The beeping phone ringed very suddenly, with a hint of irritation in the silence, which made Hanks feel a little pain in his head. Looking at the number displayed on it, he suppressed the anger in his heart and picked up the phone:

"Hello, who are you?"

"Me, Dana!"

"What's the matter?"

"There's something I want to talk to you about about the space agency's Leo program."

"Project Leo? You mean the low-orbit satellite project? Has the space agency finally confirmed the name of this project? But what does the space agency's confirmation of the name have to do with you calling me? Do you think I can get in the way? "

This series of rhetorical questions made the person on the other end of the phone not sure how to answer. After a while, Dana said in a gentle voice:

"I hope the McCain family will withdraw from this competition. Of course, if the McCain family withdraws, I will provide certain compensation."

The words did not mention the specific price of compensation, it seemed to be just a promise, or just another empty talk.

Hanks was not in a hurry to answer. He held the phone receiver and kept tapping the plastic casing of the phone with his fingers, making a crisp sound.

After knocking like this for two or three minutes, he said to the phone in strange words:

"You have to know that the benefits that the Leo Project can bring are beyond the control of ordinary people. It is the hope for the rise of our McCain family and our future."

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking, and just when the person opposite was preparing to speak, Hanks spoke first:

"You have to pay more!"

"I know you have a way to launder a lot of money at once, and this way, the loss of money is very small, and I need this way."

"If you agree, then I agree to withdraw from this competition. If you don't agree, then we will use our respective abilities to carefully consider this Leo plan."

"As for who wins in the end, that has nothing to do with me."

After saying these calm but threatening words, Hanks took out a cigar from the cigar box on the table, cut off the butt of the cigar with one hand, lit it with fire, and then held it in his hand, quietly waiting for the other person's response.

After a full ten minutes, the voice came from the phone again.

"I can agree to your conditions, but I also have a condition, which is that I will have full authority to help you handle the funds you need every time. If you agree, then we will reach an agreement."

"If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say it."

It was still Dana's voice, but there was no longer the decisiveness in that voice, only heavy fatigue. It seemed that making one of these decisions consumed a lot of his energy.

Hanks held the phone, thought for a moment, and understood why Dana behaved like this.

After all, a stable money laundering channel is what people like them dream of.

Now it is really troublesome to expose this black-washed channel to others.

So, Hanks tapped the phone receiver a few times with his fingers and said in the same hoarse voice:

"I agree to withdraw from this competition, and people related to the McCain family will also withdraw from this competition."

"But as someone who has been there, I want to tell General Dana one thing, that is, no family will arbitrarily let a sideline person enter the core and learn the secrets of the core."

"Okay, I'm hanging up."

Hanging up the phone, Hanks waited for a moment, picked up the phone on the table again, and dialed back to China to his father.

After a brief exchange between the two, McCain Sr. put down the phone and turned around to arrange for their company to withdraw from the competition this time.

On the other side, in Arlington, in the Denard Garden Mansion, Dana also put down the phone.

In front of him were his son Greb and his eldest nephew Parison. The two young people looked at Dana with admiration. After all, this elder had completely changed his tone and tone with just a glass of wine. In this state, he persuaded the other party with very tired words.

Faced with the admiration of the two juniors, Dana accepted it readily, picked up the wine glass at hand, shook it gently, poured the wine into his mouth, and at the same time said loudly:

"The McCain family's companies have withdrawn, and now, only our Avenal, Boeing and Lockheed are left."

"But this time, what the space agency wants is to find another way and reduce the monopoly. In other words, Boeing and Lockheed have almost been excluded. Their names are still on the list just because the process needs to be legal."

"However, be careful. The interests involved in the Leo Project are too great. It is inevitable that some people will jump over the wall, and these people who are eager to jump over the wall will most likely hire killers."

"So you two just stay at home and don't go anywhere, especially don't ask me to come over and have a party."

"It won't be long. Tomorrow at the earliest and the day after tomorrow at the latest. When the Pentagon announces the final list, you will be free."

Dana ended his words with a very abrupt sentence. He warned the two juniors with his eyes, reached for the clothes on the coat rack, put them on his body, and walked out of the villa leisurely.

And as he turned to leave, the security guard at the door of the villa also locked the door of the villa, so that not even a fly could fly in.

A few minutes later, Dena's car slowly left the villa and disappeared on the street. On the street, in a dilapidated Ford car, two black people were staring at the luxurious villa.

After staring for a while, the black man sitting in the main driver started the car, and Pikachu roared and shook the parts away.

When they reached a safe distance, the black man in the co-pilot took out a mobile phone, dialed a number, and said to the person on the other end of the phone:

"Dear sir, the man you asked us to stare at has not come out since he went in yesterday, and we have no chance to do anything."

"And the only person who went in and out of the villa was our great general of America, and it is even more impossible for me to do anything to him."

"Look... we won't refund the fees you paid in the early stage, right?"

After asking this question, before waiting for the person on the other side to respond, the black man couldn't wait to hang up the phone, threw the phone into the back seat, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The tires spun in circles on the spot, grinding out a stream of green smoke. At the right time, the black man released the clutch and took off the gear.

This pickup truck, which had been used for many years, flew out like a rocket.

On the other side of the phone was a clean office with a dozen people in suits and leather shoes who looked very old sitting around a round table. In the middle of the round table was a mobile phone that had just finished a call.

