When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 375 The Test of the Snowy Plateau (Part 1)! (First update!)

[I should have agreed with your initiative, Mr. Awad, but the Americans did not agree, the new government did not agree, and the mullahs would not agree either.

Of course, I would not agree with it myself. After I evacuated from Kabul, I have been thinking about what our country should be like, what our nation should be like, and what our future should be like.

Now, I figured it out.

We should abandon the so-called Pashtunism and establish a common understanding belonging to our Afghan ethnic group, thereby establishing a real Afghanistan and allowing the people on this land to truly become an independent ethnic group with their own ideas.

This ethnic group is called Afghans!

I will work hard for this goal, and everyone who stands in the way of my goal will be my enemy.

As long as they are my enemies, I will use all my strength and all methods to destroy them completely.

I will not agree to your invitation to negotiate, because I know that the people in Kabul and the people in America want me dead.

So, I can't go.

However, since you have sincerely invited me, I can put forward some conditions. If Kabul can agree, then I can consider reducing the intensity of the attack on them.

Of course, the drugs they cultivate and the drug chain are not in this category.

First, truly realize that all Afghans are one family, and everyone has the right to education, the right to life, and freedom of access to information.

Second, give up their bad idea of ​​using religion to control ordinary people, and so do you! 】

After writing the last word, Abu picked up the letter paper in front of him with both hands and checked it to make sure he had said what he wanted to say. Then he picked up another piece of letter paper and copied the words again.

After copying, he put the paper full of words into an envelope, and then left a few beautiful words on the envelope.

[To Awadh! 】

After doing all this, he handed the envelope to Nasat and told him: "You ask the camera to take a video of you reading this letter."

"After reading it, find a place to post this video on the Internet."

"Remember, you must create a feeling that you and I are not together, understand?"

"Understood!" Nasat took the envelope, turned around and left without any hesitation. He naturally understood the meaning of Abu's request.

It is nothing more than trying to create for the enemy that Abu, the leader of the western Taliban, does not live with these fighters, but lives in a safe place.

In this way, the beheading action of the Americans can be effectively avoided.

After walking around the village, he found the cameraman who was practicing his marksmanship behind several agricultural experts.

Take the other person back to their specially arranged studio and start a new round of shooting.

And Abu is also studying the map in front of him, preparing to take advantage of this time, when everyone's attention is on Kabul, to conduct a sneak attack, kill some guys who grow poppies, and seize more drugs from them in exchange for more drugs. Lots of equipment.

Similarly, we also took the opportunity of this sneak attack to conduct a large-scale military training.

If the training goes well, then in 2004, he can send people to the eastern region to expand the scope of the crackdown on drugs and seize more drugs.

As for the target, it is the city of Farah on the banks of the Farah River in Farah Province in the southern region of Herat. According to the intelligence they have, a group of people are selling drugs with great fanfare in Farah City.

The arrogance of his actions, behavior and attitude surprised everyone who collected intelligence.

These people seem to be afraid that others will not know that they are selling drugs.

Regarding this news, Abu's opinion is that someone is fishing. As for who the fish is, it is obvious that they are the people who attacked the drug dealers in Herat.

If it was before, he would be afraid of these baits, but now, they have changed from a fragile fish to a shark, from a prey to a predator.

At this time, we should attack hard and tell these guys that fish are not so easy to catch.

Moreover, the city of Farah is an important agricultural city on the banks of the Farah River. If you can drive a nail here.

Then we can use this nail to launch a sneak attack on the Kabul authorities.

After picking up the pen and tracing on the map for a long time, Abu took out the letter paper again and began to plan this combat operation in detail.

After writing for a while, he put down the pen and walked to the window. He first looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, and then turned his gaze to the east.

I don’t know what that friend is up to.


The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average altitude of 4,000 meters, is the highest plateau in the world and is nicknamed the Roof of the World. It stretches from the southern edge of the Himalayas in the south to the Kunlun Mountains, Altun Mountains, and the northern edge of the Qilian Mountains in the north. To the west is the Pamir Plateau and Kara The Kunlun Mountains, in the east and northeast, are connected to the western section of the Qinling Mountains and the Loess Plateau.

