Just do it. Abu recalled the methods taught by Lin Yu, turned around and began to give instructions to others:

"That Satre, take someone to dig one in the yard..."

"Digging in the room."

"The dimensions are approximately..."

After checking the number of seized drugs with his hands, Abu spoke again:

"The pit is 5 meters long, two meters wide and about one meter deep."

"After digging, seal the entire pit with plastic film."

"Ali, take a few people with you and buy some quicklime in scattered places. I remember that there is one in the construction store a little north. Remember, it must be quicklime."

"If I ask you what you do, you'll just say paint walls. You can buy a few more brushes by the way."

"When Ali brings back the quicklime, you pour the water and quicklime into the pool. When the quicklime water boils, pour all the heroin in. Make sure the camera captures this."

"Shoot the whole thing!"

Just as Abu finished his instructions, next to him, Ali, who had been fighting with Nasat all night, quickly raised his hand and asked with confusion on his face:

"Chief, why do we use quicklime and water to destroy heroin?"

"Why can't we just use fire?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around Abu subconsciously looked at the leader. After all, in their knowledge, there was nothing that couldn't be solved with fire. If there was, then add more fire.

Aware of the gazes of the people around him, Abu slowly closed his eyes and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Then he opened his eyes again and asked softly:

"If you are older, you should still remember how those old people used to smoke opium, right?"

"With fire."

“Light the opium with fire and smoke it like a cigarette.”

"Heroin is an extract of opium, which is purer. If it is lit on fire, the smoke produced by the combustion will be a mist that is purer than opium."

"If we destroy it nearby, we will inevitably inhale the smoke, which is equivalent to taking drugs."

"What we want to do is to eliminate drug traffickers and eliminate drugs in Afghanistan, not to turn ourselves into drug addicts."

"Using quicklime water can effectively neutralize the ingredients of heroin. Then we drain the water and eliminate these drugs safely and without hidden dangers."

This explanation made the people next to him thoughtful. Just when Abu was about to ask Nasat to act quickly, Ali asked again: "Then why don't we buy a barrel?"

"Wouldn't it be great if we buy buckets, mix lime water directly into the plastic bucket, pour the drugs into it, and then pour the lime water that has neutralized the drugs into the desert?"

Another question, and again, Abu couldn't help but shake his head.

He raised his hands, gently rubbed his head, and said:

"These plastic barrels in Herat are clearly marked. Our action this time is relatively sudden. Now we go to buy a barrel, and then the video we shot is spread. Drug dealers who hate us may also use these barrels. , found our traces.”

"It's not good for us."

"So, we can save your suggestion for next time. Now, go dig a hole."

Various factors were explained clearly, and the people around him listened attentively. Then, a group of people took shovels and started digging holes and setting up scenes in the warehouse they rented.

Three hours later, everything was ready.

Except for Abu, everyone else put on hoods and put on desert camouflage.

When he stood there, he looked no different from America.

When the photographer made an OK gesture, Ah Bu calmly leaned on the chair, looked at the camera with a gentle face and said:

"I am Sharif Abu Abiq, and I was also the former leader of the Mullah Taliban's western region."

"But now, I am the leader of the Taliban."

"The word Taliban is a student of religion. We get strength from Islam and the verses of the Quran. We are not greedy for pleasure, and we are not greedy for power. Our purpose is to build an Afghanistan where Afghans can live freely. "

"Not an Afghanistan full of drugs, full of discrimination, full of inequality."

"And our former leader Mullah, with the Taliban in his hands, and Al Qaeda, became a protective umbrella for drug traffickers, and he also grew poppies himself."

"So I hereby declare that the Mauna Taliban operating in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan are terrorists!"

"Besides, there was actually another thing involved in shooting this videotape today."

"That is, last night, our intelligence organization in Herat dismantled two drug trafficking groups operating in Herat."

"A total of 400 kilograms of heroin were seized. This heroin is right next to me."

"Now, we need to destroy this heroin. Shooting this video is also a witness for people all over the world."

Following Abu's words, the cameraman slowly turned the camera and focused it on the white plastic bags beside Abu.

On the ground covered with floating soil, there are hundreds of kilograms of heroin neatly piled in small packages, piled there like a hill.

Next to the pile of heroin, there was a pool covered with plastic sheeting. Next to the pool, there were people in camouflage uniforms, pouring white powder into the water.

As these people poured the white powder into the water, the originally calm water immediately boiled and began to churn.

When the water in the camera began to bubble, Abu, who had just spoken, spoke again, in a gentle voice, calmly saying:

"Pour heroin!"

With his words, the Taliban soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and black hoods stepped forward, took the pile of heroin in their hands, then gently cut it open and carefully poured it into the boiling water.

The white powder mixed into the water and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Slowly, all the heroin like a small mountain was poured into the water.

The soldiers next to him also picked up the wooden sticks that had been prepared long ago and kept stirring the pool.

When the water became completely turbid and the sediment in the pool could not be seen, Abu raised his hand and pointed at the plastic sheet.

After receiving his order, the soldiers in camouflage uniforms grabbed the edge of the plastic sheet, and then used force to pull the plastic sheet that was padding the bottom of the pool away.

Herat is located on the edge of the desert, and the Guzara area where they are located is even closer to the desert.

As the plastic sheet was pulled away, the turbid water dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, only the slaked lime that had reacted with water remained at the bottom of the pool.

Abu stirred the slaked lime with a shovel, then scooped up a shovel of soil from the pile next to it and poured it into the pool.

The soldiers who dragged the plastic sheet to the side also picked up shovels and began to fill the pit.

