When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 376 The Test of the Snowy Plateau (Part 2)! (Second update!)

In front of the pile of fallen rocks, Zuo Zhengxuan couldn't help but cast his eyes on the drone after hearing Wei Chongbin's words.

He had seen all kinds of airplanes, cannons, and armored vehicles, but he had never seen a drone like this one.

More than a dozen days ago, his superiors sent him an order directly issued by the General Logistics Department, asking him to cooperate with an upcoming weapons test team to test new equipment.

Mainly some all-terrain fire support vehicles.

At first, he was very surprised by this order, because he was the stationmaster of a border defense station, and his main task was to transport supplies and pick up personnel to various border defense posts.

The weapons and equipment testing should be given priority to some nearby garrisons. After all, each profession has its own expertise, and the new weapons and equipment can only be tested better in the hands of these people.

As for him, it's hard to say.

But now, seeing the big guy in front of him, he understands a little bit why the General Logistics Department wants them to test these weapons and equipment.

Because they are most likely to encounter various extreme situations here!

Just like the landslide this time, if it is according to the past habits, they will carry the supplies over the pile of fallen rocks manually first.

Then the people transporting the supplies were divided into two groups. One group took some supplies to the outpost, and the outpost assigned some people to transport the supplies.

The rest of the people returned to the military station, gathered people, and came to the rock pile again to move the rock pile away.

But now, the young man in front of him said that if the outpost was within 10 kilometers, they could directly use drones to transport the supplies.

After staring at the drone for a while, Zuo Zhengxuan turned his head and looked into the distance across the rock pile.

At the end of the sight, on the opposite ridge, a lonely building could be vaguely seen.

It was a circular fortress made of bricks and stones, and it was also the nearest outpost to them.

After looking at the lonely building for a while, Zuo Zhengxuan turned his head and looked at the drone in front of him again.

As the saying goes, a horse will die if it is seen from a mountain. The distance between the opposite ridge and them now is about 7 kilometers.

But to complete this 7 kilometers in a straight line, it is necessary to detour 24.2 kilometers of winding mountain roads.

It takes about 3 hours.

If this drone can help them transport supplies, they can save these three hours.

But...what if there is a problem with this drone?

What if this drone suddenly crashes halfway after flying out?

What if...

After hesitating for a long time, Zuo Zhengxuan came up with a solution, which was to let the drone help first and transport all the supplies to the safe area on the opposite side, and finally let the drone transport a small bag of supplies to the outpost, contact the outpost, and let the outpost send someone to pick it up.

After coming up with this solution, he told the plan as quickly as possible, and then he got the load parameters of this drone.

200 kilograms.

This is a very scary data.

On this snowy plateau, due to the oxygen content, except for the yaks called the plateau boats, other creatures are basically impossible to carry 200 kilograms of supplies.

Just like this time, the total supply they transported was 12 tons, which was the supplies for the target outpost for the next three months.

For safety, a total of 4 trucks were dispatched this time, each truck carrying 3 tons. Even if one truck had an accident due to road problems, other trucks could deliver the supplies.

But no matter how much they calculated, they did not expect that there would be a landslide in tnd.


After a slight hesitation, Zuo Zhengxuan raised his hand and patted Wei Chongbin on the shoulder, whispering:

"Then I'll leave it to you!"

After that, he turned around and shouted to the people behind him: "Everyone, unload the supplies, and then follow the instructions of Professor Wei Chongbin, tie all the supplies to the drone, and let the drone transport the supplies to the safe area opposite the fallen rocks."

"Then, squad one, you go through the fallen rocks first, go to the opposite side first, and help the drone unload the goods."

"Squad two, you cooperate with squad one."

"Squad three, you go back to the military station, call more people, and bring tools to clear the road."

With Zuo Zhengxuan's order, the three squads acted quickly.

The tarpaulins of the four transport vehicles were lifted, revealing the supplies inside.

Bags of rice, flour, barrels of cooking oil, and bags of potatoes, peppers, carrots, and tomatoes.

In addition to these edible supplies, there are also some daily necessities, toothpaste, towels, soap, and laundry detergent.

and fuel.

