Facing everyone's gaze, Abu raised his hand and pointed at the person who spoke the most just now.

The second richest Makad in Kosnaka village.

In this valley, the land he owns is second only to the village chief. What he just said is actually an enhanced version of his normal life.

Pointing his finger at the other party, Abu nodded slightly and said in a loud voice:

"Makad is right. Beautiful days are like this. You can eat what you want, do what you want, wear what you want, and go where you want. The whole person is free."

"This is the life we ​​want to live in the future, not like now, where there is not enough food and clothing."

"If you want to go to other cities, you can only walk or take a cargo truck. The transportation is very inconvenient."

"Of course, all this is secondary. The most important thing is that the entire country is not safe now. No matter where we go, our lives will be in danger."

"I went to China this time and saw a lot in that country. I also systematically learned their knowledge and systematically compared them with us."

“Then I came up with a sentence from their written source.”

"Those who learn from me live, those who break me advance, and those who resemble me die."

"Some things from their countries are very useful to us, but there are many more things that are not useful to us."

"So, I copied some things from them and prepared them for use here. Today, I want you to tell me what the day you hope to be like. I also want you to be prepared."

"The night is still there tonight, but when the sun rises from the east tomorrow, we will make changes, complete changes!"

The calm but decisive words made the people around him stunned. The Taliban who originally followed Abu were okay, after all, they were all Abu's students.

If the teacher says anything, just follow the teacher. At least the teacher has not lied to everyone from beginning to end.

Everyone is working hard to develop towards a better life.

The eyes of the village chief sitting next to Abu, the imam of the original mosque, and several other wealthy people in the village became a little evasive.

The wind in the valley blew the burning flames, and the light of the golden flames reflected in the eyes of these people, making their faces look particularly sinister.

Others were still shocked by Abu's words and did not notice the expressions on their faces, but Abu noticed it.

Sensing this strangeness, a smile appeared on Abu's face, a proud smile and an expected smile.

Because there was such a description in the information he read.

[During the wave of collectivization in the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1933, the most vocal opponents were the rich peasants who had become rich because of Soviet policies.

Because in their view, the centralization of land is certainly good for the country, but it is not good for them.

Because they cannot continue to rely on land production income to widen the gap with others, and at the same time, they can use these land income to continue to annex land. 】

Are these people in front of us not rich farmers?

They are indeed rich peasants!

After staring at these people for a while, Abu shook his head slightly and said as calmly as possible:

"You don't have to worry about me doing anything to your land."

"Because there are so few of them, so little that they are almost useless in large-scale decision-making situations."

His calm words rang out in the night, but they were like thunder, exploding in the ears of the village chief and the others.

These people slowly turned around. They looked at each other first. In the light of the fire, they could see each other's faces clearly.

That's the embarrassment of having your thoughts revealed!

Then, several people turned their attention to Abu, and the candies they held in their hands slipped unknowingly at this moment.


A little too scary, right?

He went to China, did he learn how to read minds?

After a while, Makad, the second richest man in the village, was the first to speak. He lowered his head, quickly peeled off a candy and threw it into his mouth. He chewed it twice and swallowed the candy. Then he smiled awkwardly at Abu. said:

"Sir Sharif, what are you talking about? Why are you worried about your taking action on our land?"

"Our land is a gift from Allah. If Allah says that we want to dedicate the land to you, Sir Sharif, then we will dedicate it."

"By saying this, you are disdainful of us and think that we are not loyal to our faith in God!"

As soon as he spoke, several people around him nodded and agreed:

"That's right! Sir Sharif, your words are too unpleasant!"

"It's just a little bit of land, there's really no need for you to say such things!"

"I hereby promise..."

Amidst their rising and falling voices, Abu raised his hand and suppressed all the rest of their words.

Then he looked at them seriously and asked seriously: "If I say that Allah agrees and you hand over the land to me, will you hand it over?"

As soon as these words came out, the person who just echoed loudly became mute in an instant, standing there looking left and right, as if he was looking at the surrounding scenery.

Seeing them like this, Abu did not continue to expose them, but continued to explain:

"This time I went to China and I found some people in agriculture and water conservancy. They will come to us in a few days."

"Guide us to build water conservancy and improve the land."

"The more land we improve, the more food we can produce, which is only good for us."

"I am going to improve those unowned mountains on the gentle slopes."

"So I need to make an agreement with you here."

"I, Sharif Abu Abik, officially issued the Taliban's Order No. 1!"

"Land that can provide title deeds is privately owned, and land that cannot provide title deeds belongs to the Afghan state!"

"These state-owned lands, except for the Taliban's instructions, others have no right to interfere, no right to interfere, and must not be used without instructions."

"At the same time, in the process of building new water conservancy, roads and other livelihood facilities, if it is necessary to occupy existing land, no one can refuse the construction of roads and water conservancy facilities!"

"We will take out an equal area from the improved state-owned land for compensation."

"Or, we can use monetary compensation!"

These words, like thunder from the ground, exploded in everyone's ears.

The people who originally belonged to the Taliban showed excitement on their faces, because the words of their Lord Sharif were almost a declaration that the land of Afghanistan was already in their pockets.

Such heroic words made their blood burn at this moment.

