"You don't care whether it's a part or a piece of equipment. You just need to tell me whether it can be done. If it can be done, we will continue to talk. If it can't be done, then let's hang up the phone now."

The voice on the phone seemed a little angry and a little impatient, as if the conversation would break down in the next second.

Lin Yu, who was on the other end of the phone, also completely woke up from his dazed state. He looked at the phone in his hand with a thoughtful expression.

I just learned from Zhou Changyao a few days ago that the Americans are also preparing to start fighting for low-orbit space, and the other party also wants to get some information from themselves.

I didn’t have high hopes at first, but now, this news is actually delivered to my hands like this?

The atomic clock was originally a timing device used by physicists to explore the mysteries of the universe. This thing is extremely accurate. It can be used to explore the universe for hundreds of millions of years, which is barely enough.

However, after the start of the space military race, this thing suddenly became an indispensable thing for a country.

In the space military race, the most important thing is the navigation system, and the navigation system cannot bypass the atomic clock.

Satellites float in the earth's orbit and move at a speed of more than ten kilometers per second. As long as the time error between the satellite and the ground station exceeds one second, the data calculated by the satellite and the ground station will be different by more than ten kilometers.

Therefore, satellites need to carry extremely accurate atomic clocks to ensure that the satellite time is consistent with the ground time.

The cesium atomic clock is an atomic clock with better performance and lower error among various atomic clocks.

Now, this guy Greb, if there is a way to heaven, he will not take it, and if there is no door to hell, he will take it.

If he ran into his own hands and asked if he could make a cesium atomic clock, he would have hit the wall.

After adjusting his mentality, with a little anger in his heart, Lin Yu asked calmly: "How accurate do you want it to be? We can't do it if the accuracy is too high, and you can't afford it."

"But... what are you doing with a cesium atomic clock? That thing can only be used on satellites. Is your shabby leather company starting to get involved in aerospace now?"

"Listen to my advice from your brother. That thing is not something that ordinary people can touch. A rocket launch costs billions of dollars. If you are not careful, you will lose everything."

"This is the real world, not your America Hollywood movie."

"In the movie, you can use steamships to go into space, you can sell the moon, and you can conduct space rescues."

"But in the real world, all of these require costs. Parts used in aviation are each very expensive. As long as the quantity increases, a company can be bankrupted."

"So, are you still going to ask for an atomic clock?"

Arlington, after listening to these words of gun and stick, Greb couldn't help turning his head to look at his father. He reached out to cover the microphone, hesitated for a while, and said in a small voice:

"Lin Yu knew the purpose of the cesium atomic clock, but he did not refuse. He did not say whether this thing could be made, but directly asked how accurate it was."

"So I suspect that they can indeed make an atomic clock, but the accuracy of this kind of atomic clock may not be as high as the accuracy we apply to GPS."

These two sentences made Dana fall into silence. On America's GPS system, the accuracy of those cesium atomic clocks can reach 10 to the power of 13.

In human terms, it takes one trillion seconds for this atomic clock to have an error of one second.

And this time will take a full 31709.79 years.

Of course, all these are official data and data from the space agency. As for whether it is true or false, he does not know.

Because it is impossible for him to crawl out of the grave after 31709.79 years, hold the cesium atomic clock, and loudly announce to others that this atomic clock is accurate.

After more than 30,000 years, his bones were rotten into slag.

Now Lin Yu asked how much accuracy he needed, but he was in trouble again.

The atomic clocks on the GPS satellites are very accurate, but the entire Leo project requires the use of 17,000 satellites. If all such atomic clocks are used, then they do not need to build satellites at all. They can directly open an atomic clock factory and directly produce atomic clocks. You can make a lot of money.

Moreover, with the support of 17,000 satellites, there is no need to use such high-precision atomic clocks.

It doesn't really matter if the accuracy drops a little.

After thinking about this clearly, Dana reached for the phone, adjusted his voice, and said into the phone:

"We need a cesium atomic clock with an accuracy of about 5,000 years. If you can do it, then we will have more opportunities for cooperation."

"We still have more parts, but if you can't do it, then you just have to wave goodbye to the oil and water you have."

"Can you understand?"

The sound was hoarse, like holding a saw blade and scratching it on a rusty iron plate.

Rheinsteel, hearing the voice coming from the phone, Lin Yu reached out and picked his nose, and asked the phone with disgusting words:

"My dear Mr. Dana, could you tell me what your price is?"

"You have to know that those items are non-standard goods. Our workers are very particular about not opening for three years and eating for three years after opening."

"If the quantity of that thing is small, the price must be high."

"With more quantity, the price can be negotiated down, and this thing must have a matching time frequency traceability verification system. If you purchase it in America, then I must use your programming method and operating habits to make it. Before you say whether you can do it, you must first tell me your price."

"The accuracy of the atomic clock you want and your delivery time depend on your price and the speed of payment."

"Think it through, send me a text message, pay the money, and your cesium atomic clock will come to you across the ocean."

"If you don't pay, just ignore what I said."

"Finally, don't call me between 12 noon and 6 pm American time."

"Hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu looked at the time.

5:34 in the morning.

These damn Americans, they don't even know how to choose the time to make a phone call, and they haven't made any progress at all.

Stretching and washing up in the bathroom, seeing that it was already past 6 o'clock, Lin Yu picked up his phone, found Zhou Changyao's private number, and dialed it.

A few seconds later, the call was connected, and Zhou Changyao's cheerful voice came from the phone:

"Hey, what wind blew you, Lin Dachang, out of bed so early in the morning?"

"I heard them say that you usually sleep until 8 o'clock and get to the office slowly at 9 o'clock. Why did you think of calling me at 6 o'clock?"

