When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 379 Strategic Investment Department! (Second update!)

A group of senior executives of Rheinsteel sat down one by one, and then one by one they turned their eyes to Lin Yu.

Today's meeting was a little hasty, and the theme of this meeting was not announced before the meeting was notified, so until now, the few people present did not know why the meeting was held.

At the main seat, Lin Yu swept his calm eyes over the people present and said abruptly:

"Since the meeting before the New Year in 2002, we Rheinsteel people have rarely been able to get together."

"Lao Luo is in Afghanistan, serving as a bodyguard for Prince Awad, Lao Kang is in the Middle East, running various businesses, and Lao Zhang is in charge of construction sites in Iraq. Everyone is very busy."

"Today I called everyone here because there is a new appointment to be announced."

"After more than a year and almost two years of development, our Rheinsteel has now formed a core base, three R\u0026D centers, four production plants, 7 school alliances, and a bunch of supporting industries."

"I Our base is very broad, but not broad enough, not detailed enough. Many of the equipment we produce now require many parts, and the parts purchased from the market are still uneven. "

"So, in my conception, I am going to set up a strategic investment department, and the function of this strategic investment department is to invest in some companies and support these companies to produce our parts and serve as our downstream OEM factories."

"Doing so can reduce some of our capital consumption and reduce our management difficulty. Similarly, it can also ensure the finished products of our parts."

"Today, I asked you all to come here to announce the appointment of the strategic investment department."

A brand new department!

Listening to Lin Yu's words, everyone present looked at each other. After all, the people present today were all old people from Rheinsteel.

Qian Jianguo, Dolby, Hong Fu, Jiang Song, Jiang Huan, Feng Lun, Bai Ming, Qin Tian, ​​Cao Jianjun, Zhu Shuxia, Tian Jing, Kang Fei, Li Ping.

In other words, the candidate for the director of the strategic investment department needs to appear from this group of people.

Strategic investment is obviously a department that spends money, and all spending money is under the control of the Finance Department.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Li Ping. As the Minister of Finance, Li Ping's management and learning abilities were top-notch. Under his management, there were tens of billions of funds in the entire Rhine Steel, and there was no mistake at all.

It was almost certain that he would go to the Strategic Investment Department.

He went to the Strategic Investment Department, and the position of Minister of Finance...

Receiving the gazes of everyone present, Li Ping couldn't help but take a breath. As a Minister of Finance, he originally had no opportunity, no so much money, and no need to learn.

Later, Rhine Steel developed, and he naturally looked for related books to study further.

He had naturally heard of the term strategic investment.

In fact, this thing is a gamble, a gamble on the future international development trend, and a gamble on the future national development trend.

Choose a development direction, then invest funds in this direction, carry out a series of research and development, and wait until the future international development and national development need this technology.

The research and development invested in the early stage and the results obtained can be taken out at this moment and realized.

If it were in other companies, the strategic investment department would be a very important department, requiring the top talents and the most ruthless eyes to find the future of a technology.

However, Rheinsteel has Lin Yu.

For now, every instruction from Lin Yu has brought countless funds and benefits to Rheinsteel.

And he, with just a few words, made the factories established in Lanling City earn a lot of money.

Therefore, the strategic investment department of Rheinsteel is more likely to directly execute Lin Yu's orders.

For things like executing orders, just find two reliable people and execute them according to the orders. As an accountant, he still squats next to the money.

It's more comfortable to watch the changes in the numbers of money.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Yu's eyes passed over him and fell on Shi Ling.

Two or three seconds later, the eyes of everyone present also fell on Shi Ling.

Being stared at by everyone, Shi Ling scratched her face awkwardly, then asked after realizing it belatedly:

"Um... your candidate wouldn't be me, right?"

As soon as she asked this question, Shi Ling saw Lin Yu close his eyes, reveal a serious expression, and nodded heavily.

The next second, the explanation came from the other side:

"The director of the strategic investment department needs to understand technology and be able to judge people. Only in this way can the company that needs investment not defraud the funds."

