The man became more and more excited as he talked. He didn't notice at all that a man in black appeared at the intersection of the alley where he was hiding.

Perhaps because he disliked the man for talking too much, or perhaps because he felt that he should interrupt him, the man in black who suddenly appeared raised his foot and stepped lightly on the ground twice.

The leather shoes collided with the hard ground, making a dull popping sound, and this dull popping sound also made the excited man wake up from talking.

He held the phone and slowly turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

His body slowly rotated, and his left hand on his side and his right hand holding the mobile phone made the same action at the same time and from different angles - the standard French military salute.

Because, in the direction where he turned his head, a man in black was calmly raising his hand, and in his raised right hand was a pistol.

The pistol had some paint peeling off, and under the lights from the police station, the gun still had some reflections. However, the worn off paint did not hinder the gun's lethality.

He made a standard French military salute with both hands. The phone in his right hand could no longer be grasped and fell from his side with his movements.

And just as the phone passed by the man's waist, the man in black suddenly appeared, his left hand suddenly stretched forward and grabbed the phone.

The next second, the man in black suddenly kicked his right foot towards the man, a powerful and heavy kick that directly knocked the man over. The man in black took advantage of the victory to attack again, stepped forward, and stepped on the man fiercely. , the next second, cold words came out of the black man's mouth:

"Are you drug dealers so bold as to collude with armed men and carry out a killing spree in the city?"

This strange question stunned the man who was trampled on the ground. He turned his head back with difficulty and looked at the man in black with confusion on his face:



The man in black raised his hand and fired a shot, killing the person on the ground. Then, he quickly walked into the police station, stood in the lobby and shouted loudly to the police station:

"The scrap recycling station in Darby Bazar neighborhood! There is a fight between gangsters!"

At the same time, the four Nasats also found their target in the Darby Bazar neighborhood known to the people in black.

Looking at the not-so-high wall, the four people started a short run. Then, the two people in front squatted down and the two people behind climbed up the wall.

As soon as they climbed up the wall with their old tricks, a gunshot was heard in the scrap collection station, and then the sound of gunshots and bullets piercing the air came from the yard in front.

Hearing the burst of gunfire, the four people jumped off the wall and hid in the darkness of the scrap pile, silently watching the two gangs fighting while still commenting on these people:

"Their guns are definitely from Peshawar."

"No, it's an authentic Soviet AK47, but it's a little bit older."

"Why did they fight?"

"I don't know. I'll leave two alive later, so I can ask."

"I seem to have heard that the Dabi Bazar community is actually divided into two parts. The Dabi community is the territory of Judaism, and the Bazar community is the territory of Islam, which we believe in."

"Then let's help our compatriots get rid of those infidels first?"

"Damn our compatriots. If they dare to sell drugs, they are no longer our compatriots. Let's kill them both."

"Shall we go now?"

"Wait a little longer. They still have strength. If we go out to break up the fight, we may be beaten by both sides. Take out the grenades. Wait a few more minutes, listen to my command, and throw the grenades out together."

While speaking, Nasat put the grenade on his chest, then adjusted his position to distance himself from the other three people to prevent them from interfering with each other when throwing the grenade later.

Ahead of them lay the passage and square where the two communities of Darby and Bazaar meet.

Because it is land shared by two communities, it naturally becomes a no-no zone.

Therefore, the actual function of this land has also changed from a square to a waste recycling station.

When resources are scarce, waste recycling is a very good business.

The wide space and messy items are simply a natural hiding place.

On the field in front of the scrap recycling station, there were about 50 people, evenly divided into two groups. They were holding guns in unknown hands, hiding behind various debris collected in the scrap recycling station, and shooting at each other.

Unfortunately, these people are not professional five-star killers. Coupled with the number of guns in their hands and the messy scene of the scrap recycling bin, their hit rate is very low.

Although the closest distance between the two sides was less than 50 meters, the gunshots rang out for more than 10 minutes, but no one fell down.

But the more they fail to hit anyone, the more frustrated and angry these people become, and the more their guns fail to hit anyone.

