Putting this thing on the border line, flying back and forth for a day, and seeing the ground from a high place is much easier than walking on the border line with their feet, and they can also see Ah San on the opposite side.

At this moment, an idea came to Ding Fei's mind, that is, to jump up and catch the drone. Unfortunately, he jumped hard, and his whole body was 30 centimeters above the ground, and then fell back helplessly.

Putting the satellite phone aside, Ding Fei took the whistle hanging on the sentry and blew it hard.

Soon, a squad who was left behind quickly appeared in front of him. Looking at these comrades, he said loudly:

"The road for material transportation has collapsed. We need to transport the materials back first."

"Stay guard at the sentry today. The weapon safety is on. If any situation arises, fire directly. Others will drive and come with me."

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Ten minutes later, a truck drove out from the outpost and headed toward Ritu Town along the dug dirt road.

On the other side, the drone also returned to Wei Chongbin's hands. Seeing the big thing slowly falling, the researcher from Huang Tianhai's team also breathed a sigh of relief.

The prototype of this thing alone cost more than 200,000 yuan, not including the corresponding supporting software and control hardware. If this thing was lost, all his bonuses this year would be wasted.

After a busy afternoon today, I have collected enough data.

After grabbing the oxygen bottle and taking a deep breath, Wei Chongbin studied the soul possession and began to carefully check the battery of the drone. At the same time, he also began to copy the relevant operating data.

After flying for a while, you can optimize it based on the flight control data. Next time you come here, you can do better.

He was busy, and Shao Xiaofeng beside him didn't stop either. Instead, he led people to help Zuo Zhengxuan clear the falling rocks in front of him.

After cleaning up for a while, he couldn't bear it any longer, so he could only go back to the car next to him and hang on to his life with the help of an oxygen bottle.

Holding the oxygen bottle, he returned to the rockfall. Looking at the rockfall in front of him, he suddenly asked: "Don't you have an excavator?"

"We have the Engineering Corps!" In response, Zuo Zhengxuan raised his head, looked at the pile of rocks in front of him, and said helplessly:

"These mechanical equipment are mainly in the Corps of Engineers."

"If an ordinary excavator is given to us, we won't be able to use it. Moreover, it is very troublesome to use an ordinary excavator on this plateau."

"So if it's a small rockfall, we'll just clean it up manually."

"Only when there is a landslide like this, we will report it and have the Corps of Engineers come and clean it up."


"Fortunately, your drone is here this time. If it were just us, I'm afraid we haven't finished transferring the supplies yet."

Listening to his soliloquy, Shao Xiaofeng asked thoughtfully: "So you need construction machinery that is easy to operate and can be used in plateau conditions, right?"

As soon as he said this, Zuo Zhengxuan turned around and asked, "You guys still have this thing?"

When asked about this sentence, Shao Xiaofeng nodded very proudly:

"Under our group, there is a machinery and equipment manufacturing plant, and they can manufacture excavators."

"If necessary, I can bring this news to our factory director. With just a word from him, the machinery and equipment manufacturing factory can manufacture two prototypes, and then you can use them for testing."

"But... we probably have to wait until next year. We have a lot of work on hand this year, and we need to finish testing the next batch of equipment first."

Hearing that the equipment had to be tested first, Zuo Zhengxuan looked back at the landslide, took a deep breath, and shouted to a few people next to him:

"Squad leader 2, leave two people here waiting for the people from squad three. You take the rest of the people through the landslide area and go to the people waiting at post 4313 on the opposite side to help them decorate supplies."

"Team leader Shao Xiaofeng and I are going to test the performance of their equipment."

"Now, execute the order."

The squad leaders of the two squads stood at attention and took a breath, then took their own people to carry out the order.

Zuo Zhengxuan took out a map from the car he was riding in, pointed at a point on the map, and said:

"We are here now. Following the instructions from our superiors, in the original simulation, we should have learned that the supplies came from this location when we handed over the supplies at Post 4313."

"Unidentified foreign troops have appeared at point 4574. We need to deal with them as soon as possible."

"The straight-line distance from post 4313 to point 4574 is 121.45 kilometers."

"However, this straight line is full of mountains with a height of four to five thousand meters, which cannot be climbed quickly, so we need to return the same way, and then follow the lakeside road to point 4574."

