At the moment when the red sword was formed, the student Xiang Baichuan also clearly reported a number:

"Fuel valve open 10%."

As the student finished speaking, other people also reported the data in front of them one after another:

"Oxidant pressure sensor is OK!"

"The fuel pressure sensor is normal!"

"The temperature sensor is normal!"

"Electronic control feedback is normal!"

"The video surveillance screen displays normally!"

A series of normal things made Xiang Baichuan overjoyed. He slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Yu, trying to see the joy on the young factory director's face. However, when he raised his head, he found that there was no joy on the young factory director's face. , only calm.

It seems that the other party is used to this kind of thing.

Naturally, his subtle movements did not escape Lin Yu's perception. He looked away from the engine in the distance. Lin Yu nodded gently to Xiang Baichuan in front of him, tapped the microphone hanging on his ear, and spoke with a gentle voice. The voice said:

"come on!"

"Come on? Oh! Yes, come on!" Xiang Baichuan responded twice belatedly, then hurriedly grabbed the microphone and began to issue new orders.

"Open the fuel valve 30% and keep it open for 5 minutes!"

His clear command was transmitted to the side with the loudspeaker, and after hearing this command, the student responsible for controlling the valve pressed the fuel valve control button in front of him with his right hand and slowly rotated it to 30%.

The clicking sound of the rotating knob came out very clearly and reached everyone's ears. At the same time, it made them hold their breath.

When the clicking sound stopped, the others immediately opened their eyes wide, staring at the monitor in front of them, staring at the data on it, fearing that the green data would suddenly turn red, and then the test bench in front of them would suddenly explode.

One minute, two minutes.

A full 5 minutes have passed and all devices appear normal!

These five minutes, in Xiang Baichuan's perception, felt like a whole year had passed. At this moment, he understood the saying that one day is like three autumns, and at the same time he understood his teacher, who talked about the Rockets back then. Launch, why so excited.

This is your child. Shouldn't you be excited when your child makes achievements?


He lowered his head and found that 6 minutes had passed on the timer on the table. He took another breath and picked up the microphone again:

"Fuel valve 50%, hold for 5 minutes!"

After he finished speaking, the clicking sound of the knob controlling the fuel valve sounded again, like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

When the sound stopped again, everyone's hearts were in their throats again, and their eyes widened again, staring at the data in front of them.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Just when Xiang Baichuan was about to ask, a clear female voice suddenly sounded from the corner:

"The pressure sensor shows that the current thrust has reached 1,100 kilonewtons and the status is very stable."

As soon as the voice finished speaking the data, cheers erupted in the monitoring room.

You know, based on the acceleration of gravity on the earth's surface, 1 kilonewton is approximately equal to 0.102 tons, and 1,100 kilonewtons is approximately equal to 112.2 tons.

As far as China is concerned, there is no such big engine yet.

These people present designed and manufactured a rocket engine for the first time, and created a rocket engine that can eject stably for 3 minutes and has a thrust of 1,100 kilonewtons.

Now, even if the rocket engine blows up, they have succeeded.

Because in the follow-up work, we only need to find out the cause of the explosion, and then optimize it according to the drawings, and then we can make a better rocket engine.

But now, after running smoothly for 5 minutes, the rocket engine did not explode.


Didn't explode!

Still running smoothly!

Not far outside the window, in the groove of the test bench, the tail flame emitted by the rocket engine was much longer than at the beginning, and the color also changed from red to light blue. This light There is also a little bit of white in the blue.

In the middle of this little bit of white, the jetting tail flame still had a faint circle.

The engine's tail flame changed from a sword at the beginning into a slender spear.

Xiang Baichuan lowered his head and glanced at the timer in front of him. The time had reached 2 minutes and 32 seconds. He did not tell anyone to increase the accelerator, nor did he stop. Instead, he reached out and took off the headphones hanging on his head, stood up, and felt it with his ears. The roar of the engine, and at the same time turned his attention to the long gun.

After watching for a while, he lowered his head again.

When the timer reached 4 minutes and 30 seconds, Xiang Baichuan picked up the microphone, lowered his head, and shouted with all the strength in his chest:

"Tianwen 1 rocket engine, running at full power, fuel valve 100%! Until the reserve fuel depot is used up, it's over!"