In a narrow sense, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is two provinces in China.

In a broad sense, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau includes, in addition to the domestic areas of China, some or all of Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

The warm and humid air currents from the Indian Ocean are intercepted and landed here by several large mountains, which has also earned this place the title of Asia's Water Tower.

Ritu Town.

Shao Xiaofeng sat at a simple wooden table with an oxygen bottle hanging on his head, making plans for the next weapons test.

When he was at Rheinsteel, he had always heard Luo Ping and others talk about how hard it was to defend the border and how hard they had fought in the southwest.

In the past, he was deeply skeptical of what Luo Ping and others said.

Now, he even felt that Luo Ping's words at that time were deliberately understated in order to prevent them from being scared.

Because the town of Ritu where he is now is located on the western border, in the north of the Himalayas, you can see towering snow-capped mountains and a blue lake when you go out.

The local average altitude is 4,200 meters. He was born in the eastern coastal area and just arrived here, relying on oxygen bottles to survive.

At this moment, he finally understood why the factory director listed and pulled out the models of the plateau area separately.

Given the altitude, the thinness of oxygen, and the geographical conditions here, it would be a miracle for a normal car to reach this place without losing power.

After more than an hour of repeated thinking, combined with the training intensity of the border defense, Shao Xiaofeng finally formulated this test plan.

In fact, there is no plan, just hard work, hard work, and whatever equipment is needed.

Anything that people have not thought of can be added to the plan and executed according to the worst working conditions. However, before hard work, he still needs to collect the most basic data.

After the plan list was listed, he took off the oxygen cylinder, walked to the window, opened the window, and took a deep breath.

He almost didn't recover after taking this breath into his lungs.

He didn't breathe much oxygen!

Once again, he hung up the small oxygen cylinder, took the plan, opened the door and walked out, and walked to the stationmaster's office of the next-door military station.

He reached out and knocked on the door, got a response from inside, and pushed the door open and walked in.

The stationmaster of the military station was named Zuo Zhengxuan. Because of the ultraviolet rays of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this 30-year-old second lieutenant looked like a man in his 50s.

At this moment, he was holding the phone, contacting the border post, preparing to send supplies to the border post.

Seeing Shao Xiaofeng walk in, Zuo Zhengxuan quickly hung up the phone and greeted him with a smile:

"Team Leader Shao, you came at the right time. I just talked to the leader above. He asked me to take you out for a walk first, and then start the test."

"I'm just going to deliver supplies here. Do you want to bring your people with you?"

Hearing this, Shao Xiaofeng slapped his thigh with the test plan in his hand and screamed: "That's a coincidence!"

"I just drew up the test plan, and there is a way to quickly go to the border from the daily deployment area through the unfinished road."

"Stationmaster Zuo, since you said that, I think we can test it together."

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later. When do we set off?"

For Shao Xiaofeng's words, Zuo Zhengxuan subconsciously glanced at the piece of paper in Shao Xiaofeng's hand. Is it such a coincidence?

In doubt, he turned his head and glanced at the time on the wall. It was 10 o'clock in the morning.

"In an hour, I'll have someone load the supplies, and then you can check your vehicles to see what maintenance tools you need and whether they can withstand the climate of this plateau."

"Okay, I'll go and prepare now." After replying, Shao Xiaofeng decisively turned around and left to let the test team prepare.

An hour later, the vehicles transporting supplies from the military station, as well as the test team from Rheinsteel, drove out of the main road and headed towards the border along the small road.

All along the way, it was climbing.

The road meandered and undulated on the towering mountains. On one side were tall mountains that made it impossible to climb over.

On the other side, there were cliffs that could not be seen at a glance, which made Shao Xiaofeng very suspicious. If a person rolled down from this cliff, would he still be fine when he rolled to the bottom of the cliff?

When this idea came to his mind, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his hand holding the steering wheel inadvertently used force.