"The entire mileage is about 275 kilometers, and the test time is four hours."

"Originally, the personnel driving these vehicles should be people from our military depot, but now, they are temporarily unable to move."

"So, these 275 kilometers need to be completed by you."

"The time is now 8 p.m., and around 9:30, it will be completely dark on this plateau."

"In other words, if we start from now, we will have about two and a half hours of night driving. Although the road along the lake is not too steep, there are still dangers."

"So, are you sure you want to start testing now?"

Hearing this question, Shao Xiaofeng did not respond. He turned around, glanced at the edge of the road at his feet, and then blamed the bottomless valley below and asked:

"It's not that steep, right?"

"No!" Zuo Zhengxuan answered confidently, and then he quickly added: "I'll lead the way."

After he said this, Shao Xiaofeng nodded decisively and said: "In that case, I'll sacrifice my life to accompany you."

"Let's do an emergency test!"

After that.

He turned around and looked at the members of the weapons test team and shouted:

"Our weapons have passed the test on the plain, and now we need to pass the test on the plateau."

"Similarly, we also need to pass the test on the plateau. Drivers who will drive later, put on the small oxygen mask for me."

"Follow the pace of Stationmaster Zuo!"

Faced with Shao Xiaofeng's explanation, the members of the weapons test team did not respond passionately, but silently climbed into the car, took out the oxygen mask in the car, and connected the tube to the small oxygen cylinder.

A few minutes later, all the vehicles completed the U-turn, and Shao Xiaofeng and Zuo Zhengxuan, together, climbed onto a fire support vehicle, stepped on the accelerator, took the lead, and started to gallop.

Zuo Zhengxuan drove the car, talking as he drove:

"This car is good, unlike other cars that are soft to drive, and the power is very good."

"What kind of supercharging technology do you use?"

"Can your weapons be used in plateau areas?"

"Why do you have so many ideas?"

"To be honest, your equipment is much more humane than the previous ones."

"The previous equipment is simply anti-human."

"Are you still testing greenhouse planting technology? What are you testing? Our military station needs such technology. Can we help you test it?"

The co-pilot, Shao Xiaofeng, holding an oxygen bottle, stared at Zuo Zhengxuan with suspicion. He doubted that the guy in front of him was not a human being.

How could he drive while distracted and talk loudly at the same time?

Can his little nostril absorb so much oxygen?

Just when he was about to speak, Zuo Zhengxuan sang again:

"The sun sets in the west..."

The weapons testing team was busy on the snowy plateau, while Lin Yu, who was in Rheinsteel, seemed very idle.

During the National Day holiday, he also gave himself a few days off. Although he continued to work, the intensity was not as high as usual.

He didn't need to waste his breath everywhere, so he seemed very idle.

He cooked himself a bowl of egg noodles. He took a few company reports and sat in front of the computer. He was doing three things at once. He read the reports, quarreled with people on the military forum, and ate noodles.

Poster: I believe that in the future, our navy will definitely surpass South Korea and become the second in Asia, second only to Japan.

Lin Yu (slurping noodles): Just kidding, Kobe Steel is invincible in the world. Japan's destroyers are all made of this Kobe Steel. Only 30 mm is needed to withstand the bombardment of 500 mm naval guns.

Poster: I will lead you to fight!

Netizen 1: What I admire most about Japan is that they put all the trained naval and army officers back to the civilian population.

The purpose of their doing this is to play a role of pulling together. Once a war breaks out, they can rely on these officers to form a sufficient number of troops.

Lin Yu, Poster, Other Netizens: I will lead you to fight!

After a few clackings on the keyboard, Lin Yu pressed Enter and sent out the swear words. He looked away from the monitor, took a look at the noodles in front of him, put a mouthful of them in his mouth, and then focused on the report in front of him.

It was a construction report on the Rhine Shipyard from Liancheng.

The overhead photos and text clearly captured the progress of the shipyard. The shipyard was changing every day, and there were new achievements every day.

Very good.

He continued to move his eyes down, and soon he saw a sentence that made him dumbfounded.