"We have worked hard to earn our money. It is impossible to invest in a garbage company casually. Then this garbage company takes our money and produces a bunch of garbage to fool us."

"This is absolutely not allowed."

"And you, Sister Ling, you are now the director of the R\u0026D department. You understand the technology. Even if you encounter something you don't understand, you can find someone in the R\u0026D department to solve it."

"Then you have your own unique way of judging people, which is very important."

"So, next, you are the director of the strategic investment department."

"It's the same as before. I am only responsible for appointing the principal position. Your deputy and the employees in your department need to be found by yourself."

"Then, Feng Lun was appointed as the director of the R\u0026D department, and Li Xiangtian, the original deputy manager, was appointed as the general manager of the automobile manufacturing company."

"Finally, let me tell you about the first two tasks of the Strategic Investment Department."

"The first task is to sort out the upstream and downstream industrial chains of our satellites and rocket parts, and then find suitable companies with ideas for investment."

"Keeping our costs down further."

"Before doing this, you should contact Mayor Wang Jian and see if he is interested."

"The second task is to find a suitable team and form a network platform. This network platform is mainly divided into two parts."

"One section is commodity trading. The content of this section is mainly that merchants display their products on it, and then buyers see the products, place orders, and ship them."

"This is what I call online shopping."

"When you build this platform, you can rely on the automobile manufacturing company's stores across the province or even the country to purchase land and arrange some warehouses."

"This can save some money on transportation of goods."

"Finally, I need this section to be spread all over the world. In the future, our equipment can be directly put on this platform. If someone from other countries needs it, he can buy it directly online, and we will ship it directly online."

"The second section is the video game section. In this section, there are mainly various games and various video programs."

"These video programs will become the most important means of publicity for our equipment in the next ten or twenty years."

"Can it be done?"

This rhetorical question kept echoing in the room, and everyone who heard this sentence also turned their attention to Shi Ling.

If everyone had some idea about the position of the director of the Strategic Investment Department just now, now that Lin Yu has revealed the investment direction, they have no idea at all.


Has Rheinsteel done it?

The mobile phone manufacturing team led by Professor Mei Feng is working on it. What they are doing is the official website of the mobile phone. The content is very simple, just a scrolling page, plus a few links, and some photos taken.

As senior executives of Rheinsteel, the mobile phones they use are home-made mobile phones, and they will naturally visit the official website of the mobile phone team occasionally on their computers.

Even such an official website can be regarded as top technology for people like them.

Now, Lin Yu directly put forward forward-looking requirements, requiring that this website can display a large number of goods, merchants can sell goods on it, and buyers can buy goods on it.


Is this work possible for humans?

Then there is the so-called second section, making games?

Still making videos?

What a joke.

People present wanted to ask, factory director, are you trying to turn the post-90s and post-00s generations into waste?

Don’t you know that games are electronic opiates?

Don’t you know that games can harm family harmony and cause a family to become separated?

Although they really wanted to ask, a group of people didn't dare to ask, so they could only keep all these words in their hearts.

Next to her, Shi Ling raised her hands, rubbed her face hard, and asked seriously:

"Can't we just do the first section?"

"No!" Lin Yu shook his head decisively and rejected her proposal.


As a reborn person, he is very aware of the role of Douyin.

Two children born to foreigners, in China's territory, got more than ten points in the English test, and then they shouted that they wanted foreigners to die.

The American people in America suddenly discovered through a large number of short video recordings that the biggest terrorist in the world is America.

And all the taxes they paid were treated as garbage by America's top executives and squandered them wantonly.

They feel that those who are not living well are living much better than they are.

At the same time, people from seven continents and four oceans have seen other people’s living conditions and understood each other’s most basic culture through various short video platforms.

The most ordinary people have put aside their prejudices and begun to face these things. Just like themselves, they are all people with two eyes, two nostrils, one mouth, two ears, two hands and two legs.

It is precisely because of the rise of short video platforms that the image of those elites who control the world, who have worked hard and managed for a long time, collapsed in an instant.

