Everything is different from the past!

We are the regular army!

Carefully putting down the anti-aircraft missiles in his hand, Abu can't wait to open several other boxes.

In the black plastic boxes with the same shape but not as long, there are short and thick anti-tank missiles and RPG-7 rockets.

And these anti-tank missiles and RPG-7 missiles are all painted with the Afghan flag.

And in the box at the bottom, there are neatly stacked desert camouflage.

This thing is very necessary, but I always think it should be made in black.

After a little complaint, Abu closed the box.

Good stuff, these are all good stuff.

As long as there are these, then the people under his command can fight against the small group of American troops head-on.

Fight a few more times...

No, it only takes one time, just one head-on victory over the American soldiers, then this Taliban team can get out of the shadow of being driven out of Kabul.

Getting out of the shadow means surpassing yourself!

The future must belong to you.

But before that...

Abu stopped his messy thoughts, reached out and picked up an RPG-7 rocket, and threw it with his hand. The shell was made of cast iron and was very heavy.

If it hit a person, it would be even heavier.

After putting the RPG-7 rocket back into the box and resealing it, Abu walked towards the Iranian Revolutionary Guard members standing not far away.

After coming to the other party and saying hello, he spoke and stated his request:

"Dear friend, I have an unwelcome request here, I wonder if I can..."


Halfway through his words, the soldier, who was dressed very smartly, raised his hand and interrupted Abu, and then the other party quickly added:

"Mr. Abu, I know what you want to say, but there are some things that we still have to maintain our attitude on the surface."

"So, at 11 o'clock tonight, our border guards will have diarrhea on time."

"It will take about an hour and a half, enough for you to enter Afghanistan."

After adding the words, the soldier turned around and left without hesitation, and disappeared on the street in a short while.


The sound of shoes stepping on the sand was heard, and Abu turned around and found that it was Sater. At this moment, this Afghan had changed into a brand new camouflage uniform. Except for his big beard, he looked like an American...

No, his figure was not quite like that. I always felt that he looked a bit wretched, and he didn't have the proud feeling of an American soldier at all.

Of course, what made Abu feel that this guy was not like that was the 4 guns on his back, and the 6 RPG-7 rockets and 6 magazines on his chest.

No matter how you look at it, he looks like a guy fleeing.

Seeing this, Abu patted his head and asked speechlessly: "Are you going to go out wearing this?"

After being asked this question, Sat also reacted, and quickly held up the RPG-7 rocket and magazine on his chest with his hands, and said straightforwardly:

"I haven't seen such good equipment before, so I plan to show off more?"

"I will put it back later. By the way, how do we go? And where is the expert you mentioned?"

"At 11 o'clock in the evening, we will walk along the border openly. The expert will arrive at a different time." Abu answered calmly, but after hearing this, Sat looked up at the scorching sun above his head.

To be honest, he really couldn't connect the two things of walking along the border at one o'clock in the morning with openness.

However, Abu said it was open, so it was open.

Anyway, he is Sharif, and he is the one who says and explains everything.


At 11 o'clock in the evening, at the border between Iran and Afghanistan, the sentry on the Iranian side suddenly began to scream in the night:

"Oh! Ah!"

"My stomach is uncomfortable!"

"Do you have stomach discomfort too?"

With these shouts, they disappeared from the sentry tower one by one.

More than ten minutes later, eight pickup trucks escorted four trucks and swaggered out of the Iranian territory and then entered the Afghan territory.

Although the sentries on the Afghan side were looking at the desert, they seemed to be blind and did not see the people in the desert at all.

Even when the group of people passed under the sentry tower, the dazzling lights spread far away in the night, and the soldiers on the sentry tower still did not see it.

When the last car passed, a small black package flew out from under the sentry tower and fell into the sentry tower accurately.

Seeing this small package, the sentry did not panic, but calmly opened the package.

Inside, there was 4,000 US dollars.