Seeing these noobs pecking each other, Nasat, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help it. It was 1 o'clock in the morning when they set off from the Iranian border.

It was already 2 a.m. when we arrived in Herat. It took about 30 minutes to kill the people in the courtyard just now. Counting the time they spent on their way and getting information, it was already 4:30 a.m., if we wait a little longer, It's going to be daybreak.

When it gets dark, many things will become very troublesome.

For example, those American soldiers who are afraid of the night can take advantage of the daytime to go out in a big way, and then their planes can also go out in a big way.

Although his group has upgraded their weapons, there is no need to fight to the death with the American soldiers now. They need to get their own team ready first.

Stabilize people's hearts first!

Putting down his hands, Sartre raised his hand and pointed at the people who were still fighting in front:

"Ali and I will throw the ones on the left, Ham, Sari, you two will throw the ones on the right, and then shoot directly."

"Make sure everyone is dead. 10 minutes, 10 minutes to resolve the battle, then we will enter the scrap yard to search."

"Retreat when we find drugs!"

Following his order, the four people pulled all the grenades in front of them and threw them to the two gangs. Looking at the round things rolling to their side, the two gangs who were fighting were stunned for a moment.

With the help of the dim light, people on both sides can see clearly what is in front of them, grenades with the words m67 printed on them.

However, the grenades in front of them are larger and rounder than the grenades they have seen in America.

After a short moment of daze, the people on both sides shouted out their grenades at the same time, but in that moment of daze, the grenades exploded.

Boom boom boom!

After more than a dozen explosions, the four people of Nasat raised their guns and frantically pulled the triggers at the places in front of them where they could still move. After three shots, they moved to the next place with movement after confirming that there was no movement.

They were very fast. In just two or three minutes, the two sides hiding in the scrap pile and fighting each other were killed.

"Finish the job!"

With this shout, the four people of Nasat split into two groups, one person in front to finish the job and one person in the back to cover. Whenever they saw a corpse, they would finish the job with a shot at the corpse, all in the head.

Sporadic gunshots sounded, and then quickly extinguished.

The two groups met and confirmed that they had finished shooting all the corpses on the ground. After confirming that there was no risk of resuscitation, they formed a battle formation again, using scrap and vehicles as cover, and slowly walked towards the house of the scrap collection station.

The exterior shape of this house is in the shape of a Chinese character "莹". The house faces north and south, and the main door is the opening of the Chinese character "莹".

Approaching the low building, the four people each took out a grenade from their chest again, pulled off the safety, and threw it directly through the window after a delay of one second.

Three grenades flew into the window smoothly, and one grenade hit the anti-theft steel bar of the window. Fortunately, it did not bounce back.

The grenade exploded, accompanied by miserable screams. Hearing the sound, the four people repeated the same trick, took out the grenade again, and threw it through the window again accurately.

The grenade exploded again. This time, the screams were still there, but much smaller.

Two people covered, two people advanced, and approached the house alternately. Nasat grabbed the door handle, took out the last grenade from his arms, pulled the safety, kicked the door and threw the grenade in one go.


A louder scream was heard along with the explosion of the grenade. At the moment of the grenade explosion, the sound of grenade fragments hitting the wooden door was heard. The Sartre pushed the door without hesitation and fired.

Bang, bang, bang!

After firing 30 rounds, he stepped back two steps. Ali took his place and quickly thrust the muzzle of his gun into the room, continuing to suppress the fire in the room.

Under his suppression of fire, Haam and Sari rushed into the room.

But the situation at the scene was not what they expected.

There were indeed people in the room, but these people had turned into blood gourds, deader than dead.

Judging from their wounds, they died from the grenade explosion.

The other party's eyes widened, still with a look of unwillingness to die, and questioned, asking where the bitch came from, actually carrying so many grenades.

Isn't it heavy?

The Sartre walked into the room, raised his hand and shot the body closest to him, and then whispered: "Finish the knife!"

The word blurted out, and the remaining three people also held guns and began to clean up the house.

The first time, they didn't find what they were looking for, but they found a lot of needles for injection.