After all the supplies were unloaded, the first team took the walkie-talkie and carefully stepped on the soft fallen rocks, moving forward little by little. After a while, they disappeared on the fallen rocks.

Disappeared in the bend ahead.

Packing rice and flour is the easiest. Hold the packaging bag with both hands and shake it hard. The middle of the rice and flour bags will be empty. Wrap the rope around the middle and fix it. The packing is complete.

The first takeoff, Wei Chongbin did not dare to load more. He loaded two bags of 50 kg of rice. After confirming that the rope was firmly fixed, he carefully controlled the plane to take off.

As the fixed rope was slowly tightened, everyone's heart was in their throat. If this thing could not be transported, they would have to carry it over one by one.

This time it was extremely difficult, but they had to go, because if they did not deliver the supplies, their comrades at the outpost would be hungry.

Finally, the two bags of food left the ground under the drag of the drone.

In the sky, the drone swayed a little, and then stabilized.

After the drone stabilized, Wei Chongbin, who was controlling the drone, did not rush to fly. Instead, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, took the oxygen bottle handed over by Shao Xiaofeng next to him, took a deep breath of oxygen, and then controlled the drone to fly slowly forward.

A distance of 300 meters, according to the fastest speed of humans, takes at least 30 seconds to run at full speed.

But at an altitude of 4,000 meters, if this 300-meter distance is completed in 30 seconds, then this person is also useless.

If it is based on the normal pace of an adult, this 300-meter distance is about 3 to 5 minutes.

However, under Wei Chongbin's control, the drone disappeared from everyone's sight in just 40 seconds.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhengxuan hurriedly came behind Wei Chongbin, wanting to see something from his remote control.

But before he could see the picture on the remote control clearly, he heard the excited shout of the squad leader on the intercom in front of him:

"Come down a little more, a little more to the left, yes, yes, a little more to the left!"

Along with the shouting in the intercom, Zuo Zhengxuan also saw the picture displayed on the remote control screen clearly. Under the camera, the squad leader held the intercom in his left hand and kept calling with his right hand.

At his call, the drone slowly came to his head, and then slowly descended. As the ground splashed light dust, two bags of rice fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhengxuan's hanging heart finally fell. This thing has a purpose.

It has a very good purpose.

The unloading time is very short. The squad leader grabbed the rope's live knot and pulled it hard. The noose knot opened. Then he slowly pulled out the rope and slowly let go.

As he let go, the drone in the sky was like a kite with a broken line, slowly rising and slowly disappearing from his sight.

Not long after, the drone appeared in front of everyone again, hovering accurately above.

With the experience of the first time, the speed of loading the second time was very fast, and this time, it directly loaded 200 kilograms.

The drone took off swayingly, dragging 200 kilograms of supplies and flew to the opposite side again.

Seeing the face of the squad leader again on the display screen of the remote control, Zuo Zhengxuan breathed a sigh of relief and sighed:

"To be honest, I was really a little worried that I couldn't drag the 200 kilograms just now."

His words made Wei Chongbin couldn't help shaking his head. After shaking his head for a while, when the squad leader on the opposite side finished unloading the supplies, Wei Chongbin explained: "We are used to designing, and the data reported to the outside world are generally with margins."

"We said that the carrying capacity is 200 kilograms, but in fact this is a minimum number."

"After all, sometimes, at critical moments, the things to be transported must be more than 200 kilograms. If additional configurations are added for the additional weight, it is a pure waste of money."

The second hoisting was successful, and the rest became very simple and a little boring.

The drone hovered again and again, and then took off again and again with the supplies.

It took only a little more than three hours to transport all the 12 tons of supplies to the other side.

Before the last trip, Wei Chongbin specially replaced a new battery, because this time the supplies needed to be transported directly to the nearest outpost.

Watching the drone go away, Zuo Zhengxuan asked calmly: "Team Leader Shao, do you think...will we succeed?"

Next to him, Shao Xiaofeng calmly scratched his ear when he heard him ask this, and responded calmly:

"Stationmaster Zuo, if you fail, you will lose 200 kilograms of rice. Now rice is 50 cents per kilogram. These 200 kilograms of rice are about 90 yuan according to the wholesale price."