Digging a pit is troublesome, but filling a pit is easy.

In less than half an hour, the big pit was filled with soil.

A group of people stepped on the soil for filling the pit for a long time, and the loose soil was completely compacted.

They were compacting the soil, and Abu stood by and communicated with the cameraman about the details of the editing.

When all the traces were cleaned up, the people in the warehouse changed their clothes and became honest farmers again. Then, these farmers left in batches, drove their cars, and headed towards Ksnaka.

Along the way, the Sat kept chattering.

"We seized 400 kilograms of heroin this time. How much equipment can we get in exchange?"

"One dollar per gram? That's only 400,000 dollars, right? Isn't that the only money?"

"The equipment we have is worth 2 million dollars?"

"Not much!"

"Why do these people leave arms business with such high profits and think about selling drugs?"

"Should we raise the price? Raise the price of each gram to 10 dollars, so that we can have 4 million dollars, and we can exchange 4 million dollars of equipment?"

"That's right, I always feel that this is not good, but I think it should be raised to at least 5 dollars per gram..."

"To be honest, I feel that it is easier to fight these drug dealers than to fight others. I feel that they are quite weak."


It is still afternoon in Afghanistan, but it is already dark in China.

However, humans rely on electricity to light up the dark night again.

Under the colorful lights, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at the building in front of him, and said to Pascoal casually:

"This is our automobile manufacturing company. At present, our main products are various agricultural and industrial trucks."

"It is important to be cheap, durable, and easy to operate."

"All the cars we use for your country's infrastructure construction projects come from here, so we can minimize our costs."

"In addition to this automobile manufacturing company, I also have a machinery and equipment manufacturing company in Xucheng next door."

"This machinery and equipment manufacturing company is currently mainly producing excavators, loaders, and road rollers."

"In addition to these things, We also produce various construction equipment, which are our guarantee for cost control. "

"The building next to it is our satellite R\u0026D center."

"As a comprehensive company, we have a large number of our own mechanical equipment, so we need our own positioning system."

"So, we have this satellite R\u0026D center. We have successfully launched 9 satellites and carried out basic satellite networking, which can provide some simple positioning data."

"If you need a positioning system, we can also customize it."

The dim street lights and the bright office building lights intertwined and reflected each other, and finally fell steadily on Pascoyar's face.

The member of the Development Committee from Namibia looked at the building in front of him with an incredible look on his face. His eyes stayed on the satellite R\u0026D center for a moment, and then fell on the automobile manufacturing center next to it.

Compared to satellites, which are out of reach for them, cars are what Namibia needs most.

In 1903, the first piece of ore dug by the Germans in Tsumeb was first loaded on a donkey cart by manpower, and then the donkey cart dragged the ore to the smelting plant.

After rough processing and forming concentrate powder, it is then pulled to Windhoek by donkey carts, and then loaded onto trains from Windhoek and transported to Walvis Bay.

Later, as the mine grew larger, the train line was connected from Windhoek to Tsumeb.

The train has a very strong carrying capacity.

But for Namibia, there are more places without trains, but only a winding, unhardened road.

Fortunately, Namibia does not have much rainfall. Except for the roads in the northern region, which will be affected to a certain extent during the rainy season, the roads in other regions are not greatly affected by rain.

And these roads require a large number of cars.

Trucks and buses, trucks are responsible for transporting goods, and buses are responsible for transporting people.

But now, this company actually has a large number of trucks. Although they are not heavy trucks, this kind of small truck is just right for Namibia.

So, should we import some?

After a moment of hesitation, Pascoyar shook his head and denied his idea.

Namibia's current US dollar reserves are very important. There is no need to use them to buy these new cars for the time being. Importing second-hand cars from other countries, or directly importing usable engines, and letting domestic skilled craftsmen assemble them, can also save a lot of money.

Putting the idea of ​​importing vehicles in his heart, he turned around and looked at Lin Yu, nodded slightly, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Lin, we came here this time to see your equipment."

"After seeing the equipment, we need to sign a contract, so there is no need for us to waste time on these ordinary cars."

"Although we are indeed in short supply of cars, we are even more in short supply of weapons and equipment."

Listening to his words, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly, tapped Pascoyal with his right index finger, and then said helplessly:

"Look, you are anxious again."

"We are a comprehensive company, an automobile manufacturing company. In addition to manufacturing ordinary trucks, we can also manufacture more things."

"I will take you there now."

"This way, please!"

Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the production workshop. Then, Feng Lun of the automobile manufacturing company strode in front to lead the way for his factory director and the distinguished guests behind him.

Soon, a group of people walked into the innermost production workshop. The security guards at the door took away all the electronic products, and then made way for people to enter.

As soon as he entered the workshop, Pascoyal's eyes were attracted by the vehicles in front of him.

It was a 6×6 car, painted light green and with sharp edges.

The car was parked there quietly, but after just one look, Pascoyar knew that the car was not finished, and there should be something on the back of the car.

Because there were still some installation holes on the back of the car.

He raised his hands and pointed his palms at the 6×6 car, and then his hands kept changing and groping on the back of the car.

Finally, he turned his head and asked Lin Yu very seriously:

"Mr. Lin, what is this car used for?"

His expression was very anxious, very anxious, he really wanted to know the purpose of the car in front of him.

Facing his eagerness, Lin Yu rubbed his face calmly, then looked up and pointed at the 6×6 small armored vehicle and said:

"This is the civet cat combat platform we developed. On this combat platform, it can be equipped with light and heavy machine guns, rockets, anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft missiles."

"And the most important point is that this thing is easy to operate and cheap."

"You can afford it!"

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