After hearing the cheerful voice, Lin Yu sorted out his words and said quickly:

"You said before that America has entered the game and is arranging the competition for low-orbit space."

"Then more than an hour ago, Dena, who sold materials from me at a high price, called me and bought a cesium atomic clock from me."

When the words cesium atomic clock came out, the person on the phone was obviously stunned.

After several minutes, Zhou Changyao's voice of sudden enlightenment finally came from the phone:

"You don't want to tell me that the final execution of their low-orbit space battle fell into the hands of that Dena."

"And that guy also wants to fabricate the previous weapons and equipment procurement, he takes the lion's share, and you take the smaller share to help him launder money?"

Hesitantly speaking out his guess, the voice from the phone turned into a long sigh.

After all, this matter is really too outrageous. Even if Mud Grape tells it out, most people will choose not to believe it.

After all, that's America.

That's the lighthouse of the world. How can a lighthouse buy equipment from ordinary mortals?

Amid the long sighs, Zhou Changyao suddenly shouted:

"Wait a minute..."

"Wait a minute, when you say that, I remember the news I received in the early morning, that Arlington County, Washington."

"At about 10 o'clock in the evening here, a terrorist attack occurred, and the target of the attack seemed to be Dena."

At this moment, the surprised person changed to Lin Yu.

At the same time, he was also a little relieved that this partner was not dead, and he could continue to make money from him.

If this guy died, he would lose a way to make money, and the burden on him would immediately double.

While he was relieved, he also wanted to know which bastard, which bastard, actually wanted to attack his big customer.

Don't let him catch him. If he catches him, he must kill him, cut him into pieces, peel off his skin, and pull out his tendons, so that they know how crazy a poor person can be.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Changyao's treacherous words came from the phone again:

"Get it for him. If your technology is not enough, I will find someone to help you."

"They use cesium atomic clocks, which means that this atomic clock will eventually fall on the navigation satellite. As long as we do a little work, it will be our world at that time."

"Go ahead and do it. I will find someone to discuss it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Changyao hung up the phone, leaving Lin Yu sitting on the bed with his phone in a daze.

It was only past 6 o'clock, and it was not time for him to go to work.

Turning off the screen of the phone, Lin Yu lay down on the bed, stretched out his hand to pull the quilt, and went to sleep.


America, Arlington.

The father and son stared at the documents on the table for a long time, and finally decided to find a professional to answer.

After thinking about it, Dana picked up the phone and called the director of the space agency, Corker. After all, compared with other people he knew, only this director of the space agency was a real professional.

After Dana's brief retelling, Cock's brisk voice came out from the phone:

"The cesium atomic clock used for navigation has high accuracy because there are relatively few satellites, and the accuracy of time is particularly high."

"The entire Leo project has 17,000 satellites, so many satellites can be spread all over the world at any time."

"So the accuracy of the cesium atomic clocks of these satellites can be appropriately reduced. According to general data estimates, the level of one second in 1,000 years is enough."

"According to our production cost, the price of an atomic clock is about 200,000 US dollars."

"Higher accuracy is also a waste of money."

"Also, I heard a rumor that the Virginia police have obtained important clues and found the mastermind behind the person who attacked you."

"Do you want to guess who it is?"

Found the mastermind behind the person who attacked you?

This sentence made Dana go crazy again. If he hadn't been cautious, if he hadn't abused his power and asked someone to transfer a bulletproof Ford, he would have been in the hospital or in the coffin at this moment.

Now that the mastermind behind the scenes has been found, he must let the other party know who is the boss of America!

Holding the phone tightly in his right hand and taking a deep breath, Dana whispered:

"Who is it?"

The next second, the answer came: "Boeing."

"The FBI found me during lunch in the afternoon and asked me about the details of the Leo plan."

"Then, the person who came to chat with me seemed to be ready to sell you a good deal, and he revealed some details."

"It was yesterday, west of Arlington, there is a town called Reston, I think you should have heard of it."

"Then the police in this town received a report yesterday that a car crashed on the side of the road and the people in the car died."

"But while they were verifying the identities of the two dead, they found a notebook on the other party."

"The contents of the notebook are Greb 's daily life. "

"The police in that small town submitted the notebook yesterday, but the FBI did not receive it until this afternoon. "

"After receiving the notebook, the FBI rushed to Boeing and found the people in the notebook based on the contents of the notebook. "

"In front of the FBI's fist, those people admitted that they were going to give you a gift with a truck. "

"But before they could do it, you encountered a gunfight, and the FBI's investigation also indirectly proved this. "

"Finally, according to the FBI agents, they said that this batch of bullets came from Russia. "

At this point, Cork stopped the following narration.

As an old friend for many years, he believed that Dana could hear the meaning of the words.

In the mansion, Dana listened to the voice on the phone, crumpled the paper in front of him into several balls, put it on the table, and picked up a ball of paper from time to time to touch other balls of paper.

The more he collided, the more solemn his expression became.

Russia, because of the former Soviet Union, has always been at odds with America, and various domestic departments, especially the intelligence and naval departments, have been promoting the Russian threat theory in order to get enough money.

However, there is an old saying that the person who knows you best is actually your enemy.

After spending a few years in the Middle East, Dena considers himself an expert on Russian issues.

The situation in Russia is worse than what is on paper and what is seen in front of him.

The most intuitive manifestation is that Russia cannot maintain the huge funds for espionage operations.

It is also for this reason that after entering the new century, Russian spies can be said to be worse than the previous generation. Rather than believing that those Russian spies can plan a large-scale assassination against themselves.

It is better to believe that the old sow can climb a tree.

After all, the old sow really climbs a tree.

So, Boeing actually wanted to attack itself, but before they did, someone took the initiative to muddy the water.

This force can quietly monitor Boeing's people!

At the same time, it can also quietly frame Boeing!

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