"You lose this amount."

"That drone is a prototype, at least 200,000."

"Hiss..." Hearing this price, Zuo Zhengxuan couldn't help but take a breath.

This broken thing is so expensive?

On the other side, the outpost numbered 4313.

This is a large outpost, with a company and 4 squads stationed there, a total of 47 people, and these 47 people are responsible for about 50 kilometers of the border line.

There are outposts at both ends of the border line. There is a squad on guard at any time at the two outposts, a squad on the road, and another squad on standby at any time. When the squad patrolling on the road arrives about halfway, the squad on standby will set off.

When the squad patrolling on the road arrives at the other side, the squad on the other side will set off immediately and stagger on the road.

At this moment, in the camp of the 4313 outpost, the company commander Ding Fei is checking the supplies of the outpost.

It is already mid-October.

The ancient poem "Hu Tian August is flying snow" is not a description for them, but a real description.

The temperature has dropped sharply in the past few days.

Thanks to the dry air in the past few days, otherwise, the open space outside the outpost would have been covered with heavy snow.

Once the heavy snow closes the mountain and the transportation of supplies is difficult, it will be a sad time for them.

Of course, this is also a time to test will.

If they retreated at this moment, the Indians on the other side might take the opportunity to enter.

Although it is more likely that these people would freeze to death in the camp.

This is not a description, but a description.

Just then, a sharp whistle sounded from outside. Hearing this sound, Ding Fei did not hesitate at all, directly pulled out the gun on his waist, loaded the bullet, opened the safety and rushed out.

Rushing out of the warehouse, he immediately shouted to the sentry: "What's the situation?"

At the sentry post next to him, the sentry had squatted down and hid his whole body behind the bunker, leaving only a gun barrel exposed.

Hearing Ding Fei's words, he hurriedly responded loudly: "There's something above my head!"

Along with the sentry's shout, Ding Fei also saw the thing above his head.

At the top, there was a thing that made a buzzing sound. This thing was new to him.

Under this thing, there were two bags of rice, and the packaging of the rice was the packaging of the rice they often ate.

Perhaps it was because of this that the sentry only blew the whistle to warn and did not choose to shoot at the first time.

Switching the pistol to his left hand, Ding Fei raised his right hand high, waved it vigorously, and then pointed to the open space next to him.

After the instructions were completed, he retreated a little to the side, to the wall of the outpost. As long as there was something wrong, he could roll behind the wall and use the wall as a cover.

Under his gaze, the drone flying in the sky slowly landed and put the two bags of rice on the open ground.

When the rice bags landed, Ding Fei found that there was something that looked like a satellite phone and a note on the rope that tied the rice.

Seeing the words on the note, Ding Fei was relieved.

This was Zuo Zhengxuan's handwriting.

As for why he could recognize it, it was because the handwriting of the station chief was like a dog's crawling, or the two words "dog crawling" were also a compliment to him.

After struggling to identify the words above, Ding Fei picked up the satellite phone hanging on the rice bag and dialed the number on the note.

After waiting for two or three minutes, the phone finally responded. As soon as the call was connected, Zuo Zhengxuan's voice came from the phone:

"Old Ding, the road for transporting supplies collapsed at about 47 kilometers, about two or three hundred meters away."

"We have transported the supplies to the other side of the landslide by drone. You need to bring people to transport the supplies yourself."

"Also, can you unload the two bags of rice on the drone for me? This drone is charged. If it runs out of power and falls on the road, you can expect to pay 500,000 yuan!"


The figure of 500,000 made Ding Fei feel very angry. He quickly put down the satellite phone, untied the rope on the rice bag, and let the drone take off.

Until the big guy disappeared from his sight, he picked up the satellite phone and asked into the phone: "How do you know the rope is not untied?"

The next second, Zuo Zhengxuan's boastful voice came from the satellite phone.

"I have been watching you with the camera. I can see clearly how many hairs you have on your face. How could I not know that you have not solved the new words?"

This sentence also made Ding Fei's eyes light up.

This thing seems to be useful for border defense!

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