[The No. 1 dock of the Rhine Shipyard has been completed, and at the same time, the prototype of the cutter suction dredger has also been completed. ]

Seeing this sentence, Lin Yu put down his chopsticks and scratched his head. In the end, he still didn't pinch his ears.

Instead, he quickly flipped through the report in his hand and read it roughly.

After reading it this time, he finally figured out the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Dock No. 1 of the Rhine Shipyard is under construction, but Tong Hua's team is not idle. They used limited funds and combined with the ship previously manufactured by Jiangnan Shipyard and sent to Iraq to dredge the port, they built a smaller dredger at another shipyard in Liancheng.

In the relevant information given by Lin Yu, the design efficiency of that suction dredger is 6,000 cubic meters of dredging per hour.

The smaller dredger newly made by Tong Hua's team has a dredging capacity of 2,000 cubic meters per hour.

Although there are some gaps with the assumptions, for now, 2,000 cubic meters of dredging per hour is enough.

Now, the ship has not been delivered yet and is still in the shipyard in Liancheng.

According to the report from Tong Hua, it is necessary to wait for an auspicious day to take over the ship.

After taking over, we can directly invest in the construction of the shipyard, dig up the locations of the subsequent docks 2, 3, and 4, and expand the sea under these locations to make the locations of these docks more advantageous.

After confirming that there were no errors in the information in the report, Lin Yu took out his notebook and wrote down the matter. He was going to find Guan Yunqing and ask him to help contact people in Fujian Province to ask Mazu when it would be more appropriate to launch the ship.

After all, the ship had to run on the sea, and Mazu was in charge of the sea, so it would not hurt to ask.

Putting the report aside, eating the noodles in front of him in a few bites, Lin Yu put his hands on the keyboard again.

F5 refreshed the page and found that there were a few more replies to the previous post.

Netizen 3: You people who are high-minded and low-skilled, before discussing Japan and South Korea, can you pay attention to India, which is a superpower.

Their Mumbai has become the de facto computer capital.

Moreover, they also plan to take the Gorshkov aircraft carrier from Russia. That is an aircraft carrier, and it is a symbol of maritime hegemony.

According to the information I have received, the two sides have reached a cooperation agreement, and it seems that they are signing an agreement recently, and the cooperation is expected to be completed next year.

Seeing this, Lin Yu didn't know how to refute.

He could understand praising Japan, South Korea, Russia, France, England, and America.

He couldn't understand why someone would praise India.

Especially praising India for buying an aircraft carrier for one dollar...

He couldn't understand it.

So he moved the mouse to the post management, selected the target post, clicked delete, and then typed two words in the deleted note.

Damn it!

After saying these two words, Lin Yu felt relieved from head to toe, and his whole mind was clear.

Turn off the computer and go to sleep.

The next morning, when he was still immersed in the afterglow of the National Day, a visit from someone suddenly broke his peace.

Wang Kuan, the captain of the field team under the General Logistics Department.

He suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yu and handed over the briefcase in his hand.

He took the briefcase and opened it, and there were more than a dozen brown paper bags inside.

Each brown paper bag was sealed with a seal, and on the seal were the two words "confidential" in vermilion.

Taking out the brown paper bag, Lin Yu looked at Wang Kuan with curiosity.

On the other side, Wang Kuan stretched out his hand and scratched his nose, explaining: "The old man told me that this is the technical parameter requirement document for your special anti-terrorist equipment."

"He also said that you will know after reading it. I am only responsible for delivering letters and don't pay attention to these things. You don't need to tell me."

"I have delivered the things now. It's time to go back. Goodbye."

Just like that, Wang Kuan came like the wind, and then left like the wind.

After asking Qian Duoduo to send the person away, Lin Yu took out the brown paper bag marked as No. 1, opened the seal, and took out the documents inside.

The beginning of the document is a sentence.

[After repeated tests by the Yanjing Anti-Terrorism First and Second Battalions, the relevant anti-terrorist special equipment parameter requirement documents are now officially issued to Rheinsteel! ]

[In view of the fact that this type of equipment is a complete set of equipment, and also for the convenience of management, therefore, a formal R\u0026D code is specially issued to Rheinsteel! ]

[The complete set of anti-terrorist equipment provided by your company is officially code-named: Wolf Pack! 】

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