"I'm not lying to you, the single engine test run was successful, and the quadruple engine stability test will be carried out later."

"If the test passes, we can jump to the next step and prepare the rocket configuration. Once the rocket configuration is completed, we can prepare for ground testing."

"After passing the ground test, all that's left is to drag it to the rocket launch pad and launch it directly."

"I have no other meaning in calling you today. I just want to tell you and share this good news with you so that you can be happy. After all, if you didn't give me the money at that time, this rocket launch center wouldn't be possible. Build it up.”

"This successful test run of the rocket engine is also due to your contribution."

"By the way, how were you in Afghanistan?"

When asked about his situation, Awad instantly transformed into a balloon and began to spew out his resentment crazily:

"This place is simply no place for people, you know? I live in the most luxurious place in their country, and they don't even give me electricity."

"No, it would be okay if they didn't give me electricity from the beginning to the end, but they cut off the power to the air conditioner every time when it was most critical for me."

"You guys, can you understand that sudden, very sudden temperature rise?"

"At that moment, I felt like I was going to die."


Listening to these complaints one after another, Lin Yu tilted his head, thought for a moment, and responded:

"Then if you are still squatting in Afghanistan like this, aren't you a bitch?"

"If it were me, I would have left long ago."

"Or... you have another purpose, and this purpose has not been achieved yet, so you can't leave now?"

"Forget it, that's your own business and has nothing to do with me. Next time you come to China, I should be able to take you to see the rocket's ground control."

"Hang up first."

Lin Yu hung up the satellite phone. Just as he turned his head, a roar suddenly came from the No. 2 test bench. He looked up and saw four red flames spraying out from under the test bench. Then, the color of these four red flames It slowly changed, turning to dark blue, then to light blue.

Seeing this, he rushed back to the control room as quickly as possible and reached the student responsible for controlling the fuel.

On the display in front of this student's eyes, the remaining fuel level is decreasing at a terrifying speed!

Seeing this declining speed, Lin Yu's heart was bleeding.

At this moment, he even regretted that he had given too much power to Xiang Baichuan. At least 20 million was gone during this test run!


While Lin Yu expressed his concern, Pakistan, Quetta, and the Mullahs also felt very concerned.

As the leader of the Taliban, he feels that his luck is a little bit off this year.

There is quite a feeling of bad luck.

That feeling is very strange, as if the whole world is targeting and against myself. It seems that the world just doesn't like me.

First of all, the Americans blatantly stole the drugs they grew from the Zabul area under their control.

Those damn bitches, when they finally refined the heroin and prepared to sell it to others, they took away all the heroin in one pot without leaving even a sip of soup for themselves.

A year of hard work in vain.


Then there is his comrade-in-arms Abu, his closest comrade-in-arms. During the rout in Kabul, he led the people to block the attack in Kabul, attract firepower, and give himself a chance to escape. That's why he can still sit here today. , can still sit here and get angry.

But this close comrade-in-arms actually directly raised the flag against him at the most critical moment, openly separated himself from himself, and even called himself a terrorist.

Moreover, this close comrade actually made some messy claims.

These claims are simply laughable.

This is Afghanistan, and in Afghanistan, we must abide by the Pashtan Wali Code.

Men should be both civil and military, brave and good at fighting, eloquent, and able to take revenge.

This guy actually said that he would give preferential treatment to the prisoners.

What a bullshit joke, giving preferential treatment to prisoners, what should these guys do about what they did to themselves before they became prisoners?


He is the leader of the Taliban.


When it comes to the Taliban, the Mullahs become even more angry. The Taliban back then claimed to have 100,000 people, but they could only really control about 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Among the 20,000 to 30,000 people, the number of those who are truly capable of fighting will have to be reduced by half.

Damn, I shouldn't have believed those idiots in the first place, those losers who failed to accomplish anything but failed more than they did.

If it weren't for this bunch of trash, I would never be in this state today.

When he was angry, he picked up the information on the table and looked at the photo in the information. He was furious again.

In the photo, there is an Arab with an open mouth and a big smile - Saudi Prince Awad.

This bunch of bullshit bastards in Saudi Arabia actually dare to publicly acknowledge that useless government. They actually dare to stand up at this time and want this useless government to join forces with Abu and then strangle themselves.

Son of a bitch.

Wait, look, I don't need a bomb to properly greet you bastards.

But... there seems to be no money in hand.

Just when the mullah was furious, his adjutant came over and whispered in his ear: "Betu just sent a message saying that his team in North Waziristan needs a little bit of equipment, and hopes that we can support them. Take a look."

The adjutant's words made the mullah completely furious.

"Waste, waste, waste, all waste, all waste, all waste, just want money."

"This bunch of damn bastards."

After the fury, the mullah calmed down completely, sat at the desk for a while, took a piece of letter paper, and began to write a letter on it, a letter to Al-Qaeda.

A few minutes later, after finishing the letter, he handed it to the adjutant next to him, and then whispered:

"Give this letter to the leader of al-Qaeda, and then arrange some people to divide into two groups, all with bombs, one group to go to Riyadh and blow it up for me, and the other group to go to Kabul and wait for that bitch named Awad for me, wait for him and blow him up directly for me."


After the adjutant turned around and left, the mullah sat quietly at the desk, thinking for a long time, and still picked up the letter paper on the table and began to write a letter to refute.


Bagram Air Force Base.

Commander-in-Chief Robbie is arranging work for his subordinates.

"This Molina Hotel is where our dear Saudi Prince Awad is staying."

"Your mission is to protect his safety. Of course, when necessary, his safety is not worth mentioning."

