When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 353 Russia: Looks a little familiar! (3rd update!)

Moscow, just as the song goes, Moscow has no tears, only heavy snow.

It is already the end of September, and even the warm current from the North Atlantic cannot keep Moscow warm.

In the office building of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, a group of people looked at the intelligence in front of them and couldn't help wrapping their clothes.

These intelligence were sent back by the intelligence leaders in the Middle East half an hour ago. The content is mainly about important events in the Middle East and several countries in Central Asia, as well as some secret news.

As an intelligence department, the main task of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is to collect and analyze political, economic, military and other information from other countries to support Russia's foreign policy and security policy.

However, during this period, these professional intelligence personnel suddenly found that the fellow villagers who originally looked honest but cunning as ghosts seemed to have suddenly changed their appearance recently.


A little familiar.

The first is Lebanon, a country that was once known as the Little Switzerland of the Middle East. It has just emerged from civil strife for a few years. Suddenly, they reached a temporary reconciliation internally.

Then, without anyone holding back, the Lebanese Milk Tea Party suddenly pulled out some Soviet-standard equipment and beat Israel up, making a great reputation.

And this organization, after making a name for itself, very suddenly and without any warning, directly established its own Central Political Bureau.

When the news was received, people from all walks of life in Russia were confused. After all, the Central Political Bureau came from the former Soviet Union, and as the successor of the former Soviet Union, the Russians were naturally familiar with the functions of the Central Political Bureau.

Even if everyone racked their brains, they could not connect the words Muslims, Lebanon, and the Central Political Bureau from the former Soviet Union.

More than a month has passed since the news was received, and the Russian intelligence department has not yet found out the reason for Lebanon's sudden change.

However, at this juncture, Afghanistan, which is next to their back garden, also broke a cold door. The Abu Taliban, which was independent from the Mullah Taliban, actually directly declared to the outside world that except for the land specified in the legal documents, all other land belongs to Afghanistan and is the land of the Taliban.

This is the precursor to land nationalization!

Of course, this claim is meaningless to these intelligence people, because if you can't get it by violence, you can't get it by mouth.

What's meaningful to them is another document released by the Abu Taliban along with this claim.

Six major disciplines and sixteen points of attention.

Each of these provisions is not a big problem in other countries, but if these provisions are placed in Afghanistan, they will be very strange.

Because each of these provisions hits the key points of Afghanistan. If the Abu Taliban strictly implements these six major disciplines and sixteen points of attention, they can definitely grab the world of Afghanistan!

However, according to the intelligence agency's previous intelligence, the Afghans are not so smart. They can't come up with such a sharp regulation. If they can, they won't be driven out of Kabul!

And it just so happens that a neighbor in the south once had several such regulations.

This is what the intelligence agency cares about!

If it's other people, they can get involved, and they can threaten each other and extort something from each other.

But the neighbor next to him is different. They don't take threats and even fight back.

He took the intelligence on the table and read it again. The director of the Intelligence Bureau, Sherkov, gathered the documents together and tied them up in a bag. Then he nodded to his colleagues and said calmly:

"Everyone, I'm going to the Federal General Staff Intelligence Bureau now. You go back to collect more information. We'll meet again later."

After leaving a word, Sherkov took the intelligence and turned around and walked out of the meeting room quickly, leaving the people in the meeting room standing there, looking at each other.

After a while, several people looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and one of them said:

"Let's go, it's time to get off work!"

His words made the others present quickly wake up.

It's time to get off work!

A group of people turned around and walked out of the meeting room happily, leaving the task Sherkov had given them behind.

On the other side, after more than an hour's drive, Sherkov arrived at the Kokinsk Air Base. After confirming his identity with the sentry at the gate, he spent more than ten minutes and finally met Kovalev, the director of the General Staff Intelligence Bureau.

When he met the director of the military intelligence bureau, Sherkov used the shortest words and the fastest speed to synchronize the information obtained by the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

After hearing these outrageous intelligence, Kovalev couldn't help but take all the intelligence in front of him in his hands. After a quick glance, he threw the intelligence about Iraq recruiting Russian engineers aside and took the intelligence about Afghanistan and read it in detail bit by bit.

After reading it, he nodded his head with certainty and said, "It should be the work of our neighbor."

"It's just that it's not the same as the Soviet Union's actions back then. It's okay if it looks familiar, as long as it's not the Soviet Union's operation."

After saying that, he patted his chest with his hand with lingering fear, bent down, and then picked up the intelligence of the American military base in Iraq. He only took a look and threw it aside.

Seeing him like this, Sherkov couldn't help asking: "No, are you so afraid of the Soviet Union?"

"It's been more than 10 years, and I think the Iraqi recruitment information in front of me is more important."

The strange question made Kovalev stop. After a short pause, the director slowly turned his head and said with a smile:

"If it's still the Soviet Union now, just because you use your personal relationship to get luxury cars from America, your whole family will die!"

As he said that, he pointed his right thumb at himself and said very confidently: "I will die too!"

"Most of us now will die!"

He said the word death very seriously.

After saying that, he pushed the documents aside, looked back at Sherkov, and continued:

"This Iraqi intelligence is obviously problematic. It should be a big pit dug by the Americans, with the purpose of diverting our attention to Iraq, and then they will take action in Afghanistan."

"So, what do you think of the Foreign Intelligence Service?"

When asked about his thoughts, Sherkov took out a box of Cuban cigars from the bag on his chest, clipped off the head of the cigar with the clip that came with the box, lit it, and performed an epic lung-passing. Then he looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle and responded with a wandering look:

"What can we think?"

"There are only two options. The first is to destroy the other party's arrangement."

