When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 347 What kind of life do you hope for? (The third update!)

When the captain of a small team finished speaking, he was responded by the wailing of the team members. However, in the wailing, dozens of people in a small team drove armored vehicles quickly, controlled drones, and ran to the training ground not far away at the fastest speed.

After a while, the wailing turned into monkey calls.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

The oh oh sounds made these people look like they had regressed to their ancestors. It was impossible to look directly at them. After staring at the people on the training ground for a while, Xiao Dagang turned his head and raised his hand to Lin Yu and pointed to the distance.

With just one glance, Lin Yu understood the meaning. The captain of the first anti-terrorist special brigade had something to ask him.

He nodded his head lightly, followed Xiao Dagang, and walked step by step to the shade of the trees not far away.

The two hid under the shade of the tree, looking at the people in the distance, Xiao Dagang suddenly said:

"Boss Lin, do you produce sniper rifles?"


"Can you make guns?"


"Then why don't you produce sniper rifles?"

"Because that thing is troublesome, and the profit is not enough, so I don't want to do it. More importantly, the production and research and development of guns is actually very troublesome."

"Are you kidding?" Xiao Dagang tilted his body and pointed his right hand to the distance. In the direction of his finger, a small team of members were driving the five armored vehicles and speeding on the training ground.

And in his wide eyes, he seemed to be asking a question, that is, this thing is always more dangerous than a gun, right?

Seeing his confusion, Lin Yu explained softly: "What we produce are relatively backward 56 impact rifles, and what you call sniper rifles require shooting distance and accuracy."

"We don't have that technology yet, and sniper rifles are not in our research and development direction."

"For us, the equipment we need is equipment that can quickly and humanely destroy the enemy."

Hearing that Lin Yu did not intend to dwell too much on sniper rifles, Xiao Dagang changed the subject:

"How long will it take for the technologies you just mentioned to be applied to our equipment?"

Recalling the progress of the radar team and the lens team under Huang Tianhai's team, Lin Yu looked up and calmly Response:

"Infrared lens will be available in July next year, and spectral radar will be available at the end of next year."

"But you don't have to worry. Technology is developing. We will be able to produce better drones next year. Whether you play with them yourself or use them in actual combat, the effect will be much better."

"However, with the advancement of material technology and electronic technology, the equipment you get in two years will be enhanced, but the price will be very cheap."

"In terms of procurement, there will be less trouble, and you don't have to be cautious when using it."

Hearing that it will only take one or two years, Xiao Dagang smiled. The First Anti-Terrorism Brigade of Yanjing is a start-up, and all the experience that can be learned now comes from abroad.

Are the equipment of those guys abroad good? The equipment is very good, but also very expensive.

Now Lin Yu can specifically manufacture some equipment that belongs to them, which will be of great benefit to their future development.

After looking up at the blue sky for a while, Xiao Dagang suddenly turned his head and asked, "I heard from Mr. Lu that you went to Peshawar, Pakistan to discuss business a few days ago and encountered a terrorist attack. The gang brought a truckload of bombs and dozens of people?"

"Is it so chaotic over there?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yu responded indifferently, moved his butt and leaned against the tree behind him.

He looked at the sky through the gaps between the branches for a while, and said with a wandering look:

"The situation over there is more chaotic than you think, because these places are too important, so there are people from all countries."

"America, England, France, Germany, Russia, Iran, and us."

"For us, it's tomorrow and an accident, and we don't know which will come first."

"For them, it's tomorrow and death, and we don't know which will come first."

"It's quite chaotic."

"If Afghanistan and Pakistan are quiet, we can use their geographical advantages to open up land roads to the Middle East, thereby avoiding the blockade of the Strait of Malacca."

"Unfortunately, this place is too chaotic, so chaotic that I don't want to talk."

At this point, Lin Yu closed his eyes, leaned against the tree, and stopped chatting.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Dagang stopped talking, and imitated him, closing his eyes and leaning against the tree.

After a while, a faint snoring sound came from the two of them.


“To be honest, after seeing the lush mountains in China and then looking at our bare mountains, I always feel something is wrong.”

In the valley late at night, a dilapidated pickup truck was speeding on the road. Abu, sitting in the co-pilot, occasionally looked out of the valley in the distance.

If he didn’t see the familiar small village, he would shrink his head and continue to talk to Nasat beside him about this trip.

“In two days, when the situation in the village stabilizes, you take two young people and fly from Iran to China.”

“Go out and take a look. To be honest, it’s really useful.”

“This time I went out, I saw a real school, a real rocket launch, and weapons and equipment testing.”

"Those are what we dream of. I think our future should be the same as the country next door."

"At least, we can't be like what we are now."

Sat listened to Abu's chattering. When the old man beside him finally stopped talking, he finally asked the question that he had been holding back in his heart:

"Chief, did you get the equipment support this time?"

Faced with this question, Abu patted his chest naturally and said proudly, "Yes."

"In the early stage, it was $2 million of equipment, and then we needed to get rid of about $2 million of poppies. Later, they would give us equipment worth as much as the drugs we got rid of."

"In a few days, they will also have agricultural water conservancy experts transiting from Iran and then coming to our Afghanistan."

"To help us with basic farmland water conservancy construction."

Knowing that this was the way of trading, Sat let out a long breath. Judging from the expression on his face, this transaction seemed to be very harmonious.

Then, they just need to wait for the weapons and two experts to arrive, and then they can start to build a base.

With a stable base, it means that they can obtain stable troops, plus weapons for support.