As soon as these words came out, the student responsible for controlling the fuel valve also stood up, pressed the valve with his right hand, then twisted it hard, and shouted at the same time:

"The Tianwen 1 rocket engine is running at full power, and the fuel valve has been adjusted to 100%. It's over!"

The clicking sound of the fuel valve stopped, and the people in the control room widened their eyes for a moment, staring at the monitor in front of them.

The moment the fuel valve was adjusted to 100%, the data displayed on the monitors in front of them all jumped up a lot at this moment.

Such sudden pressure changes can easily cause problems in various devices, but such sudden pressure changes are also a good opportunity to test various devices.

In short, wealth and honor are sought in danger!

Fortunately, after these values ​​rose in an instant, they quickly stabilized and provided data stably without sudden ups and downs.

Two minutes passed in this tense atmosphere. In the corner, the gentle female voice sounded again, but this time the voice was no longer gentle, only madness remained.

"Pressure sensor feedback data, current stable thrust, 2427.31 kN, repeat, current stable thrust 2427.31 kN."

Hearing this horrifying data, Xiang Baichuan suddenly turned his head, looked at the girl, and roared: "Can you tell me again what the current stable thrust is?"

"2427.31 kN, the peak data is 2434.1 kN, the peak data is 2421.22 kN, and the comprehensive stable data is now 2427.52 kN."

The somewhat crazy female voice sounded again, and after reporting the data again, the girl stood on the spot and jumped up crazily, pulling her hair with both hands, like a madman.

In this crazy action, there are even crazier words:

"Success! We succeeded! We succeeded in one go!"

"2427 kN, this rocket engine didn't explode, we succeeded!"

In addition to this girl, the other people in the monitoring room also made all kinds of crazy words after seeing Xiang Baichuan didn't stop them:

"Haha, I succeeded!"

"I succeeded, I succeeded in one go, with this kind of record, I can brag about it for the rest of my life!"

Amid their various crazy words, a strange sound suddenly came from the roar of the rocket engine, and this sudden sound also made the crazy people in the monitoring room sober up instantly.

They opened their eyes one by one, looked at the display in front of them, and then began to report the situation frantically:

"The pressure sensor shows that the thrust is decreasing rapidly!"

"The oxidizer pressure sensor shows that the pressure is decreasing rapidly!"

"The combustion agent pressure sensor shows that the pressure is decreasing rapidly!"

"The electronic control data is normal!"

"What's the situation? Check it out!"

"It's checking, it may be caused by the air!"

"Bullshit air cause, the rocket engine uses oxidizer!"

Xiang Baichuan listened to one sentence after another, shuttling in front of one display after another, trying to find the reason from here.

In front of the main control console, Lin Yu looked at these messy people and couldn't help scratching his head.

They should be proud of the successful test run of the rocket engine for the first time, but it was precisely because it was the first time to make a rocket engine that their experience was still insufficient.

Amid their messy voices, Lin Yu picked up the microphone, coughed lightly, and said calmly:

"Okay, don't look for it, the fuel is used up."

As he said, the messy people in the monitoring room also woke up in an instant, and turned their heads to look at the student who controlled the fuel.

After noticing everyone's gaze, the student belatedly turned his gaze to the monitor in front of him.

On his 14-inch monitor, the left side shows the fuel valve pressure, and the right side shows the data displayed by the oxidizer and fuel remaining sensors.

At this moment, on the right monitor, there is a big green 1%.

Seeing this number, the student in charge of controlling the fuel scratched his head awkwardly and explained awkwardly: "I said before that I would add a fuel remaining reminder to the sensor, and it should be a very bright red flashing. You didn't listen, now is it okay?"

After finding the reason, Xiang Baichuan breathed a sigh of relief, then walked to the student in charge of fuel, stared at the monitor, and asked calmly:

"How much fuel was consumed this time?"

Hearing this question, the student immediately dragged the mouse and switched to another page. On the left side of this new page, there was oxidizer, and on the right side, there was fuel.

Below these two, there is a total data. The student pointed the mouse at this data and said quickly:

"According to the initial design, the total propellant flow rate of the Tianwen-1 rocket engine at full power operation is 704 kg per second."