"The Abu Taliban made these claims, and America, which is terrified of the former Soviet Union, will definitely increase the intensity of its attacks on the Afghan Taliban to prevent The ghost of the former Soviet Union is reborn in Afghanistan. "

"We take the opportunity to get involved. Although it is unlikely to have a big gain, it will definitely not be a loss."

"The second option is cooperation."

"To be honest, America's operation of attacking three countries in three years has indeed been impressive, but it has also scared many countries."

"According to our intelligence in Eastern Europe and Africa, although these countries are openly submissive to America, they are speeding up the pace of finding a way out behind the scenes."

"Isn't that what the African heads of state in our country think these days?"

"So, what do you think? My dear Director Kovalev."

With a rhetorical question, the ball was kicked back to Kovalev's feet by Sherkov. After listening to Sherkov's words, Kovalev reached out and took the cigar box from the person opposite and took out a cigar from it.

He first sniffed it under his nose, then played with the cigar with his hand and said, "There is actually a third option, which is to keep silent."

"Pretend that nothing happened, pretend that you know nothing, and let them play games in Afghanistan."

"And we stand by, in the words of China, it is called watching the fire from the other side of the river."

"Then, while watching the fire from the other side of the river, we can also take the opportunity to make a move that will disgust the Americans."

"What do you think?"

Speaking out his thoughts, Kovalev turned the cigar in his right hand and slowly raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

However, when the two people's eyes met, a smile of success quietly emerged from Sherkov's face.

Without waiting for Kovalev to respond, the other party quickly reached out his hand, grabbed his hand, and said with ecstasy:

"Okay! Let's do as you say, Director Kovalev. I will go back and write a report now, and then send it to the president!"

"I'll go back first!"


After speaking like a string of cannonballs, Sherkov turned around without waiting for Kovalev to respond, and left without even taking the first-hand intelligence on the table.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the door.

The sudden change made Kovalev stunned for a moment. After a short period of stunnedness, he also realized that he was being calculated by Sherkov.

It's not that the other party didn't know about the third plan, but the other party needed someone who could calm down and speak out the third plan.

So as to throw the pot away.

What a pity.

This guy has a good brain, but he uses it in the wrong place. Shaking his head, Kovalev took out a notebook with the Soviet flag printed on it from the drawer, stuffed it into his pocket, and then picked up the intelligence on the table in his hand.

Go out, call two security guards, drive to the Federal General Staff.

Two hours later, he arrived in front of the office building of the Federal General Staff. Looking at this luxurious building, Kovalev couldn't help but complain about the buildings under his command in his heart.

They are all old things from the last century, and they should have been demolished long ago.

After walking around and not seeing many people, he simply stopped wasting time and went directly to the Chief of General Staff Yenikov with the intelligence documents.

Throwing the documents in his hand on the table, he asked directly: "There have been changes in Afghanistan. It is estimated that the ghost of the Soviet Union is hanging there. What do you think?"

"Ah?" Yenikov was confused. With doubts, he took out the documents in front of him and looked through them bit by bit.

After reading it for the first time, the confusion on his face did not dissipate, but became more serious.

He read it a second time.

After reading it, the veteran shook his head slightly, looked at the people in front of him and asked:

"What do you think?"

"My idea is to watch the fire from the other side of the river!" Kovalev responded decisively. After he finished speaking, he was afraid that the person in front of him would not believe him, so he added:

"Shelkovsky has the same idea."

Hearing that the two people had the same idea, Yenikov nodded first, and then immediately shook his head:

"The idea is good, but not good enough. When you watch the fire from the other side of the river, you should also show an attitude."

"This attitude is that Afghanistan cannot take this path, but America cannot act recklessly in Afghanistan."

"As for how to show this attitude, you can do it as As the head of the intelligence department, you should know how to operate. "

After giving a few suggestions, Yenikov took out the recruitment notice of Rhine Construction in Iraq from a pile of documents, pointed to the word Starlink on it and asked:

"Also, do you have any thoughts about the Starlink mentioned in this document?"

"The Americans are willing to throw this thing out at this time, they must have their intentions."

"We should also make some responses, otherwise the Americans will take advantage of us."

When Starlink was mentioned again, Kovalev rubbed his face with his hands and said helplessly:

"My dear General Yenikov, if you have forgotten something, I must remind you."

"This plan is our old friend."

"During the confrontation with the former Soviet Union, America proposed a Star Wars plan. It was based on this that the two sides were crazy about the space race."

"In this Star Wars plan, there is a Starlink plan."

"I still remember the surprise I felt when I saw this plan when I was young."

"Tens of thousands of satellites with attack weapons are floating in the Earth's low-Earth orbit. When enemies appear on the ground, they immediately control the satellites in the corresponding area and attack the ground."

"But our scientists have fully demonstrated that this thing is not feasible!"

"If you want to attack the ground, the mass of this satellite must be at least two tons, and the transportation difficulty of a two-ton satellite is extremely large."

"And tens of thousands of satellites weighing more than two tons, do you know how much manpower and material resources are needed?"

"Besides, the Soviet Union is gone!"

This last sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit Yenikov's head hard.

After repeating this sentence several times, he smiled bitterly and said to himself:

"Yes, the Soviet Union is gone."

"This kind of large-scale industrial production activity is not something that Russia can afford now."

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, he took out the information with Starlink, tore it up casually, and threw it into the trash can.

Watching the person opposite throwing the information into the trash can, Kovalev asked softly:

"Is there any activity in the General Staff today? Why do I see so many people are not here?"

"They are negotiating with people from Africa." Yenikov replied casually.

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