After stating his conditions, Wade looked away, took the knife and fork, and continued to eat the veal steak in front of him, seemingly not caring about the reactions of others in the room.

Others, after hearing this condition, were also confused. This condition sounds simple, but in fact it is not simple at all.

The focus is not on two or three days, but on legally transferring the money that everyone wants to everyone, and then using the remaining money to complete the work that needs to be done.

Can it be done?

In fact, it can be done, but it is a waste of time, energy, expressions, and money.

And if you are not careful, you may lose everything.

If you have this time and energy, it is better to invest your money and energy in other financial projects, and then make more money and obtain more profits.

However, with just two sentences, it is difficult to make everyone present give up fighting for this project. To be honest, it is difficult.

The other people present looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, they all unanimously turned their attention to the old man who first stood up against Wade.

At the dining table, the old man was naturally aware of these people's gazes and their thoughts. He did not stand up directly to oppose Wade as these people thought. Instead, he held the knife and fork in front of him and ate beef leisurely. Drinking wine.

Seeing that the old man refused to stand out, a man who looked to be in his forties or fifty stood up at the dining table. He first bowed respectfully to Wade, then looked at Greb and asked:

"Can you promise to complete the mission?"

Upon hearing this question, Dreb immediately turned his head and turned to his father for help. However, Dana next to him was just eating steak silently and did not seem to hear this sentence.

Seeing this, he immediately set his eyes on Wade, and Wade next to him also stopped eating steak at this moment, tilted his head slightly and nodded.

Then he went back to eating steak.

After receiving this hint, Greb was no longer afraid, and followed Wade and his father's example, eating steak leisurely, and then replied leisurely:

"As long as you don't cause trouble inside, I can guarantee that the task will be completed. However, if you don't help when you should help and make trouble when you shouldn't, then I can only say one thing, even if God comes, he will have to make trouble here. The halberd sank into the sand.”

"So, if you ask me if I can complete it, all I can say is that I need your attitude."

After saying these ambiguous words, Greb continued to lower his head and continued to eat his steak leisurely.

He divided the 200-gram steak into several pieces, then put them all into his mouth in two or three strokes, and then disappeared without a trace.

After finishing the steak and putting the plate aside, Greb took another fish from the table, placed it in front of him, and continued to eat leisurely.

The three of them ate happily, while others present could only watch with itching teeth.

After a long time, finally, the old man who initially opposed Wade stood up again. He tapped the plate lightly with the knife and fork in his hand, and with the sound of the plate being knocked, he said:

"As long as Mr. Greb can transfer my share of the benefits to me on time, I don't care."

This sentence directly broke the silence of the restaurant, and those who were hesitating whether to continue to object or agree, at this moment, through the developed spirit, temporarily reached an agreement, and invariably began to greet the old man's mother in their hearts.

After a while, another person slowly raised the knife and fork in his hand and said softly:

"As long as Mr. Greb can give me my benefits on time, I agree with Mr. Wade's decision."

Another person defected. Seeing this scene, the remaining people knew that there was no point in continuing to persevere. They turned their heads and immediately changed their expressions, and said cheerfully:

"As long as Mr. Greb can give us the money on time, we agree!"



When the last person finished speaking, Wade immediately lost the leisurely composure on his face, and his entire face became extremely serious. Combined with his tall aquiline nose, it made him look particularly gloomy.

He first lightly tapped the table with his hand, and when the sound of the clicks silenced everyone's voices, he continued to speak:

"Since everyone agrees to let Greb's Avenal Company compete for the space agency's Starlink program, let me make it clear first."

"When it's time for you to lobby hard, you should do your best. Don't hide it. If someone hides it and the final project does not fall into our hands, then don't blame me for being rude."

"That's all I have to say. Since the main purpose of today's meal has been achieved, I won't waste everyone's time here."

"There are headgear prepared for you in the locker behind you."

"Everyone, take off your clothes and put on your hood. You can walk out of this door and have fun outside. I wish you all a good time. I'm leaving first."

After speaking, Wade stood up, turned and walked to another corner of the banquet hall. In that corner was the door where the waiters served the dishes.

He opened the door and walked in. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared behind the door.

After walking through the quiet corridor, he finally stopped in front of a small elevator, took out a card from his arms, inserted it into the control panel of the small elevator, and pressed the up button.

After a while, the green light above the small elevator door turned on, and the elevator arrived.

The elevator door opened. Inside was a small elevator that could only accommodate two or three people. He took off the identification card on the control panel and Wade stepped into the elevator.

Pressed the largest number on the control panel inside the elevator.


Tens of seconds later, the 13th floor arrived.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he couldn't wait to take out a mobile phone from his pocket, found the only number on the phone, and dialed it:

"My dear Mr. President of the Senate, I have made arrangements here, and then it depends on your performance."

"As long as our people get the space agency's projects, they can get a cash cow that keeps making money. As our close partner, Mr. Senate President, you will definitely get the sweetest piece of cake."

"Since Mr. Senate President already has an idea, I won't stress it too much. Come on."

After hanging up the phone and waiting for a while, Wade picked up the phone again.

"Mr. Patriarch, I have convinced those who support us."

"Yes, the Senate President also made it clear."

"The remaining work is for you to come forward and convince others to let us get this project."

"No, no, no, my dear patriarch, I have to remind you that our president has attacked three countries in a row in three years."

"And also got three great victories!"