"At 10% fuel supply, the total propellant flow rate consumed per second is 71 kg, which lasted for 32 seconds, and a total fuel consumption of 2,272 kg, 2.272 tons."

"At 30% fuel supply, the total propellant flow rate consumed per second is 231 kg. The actual operating time of 30% fuel supply is 6 minutes, and the total fuel consumption is 83,160 kg, which is 83.1 6 tons. "

"When the fuel supply is 50%, the total propellant flow rate consumed per second is 363 kilograms. The actual running time of 50% fuel supply is 4 minutes and 42 seconds, and the total fuel consumption is 103,092 kilograms, or 103.092 tons. "

"When the fuel supply is 100%, the total propellant flow rate consumed per second is 730 kilograms. The actual running time is 4 minutes and 49 seconds 5, and the total fuel consumption is 211,310 kilograms, or 211.31 tons. "

"This time, the fuel used for the No. 1 test bench is a total of 400 tons. It is calculated that there are about 200 kilograms of fuel. "

"But the sensor just showed that there is still 1%. "

"It may be that there is a problem with our sensor or pipeline interface, which needs to be investigated."

The student who spoke had an innocent face. Next to him, Xiang Baichuan silently took out a notebook from his chest after hearing these words, and silently wrote the words "sensor accuracy" on the notebook.

The test run was successful, and others were also looking through the data recorded by the steel one after another, and at the same time looking for deficiencies in these data.

Only Lin Yu, after hearing the data of 400 tons, silently turned his head and looked at the No. 2 test bench.

On the cliff of the No. 2 test bench, the butts of four rocket engines were vaguely visible.

A rocket engine used 400 tons of fuel in less than 16 minutes.

The price of each kilogram of these carbon-oxygen fuels is as high as 25 yuan. These 400,000 kilograms, 10 million are gone!

It's just a test run, and it hasn't been officially installed on the rocket. If it is officially installed on the rocket, it will be the four on the No. 2 test bench.

It takes about 15 to 16 minutes for a rocket to run at full power from launch to entering orbit. The rest of the time is for the rocket to adjust and then launch the satellite.

In other words, if you want to use four Tianwen-1 rocket engines at one time, each rocket engine must have at least 700 tons of fuel in reserve.

The fuel for just four rocket engines will consume 2,800 tons of weight, plus the weight of the rocket.


Why didn't I think this rocket was so fuel-consuming in my previous life?

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu called Xiang Baichuan and said calmly:

"When you test the quadruple later, pay attention to safety."

"Also, I don't think our rocket needs to be quadruple-mounted. This thing consumes too much fuel."

"For the final product, the thrust can be reduced a little bit, otherwise, the fuel for the rocket alone will be enough for us to drink a pot."

After explaining to Xiang Baichuan, Lin Yu turned and walked out of the monitoring room.

After chatting with Wang Jianguo in the next room, he took out his satellite phone, walked out of the door slowly, found a cool place to sit down, flipped to Awad's number, and dialed it.

A few minutes later, the call was connected, and Awad's curious voice came from the other side:

"Boss Lin, it feels like a long time since we last met. What do you want to talk to me about today?"

"Our rocket engine test was successful." Lin Yu calmly told the other side the news of the successful rocket engine test.

And this news, as he thought, stunned the person on the other side of the phone.

After several dozen seconds, Awad's frightened voice came from the phone.

"Are you kidding me? You are definitely kidding me! Haha, you must be kidding me."

"Damn, how is this possible? I paid for your rocket research and development center with my own money. The people I sent out watched it being built every day. I also watched it for a while."

"In just a few months, how did your did they build a rocket engine from scratch and successfully test it?"

"What the hell are you kidding me?"

"Are you trying to cheat me out of my money again? I tell you, my money didn't come from the wind. All of my money came from oil extraction machinery, which was extracted bit by bit."

"I would never throw it away like it came from the wind!"

His words were very excited, but Lin Yu on the other end of the phone responded calmly, very calmly.

Such calm feedback also made Awad panic.

After a short thought, his doubtful words came from the phone:

"It can't be true, right?"

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