!

As soon as the drone reached the top of the remaining members of the second team, the pilot immediately pressed the bomb button on the remote control. As the button was pressed, the drone received the signal and the buckle hooked on the bomb bay was released.

The next second, the people in the second team saw a scene that horrified them.

That damn drone dropped a full 8 60mm mortar shells!

Although everyone knew that this was a training exercise and that it was a wooden training shell, at a height of more than 10 meters, even if the training shells fell, they could still smash people half to death.


Shouting to the remaining people, the captain of the second team flew to the building next to him at the fastest speed.

His body rolled beautifully on the ground, and the whole person rolled into the red brick house next to him. Hiding behind the red brick wall, he carefully poked his head out from the corner of the wall and locked his eyes on the 60mm mortar shells that were still rolling on the ground.

A full 8!

If all the eight bombs were real, the seven of them would definitely be killed, and would be scattered all over the place.

Is this thing used for anti-terrorism?

Is this thing used as a terrorist!

No, I have to be a terrorist for once, but it would be interesting to get this thing in my hands and use it myself.

Just as he was looking at the shells, the drone above his head slowly landed next to the shells. When the drone's rotors completely stopped, the captain of the second team walked out of the room and came to the big guy.

Not long after, Xiao Dagang, Lin Yu, and the people from Huang Tianhai's team walked into the room and appeared in front of the captain of the second team.

As soon as they met, Xiao Dagang couldn't wait to ask, "How do you feel?"

As soon as he said this, the captain of the second team flew in front of him, pursed his lips, and shook his head:

"This drone is not very good, it's really not very good, I'm not lying to you, in fact, I think this drone should be in our hands, we continue to be terrorists, and then use this drone to train other teams to deal with emergencies, I think it's very good."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Xiao Dagang could answer, the captain of the first team appeared beside him quietly.

"You think too much, don't you? Get out of my way!"

He twisted his body and used his big, sturdy butt to throw the captain of the second team aside, then looked at Xiao Dagang pitifully and said:

"Captain, this drone is very useful, especially when used for dragnet inspections and searching for criminals, this drone is absolutely useful!"

"Do you remember the last time we caught that criminal? That guy has lived in the alley since he was a child and is very familiar with the terrain. If we didn't have so many people and used the masses, we might not be able to catch that guy."

"But if we use this kind of drone, the drone can report to us at any time in the sky."

" If we are more ruthless, we can use this drone to directly hit it, and the prisoner will definitely not be able to escape. "

"The only pity is that this thing may not be very useful at night, and it is a bit limited."

As the winner of the short training just now, the words of the captain of the first team are very true. After listening to his feelings, Xiao Dagang looked at the drone thoughtfully for a while, then turned his head to look at the captain of the second team, and asked softly:

"If it were you, what method would you use to avoid this drone?"

When asked this question, the captain of the second team turned around and looked at the three drones on the ground thoughtfully. After looking at them for a while, he turned and walked under the eaves of the house.

Next to him, seeing his action, Huang Tianhai's students controlled Scout No. 1 to take off and began to cooperate with the captain's actions.

Seeing the drone appear, the captain of the second team subconsciously approached the wall, but the drone was like a maggot attached to his bones, slowly falling from a height, and then hovering about 3 meters above his head.

The fist-sized camera under the drone was constantly turning towards him.

At a distance of three meters, he could still hear the sound of the camera rotating to adjust the focus. Somehow, the sound was very harsh.

After listening to the drone for a while, the captain of the second team half-crouched, kicked the wall with his right foot, and rolled forward, crossing the alley and entering the opposite room through the window on the opposite wall.

Seeing his action, the drone in the alley slowly climbed up and aimed its lens at the house below, trying to cover the two corners of the house and lock the position on both sides.

In the room, the captain of the second team put his ear against the red brick wall and kept listening to the surrounding sounds. After more than ten seconds, he heard the location of the drone.

Then he showed a smug smile on his face, turned around and walked to the other side of the house.

As long as he climbed over the opposite window and entered the opposite house, the drone would not be able to find him.

However, as soon as he walked to the other side of the house and put his hand on the window, before he could make any move, a buzzing sound came from above his head.

He looked up and found that it was another scout drone.

When he looked up, the camera of the drone slowly adjusted and aimed the lens at him.

At this moment, two other scout drones appeared next to him, so the cameras of the three drones were all aimed at him.

The moment he was pointed at by three cameras, the captain of the second team broke out in cold sweat on his vest for no reason. At this moment, he even felt death.

With his hands on the windowsill and a long breath, the captain of the second team walked out of the room openly from the door. When he walked out of the room, the drone stuck on the other side of the house also flew over. In this way, four drones escorted this "terrorist" and appeared in front of Xiao Dagang.

Seeing him appear, Xiao Dagang asked with a playful look on his face: "How is it, have you thought of a good solution?"

Rubbing his left arm with his right hand, the captain of the second team no longer had the high spirits just now. He looked up and looked at the drone still hovering above his head and said:

"If there is only one, this thing is easy to solve, but the problem is that the number of this thing will cause a qualitative change."

"After 10, 20, or even 100 units, it will be a dragnet."