After crossing the border and traveling more than ten kilometers in the desert, a group of people found the right direction and drove onto the highway.

The highway to Herat.

When they were about to enter the city, Abu suddenly asked people to stop the car.

The leader was Nasat. Hearing the order, he hurriedly stopped the car, returned to Abu, and whispered: "What's wrong?"

In the night, Abu raised his hand and pointed to the city in the distance, smiling and said: "You take the large troops back."

"I will take people to give an explanation to our friends in the distance."

"Ah?" Nasat turned his head and looked at the city in the distance. The weather today was not good, and there were a lot of dark clouds in the sky.

In the dark night, the only two lights were the stars in the city in the distance and their cars.

As for the explanation, Abu told Lin Yu about the deal after returning to Kosnaca.

Lin Yu would give as many weapons as the drugs seized and destroyed. As for the method of the deal, it was also very simple.

Just put the videos of the seized drugs and the killing of drug dealers on the Yahoo forum.

At this moment, hearing Abu's words, Nasater understood that the first batch of surrenders were the drug dealers in Herat.

Without any hesitation, this veteran soldier suddenly raised his hand and stuffed Abu back into the car, jokingly saying:

"Okay, you go back with your weapons and equipment, quickly contact other people, distribute the equipment, and I'll go kill those people."

"If I hurry up, I can still rush back to Kosnaka for lunch."

After saying that, Nasat turned back to the head car, unloaded the supplies on the car, took explosives, grenades, guns and bullets, and took five people, stepped on the accelerator hard, and headed straight for Herat City.

More than half an hour later, he entered Herat City. After wandering around the city for a long time, Nasat found the people they had sent into Herat before.

When the old comrades met, none of them had extra words.

Nasat gave the other party two guns and hundreds of bullets, and the other party gave Nasat a hand-drawn map.

On the map, there were trading locations that drug dealers often touched.

"Is it true?"

"It's true! Anyone who appears at this point on the map, as long as he is pale and thin, is a drug addict. I can tell for sure."


Herat City, No. 23, Mahshad 7th Street, is a three-story building with a wall.

Although it was late at night, the lights of this building were still bright, which looked out of place with other dark buildings.

With a creak, a pickup truck stopped opposite the yard.

Nasat stuck his head out of the car, holding the map in both hands, and kept looking at the map and the building in front of him.

After comparing it repeatedly several times, he finally confirmed that the drug dealer gathering point marked on the map was the yard in front of him.

Anyone in this yard can see that it is expensive and has existed for a long time, at least more than 30 years.

Such a person is either rich or noble. He really can't understand why the other party is selling drugs.

However, if you can't figure it out, there is no need to think about it.

As long as you confirm that the other party is selling drugs, just kill him.

"Get ready!" After greeting the others in the car, Nasat picked up the hood on the center console of the pickup truck and put it on his head.

Check the weapons, check the bullets, check the explosives and grenades.

After confirmation, two people were left in the pickup truck to assist, and the other four people started to run.

After a short run, the two people in front squatted by the wall, and the two people behind stepped forward and stepped on the shoulders of the person in front. The person squatting on the ground stood up and lifted up the person who stepped on the shoulder.

With this little bit of force, the person behind successfully climbed up the nearly three-meter wall.

And the person who climbed up the wall also turned around at this time, with his buttocks inward and his hands outward.

On the ground, the person on the left stood up and retreated, and at this moment he also started a short run.

He jumped hard at the wall, grabbed the hand of the person on the wall, and both sides worked together to climb the wall.

The last person left was Nasat.

He did not choose to climb the wall, but took the gun and slowly touched the gate.

The person who climbed up the wall first checked the yard and found no dogs. After confirming that it was safe, he moved towards the gate.

Perhaps because they trusted the gate too much, there was no guard at the gate of this yard. There was only a thumb-thick chain locked on the door.

It's not locked yet.

I want to complain, but I don't know where to start.

