After the call, the driver started the car and cautiously backed up a few steps. Then, he got out of the car and stood on the side of the road directing traffic.

The passenger also got out of the car at this moment and stood beside him to direct traffic. At first, he thought it was strange, but after directing for a while, he found that no cars passed by, and the passenger seemed a little impatient.

He stood by and asked impatiently: "Frant, we can leave after we have framed someone. I don't know why you insist on staying here."

"Doing this is likely to put us in a passive position. If the police can't find us, they may treat us as criminals."

After saying this, Frant glanced back at him with an expression that you don't understand, and then explained softly:

"The purpose of our staying here is to let the police who come take the initiative to find the notebook at the first time, and then cooperate with our people to cause greater riots."

"Hardy, if you are a policeman, what do you think you would do when you see the contents of the notebook?"

"Ignore it, or take out the notebook to try your luck?"

This question made Hardy fall into deep thought.

The notebook was made by them, and the target in the notebook was the young man recently pushed out by the Roosevelt family.

The young man has appeared in the news quite frequently recently, and every time he appears, he has a positive image. Obviously, he may be the next generation of the Roosevelt family.

Even if he is not, he is an important person around the head.

If I were a policeman and got a notebook like this targeting the other party, I would definitely try to find a way to make a career. After all, not everyone is willing to drive a car and hang around on the road all day.

Just as the two were chatting, the police arrived.

Looking at the smoking car that hit the roadside, the three policemen who got off the car formed an obvious attack formation, holding guns and slowly approaching the car that hit the roadside.

After seeing that the two people in the car were obviously dead from the outside, the three policemen breathed a sigh of relief, and then two of them were on guard with guns, and the remaining one began to check the vehicle.

Frant and Hardy also came forward at this time, wiping their tears and saying excitedly:

"Sir, you are finally here. I am a medical student. I want to help them, but I am afraid when I see their skin color."

"Now that you are here, what I said to the Hippocratic Oath makes my conscience very uneasy. I want to rescue them in the end. Do you think it is okay?"

Looking at the two excited people, the police who were checking the vehicle took two steps back, looked at them for a moment, and then raised his hand and pointed to the car door:

"Help, rescue them."


Frant and Hardy came forward, lifted the driver out, and laid him flat on the ground. Then Frant knelt in front of the body, put his ear to the other's chest, listened carefully for a while, and then pulled open the clothes of the body with tears, revealing the notebook.

Throwing the notebook aside, he knelt on the ground, pressing the body continuously, reciting the Hippocratic Oath while pressing:

"I am willing to abide by this oath to the best of my judgment..."

He tried his best to save the body, and the policeman next to him also subconsciously lowered his head to pick up the notebook on the ground.

Then, out of the habit of the police, he subconsciously opened the notebook.

The contents of the notebook also let these policemen know at this moment that they seemed to have encountered a big thing.

Because the notebook contained the daily life of a young man named Greb Roosevelt.

These contents were accurate to the minute!

Generally, only gangsters would record a person's daily life in this way in order to kidnap or kill people.

And very coincidentally, the news two days ago just broadcast information about this young man Greb Roosevelt.

This is a genius scientist from California, and also the CEO of a company called Avenal.


The policeman holding the notebook unnoticeably called the other two policemen and showed the contents to the other two. The three looked at each other, and after a moment, the three completed the communication silently.

Report this thing, expand this matter, and then get promoted and make a fortune!

After completing the communication, the policeman put away the notebook, squatted in front of the crying Frant, and said in a gentle voice: "This future doctor, this person is an unforgivable gangster, so you can give up treating him."

"Now, I need to take them back to our police station to deal with some additional situations."

"Now, please get out of the way."

"No!" Frant, who had already entered the play, decisively rejected the policeman's words, but the next second, he was forcibly pulled away by Hardy.

Stuffed him into the co-pilot, Hardy kept nodding and bowing to the three policemen beside him, and apologized repeatedly.

Said that he disturbed the other party.

After apologizing, Hardy climbed to the main driver's seat, started the car, and kept saying hello to the police and left.

When the three policemen could no longer be seen in the rearview mirror, Hardy took out his cell phone and dialed a number:

"The script has been released, it's time to start the show."

Putting down the phone, Hardy stepped on the accelerator and sped towards Reston Town.


Southeast of Reston Town, in front of Dana's mansion on Fourth Street in Arlington Piedmont.

Dena straightened his clothes, stood in front of the red Ford, stretched out his hand to open the back door, raised his right hand slightly, and said to the door:

"Greb, the performance in the Pentagon later is related to your future, so you must perform well."

"Also, this time I have used benefits to exclude everyone. You just need to show the excitement you should have when your name is called."

"Now, let's go."

Beside him, Greb saw his father's solemn action and nodded his head vigorously: "Understood!"

After responding, he got into the car, sat upright, looked straight ahead, and began to think about the scene he might encounter next.

And Dena also took the opportunity to sit in the co-pilot and whispered to the soldier in the main driver:


The soldier received the order, gently released the clutch with his left foot, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the Ford started, moving along the road towards the Pentagon in the southeast direction.

However, just as they walked out of the neighborhood where they lived, an ice cream truck suddenly stopped in front of them. Before the people in the convoy could ask questions, the side door of the car suddenly opened and several guns came out of the car.

In an instant, the muzzle sprayed flames, and bullets like a rainstorm hit the body of the convoy, making crackling sounds.