Nasat, who didn't give up, held the gun and started the second search. Finally, when they pulled the carpet on the bed in the innermost bedroom and pried open the wooden board under the carpet, they found what they were looking for.

Under the wooden board, there were small bags the size of an adult's fist.

The transparent plastic packaging was full of white powder. After weighing it with his hand, Nasat estimated that this small bag weighed 200 grams.

And the pile in front of him was at least hundreds of kilograms.

Really tnd...

Take a deep breath, he whispered: "Sari, Ali, you two are on guard, and Ham and I will open the door and let the car in."

Leaving two people on guard, Nasat took Ham to the door of the scrap station, opened the door, and sent a signal with a flashlight to the darkness in the distance.

A few seconds later, the two people who stayed behind drove a pickup truck into the scrap collection station.

Then, Ham stood guard in front of the scrap collection station, and the remaining five people began to move things.

Ten minutes later, the pickup truck was full. The five people who were moving the things were sweating profusely, but they couldn't suppress their smiles.

Climbing onto the pickup truck, Nasat took out the two transparent small bags that he had just packed separately and cut the two small bags on the door.

The vehicle started at this moment, and the heroin in the small bags also spread from the door of the scrap collection station to the door as the vehicle moved.

Joining Haam who was on guard at the door, the four people took advantage of the darkness before dawn and left.

Less than two minutes after the pickup truck left, three police cars drove out of an alley about 300 meters to the left of the scrap collection station. The moment they drove out of the alley, these three police cars sounded their sirens.

Then, at the speed of a turtle, he appeared at the scrap collection station.

Seeing the miserable situation inside the waste collection station, as well as the powder dyed red with blood, a group of people at the police station couldn't help but vomited. However, after vomiting, the topic changed from how to catch the gangsters at the beginning to how to catch the gangsters. Transform these dead people on the scene into your own achievements.

"Everyone take out their guns and shoot at the bodies on the ground so that we can write a report."

"Especially the heads, all of them are on the head. Only in this way can we show our fighting power."

"It's easy to write a report!"


"This is Herat News Broadcast. Last night, there was a fierce gun battle on Mahshad Seventh Street and in the Darby Bazar neighborhood."

"Our reporters rushed to the scene immediately and interviewed our Herat Police Department about the relevant incidents."

"According to relevant information provided by the police station, the gun battle that broke out yesterday was a fierce exchange of fire between the police station and drug dealers."

"According to relevant evidence, the owner of No. 23, 7th Street in Mahshad, is a drug dealer who has been working in the Herat area for a long time."

"The Dabi Bazar community scrap collection station is a gangster's den, and it is also a drug dealer's den. They use the scrap collection station as a transit point and have been selling drugs to all parts of Herat."

"This time, our Herat Police Department showed its combat effectiveness and caught all these drug dealers. Let us cheer for our heroes..."

South of Herat city, Guzara.

Leaving the city center, Nasat and others caught up with Abu here.

There is an airport in Herat in the Guzala area, and the Herat government is planning to rely on this airport to build a small new city in the southern part of the city, dedicated to transporting various supplies and alleviating congestion in the center of Herat city.

Similarly, Kosnaka also needs a large amount of supplies, and Abu is planning to establish a new transfer point here to help purchase some supplies.

At this moment, a group of people were sitting in front of the radio, listening to the broadcast from Herat, and then preparing to use the news conveyed on the radio to make their next plan.

But they never expected that the people in these police stations did not cast a wide net to arrest them, but instead took the credit from them!

Can this be tolerated?

Anyway, Nasat couldn't bear it.

Because this is the certificate of surrender they handed over. This certificate of surrender will be handed over to others. If these guys take away the credit from them, how will they hand over the certificate of surrender to Lin Yu when they have these things?

Mr. Lin, we cracked down on a gang of drug dealers and destroyed a large amount of heroin.

Is there any evidence?

Then he pulled out the newscast from the Herat police station.

This is a ball!

The video of the drug destruction must be filmed as soon as possible and then posted online!

We must not let everyone’s petition become the credit of those policemen!

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