But at this moment, the mobile phone had broken into several pieces, and it was obvious that it had fallen.

The people around the round table looked at each other, waiting for someone to stick his head out and tell the next action plan.

After looking at each other for more than ten minutes, the old man closest to the door finally couldn't help it. He stood up and slapped the table abruptly.


After slapping the table, the old man retracted his hand without leaving a trace, hid his right hand behind his back, and kept opening and closing his fingers, then opening and closing them again, and then closing them again to relieve the pain in his hand.

While easing his grip, he said, "Since we can't kill him with one shot, then we can just use some other reasons to get rid of him. Just find a random reason and let people make trouble in front of the space agency on the day the answer is announced."

The rest of the people may have been inspired by the old man, or they may have prepared a vicious plan, but the old man opened his mouth and made them reckless.

"Find two women, especially women with children, and let these two people bring their children to pretend to be the boy's wife and daughter, and wait until the day of project procurement to make trouble together. As long as we delay it, the project will be ours by then."

"But I think it's better to kill him with one shot."

"Then go ahead and kill him. His old father is a lieutenant general of the Ministry of National Defense Staff, and he was promoted from the front line. He must have a lot of soldiers on the front line."

"If these soldiers know that their old boss's son was killed because of some projects, do you think they will help to avenge him?"

"What should we do? Or should we create a traffic accident?"

"I think it's better to kill him with one shot! ”

“Others can die, but we can’t be suspected.”

“You have discussed it over and over again, so is there a conclusion? If we want to snatch Leo this time, we must exclude the so-called Avenal Company! Do you understand?”

“So I still suggest to cause a car accident. As long as he goes out, we will drive a large truck to follow him, and then the large truck will directly knock him down. If you are afraid that he can’t die, then we will get two cars.”

“Call the two black guys just now and tell them that if they don’t want to die, then get out and keep a close watch on them.”


The person who agreed stood up, put the phone that was broken into three pieces on the table back on, and successfully turned it on.

Then, dial the number.

But this time, the call was not connected. The person who dialed the number tried several times, but the call was still not connected.

As a last resort, he threw the phone aside, spread his hands, and said helplessly:

“Then I can only go there in person.”

After speaking, he turned and left the meeting room, and walked to the parking lot in a hurry.

On the other side, the two black men who had contacted him, along with their car that had been driven for decades, crashed into a stone pier on the side of the road.

"I told you to find two fewer women last night, and now you have a car crash!" The co-pilot shook his dizzy head and glared at the driver.

The driver leaned his head weakly on the seat. After hearing this complaint, he turned his head slowly with all his strength and looked at the people around him, and then he turned his head away again.

And this subtle movement seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his tiny movement also made the co-pilot's anger rise to a higher level.

Unbuckling the seat belt hanging on his body, the co-pilot stretched out his hands, grabbed the person in front of him, and began to shake his shoulders frantically:

"You damn bastard, if it is because of you that this mission fails and I cannot become a superior person, I will definitely kill you and I will definitely peel off your skin."

"Did you hear that?"

The co-pilot roared, but soon his angry eyes turned into fear, because a figure appeared at the window of the main driver's seat.

And the other person was holding a gun in his hand.

The black muzzle of the gun was facing his forehead. When he looked over, the figure holding the gun smiled gently at him.

But the smile was not gentle at all when it fell into his eyes.

The co-pilot slowly raised his hands and smiled brightly at the other party:

"Hey, brother, our money is behind us. I believe your goal is just to get money!"

While speaking, the co-pilot glanced at the door beside him. Just when he was about to say a few more words to distract the other party, the man outside the main driver's door raised his hand and pointed behind him.

Moreover, this person also showed a knowing smile on his face.


The co-pilot turned his head suddenly, but found that someone was standing behind him at some point, and when he turned his head, the man smiled gently at him.

The next second, the man who smiled at him suddenly reached out, grabbed his head with both hands, and twisted it hard. With a click, the co-pilot's head rotated 180 degrees.

This very slight click also made the main driver sober up. He stared at the person beside him whose neck was twisted and was about to push open the door and get out of the car.

The person outside the main driver's door suddenly attacked, holding his head with both hands and twisting it hard. After the same click, the driver was dead.

After killing the two people, the person outside the door twisted their heads back again, unbuckled the seat belts, grabbed their heads, and slammed them against the front console, and then twisted their heads back hard, making it look like their necks were broken due to the impact.

After doing all this, the person standing outside the main driver's door opened his clothes, took out a notebook from his arms, pulled up the driver's hand, and kept pressing on the notebook.

After pressing for more than ten seconds, he stuffed the notebook into the pocket on the driver's chest.

After patting it hard, he took out a pistol from his pocket, took the driver's right hand and squeezed it for more than ten seconds, and then stuffed the gun to the right of the main driver's seat, behind the gear lever.

This position is a very hidden position, very suitable for quick gun drawing.

After doing this, he removed the front and rear license plates of the car and took a look around to make sure no one saw it.

He waved to the person outside the passenger door, and the two returned to the car next to him. After preparing their expressions, they picked up the phone and called the police:

"Hello, is this the police station? We were on Highway 674 heading to Reston and encountered a car accident. There were two people in the car, and they looked like they needed help."

"But the drivers were two black people, and there was no license plate on their car, so I didn't dare to rush forward to help."

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