After spending two days and a little money to find two professional designers to sort out the drawings, Hanks finally prepared the deceptive documents.

After sorting out the documents, he found a suitable time and called Lin Yu.

"My dear friend, are you free?"

"I have a big business, yes, a very big business, worth about 3 million US dollars, but this construction project is a bit special."

"The special thing is that this construction project uses some Russian standards, and Russian people are needed to build these projects."

"No, no, no, it's not Russian translation, it needs to be built by authentic Russians. If Russian translation is used, it's called soulless."

"This is actually a..."

"For the sake of our many years of trading, I can tell you what this is. This is a signal base station, but the equipment on it uses Russian standards, to be precise, Soviet standards."

"That's why Russians are needed to build it. If you think there is no problem, let your people in Iraq contact me."

"I can send you a copy of the drawings first, and you can start recruiting people."

Yanjing, on the training ground of the Yanjing Anti-Terrorism First Brigade, Lin Yu held his mobile phone, listening to the authentic American English on the phone, and his mind was a little confused.

An American general found a Chinese construction contractor and asked Russian engineers to build a signal base station for the American military in Iraq using Soviet standards.

This is just thinking with your ass, and you know there is a problem here, and it is a big problem.

But the problem is that most people know there is a problem in this matter, and they will jump into this fire pit without hesitation. After all, if you jump in and take a walk, you can touch some problems.

If you don’t jump in and take a walk, what if the Americans really take it seriously and build some incredible shit?

Of course, Lin Yu is not most people.

As a person who has lived two lives, he knows America better than most Americans.

This is a group of people who remember to eat but not to fight.

With the virtue of America, if they have a big killer in their hands, they will definitely have a sharp weapon in their hearts and kill themselves.

But now, that guy just asked himself to find the Russians to build a signal base station, which means that this signal station in America is either a real signal base station, specially used to intercept Russian communications.

Or, this thing is just a bait to trap something that is needed.

After figuring this out, Lin Yu put away his phone, turned around and walked towards the temporary dormitory, returned to his own room, turned on his laptop, plugged in the network cable, and logged into his email account.

When he entered the email interface, he really found an email from America, and the email also had an attached file package, which was only a few megabytes in size.

He downloaded the attached file package to the desktop and opened it casually, but found that there were two photos in the attached file package.

Photos of the basic drawings of the signal base station, and photos of the project overview.

After a quick glance, the name of this project is called Starlink Ground Receiving Base Station - Iraq Basra Station.

Below this title is a brief description of the project.

Unlike the simple description of the general project, the description under his title is very detailed, so detailed that even the function of this base station is written on it.

Seeing this, Lin Yu twitched his mouth, and at the same time, he couldn't help but complain about Hanks in his heart.

This bastard.

It's obviously digging a hole for people.

Anyone who sees this blueprint will definitely doubt the authenticity of this project first, because these materials look too fake, so fake that they are a bit outrageous.

However, most people will have a logic, that is, they would rather kill the wrong person than let him go, and they will definitely find a way to investigate this project. If a project under construction is really found in Basra, Iraq.

Then the level of this intelligence will definitely be upgraded, and then the investigation will be carried out along this intelligence.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's brain suddenly crashed again.

If they follow this intelligence carefully, they will definitely find the leaker in the end, but they will find out that the leaker of the intelligence is Hanks.

At that time, all the intelligence will be unfavorable to Hanks. If it goes smoothly, this general will lose his position and go to prison to spend the rest of his life.

If it doesn't go smoothly, this General Hanks will most likely commit suicide with eight shots in the back.


This thing is very dangerous for Hanks, and he doesn't need to take risks at all!

Just as he was studying the blueprint, the phone rang again.

It was Hanks.

After answering the phone casually, Lin Yu nodded like a sleepyhead:

"Understood, General Hanks, don't worry, we will definitely find you authentic Russians to build this project for you."

"Are you still not confident in my work?"

"Our construction capabilities are first-class in the world, so you can rest assured."

"As long as you pay the money when the time comes!"

"Okay, I'll contact people and recruit a few Russians to help you build the project."

"Ok ok ok!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu showed a playful expression on his face. If Hanks didn't make this call, he might have to guess the other party's intentions.

But the other party called, which can only mean one thing, that the blueprint in his hand is actually a pit dug by Hanks.

If it were someone else, they might not know Starlink.

But unfortunately, I know it, and I am also implementing the same plan.

So, Hanks's move is to kill two birds with one stone by using Starlink to drag China and Russia into a new round of military equipment competition.

This feeling...

It was obviously me who dragged them into the pit, but now these guys are trying to drag me into the ditch.


After playing with his phone for a while, Lin Yu found Zhang Congyi's number and dialed it:

"Old Zhang, the day after tomorrow, you have someone go to Qatar to get a construction blueprint from Hanks."

"Then have someone post a job announcement in Iraq and the Middle East in the next two days, saying that there is an American signal base station construction, and due to technical reasons, some Russian engineers are needed, so that Russian engineers who need work can contact them."


"Don't ask why, just do it."

"You said you went there on the way back to Iraq from China? That's fine, good luck."

"By the way, have all the goods I ordered the other day been loaded?"

"Has it been loaded and sent away?"

"That's good, I'll hang up first, call me if there's anything."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu found Zhou Changyao's number and sent a text message.