The foot that stepped on the accelerator was also slightly retracted at this moment.

Soon, the car leading the team in front suddenly stopped. Just when Shao Xiaofeng thought they had reached the time, Zuo Zhengxuan jumped out of the car, came to him cheerfully, and pointed to the mountains in the distance:

"Team Leader Shao, the test may be interrupted. There is a landslide on the road ahead. The fallen rocks buried about 300 meters of the road. The location ahead is not clear. We don't have tools or equipment for cleaning. We can only carry the supplies manually."

"You just came to this plateau and your body has not adapted yet, so you should return to Ritu Town by the same route."

"If you want to test, you can test on the flat ground outside the military station."

"After we deliver the food, we will come back to meet you, and then test with you."

After saying that, without waiting for Shao Xiaofeng's response, Zuo Zhengxuan turned around and walked forward.

Shao Xiaofeng followed him and also saw the situation of the landslide clearly.

The rubble eroded by the glacier slid down from the hillside above under the influence of time and piled on the road they were on.

It stretched out for about two or three hundred meters.

But this was not the limit of the pile of fallen rocks, but the limit of their sight, because there was a turn further ahead.

The turn was also full of rubble.

I don’t know what it looks like behind the curve.

After hesitating for a moment, Shao Xiaofeng walked to a fire support vehicle behind him and asked the young man who had started vomiting due to altitude sickness:

"Graduate student, can your drone fly in this place?"

After a violent vomiting, Wei Chongbin, the co-pilot, slowly raised his head, reached out to adjust his glasses, glanced ahead, and responded calmly:

"Equipment that uses fuel in plateau areas will have insufficient oxygen, and the oxygen inhaled by the engine cannot meet the combustion needs, which will cause power shortage."

"But drones use batteries, and the power usage will not be affected by oxygen."

"We use lithium iron phosphate batteries. According to our theoretical calculations, the plateau climate has almost no impact on us."

"But I can't guarantee it."

"Now that we have encountered it, let's test it. Only when the test results are out can we feel relieved and the subsequent drones can have better development."

Hearing his words, Shao Xiaofeng turned decisively and asked the people in the other cars to get off:

"Everyone, now set up the ground antenna of the drone, unfold the drone, and conduct take-off and hoisting tests."

Under his command, several people who got off the car took off the drone from the car where Wei Chongbin was and installed the blades.

A few minutes later, a four-rotor drone with an unfolded size of 2 meters by 2 meters appeared in front of everyone.

Wei Chongbin took out the remote control and connected the remote control to the antenna. After checking the connection, he pressed the crane of the aircraft.

The motor of the four-rotor drone turned, making a buzzing sound like a bee.

In the expectant eyes of the crowd, the drone slowly took off, and then hovered in front of everyone under the control of Wei Chongbin.

The attitude is very stable, even the mountain wind that blows from time to time cannot interfere with the drone.

After hovering for a while, Wei Chongbin controlled the drone again and flew to the opposite valley, and then stopped in the center of the valley.

At this moment, his forehead began to sweat constantly.

There are two obstacles in drone technology, one is signal connection.

The other is flight control.

In terms of signal connection, the 9 satellites launched by Rheinsteel can barely achieve signal coverage, and the miniaturized positioning module is also installed on the drone.

Under the control of this positioning signal module and the signal antenna, the control range of this drone in the plain area has reached a terrifying 15 kilometers.

However, flight control is a difficult problem that has always needed to be broken through, because flying in the sky may encounter birds, wires, and more likely to encounter sudden wind.

On this snowy plateau, the wind in the valley is the biggest enemy of drones.

Fortunately, the mountain wind was howling, and the huge drone withstood the test.

Although the attitude is not very stable, the biggest progress is that it did not crash due to the adjustment of the attitude.

After a while, Wei Chongbin flew the drone in front of Zuo Zhengxuan and the others and landed it.

Then, he walked over and said softly, "Stationmaster Zuo, I can use these drones to help you get the supplies to the other side of the rock pile. If the outpost is within 10 kilometers, the drones can even deliver them directly there."

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