With these two things, they can do the most basic attack and defense, and have room for turning around, so they can increase the intensity of the attack on America.

Driving the Americans out of Afghanistan is no longer an illusory dream, but a real task that can be implemented!

Turning another corner, a little starlight appeared in the black valley ahead, which was the oil lamps lit by the people in the village.

Soon, the vehicle entered the village, then passed through the village and entered the village mosque.

The small courtyard in front of the mosque was full of people, all Taliban members who followed Abu, and local villagers.

Several of the most important people were standing in front of the mosque's chapel. These people stood on both sides of the carpet, slightly bent over, waiting for Abu to arrive.

After getting off the pickup truck, Abu waved to these people gently, and then said loudly:

"Everyone, I have gained a lot from this trip to China, and I have a lot of ideas."

"So, I think I should take this opportunity to talk to you."

Accompanied by his voice, the Sharif walked to the steps in front of the mosque's prayer hall. He did not walk up the steps, but turned to face the people in the yard, and then sat down on the steps.

Then, he stretched out his hand to wave to the people standing on both sides of the carpet behind the steps, pointed to the steps next to him, and signaled these people to sit down at this position.

Seeing this, the people standing on both sides of the carpet did not understand why Abu did this, but they still sat down next to him according to Abu's signal.

Then they widened their eyes and stared at the Sharif in front of them with their clear big eyes without any wisdom.

Prepare to see what this uncle is going to do.

After these people sat down, Abu stretched out his hand to wave to the people in the yard, asking them to come to the steps and sit around him.

Those who had reached the steps earlier could sit on them, but those who stood behind could only sit on the ground and looked at the leader with puzzlement.

After everyone sat down, Abu raised his hand and pointed at the pickup truck parked at the door of the mosque, and said to Nasat:

"Nasat, take down the three black boxes, and put the two green boxes in the car."

When he went to pick up people, Nasat personally carried these five boxes to the car. They were very heavy.

At this moment, he heard Abu's order and casually ordered five more people to go with him to move the boxes.

Not long after, three black suitcases that were more than one meter high were placed in front of Abu. He reached out and knocked on the outer shell of the box. Nasat carefully asked: "Chief, what's in it?"


Abu responded, squatted down, turned the box over, entered the box password, and opened the box casually.

What came into view was a box of candy!

Colorful candy!

Seeing this big box of candy, the eyes of the people around him immediately lit up.

And Abu didn't say much. He reached out and grabbed a handful of candy, and casually scattered it to the people next to him, saying loudly: "These are the candies I specially selected in China. They taste very good."

"I went there for almost a month this time, and you stayed at home for a month. It was very hard."

"It's better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone. Tonight, let's finish this box of candy."

"The two boxes next to it also have candy in them. After eating this box, everyone can take a few candies from the two boxes back home to let the people at home taste them."

While talking, Abu's hands were not idle. He kept holding up candy with both hands, and then kept scattering it to the people around him.

And the people around him also cooperated very well at this moment. The person in front received the candy, and when he threw it for the second time, he would directly lower his head to let the person behind get the candy.

In just three or four minutes, Abu distributed all the candy in this big suitcase.

And he also took a few candies and sat back on the steps.

Tear off the candy wrapper, and inside is a piece of fruit candy the size of the tip of your thumb.

Holding the candy, looking at the burning fire for a while, Abu casually threw it into his mouth and licked the candy with his tongue leisurely.

The candy was very sweet.

Under his crazy licking, the candy disappeared without a trace in just two or three minutes. Only the wrapping paper used to wrap the candy in his hand was still proving to him that he had just eaten a candy.

Unfold the wrapping paper and smooth it out a little bit, and what came into view was a beautiful pattern.

Abu shook the wrapping paper in his hand for a while, turned his head, and asked the people in front of him who were enjoying the candy:

"What kind of day do you hope for?"

This sudden question made the people present a little confused. They still had candy in their mouths, so at this moment, these people didn't know whether to swallow the candy first or speak first.

After a little entanglement, a crisp crunch sounded in the night, that was someone crushing the candy with teeth.

After this crisp crackling sound, there were more crackling sounds.

When the last crackling sound was heard, the courtyard of the mosque fell silent again, leaving only the crackling sound of the fire burning in the courtyard.

After a long while, a hand was slowly raised in the crowd, and a young man about 15 years old slowly stood up and whispered:

"I think the days of eating candy every day are good days."

As soon as he finished his hesitant words, cheerful laughter rang out in the courtyard, and even Abu laughed along.

Just as the young man was about to sit down with his face flushed, Abu suddenly raised his hands and clapped, then gave the young man a thumbs up and praised him:

"This is a good day!"

"It is indeed a good day to be able to eat candy every day."

"The rest of you can tell me, what kind of good day do you hope for?"

With the young man's start and Abu's affirmation, the people around him opened up one by one, like people making wishes to the genie:

"I think it is a good day to eat meat every day, to eat the delicious lamb and beef every day, especially the beef with a little oil, that is so delicious. Don't even mention the taste. "

"I think it should be eating meat and candy together to be considered a good day."

"You are all wrong. I think it should be eating meat and candy every day, plus a lot of vegetables, and eating whatever vegetables you want to eat. A good day is a day."

"Based on your little knowledge, I tell you that a real good day is when I eat whatever I want, go wherever I want, and do whatever I want. Such a day is a real good day, and it is the day we should live in the future."


After the chatter, the group of people slowly quieted down and turned their eyes to Abu.

Everyone has said the standard of a good day in their hearts. Now, it is the leader's turn to explain what a real good day is!

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