[The Americans are going to use the Starlink plan to lead people into the ditch, so they can ask the comrades in the industrial channel to cooperate and let them find two experts to promote it. 】

After sending the text message, Lin Yu returned to the training ground again, watching the people of the First Anti-Terrorism Brigade training, and then he collected receipts.

Zhang Congyi worked very quickly. As soon as he hung up Lin Yu's phone, he issued the order to the construction site of Rheinsteel in Iraq.

This strange news made the person in charge who stayed on the site very confused, because he really couldn't understand it. Obviously, these people were very skilled workers. It would take three or four days to build a foundation at the fastest speed, and a week at the slowest speed.

Why would these boring Americans leave their group of people and ask for Russians by name?

Although he didn't quite understand, the person in charge on the scene showed enough respect. Two hours after receiving the call, recruitment notices written in English, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, and Chinese characters were posted on the streets of Basra and Baghdad.

The Middle East, because it is located at the junction of the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, has always been regarded as the center of the world island and an important transportation route.

Therefore, since the 19th century, the disputes here have never stopped, and the number of people left here by various large empires has never decreased.

As a Chinese company cooperating with Hanks, Rhine Construction Company is naturally in the eyes of those who care. The strange recruitment notice they posted this time naturally attracted the attention of those who care.

In the northeast of Basra City, in a seemingly inconspicuous house, several Turks held the recruitment notice in their hands and felt that there was something wrong, but they were not sure what the problem was. A group of people could only hold the recruitment notice in their hands and chatter to find the information in it.

"There must be a trap here, right? This is definitely posted by Americans to disgust the Russians!"

"But to disgust the Russians, why did the Chinese make the announcement?"

"I don't know!"

"I think this is a trap, a big fire pit, just to trap some people who are looking for death."

"But, what if this so-called communication base station is fake, and the real function of this communication base station is radar? Do you dare to bet? I don't dare to bet, I don't dare to bet, then we have to find a way to get in, and then take the opportunity to do a monkey stealing peaches."

Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. After the Turks in the room quarreled, they unanimously decided to stay away from this damn big pit, so that no one would fall into the pit, be killed by the trap in the pit, and splash blood on others.

On the other side, the Iranians in Iraq also saw this strange notice.

And the person who saw the notice was Hassan.

At this moment, he was dressed as a highway worker. Looking at the strange recruitment notice in front of him, he had some guesses in his mind, but these guesses lacked some key information and could not fully figure out the details.

So, he chose to find external help.

Hassan called Sonia directly, and then asked Sonia to contact Lin Yu by phone to ask about the recruitment notice.

Very efficient.

Less than an hour after Hassan made this call, the message from Sonia arrived:

"Shut up, don't ask!"

Sometimes, the shorter the message, the more information it contains, and the more information it contains, the shorter the message.

Listening to the slightly angry voice, Hassan knew that there was definitely a masterpiece of Lin Yu in this recruitment notice.

And the Americans would never get any benefits if he got involved.

With this idea, Hassan changed his attitude, and after leaving an order to those in Iraq not to participate, he turned around and returned to Tehran.

On the other hand, the Russian intelligence department that stayed in Iraq also received relevant information.

Compared to Turkey, Russia's intelligence department is still a little useful. After receiving the information from Iraq, the intelligence department finally found a useful answer after careful comparison.

That is Starlink!

The Americans built ground signal base stations in order to adjust the speed of the satellites they launched anytime and anywhere and enhance signal feedback.

At the same time, this damn satellite network can provide satellite calls anywhere in the world and in any region.

It can also monitor other countries.

If all this is really done by America, Russia may be in vain.

After reaching this conclusion, the intelligence officer responsible for intelligence analysis in the Middle East did not rush to send the intelligence back to Russia, but picked up other intelligence.

To be precise, it was multiple intelligence from Iran and Afghanistan.

[More than a dozen containers from China were transported by rail and finally arrived in Iran. ]

[The Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced that they are about to get involved in the weapons and equipment research and development industry and are currently preparing to develop a powerful rocket to protect Iran's territory. 】

【In the past month, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Taliban in western Afghanistan have been in frequent contact, and many members of the Taliban in western Afghanistan have even crossed the border and entered Iran for rest and recuperation. 】

【Suniya, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and Abu, leader of the western Taliban, disappeared for about 30 days last month. Then Suniya appeared in Iran first, and a few days later, Abu, leader of the Taliban, appeared in Afghanistan again. It is suspected that there is some kind of secret between the two. 】

【Abu, leader of the western Taliban, announced the Taliban's No. 1 order: Those who can produce the title deed will have their land considered private.

If the title deed cannot be provided, it means that the land belongs to the country. 】

【Abu, leader of the Taliban in the western region, declared that men and women are the same, all ethnic groups are the same, everyone is a believer in Allah, and everyone is the child of the Lord. Everyone should put aside their past grudges and become a united family. 】

After reading all the intelligence, the Russian intelligence officer who stayed behind put all the intelligence together, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and looked at the text without saying a word.

His intuition told him that there was a certain correlation between these intelligences, but because of the problem of authority, the intelligence officer did not get much first-hand information.

And those sufficient first-hand information happened to be in the hands of those big guys. When he thought of this, the intelligence officer suddenly felt irritated for no reason.

That inexplicable irritation made the intelligence officer completely lose the idea of ​​continuing to check.

He put all the known intelligence together, picked up the intelligence and read it again to confirm that there was no omission, then packed all the intelligence and sent it on the plane, asking the plane to help him take the intelligence to Moscow.

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