At this moment, these elites turned into conservatives one by one, began to protest, started blockade, and wanted everything to go back to the past, to that beautiful picture.

As the lyrics sing, I loved yesterday so much that I vowed to cut your face, and nothing can go back to the past.

Across from him, Shi Ling saw no hesitation on Lin Yu's face, only certainty and determination.

At this moment, the former head of the R\u0026D department knew that he was just an executor of the task, and that his factory director had already made a decision in his mind.

Even if you don't go to the strategic investment department, other executors will go there.

If someone else went to the Strategic Investment Department, took Rheinsteel's hard-earned money, and got scammed, that would be the end of it.

It’s better to go by yourself!

Rubbing her face with both hands again, Shi Ling raised her head and said forcefully:

"I have accepted this mission, but you must give me the manpower I need when the time comes."

"Okay." Lin Yu nodded, turned his head, and threw the notebook in front of Shi Ling:

"This notebook contains some of my requirements for our anti-terrorism special operations equipment, as well as some ideas for the Strategic Investment Department."

"Take it back and have a look. Regarding the situation of the anti-terrorism special operations equipment, you can hand it over to Feng Lun then."

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting."

"Duoduo, arrange two cars. We will go to Liancheng tomorrow to take a look at our shipyard."

After giving instructions, Lin Yu stood up, patted his butt and walked out of the conference room.

Instead of going back to the conference room, he walked out of the administration building, found a leafy sycamore tree, and sat down under it.

Looking at the sunshine outside the shade of the trees, waiting for the cafeteria to open.

Not long after I sat down, a small building that looked similar to an administrative building suddenly opened its door near the residential area.

Fifty or sixty little guys in their thirties and fives, wearing uniforms in military green uniforms, carrying small schoolbags on their shoulders, big ones carrying small ones, staggered out of the gate of the small building, and then staggered towards canteen.

Rheinsteel's canteen is an open public canteen. Workers with formal jobs at Rheinsteel can eat two meals a day with their identity cards.

Relatives, on the other hand, need to pay money, but not much.

The taste is average, but it is enough to supplement nutrition. Parents who are busy at work all choose to send these small diced beans to the canteen for them to eat in the canteen.

These little cubs wandered past Lin Yu. After watching them for a while, he suddenly reached out and caught a cub of about 5 years old.

The little guy's name is Kang Hua, the son of Kang Fei from the sales department. As for the nickname given by people around him, he is called a scammer.

After catching this little guy in front of him, Lin Yu put his hands on his hips and asked viciously: "Boy, do you know who I am?"

Under the sun, 5-year-old Kang Hua raised his head and kept looking at the person in front of him. He felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember his name. He vaguely knew that this person was his elder, but he didn't know how to call him.

After tilting his head and looking at it for a long time, he hesitantly shouted: "Grandpa?"


Lin Yu was very embarrassed. He slapped his forehead hard, raised his hand and pointed to the canteen in the distance, threatening the little guy in front of him with a fierce face:

"I want to eat now. You go to the cafeteria and bring me a lunch box."

"By the way, tell the chef in the cafeteria that I want 5 chicken legs."

When he heard that he wanted 5 chicken drumsticks, Kang Hua put his hands in front of his eyes, spread his fingers, and tried desperately to count how many there were in the 5 drumsticks.

After calculating for a while, he couldn't figure out how many 5 chicken drumsticks were, and then Lin Yu was stunned.

The next second, the little guy held his head in his hands and walked towards the cafeteria.

Ten minutes later, the little guy staggered and reappeared in front of Lin Yu, carrying two lunch boxes.

He handed the lunch box to Lin Yu. When Lin Yu opened it, he found that it was full of chicken legs.

Reaching out to pick up a chicken drumstick, Lin Yu handed it to Kang Hua and said with a sinister smile on his face:

"Come on, read it after me. Kang Fei is a big pig. If you learn well, if you speak louder, this drumstick will be yours."

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