Two people were on guard, and one person opened the door. After a while, the iron chain fell gently to the ground, and the door opened a crack. The Sartre got into the gate, and the four of them joined together and moved towards the main building together.

Even in the yard, a group of people could hear the cheerful singing in the main building.

"Lavado!" He hummed suddenly, and the Sartre walked into the stairs carefully and was the first to go upstairs.

Following the sound, the four people easily found the room where the sound came from.

Two people were on guard, and two people listened to the wall.

The words inside were intermittent. The Sartre tried to listen for a while, but could only hear some incomplete news.

"...Turkmenistan...Russia, Russia has good prices...but China..."

Finding that he couldn't hear what these people were saying clearly, Sartre simply stopped wasting time, loaded the bullet, stepped back half a step, kicked the ground with his right foot, and used the force to rotate his body.

Then he kicked the door.

The wooden door was kicked open.

The sudden noise also frightened the people in the room.

They were stunned in place, watching everything happen.

The moment the door was kicked open, Sartre's eyes swept across the room like a searchlight.

23 people, all fat people with big ears and strange tools in their hands.

Is it sucking...

At this moment, the wooden table in the middle of the room came into view.

On the thick wooden table, which was about two meters long, was a small hill of small transparent plastic bags that were two fingers wide and one finger long.

In the middle of this hill was a larger transparent plastic bag, and in the plastic bag was white powder.

Looking at that, it was at least heavier than a 50kg bag of flour.

After making an estimate in his mind, Nasater knew that these people could all go to hell.

Before entering the room, he lowered the muzzle of his gun slightly.

After seeing the things on the table clearly, he raised the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger at the people in the room.

Bang bang!

The 30-round magazine only lasted less than five seconds in full-automatic mode.

"Replace the bullets and cover!"

As he shouted, a figure passed Nasater, holding a gun in front of him and firing at the people around him.

A few seconds later, another shout:

"Replace the bullets and cover."

Nasater, who had changed the bullets, passed the people in front of him and continued to shoot at the people around him.

In this way, two people outside were on guard, and two people took turns to cover on both sides. In just two or three minutes, the original people in the room were all killed by their guns.

In order to prevent someone from resurrecting, Nasater replaced the new magazine and started to finish off the people on the ground one by one.

Finished the finish.

Four people stepped on the blood on the ground in silence, surrounded the table in the center of the room, and looked at the white powder on the table. The four people looked at each other and didn't speak for a long time.

After a few minutes, the Sartre waved his hand and said, "Take this thing with you. When the time comes, we will also take a video to prove that we are better than the Mullah Taliban."

After that, he took off his tactical jacket, swept all the plastic bags on the table into his clothes, tied them up, and then continued to be vigilant and walked out of the small building and the yard.

Throwing the things into the cargo box, looking around to confirm that there was no one, the group drove away in the pickup truck.

However, as their pickup truck left, a man in a police uniform walked out of the alley not far in front of them.

Look at the direction where the pickup truck left, and then look at the yard where the lights were still on.

After several minutes, he took out the intercom and said to the phone: "No. 23, Mahshad 7th Street, suspected robbery, request support."

Thinking about the intercom, the man pulled his robe, put the intercom in his pocket, pulled out the pistol from his belt, loaded the bullet, and walked carefully to the yard step by step.

The gunshots had already woken up the surrounding residents.

But out of fear for their lives, these people did not make a sound, but hid behind the cracks in the windows, carefully watching the shadow in the dark walk into the yard.

Mehai Street, in front of the police station in the western district of Herat.

A pale and thin man squatted in the shadows, his eyes full of brilliance, staring at the police station in front of him.

As long as he saw a car appear in the police station, he picked up the phone and spoke into the phone, reporting the direction the car left, as well as the license plate number and color.

He spoke excitedly.

"Boss Halim, two cars drove out."

"I don't know, but it seems they were heading to the Mahsad neighborhood. There were gunshots over there just now."

"Maybe it was another guy who was high on drugs and played with a gun in the middle of the night!"

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