But fortunately, the car under the buttocks was a modified Ford, which was transferred by Dana for personal gain, and it was a bulletproof car.

Those 5.56 bullets hit the car, which could only make crackling sounds. Even if they hit the glass, they only made one or two more cracks on the glass in vain.

After a brief confusion, the soldiers in the convoy jumped out of the car and launched a counterattack with the weapons in their hands.

Grenades and bullets were thrown at the ice cream truck opposite as if they were free.

In just a moment, the bandits on the ice cream truck were completely wiped out.

After the gunfire from the ice cream truck stopped, the soldiers waited for more than ten minutes before slowly approaching the ice cream truck and carefully checking it.

And Dana, who was standing by, looked at the time on his hand, and set off again with the convoy, heading towards the Pentagon.


In the Pentagon, in the conference room responsible for the development of aviation business, people from Boeing, Lockheed, and several other factions of companies all sat quietly in their seats, waiting for the start of this unique meeting.

The host of the meeting, Rafield, looked at the time and found that the meeting time had come, but the most important participant of this meeting had never arrived.

After thinking for a moment, he turned his eyes to the director of the space agency, Koch, and whispered:

"Aren't you friends with Dana? Call and ask where he is?"

The voice was very light, but the conference room was very quiet, and the voice still spread, causing people around to look at it.

Sensing this gaze, Koch began to sweat all over.

It's okay for everyone to talk about this kind of thing in private, but this is a meeting related to the future development of American space, and any words said at this meeting may become the target of attack by political opponents.

Looking around and taking in the eyes of the people around him, Corker wanted to ask Raffield, as the Secretary of Defense, isn't it inappropriate for you to say this at this time?

But he didn't ask this question, after all, a lot of funds for the space agency's projects come from the Department of Defense.

He smiled awkwardly and answered knowingly: "Friend? Mr. Lafield, Dana and I are just ordinary business contacts, not friends."


Just when he wanted to continue, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Dana walked into the conference room angrily with his men. He did not talk to Lafield or greet other people, but looked directly at the CEOs of the companies present and asked loudly:

"You damned worms, do you only use some despicable means?"

This harsh questioning made the people present a little confused, but soon, a group of people understood where Dana's anger came from.

Because they noticed that the person who followed Dana in was stained with blood.

There was a trace of relief in the other person's eyes.

This is...

An accident?

At this moment, other staff members of the Ministry of Defense pushed open the door of the conference room, quickly came behind Lafield, and said a few words to the Minister of Defense.

After hearing these words, Raffield let out a long sigh, which was very long and the sound was changing.

At first, the voice was full of helplessness, but in the end, it was only anger.

"What do you want to do? This time, the Leo Project belongs to America and all of us."

"In order to prevent the path dependence problem in future defense procurement, this time we will make a big fanfare and carry out an additional separate support to support a company that did not exist before, so that this company can complete our low-orbit satellite launch plan."

"This is not for money!"

"It's for national defense development!"

"Our Mr. Dena and Mr. Greb just encountered a terrorist attack on the way to the Pentagon."

"A dozen bandits attacked their convoy. It was only because of the heroic fighting of our soldiers that he was here."

"This is Washington, and this is Arlington. Soldiers from the founding of America to the present are lying in the Arlington Cemetery next to it. They are still watching you there!"

The anger from the heart made Raffield look like a devil.

However, before he finished speaking, Barlow McCain raised his hand and interrupted him:

"My dear Mr. Secretary of Defense, I have to correct you, it's Arlington County, Virginia."

This sudden interruption made Raffield instantly forget the rest of his words. After thinking for a moment, the defense minister became furious again:

"Look at you, which one of you is not in a suit and tie, which one is not the pillar of the country, which one is not my colleague who we meet every day?"

"You guys are rotten and my heart is broken."

"I became America's Secretary of Defense twice. The first time I promoted reform, I failed. I was very heartbroken. I was guilty of the country, the former president, and the people, so I resigned. I went I moved around various companies, and after working for decades, I returned to the position of Secretary of Defense.”

"Originally, I thought that after decades of development, everyone would be better off, but I never expected that everyone could actually do such a thing."

"I just want to say something to you now: take out your heart, lungs and intestines, dry them in the sun, wash them, clean them up, and think about it carefully. If there is a problem in our country, will it be good for you?"

"Today, something like this happened. All I can say is that someone here has become our enemy."

"The more the enemy opposes something, the more we should do it."

"So, all the previous processes of today's meeting are cancelled, and I will now directly announce the executor of the final Leo plan!"

"This executor is the rising star in our aerospace industry, Avenal Corporation."

"Okay, the results are out. Now please go back and ask your people to find out who did it."

"I can't understand this happening in Washington."

After speaking, Raffield stood up suddenly, glanced at the people present with angry eyes, threw the documents on the table to Dana, turned around and walked to Greb, looked at the people in front of him for a while, and then used his hands to He patted the other party and warned:

"Remember, don't let me down. If you let me down, I will let you know what cruelty is."

After speaking coldly, the Defense Minister turned sideways without any hesitation and passed Greb, leaving only a murderous figure behind.

Beside him, Dana was holding the execution document, unable to recover for a long time.

Originally, he wanted to say a few more words, but he didn't expect that Raffield would take the unconventional route and directly decide on the name.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he threw the document to his son, then turned around and looked at several other company representatives in the venue, with a kind smile on his face.

In the venue, several company representatives present looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

The person who did it was one of the companies present, but there was no evidence to confirm who did it.

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