"This guy suddenly appeared in Afghanistan, which will inevitably attract the original Taliban members. It may be a long-range sniper, or it may be a human bomb or a suicide truck."

"No matter what, the Taliban will definitely appear. As long as they appear, we can kill them, and then find the location of the mullah and kill them."

"So I must warn you that no chaos is allowed this time. During the operation, no one is allowed to drink, visit prostitutes, or take heroin."

"If anyone fails in the final operation because of these things and fails to catch the Taliban, then I will tell him why the flowers are so red."

"Now, everyone's equipment warehouse is ready. After receiving the order, set off immediately and go to Kabul."

After the order was issued, the Delta Special Forces member in front of Robbie turned around and left, disappearing in a flash.

Seeing them leave, Robbie was about to get off work. Before he walked out of the door, the intelligence officer came over and said, "General, this is the communication signal from Awad intercepted by our intelligence team in Kabul."

"This is a brand new encryption method, and it is also an encryption method we have never seen before."

"Look... do we need to send this intelligence back and let the domestic decoding experts decrypt it specifically?"


Robbie reached out and grabbed the paper from the intelligence officer's hand. He looked at it for a while, and his brows furrowed.

The paper in his hand was densely packed with various undulating data charts and messy numbers.

There was no connection between these numbers and charts. They looked like things from two completely different worlds. After looking at it for a while, he couldn't see the clues in it. Robbie waved his hands and tore the intelligence in his hand to pieces.

Throwing the scraps of paper on the ground, Robbie began to educate the intelligence officer: "We found this kind of thing, but we don't know who sent it. There is no benefit. The officials above will not believe that there is intelligence in this world that even America can't crack."

"So, before you ask this kind of question next time, it's best to take out the deciphered intelligence and report it directly."

"Only in this way can it attract the attention of those officials."

"Go down!"

Knowing that Robbie didn't want to talk more about this intelligence, the intelligence officer didn't even pick up the paper flowers on the ground and turned around and left.

Robbie, who was standing aside, followed the intelligence officer's footsteps and returned to his residence.


Kabul, Molina Hotel

Awad's attendant looked at the paper in his hand, and his whole face could not help but wrinkled. He licked his lips, and finally raised his head and asked Awad hesitantly:

"My dear prince, are you really going to let me send this message out?"

"Sending this message out will definitely cause trouble, right? Not to mention the Americans and Afghan officials, those damn Taliban will definitely take the opportunity to come to our door and give us a bomb."

"I don't think it's necessary at all. You are a rich man, and there is no need to put yourself in danger."

Faced with the persuasion of his attendants, Awad was like a stubborn bull, waving his hands constantly.

Interrupting the follower's thoughts, he explained softly: "You have followed me for so long and have seen so many Chinese people, why haven't you made any progress?"

"I, your prince, came to Afghanistan to show my attitude to the outside world."

"To show my attitude, I need to keep talking to the outside world and say something that everyone finds ridiculous and too idealistic."

"Only by finishing these words and using them domestically can we reduce resistance as much as possible, understand?"

"Spread the news to me quickly, understand?"

Hearing this, the follower stopped dissuading him, but turned around and left the presidential suite with the paper in his hands.

When he met Luo Ping at the door of the suite, the entourage sighed and said to Luo Ping: "Captain Luo, I'm going to send a message later. This is the message that our Prince personally requested."

"This news is somewhat troublesome and may cause trouble to your security work. I hope you will bear with it."

"May I?"

Listening to the attendant's inquiry, Luo Ping naturally raised his right hand, tapped his chest a few times, and then shouted very confidently:

"Don't worry, with us here, no one can hurt His Highness Awad."

"If the prince tells you to send a message, go as soon as possible. Don't worry about security issues. We are here for everything."

After receiving Luo Ping's response, he nodded, turned around and walked towards the elevator, disappearing in a flash.

Soon, a news was broadcast on the TV station and naturally spread in Kabul.

[Abu, the leader of the Abu Taliban, has privately promised to Prince Awad of Saudi Arabia that he is going to Kabul alone. Under the auspices of Prince Awad, he will discuss with the new government officials the legitimacy of the Taliban, the issue of coming and going, and food. Issue negotiation.

At the same time, Mullah, the leader of the Mora Taliban, was also very interested in this matter and sent his protégé to prepare for a negotiation in Kabul, Afghanistan. 】

As soon as the news came out, it spread throughout Kabul in an instant, and then, with the help of New Literature journalists, spread throughout Afghanistan, to several surrounding countries, and to the world.

The first person to receive the news was not Robbie, but Hanks.

After savoring the news, Hanks reached out to call for the combat staff, pointed to the intelligence in the news report, and said cheerfully:

"Have one of our ships go to the Persian Gulf, anchor in a Pakistani port, and then be ready to launch missiles."

"As soon as you receive the signal, send me missiles to the signal point immediately."

"Do you understand?"

The second person to receive the news was Russia's white-glove Petrov in Afghanistan.

As a white glove with special training, Petrov looked at the news in front of him, and his whole head went into a state of shutdown.


It's quite magical.

He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Closing his eyes, taking a few deep breaths, and forcibly switching out of state, Petrov made a judgment on the information in his hand:

False information is not worth messing with!

Coming to this conclusion, he simply gave up the idea of ​​contacting the country and asking it to provide help.

Go through the information collected today, find the useful ones, and throw away the useless ones.

While he was busy, Kosnaka and Abu also received relevant information.

Looking at the content of the message, he shook his head helplessly, turned around, walked back to the room, and began to write a letter to Awad:

[Dear His Highness Awad, you and I are strangers...]

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