"These three victories have brought his popularity to an extremely terrifying level. At this juncture, if you want to compete with him for the position of leader of the Republican Party, I think it will be difficult, so we still have to focus on making money."

"Okay, since you have made your own decision, I won't waste my time!"

In the restaurant on the other side.

The person who controlled the scene left, and the remaining people immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They stood up one by one tacitly, walked to the locker next to the door, took out the hood from it, took off their clothes, turned around and opened the door with a smile. Went to the wine pond and meat forest.

Greb was dumbfounded by their skillful movements. He was stunned for a while, his face twitched, he turned to look at his father next to him, and asked with a bit of verification:

"Do you usually have such fun?"

"Also, does mother know you are having so much fun?"

At the table, Dana, who was still eating steak, heard this and slowly stuffed the steak into his mouth. Then he picked up the red wine glass next to him, poured the wine into his mouth, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then turned around. , looked at his son and asked with a playful face:

"Don't you call yourself a prodigal? Are you scared?"

"I'm afraid of getting sick!"

"Then let's go, this is not a mandatory activity." After saying that, Dana pulled out his chair and stood up, stretched out his hand to his son, opened the door carelessly, walked through the wine pond and meat forest, and walked to the door on the other side.

Soon, the father and son appeared at the gate of the building and found their car. They got in one after the other. Without saying much, Greb started the car and disappeared into the night in a flash. Down.

After they left, another car followed quietly. The people in the car also held their mobile phones and kept reporting to others.

"Sir, the latest situation is that General Dana and his son have come out of the Brooklyn Hotel, and we are still following them."

"According to the direction they are traveling now, they should be preparing to return to General Dana's house in Washington."

"Continue to follow? Got it!"

The person in the car hung up the phone, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and paid full attention to the vehicle in front of him.

On the other side of the phone was an old acquaintance.

Hanks McCain.

The general who holds the power of life and death in the Middle East put down his mobile phone, turned to look at his father next to him, shook his head slightly, and said:

"That old boy at Dana is playing both ways. The Brooklyn Hotel is Wade Roosevelt's hotel. They must have been holding back nothing good in that shabby hotel."

Facing his son's words, Barlow McCain nodded slightly and responded with approval: "Of course."

"After all, he is a member of the Roosevelt family. Although he is just a side branch, he has now grown up enough to protect others."

"It's normal for the Roosevelt family to win over him. It's abnormal for him to abandon the Roosevelt family and fall into our arms."

"From now on, the contact with this person will only be about transactions, and further contact will be unnecessary."

"The only pity is that our family did not produce a president. If our family produced a president and several governors, we would become very important within the Republican Party."

"What a pity."

"This time around the space agency's Starlink project, you have an attitude towards the outside world, that is, you want to compete."

"When someone comes to find you, just give them a favor, withdraw from the competition, and let others compete."

"When these people knock out all the brains from the dogs, we can also share some brains from them."

Perhaps because of his age, Barlow's words were a bit nagging. After listening to his old father's nagging words, Hanks looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh: "I'm still a little unwilling!"

"This Starlink project is almost a money tree. As long as you don't have money, just go down there and shake it twice."

"And watching this money tree pass in front of me, I feel very sad and unwilling to do so!"

Listening to his son's lamentations, Barlow stretched out his hand to scratch his head and whispered:

"If you really don't want to give up, then I'll show you a way. Spread the role of Starlink as much as possible and spread it to the Russians."

"In the process of spreading, I suggest you exaggerate the role of Starlink and let Russia think that this is a very good equipment, a very, very good equipment."

"It's the kind that can control the world!"

"When Russia receives this news, they will definitely verify it from many sources. If it is confirmed that this is a weapon that can control the world, then they will definitely find ways to get involved."

"By that time, a new round of arms race will start again, and then we can find some extra brains from other places."

Hearing the word brain again, Hanks couldn't help it anymore. He held his head with both hands, rubbed it hard, looked at his old father, and asked seriously:

"Why are you always Are you talking about brains? Don't you find that disgusting and scary?"

"Scary?" Barlow shook his head gently, put his right index finger in front of him, shook it gently, and showed an expression of "you kid don't understand" on his face, and then explained softly:

"The brain is the most important part of an animal. It's all protein."

"The soft brain, boiled in boiling water for more than ten seconds, scooped it out with a spoon, and sprinkled a spoonful of chili oil and soy sauce. The taste is very fresh. You can try it when you have time."

"Really, that thing is much better than meat. Your old father has lost several teeth. If you let me eat meat, it will really kill me!"

This explanation made Hanks unable to refute. He pressed his forehead with his right hand and sighed for a long time. Then he turned and walked to the desk next to him, picked up a pen with his left hand, and began to concoct a unique intelligence.

At the same time, he began to think about how to accurately deliver this concocted intelligence to the Russians.

After thinking about it, he thought of a plan that could make this intelligence extremely real.

That is to use that Chinese friend!

Give this friend a task, let him make some contribution, and build a signal base station in Iraq.

Then because of the special equipment, it needs to be built by Russians!

This will give the Russians a chance to infiltrate, so they can naturally get the intelligence.


With an idea in mind, Hanks's speed of writing intelligence suddenly increased, and in a short while, the intelligence was finished.

Putting this intelligence aside, he began to look for some corresponding infrastructure construction drawings in his computer.

After all, the show must be done in full.

If you can drag your Chinese friend into the water and trick them into the ditch, it will be even better.

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