When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 368 Can you make this part? (The third update!)

Can this be done?

Yes, but it has to be done at a different time and place. At this critical moment, if one of the parties dies, the others will most likely blame all the participants.

Even if it is to be done, it must be planned in detail so that all clues point to other places, and it will not be done so crudely.

People from several companies looked at each other with fear and disgust in their eyes.

This work was done too crudely.

In Washington, in broad daylight, a naval vice admiral was openly attacked, and the vice admiral was on his way to the Pentagon to perform a mission.

This kind of thing will definitely be on international news tomorrow, and the whole world will know.

America has suffered another terrorist attack after 9/11.

The occurrence of such a terrorist attack will make people in the whole country doubt the security of the country.

It will also make people who use the country's military funds suspicious. How can their homes be attacked by terrorists every day with such a large amount of funds spent?

In short, the sudden attack today has only disadvantages for them, not a single benefit.

The only one who benefited was Dana!

At this moment, the representatives of these companies in the meeting hall turned their heads away and focused their attention on Dana.

Maybe this guy was directing and acting all this?

But soon, these people threw this idea aside.

The impact of this terrorist attack will be great. From a national level, the president will definitely order a thorough investigation. Dana has no need to do this.

Which bastard did it?

Putting all the thoughts in their hearts, the representatives of these companies walked towards Dana one by one and sent concerned greetings to him.

In the greetings, a group of people interspersed their concerns about him, and at the same time tried to distance their companies from the matter.

A group of people chatted for a while and finally left.

When the last company representative left, Dana took Greb to the office of the Secretary of Defense and found Rafield.

As soon as they met, Rafield raised his head and asked with a smile: "How did you come up with this brilliant idea?"

Hearing this strange question, Dana knew that the Secretary of Defense was putting all the agreements on his head.

He sighed lightly, sat down on the sofa next to him, shook his head and said:

"I don't need to do this at all, because I have already exchanged some of the interests of the Roosevelt family with several other families."

"In order to avoid being monopolized, Boeing and Lockheed, the two most powerful companies, have already been substantially eliminated in this plan, so there is no need for me to go through so much trouble."

"Besides, bullets don't have eyes."

These explanations were very plain and always sounded a little powerless.

After going through these words in his mind, Lafield smiled and shook his head, putting the matter behind him:

"I hope it's true as you said, that you didn't do it."

"At this critical juncture, if something like this happens in Washington, the whole country will take action and investigate from top to bottom."

"During this period of time, you can stop those messy transactions first and don't let people find out the handle."

"Also, I hope that the funds for this project can eventually be implemented in the aerospace project, rather than falling into the mouths of certain people."

"You bring this sentence to me intactly to Charles Roosevelt. He is the patriarch of the Roosevelt family. He should understand what I mean by this sentence."

"Finally, your son is in charge of this project. You should pay a little attention to yourself. I don't care about the process. I only want the result. I just want our satellite to appear in the sky and occupy the low orbit."

"Go down!"

Lafield's tone was heavy and his words were not very pleasant. Hearing this expelling word, Dena did not say much, but stood up, pulled his son over, and asked Greb to bow deeply to Lafield.

After bowing, Greb stood up and whispered to Raffield:

"Mr. Raffield, thank you for this opportunity. I, Greb Roosevelt, will live up to your trust and guarantee to complete the task."

As soon as he finished speaking, Raffield raised his head with a smile on his face, stared at the person in front of him for a while, and said in a gentle voice:

"You can stand in front of me and say this to me now because of your father, Dena Roosevelt."

"Since you said that you will complete the task, I hope that one day you can rely on your name, Greb Roosevelt, to stand in front of me and say this to me."

"Go down, launching satellites and rockets is not a job that can be done overnight, so pay attention to yourself."

After speaking, Raffield lowered his head again and continued to busy himself with the documents in front of him.

As for Greb in front of him, after hearing this, he exhaled lightly, bent over, and slowly left the office.

Seeing that his son did not have an attack on the spot, Dena showed a relieved smile on his face, and followed him out of the office, closing the door.

After leaving the Pentagon, the FBI came to meet them and showed their ID. Then they walked into the Pentagon again, found a coffee shop, sat down and started chatting.

They chatted from the afternoon until the evening, when the FBI got up and left with the documents.

The Dana father and son also drove a new car back to their mansion.

In the mansion, Parison was sitting in front of the computer playing games. When he saw his uncle and cousin coming back, he quickly closed the game, picked up hundreds of pieces of paper placed next to the computer and handed them over:

"Uncle Dana, I have checked the information you asked me to check."

"Ten years."

"Some of the factories supported by the space agency back then have closed down, some are on the verge of closing down, and some have changed careers."

"Moreover, most of the employees who were involved in the satellite competition have retired, and the technical level of the new employees is unknown."

"So, it is almost impossible to restore these factories to their former glory of satellite and rocket manufacturing."

"In the end, there are some companies that have survived better, but in fact, these companies have become foundries controlled by Boeing and Lockheed Group."

"Because of competition, it's impossible for Boeing and Lockheed to have these factories machine parts for us."

Listening to Parison's words, Della reached out and took the thick stack of paper.

This thick stack of paper contains tables one by one.

At the front of the table is the serial number, in the middle are some strange names, looking at those awkward words, and the simple picture in front of each word.

Dana knew that these awkward words were the names of these parts.