They should be like this in the Taliban.

All land should be controlled by the Taliban, and then used by the Taliban. Others have no right to interfere!

However, the rich people around Abu had different performances after hearing this.

The village chief who originally supported Abu is now more supportive.

He has the most land and can produce the title deed.

So Abu's oath has no effect on him, and even because of the construction of infrastructure, the value of these lands will be further appreciated.

As for the other few people, the expressions on their faces were not so good, because they had some land in their hands and could not produce the title deed. If according to Abu's statement, these lands would not belong to them.

This... this tnd is not reasonable at all!

They opened their mouths several times, wanting to ask more from Abu, but every time they opened their mouths and looked at the people in front of them, they would subconsciously turn their heads away.

After several times in a row, Abu, who was sitting in front of them, stood up, clapped his hands vigorously, and then said loudly:

"Everyone, I have finished what I want to say today. Next, you can take these two boxes of candy back and let your family taste them!"

"Then Sat, Bader, Kalia, you guys take the green boxes on the pickup truck to my room."

Leaving a word, Abu turned around and walked up the steps in front of the mosque.

After walking down the steps, he did not enter the prayer hall of the mosque, but turned to the right, to the room on the right.

The three people whose names he called looked up at each other, turned around and walked towards the pickup truck at the door, and when the three of them left, the rest of the people swarmed towards the two suitcases. In the chaotic but orderly scramble, each grabbed a few handfuls of candy, left the mosque courtyard as quickly as possible, returned home in the dark, and shared the candy with their families.

The three people carrying the boxes crossed paths with the people carrying candies home, and finally, in front of the steps, they looked at each other with a few rich people.

After looking at each other for a while, both sides opened their own roads and headed for their respective destinations.

After carrying the box to Abu's room, the satyr immediately stood by the window, looked at the night outside the window and said: "Chief, you shouldn't say those words."

"Our foundation is not stable now. If we say these words, it will be easy for the village chief and others to sell us out."

After sitting in the car for a day, Abu, who was already exhausted, sat on the bed, leaned against the wall, cast his eyes on the oil lamp in the room, and said faintly:

"It is precisely because our foundation is not stable now that we need to say these words, we need to express our attitude, and select people from now on."

"So In the next few days, you have to work hard to set up the sentries around, at least to ensure everyone's safety. "

"Open the smaller green box. There is a red notebook inside, with some things I copied on it."

"Take out the notebook and study it carefully. If you don't understand anything, ask me and I will explain it to you clearly. Then you can break the contents of the notebook apart and teach them to the people below."

After saying that, Abra covered his body with the quilt on the bed, staring at the Sarte.

Being stared at by Abra, the Sarte reached out and scratched his head, turned around and squatted in front of the smaller suitcase.

After studying the combination lock on the suitcase for a while, the Taliban warrior took out a knife from behind his buttocks and gently scratched the zipper of the suitcase with the knife.

With the sound of the blade cutting through the cloth strips, the suitcase was also opened by him.

The box was full of books, all written in Chinese characters.

He took out the books one by one and placed them on the windowsill next to him. When the last book was taken away, a notebook the size of an adult's palm appeared in front of him.

The red cover should be made of cowhide, which was very soft and looked very comfortable.

In the center of the cover was a hammer and sickle.

Seeing this sign, Sartre's face twitched, because every Afghan knows this sign.

The Soviet Union flag, which had been in a close fight with them, had this sign.

If the old stubborn people on the Mullah's side knew that their leader wrote something in a notebook with this sign, they would probably go crazy. Even if they begged the Americans, they would rush over and beat them.

After complaining for a while, Sartre opened the notebook and started with a strange sentence.

[People follow the crowd.

Although the cognition of various ethnic groups around the world is different, thousands of years of life experience have told them.

Only by helping those who have absolute advantages can their ethnic group continue.

Before multiple forces decide the victory, they need to help those who can help them gain benefits, in the hope of gaining more benefits and the opportunity for the continuation of the ethnic group in the subsequent competition.

Therefore, if you want to get the help of most people, you need to make a clear distinction between yourself and other forces.

Therefore, we must abandon Pan-Pashtunism and attract other Hazaras, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, etc. into our team.

Then, integrate them together.

Therefore, a few rules are formulated here.

The ethnic groups in Afghanistan are brothers and sisters, and there should be no discrimination.

Do not abuse prisoners, especially prisoners of other ethnic groups.

Do not touch drugs, do not plant drugs...】

There are not many words, and it only took about 5 minutes to read the corresponding text.

After understanding the meaning, he read it again from beginning to end.

This time, he read it very carefully and attentively. He carefully pondered every sentence, pondered the purpose of this sentence, and pondered what his men would become after using this sentence.

And this time, it took him two hours to finish reading these words.

After reading these words, he did not feel tired, but felt a little excited.

If they can fully implement the content described in these texts, then their Taliban will definitely surpass the past and will definitely be recognized by other Afghans.

As for those who disagree, they will beat them until they agree. If their subordinates can really implement the provisions in the text, then they are definitely a strong army and can definitely rub those who disagree to the ground and beat them to death.

Beat their heads!

As long as all those who disagree are killed, the only ones left are those who agree!

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