"The two ways I can think of are nothing more than going through the sewers or acting at night."

"Because no matter which way, whether it is driving in to pick up or stealing, it will be recorded by the camera."

"Once you follow these clues, it will be easy to find the target."

Hearing the night action again, Xiao Dagang slowly turned his head and looked at Lin Yu, without saying a word, just looking at each other silently.

And as he moved, the captains of the three teams all turned their eyes to the young man in front of them.

Some time ago, their old leader suddenly called and said that there was an equipment manufacturing company, which was originally an arsenal, that had developed some new equipment and wanted to invite them, the Counter-Strike elites, to test it.

At first, they were very resistant.

Because the ultimate goal of these so-called equipment manufacturing companies is nothing more than to make money, and the equipment they produce is not difficult to use most of the time, but it can only be said that it is completely useless.

Even birds are better than them, after all, birds still have two taels of meat, which can fill their stomachs a little.

But now, after really using this drone, a group of people have discovered that this advanced technology is really useful.

If the person in front of them can solve the problems just mentioned, then they can announce on the spot that this drone is the most useful thing in the world.

Being stared at by several people, Lin Yu scratched his butt with his hands, then spread his hands and said:

"Our research institute has a spectral radar research project."

"The UAV R\u0026D center also develops infrared lenses."

"To be honest, the night action you mentioned, you are so big, the heat you emit, if the infrared lens of the drone is strong enough, what you see from high altitude will be a huge, human-shaped red thick line running."

"Of course, in the special forces training camp, there is also a way to get your whole body wet and covered with mud to avoid infrared capture."

"But I just said that we also have spectral radar."

"In spectral radar, different substances emit different spectra. You are covered with mud and your whole body is wet. Under the scanning of spectral radar, you can see a ball of mud that shouldn't move moving. . "

"That would be as conspicuous as if you took off your clothes and ran in the crowd during the day."

"As a normal person, would you resist firing two shots at this muddy mud?"

"This time, the drone is not equipped with infrared cameras and spectral radars."

"The infrared camera is not equipped because the infrared cameras on the market are relatively expensive, and the size and performance do not meet our needs. We are making suitable infrared cameras according to our own standards."

"We want to do the best."

"As for the spectral radar, we have made a prototype of this thing, but the size is a bit large. We are trying to reduce it."

"You can see the reduced version next year or the year after."

Lin Yu's magical metaphor made Xiao Dagang and others understand in an instant that the so-called night escape was useless in front of these technologies.

At the same time, they were also looking forward to the drone in front of them, with the two special lenses that Lin Yu just mentioned.

So as to contribute to their anti-terrorism cause.

Next to him, Xiao Dagang looked at the drone for a while, pouted his mouth, and said in a calm tone: "Everyone has it!"

The calm words made the captain of Team 123 stand at attention instantly, looking straight ahead, waiting for Xiao Dagang's next order.

The next second, Xiao Dagang's words rang out: "Everyone in Team 1, put on the equipment sent by Rheinsteel, and then start the test."

"Then tomorrow, Team 2 will test, the day after tomorrow Team 3, the day after tomorrow Team 4, and the day after tomorrow Team 5."

"Each team has one day, and after the test, everyone writes a report of at least 5,000 words. The content of the report should at least include the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment, as well as their own experience."

"Now, let's go."

The number 5,000 is like a bucket of cold water filled with ice cubes. In the cold winter, it drenched the three people from head to toe.

Since leaving school and entering the military camp, it has become increasingly difficult to pick up a pen.

Most people's diaries for a month are only about 5,000 words, and some are 7,000 words.

Now asking them to write 5,000 words a day, isn't this asking for death?

At this moment, the joy of testing the new equipment was gone.

The three people walked out slowly, not much faster than a snail.

Seeing them dawdling, Xiao Dagang was furious. He took a short run-up, jumped up and kicked the captain of the second team on the butt.


Being driven by the captain, the captains of the three teams instantly quickened their pace, ran out of the red brick house area, and began to call their team members loudly.

A few minutes later, the three teams assembled, and the three team leaders conveyed the order from the captain, each team testing equipment a day.

However, they hid the 5,000-word report.

Hearing that all the equipment brought over were to be tested, the people in the first team went crazy, because this time Rheinsteel brought a lot of equipment, in addition to the drone infrared detector, there were also five armored vehicles.

That thing has 6 wheels, 12.7mm heavy machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers are placed on the top of the head, it looks extremely fierce. Now if you want to test it, you must play with that thing.

Soon, a small team of people changed into the equipment brought by Lin Yu, pure black combat suits, head covers, and bulletproof helmets made of lightweight composite materials. A group of people stood there, and it was obvious that they were not easy to mess with.

A few people posed for a while, and waited for Lin Yu's people to take pictures, and then they swarmed towards the five armored vehicles.

When they started the armored vehicles under the guidance of the technicians, they drove the cars enthusiastically and prepared to run into the grass.

The captain of a small team stood in front of the team with his hands behind his back, and then said loudly:

"According to the captain's order, everyone needs to write a 5,000-word report after the weapons and equipment are tested."

"The report should include your own experience, the advantages and disadvantages of the weapons and equipment."

"So, operate well!"

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