After the name of the part, there is the company that once produced this part. After the company name, a red cross is drawn, indicating that the company is still there and can still produce the corresponding parts. A red cross is drawn, indicating that the company has already No more.

The red letter c means that the company has changed careers and is doing something else.

The red w means that the company has become a foundry affiliated to Boeing or Lockheed.

In addition to these, he also grouped all the parts produced by each company together, so when Dana saw these tables, he saw red crosses one after another.

After looking through half of it, I finally found a few companies that were still around.

But behind the parts these companies are still producing, there is an extra price compared to those companies that no longer have them.

That price...


Finally, when he saw two-thirds of the way through, Dana couldn't help but smashed all the papers in his hand to the ground, and said angrily:

"This bunch of shit is too much. The Navy also has some of these parts, and the Navy is also falsely reporting prices, but they are not so outrageous at all."

After cursing, he turned back to look at Greb and said seriously:

"Grab, in the next time, you need to take the drawings and go around America to check how many companies can make these parts and can make these parts according to the requirements."

"If it doesn't work out, go to Europe or Japan."

"As for these companies in Paris, don't use any of them. If you use one, they will wrap around you like maggots attached to your bones."

"This matter is very important. You should personally lead the people and search for them from company to company."

Looking at his father's serious expression, Greb also knew that this matter was no small matter and he had to do it himself.

However, America is big.

Excluding Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands, which do not have much industrial strength, the native territory covers more than 7 million people, nearly 8 million square kilometers.

There are millions of factories on these 8 million square kilometers of land. According to the ratio of 1:9, 90% of the factories have no technology and 10% of the factories have technology.

And among the 10% of factories with technology, there are at least 10,000 factories that meet the requirements based on the 1:9 ratio.

When I thought about having to take people with me to personally visit these 10,000 factories.

Greb felt that it was better to let himself die.

Even if we visit 10 houses in one day, it will still take 1,000 days.

Moreover, during these 1,000 days, I still need to identify these suitable factories.

It will kill people!

At this moment, he remembered a joke that Russians often said when he was chatting with Russia.

That is to build an aircraft carrier, which requires a strong country, a strong planning committee, tens of thousands of factories, hundreds of thousands of engineers, millions of supporting personnel, and tens of millions of supporting personnel. planned resources.


Why do you want to earn this hard-earned money?

He turned to look at his father. Just when he was about to refuse, when he was about to speak, a figure flashed in his mind.

And this figure made his eyes suddenly light up.

The next second, he waved gently to his father and said cautiously:

"Father, maybe we don't have to look for these factories!"

"Huh?" Dana slowly turned around and looked at his son with confusion on his face. He didn't understand why his son said this.

Just doubts, but no words of blame.

Dana's reaction also made Greb bolder at this moment. He reached out and grabbed a piece of paper, pointed at some parts on it, and explained quickly:

"In the past, processing technology was mainly concentrated in the hands of workers. At that time, a skilled worker could completely support a factory."

"But now, with the development of technology, this situation is slowly decreasing."

"There are many parts that used to require skilled workers to process. Now, ordinary factories and ordinary workers can also rely on some mechanical equipment to complete them."

"So, we can change our thinking and give up looking for these workers in America."

"We can just change our appearance and list the parts of satellites and rockets one by one, and then let Nicholas take them to China."

"Find a factory that can process and let them process according to the standards."

"Doing this can save a lot of money. The money saved is enough for us to build a bunch of empty shell factories, run them idle, and establish an additional money laundering route."

This proposal made Dena's eyes light up, but soon, he put away the light in his eyes, looked at his son with suspicion, and asked:

"Why do you have this idea?"

"Because of Lin Yu!" Greb boldly admitted what he thought in his heart, and then quickly explained :

"The last time Lin Yu launched a satellite, their official report said that his company was private and that it manufactured the satellite independently."

"That means there is at least a complete satellite parts industry chain around him."

"Maybe it's not an industry chain, maybe it's just an upstream and downstream that can be processed, and it hasn't reached the level of a complete industry chain."

"But if we purchase satellite and rocket parts from these places in batches under our own name, we can use this upstream and downstream chain to earn the difference."

"Even after we get qualified parts, we can say that the parts don't meet the requirements, let them adjust and modify the parts, and then give us all the adjusted and modified parameter data."

"By doing this, we can even save a lot of R\u0026D funds."

"Hiss--" Greb's move made Parison next to him gasp.

Sure enough, the adult world is still too outrageous, and it's better for me to play games obediently.

With this idea in mind, he slowly turned around, sat back in front of the computer, and started the game again.

Opposite Greb, after hearing this, Dena still hesitated, but his hand was very honest and he had already taken out his mobile phone.

Seeing the mobile phone, Greb raised his hand to stop his father, then took out his own mobile phone and called Lin Yu directly.

After a few minutes of busy tone, Lin Yu's murderous voice came from the other side:

"My dear Mr. Greb, you'd better give me an explanation, explain why you call me at 4 o'clock in the morning."

"I know you like to watch Los Angeles at 4 o'clock in the morning, but I don't like it. At 4 o'clock in the morning, I just want to sleep."

The murderous voice made Greb hesitate.

However, money is the most important thing. After hesitating for a moment, he still said a word to the other end of the phone.

"Cesium atomic clock!"

"Cesium atomic clock? What do you want that thing for?"

"Can you make this part?"

"This tnd is not a part! It's a complete device!"

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